Random Politics & Religion #00

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Random Politics & Religion #00
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By Bloodrose 2015-07-18 02:02:27
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The only God that matters, is the one voiced by Morgan Freeman.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2015-07-18 02:54:52
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
On another note, I just spent twenty minutes talking with a Buddhist coworker about his beliefs. It forced me to remember the fact that there's good to be found in just about every belief (and non-belief) system. Maybe if we didn't antagonize each other over religion so much, we'd be able to find common ground and learn from each other instead. I know it's a pipe dream, but it's a thought.
My former roommate and I are non-Christians. One of his close friends, who often hung out with us, is a rather devout Christian. Despite hanging out with a neo-pagan and a Daoist, he never expressed any objections, even as we discussed matters of religion.

One day, he said to us, "I like hanging out with you guys. Your lack of faith challenges me to keep mine."

I have never spoken another word to him since. Because that kind of arrogant, wrong-headed, self-absorbed twaddle is exactly what's wrong with the adherents of the religions of the book. And your comment is not a lot better. It is emphatically not the Buddhists and pagans erecting roadblocks in the way of mutual understanding and cooperation.

If it makes you feel any better, the atheists who are strident in their lack of beliefs are not much better. But the ones like that are the ones who've spent long years being hassled by certain Christians and Muslims and Jews.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
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By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-07-18 03:42:33
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Kathimarini reported that four of those arrested came from Germany, two were French, one Australian, one Ukraine, one Dutch and three Polish. There were given charges relating to damage of a metro station.

A further two people were arrested in front of the parliament for attacks on police officers – one an Italian and one an Albanian.
Greek debt crisis news: 14 people arrested during violent protests in Athens - but not one of them was from Greece

Germans, French, Australians, Ukrainians, Dutch, Polish, Italians, and Albanians you're all on notice for causing trouble in Athens.
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2015-07-18 03:54:36
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Enuyasha said: »
The religions are exactly the same, the only thing that is contested is whether or not Jesus was the messiah and which God is the actual God.

Can you point me to the dictionary where "exactly the same" means "share some similarities"?
So like, stoning women, killing those who attack you (while also damning murder in its entirety), and a mandate for worship at a specific time arent penacles of both?

Charity, forgiveness, you know...all the nice and shiny places you get to go to if youre super devout in your ways (well, iirc the Jews dont believe in an afterlife).

Totes not copy pasta with a few minor details altered.

Christianity and Islam both have the same roots in theology as Judaism. All three religions are practically identical except for their ideas of what Jesus actually was and what God actually is. Its pretty well known out here in the real world.
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2015-07-18 03:56:41
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Bloodrose said: »
The only God that matters, is the one voiced by Morgan Freeman.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Calatilla
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2015-07-18 04:11:00
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Enuyasha said: »
Bloodrose said: »
The only God that matters, is the one voiced by Morgan Freeman.
Morgan Freeman IS god, he's just posing as an actor pretending to be God.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 07:00:21
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Is there anything more annoying than an Atheist ?

The non belief is so strong they must share it with everyone.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-07-18 07:03:09
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I only tell people I'm atheist if they ask, or if the topic arises and it makes context. Idk where you find these people who go around parading...if you surround yourself with dumb people the problem is not atheism.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 07:10:30
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You must not hang around a lot of Atheists. It comes up in casual conversations with people I know all the time.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 07:38:27
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It isn't about someone being dumb it is about being smug about their religion. Like they invented it.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 07:49:10
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This man is a real human bean:

YouTube Video Placeholder
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-07-18 09:21:57
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fonewear said: »
Is there anything more annoying than an Atheist ?

everyone that tries to convince you that their beliefs are the right ones are super annoying. Anyone that tells you they know for sure what happens next is lying.

here is what I have been able to make out of the mountain of gibberish I have heard up until now....

god obviously exists at least as an abstract thought because we are all sitting around discussing him/her/it.

maybe its a god particle (the big bang one that exploded creating the universe) and it isn't a sentient being meting out justice with fire brimstone... but so what.

I have no clue and we all get to find out at the same time, when we die. Don't be in such a rush to skip to the end of the book to find out what happens next.

any god that requires/needs my help to anything is too weak to be worthwhile
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 09:27:22
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See we can discuss religion without it devolving into my religion is right yours is wrong !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 09:28:05
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
fonewear said: »
Is there anything more annoying than an Atheist ?

everyone that tries to convince you that their beliefs are the right ones are super annoying. Anyone that tells you they know for sure what happens next is lying.

here is what I have been able to make out of the mountain of gibberish I have heard up until now....

god obviously exists at least as an abstract thought because we are all sitting around discussing him/her/it.

maybe its a god particle (the big bang one that exploded creating the universe) and it isn't a sentient being meting out justice with fire brimstone... but so what.

