By Fairy.Kinesis 2009-08-05 21:13:28
square enix is *** us all. they did this to clothcraft too. Pre-WOTG it was wicked easy to make money off of clothcraft. I spent 10Million and many many hours working on clothcraft, i made my cursed mitts -1 off of clothcraft alone, crafting small +1 items like mohbwa sash/scarf and qiqirn sash+1 to perpetuate the losses. after wotg, this died. HQ rates were jacked up.
they've PISSED on us all by nerfing HQ rates and taking our well earned in game advantage over other players at making money. They are doing the same to gardening also.
What it is, with the announcement of XIV, less people are playing, more are quitting, selling their accounts etc, they are trying to keep us glued by making gil harder to earn and more precious. This is one of those such nerfs.