Delve And Dancing With Wolves

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Delve and Dancing with Wolves
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-09-04 09:12:20
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The usefull info of what pets are/will be used to get your Killer instinct off for the Delve areas.

Type (species) Strong against - Delve area to use

Amorph - Slug >Bird (Marjami)
Purulent Ooze - Requires 2 charge. Deals water damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from pet.
Additional effects: Bio and Lowers maximum HP by 10%.
Corrosive Ooze - Requires 3 charge. Deals fire damage to enemies within area of effect.
Additional effect: Weakens attack and defense by 33%.

Bird -Tulfaire >Aquans (Foret de hen)
Molting Plumage - Requires 1 Charge. Deals wind damage to all enemies in a fan-shaped area originating from the pet. Additional Effect: Dispel.
Swooping Frenzy - Requires 2 Charges. Deals physical damage to all enemies in a fan-shaped area originating from the pet. Addition Effect: Weakens Defense and Magic Defense.
Pentapeck - Requires 3 Charges. Deals physical damage. Additional Effect: Amnesia

Lizard -Lizard > Vermin (Ceizak)
Tail Blow: - Deals physical damage. Additional Effect: Stun (1 Charge)
Fireball - Deals fire damage to enemies within area of effect. (1 Charge)
Blockhead - Deals physical damage. (1 Charge)
Brain Crush - Deals physical damage. Additional Effect: Silence (1 Charge)
Infrasonics - Cone Attack Evasion Down (2 Charges)
Secretion - Enhances pet's evasion. (1 Charge)

Vermin -Beetle >Plantoid (Yorcia)
Spoil: - Single target STR down (1 Charge)
Rhino Guard: - Pet gains the effect Evasion boost (1 Charge)
Rhino Attack: - Single target Knockback (1 Charge)
Power Attack - Single target damage (1 Charge)
Hi-Freq Field: - Cone Evasion down (2 Charges)

Plantoid- Funguar > Beast (Kamhir)
Frog Kick: - Single target attack (1 Charge)
Queasyshroom - Single target damage and Poison (1 Charge)
Silence Gas - Frontal cone dark magic damage and Silence (3 Charges)
Numbshroom - Single target damage and Paralyze (2 Charges)
Spore - Single target Paralyze (1 Charge)
Dark Spore - Frontal cone dark magic damage and Blind (3 Charges)
Shakeshroom - Single target damage and Disease (2 Charges)

Beast - Sheep > Lizard (Morimar)
Lamb Chop - Single target physical damage (Blunt damage) (1 Charge)
Rage - Enhances pet's attack (+50%) but weakens defense (-50%) (2 Charges)
Sheep Charge - Single target physical damage + Knockback (1 Charge)
Sheep Song - Area of Effect sleep (2 Charges)

The dancing part comes in the form of subbing dancer.

/Dnc offers the extra supportive tools to really push Bst into Brd buffing realm (2song). at least on paper the numbers show that a Bst/Dnc Is offering comparable +atk and also a 5% ja haste Steps can further supplement what is needed in the form of Box or Quick depending on if -def or - eva is preffered.

dnc also tosses Bst a +10acc and +8% skill chain damage bonus via traits.

for the sake of landing steps simply use a High Acc set ( alla AAMR) and have at it. Steps also receive an accuracy Bonus so 95% cap should be attainable.

Further Icing on the un-lie Cake:
Animated- voke off them adds when needed
Violent- not really useful but I'm sure som1 out there can try a Acc/Mag acc build some how to get stun to land (gl with that)

Reverse- which can be veiwed as an offset to the cost of steps or as a form of TP sublimation allowing your to save TP for when its really needed.

then there is that Erase (Healing Waltz), for when your just not getting that (insert debuff) erased by anyone else, or they are to slow or You need to help out.