I have no clue and we all get to find out at the same time, when we die. Don't be in such a rush to skip to the end of the book to find out what happens next.

any god that requires/needs my help to anything is too weak to be worthwhile

But I enjoy reading the ending of the book that way I don't have to read the rest of it.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-07-18 09:35:01
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fonewear said: »
But I enjoy reading the ending of the book that way I don't have to read the rest of it.

I hesitate because so many of the books I have read just say THE END and there is no sequel and nothing that comes next.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 09:36:49
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Unless of course you end the book with....the end ??
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-07-18 09:38:40
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Here's a weird one to bounce around your noodle.

If we really believed god exists in the roman catholic sense and baptism cleansed babies of "original sin" so they can get into heaven which is way better than here, shouldn't we then just also give them last rites and kill them before they can sin?
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 09:39:20
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I like the God as a watchmaker theory. By William Paley.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 09:43:45
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I think overcoming yourself is the biggest challenge anyone faces. To make sense of everything that doesn't make sense.

You could say choice is the first existential crisis we all face.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zeig
Posts: 1599
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2015-07-18 10:20:17
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Enuyasha said: »
So like, stoning women, killing those who attack you (while also damning murder in its entirety), and a mandate for worship at a specific time arent penacles of both?

Charity, forgiveness, you know...all the nice and shiny places you get to go to if youre super devout in your ways (well, iirc the Jews dont believe in an afterlife).

Totes not copy pasta with a few minor details altered.

Christianity and Islam both have the same roots in theology as Judaism. All three religions are practically identical except for their ideas of what Jesus actually was and what God actually is. Its pretty well known out here in the real world.
I don't disagree with you entirely (since these religions are of the same roots, hence the similarities), but most of these are just similarities that can be found in any religion.

Also, theology is probably the single most important aspect of these religions (that's what people fight over), so you can't just list the differences on "what God actually is" as something minor.

There's also the issue of, despite finding similarities in the books, to what extant are some of these similar practices observed today? Consider the concept of alms/zakat as an example.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-07-18 10:46:14
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Odin.Jassik said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
The region will always be poor. The World cannot dump enough money into regions of the world with horrible climates void of resources besides narcotics and oil.


Does ISIS reign in Dubai?

What does ISIS have to do with any of this? Either way, Dubai is slowly making Muslism more tolerant and modern, just like how Christianity evolved since the middle age.

I believe you took Aman's comment out of context when you didn't include his previous paragraph.

Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Where ISIS reigns, no nations need to exist at all. Most of them do not want the imaginary borders that the West has on their maps anyway.

The region will always be poor. The World cannot dump enough money into regions of the world with horrible climates void of resources besides narcotics and oil.

He's referencing ISIS controlled regions. You threw up Dubai as a place that wasn't poor I was pointing out that Dubai is not a region controlled by ISIS.

He was referring to a relatively small part of two relatively small countries (period)


Liberals have this way of listening to someone they do not like and hearing something entirely different than what was actually said; then twisting what they said into a massive all-inclusive stereotype. I am reminded suddenly of Donald Trump.

It is either intentional which is completely dishonest and disgusting or it happens incidentally because of their blind hatred which is also disgusting.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-07-18 10:55:53
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That is called false dilemma.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-07-18 10:59:25
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Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Kathimarini reported that four of those arrested came from Germany, two were French, one Australian, one Ukraine, one Dutch and three Polish. There were given charges relating to damage of a metro station.

A further two people were arrested in front of the parliament for attacks on police officers – one an Italian and one an Albanian.
Greek debt crisis news: 14 people arrested during violent protests in Athens - but not one of them was from Greece

Germans, French, Australians, Ukrainians, Dutch, Polish, Italians, and Albanians you're all on notice for causing trouble in Athens.

I saw some moveon.org petition urging President Obama and Jack Lew to reject Greek austerity and to bailout Greece providing debt relief. They referred to Greece as "Progress"

Why are they called Progressives? Why does "progress" go backwards retrying things that fail over and over again. That's the definition of insanity, not progress.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-07-18 11:00:02
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
That is called false dilemma.

What's a third option? They're just dumb?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-07-18 11:01:19
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »

Liberals have this way of listening to someone they do not like and hearing something entirely different than what was actually said; then twisting what they said into a massive all-inclusive stereotype. I am reminded suddenly of Donald Trump.

It is either intentional which is completely dishonest and disgusting or it happens incidentally because of their blind hatred which is also disgusting.

And pseuo-conservative morons have a way making incredulous claims and attempting to skirt responsibility.

Northern Africa has lots of resources and very similar radical movements, what's the excuse there? I'm sure it's "liberals" or some other incoherent gibberish. Don't you get tired of being laughed at? Are you that guy in the office that everyone liked until you voiced some crazy political opinion and now they avoid you like the plague?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-07-18 11:03:37
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Shiva.Onorgul said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
On another note, I just spent twenty minutes talking with a Buddhist coworker about his beliefs. It forced me to remember the fact that there's good to be found in just about every belief (and non-belief) system. Maybe if we didn't antagonize each other over religion so much, we'd be able to find common ground and learn from each other instead. I know it's a pipe dream, but it's a thought.
My former roommate and I are non-Christians. One of his close friends, who often hung out with us, is a rather devout Christian. Despite hanging out with a neo-pagan and a Daoist, he never expressed any objections, even as we discussed matters of religion.

One day, he said to us, "I like hanging out with you guys. Your lack of faith challenges me to keep mine."

I have never spoken another word to him since. Because that kind of arrogant, wrong-headed, self-absorbed twaddle is exactly what's wrong with the adherents of the religions of the book. And your comment is not a lot better. It is emphatically not the Buddhists and pagans erecting roadblocks in the way of mutual understanding and cooperation.

If it makes you feel any better, the atheists who are strident in their lack of beliefs are not much better. But the ones like that are the ones who've spent long years being hassled by certain Christians and Muslims and Jews.

Lolwut? I make a comment that humanity can learn a lot from each other in spite of its differences and somehow that suggests I'm on the verge of being arrogant, wrong-headed, and self-absorbed? You must have taken a lot more from my comment than I put out. If your takeaway was "Even those evil Buddhists have something good to contribute!", then you missed the point by about half a mile.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-07-18 11:07:00
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Odin.Jassik said: »
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »

Liberals have this way of listening to someone they do not like and hearing something entirely different than what was actually said; then twisting what they said into a massive all-inclusive stereotype. I am reminded suddenly of Donald Trump.

It is either intentional which is completely dishonest and disgusting or it happens incidentally because of their blind hatred which is also disgusting.

And pseuo-conservative morons have a way making incredulous claims and attempting to skirt responsibility.

Northern Africa has lots of resources and very similar radical movements, what's the excuse there? I'm sure it's "liberals" or some other incoherent gibberish. Don't you get tired of being laughed at? Are you that guy in the office that everyone liked until you voiced some crazy political opinion and now they avoid you like the plague?

I don't get tired of getting laughed at by the same 5 people who argue endlessly about National/World politics but never leave their homes. The only people that dislike you for disagreeing on politics are emotional wrecks, and sociopaths known as liberals.

Thank you for assisting me in my argument and dismissing along with me the excuse that poverty is to blame for the spread of ISIS's popularity and influence which is what I was saying all along.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-07-18 11:12:52
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President Obama to Make 7th and Final ‘Daily Show’ Visit

Can you imagine how incredible it will feel for Jon Stewart when the tremendous weight of carrying Barack Obama for 7 years is lifted from his shoulders?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-07-18 11:13:21
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »

Liberals have this way of listening to someone they do not like and hearing something entirely different than what was actually said; then twisting what they said into a massive all-inclusive stereotype. I am reminded suddenly of Donald Trump.

It is either intentional which is completely dishonest and disgusting or it happens incidentally because of their blind hatred which is also disgusting.

And pseuo-conservative morons have a way making incredulous claims and attempting to skirt responsibility.

Northern Africa has lots of resources and very similar radical movements, what's the excuse there? I'm sure it's "liberals" or some other incoherent gibberish. Don't you get tired of being laughed at? Are you that guy in the office that everyone liked until you voiced some crazy political opinion and now they avoid you like the plague?

I don't get tired of getting laughed at by the same 5 people who argue endlessly about National/World politics but never leave their homes. The only people that dislike you for disagreeing on politics are emotional wrecks, and sociopaths known as liberals.

Thank you for assisting me in my argument and dismissing along with me the excuse that poverty is to blame for the spread of ISIS's popularity and influence which is what I was saying all along.

Poverty alone isn't too blame, poverty in the presence of obscene wealth breeds violence every time. It's happening here, too.

I think we're on the verge of a breakthrough. Since everyone who disagrees with your parroted, narrow view of the world is apparently a shut-in liberal, why do all the people involved in these middle East conflicts disagree with you? Short answer: you're wrong.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-07-18 11:15:34
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Who cares about Africa we have enough problems to deal with in our own country.
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