Single target Curing Waltz which is modded by Chr so theres a boon for bst at least, YOU will not be main healing and really not even off healing its a oh S*** sort of tool

Divine Waltz useful to wake everyone up if Backline get caught with sleep. ( they aggro a mob while fighting a NM and get slept etc but u manage not to be)

the best part your damage is not going to be null like a Brd and will out parse a Dnc or Cor main (I could be wrong maybe they are super leet dancers and all out DD Cors out there...) but still offer some serious Buffs for NM fights and still be able to do things like sac pull with pet ( I'm looking at you Bee).

+ 15% Damage (P/M) *may be 10% against ITG mobs*
+ 5% JA Haste
+ -Def or -Eva to mob increased per step success
+ Situational Erase and cures
+ Sac pulling
+ Real Damage as a bonafide DD ( no really)
Pet +
Various abilities notably Infrasonics from Lizard and HP down from Slug

ALL of this in conjunction with Brd, Cor and Geo Buffs.

Well hope this helps/ causes some people to think and get the gears turning.
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Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 679
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2014-09-04 16:28:46
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Good info, thanks for the summary.

Just one lil' correction though, since you're talking about fighting "Impossible to Gauge" monsters:

Nazrious said: »
+ 15% Damage (P/M)

Damage dealt/taken and intimidation effects from Killer "circle"-type abilities are nerfed to ~10% potency against anything that cons ITG. ; ; Still a nice buff! But less than advertised in practice, sadly.

Cheers. :)
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-09-04 20:28:43
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Good info, thanks for the summary.

Just one lil' correction though, since you're talking about fighting "Impossible to Gauge" monsters:

Nazrious said: »
+ 15% Damage (P/M)

Damage dealt/taken and intimidation effects from Killer "circle"-type abilities are nerfed to ~10% potency against anything that cons ITG. ; ; Still a nice buff! But less than advertised in practice, sadly.

Cheers. :)
Couldn't find the info but tossed in a edit just to err on the side of accuracy.

Still looking at a nice chunk of attack there either way.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: bukasmith
Posts: 280
By Carbuncle.Bukadan 2014-09-04 21:07:25
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considering that a well geared monk or sam can solo DD delve I's in under 20 mins, this is actually more valid than ever. in the case of a bad healer though, the extra person might actually hinder a run if in melee range/damage range. so it should be noted that going bst would require at least decent players, rather than with first timers.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 679
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2014-09-04 21:29:55
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Nazrious said: »
Couldn't find the info but tossed in a edit just to err on the side of accuracy.

Still looking at a nice chunk of attack there either way.

Yeah, it doesn't get discussed much (and hasn't been added to the wiki entries either) but there's info and additional reports on the forums.

And you're right of course, it's still an excellent buff regardless. :)
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-09-05 07:51:53
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Carbuncle.Bukadan said: »
considering that a well geared monk or sam can solo DD delve I's in under 20 mins, this is actually more valid than ever. in the case of a bad healer though, the extra person might actually hinder a run if in melee range/damage range. so it should be noted that going bst would require at least decent players, rather than with first timers.

Granted a first timer should not Bst a Delve, however the opposite is true in regards to other players a Bst will make a Delve run for first timers smoother, if for nothing else than pulls alone. The healing is not as much an issue since /dnc sub and if it gets bad simply walk out of range n let pet damage. Trust me if Whm is that bad the other DD will be dropping long before a competent Bst. Bst is not drk we have better armor then most DDs and our abilities don't drain away our HP Like Drks do.

Edite: For clarity Drks standing in AOE range with out any abilities active will take less damage then most DDs, its when they start to Soul Eater that whms fail and they die.

Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Nazrious said: »
Couldn't find the info but tossed in a edit just to err on the side of accuracy.

Still looking at a nice chunk of attack there either way.

Yeah, it doesn't get discussed much (and hasn't been added to the wiki entries either) but there's info and additional reports on the forums.

And you're right of course, it's still an excellent buff regardless. :)

Hmm will require testing it seems but SE is fickle and what holds for dyna may not hold for other content. Still err on the side of accuracy.