Predictions Of Job Point Enhancments

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Predictions of Job Point enhancments
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-05-18 18:10:34
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Ophannus said: »
Guess +Attack on Jumps isn't bad. Unnoticable but not bad.

I would have rather had seen:
Jump/Spirit Jump: DMG+3/upgrade. Maxed out = +30DMG(great since Spirit Jump doesn't have the WSC that Jump does.

Fly High: Increase jump damage by 2% per upgrade= Maxed out = All jumps deal 20% more damage during Fly High.

P.S Anyone else worried about SAM when they raise the category cap for Job Points to 30, Hasso is going to be +30 fulltime STR for them? +42 STR fulltime is pretty ridiculous >.>
I'd say jump atk+ is pretty freaking bad.

Do you know how much avg jump dmg adding 30 atk to spirit jump gets you? Well I tried it in the spreadsheet.

12. 12 points of avg damage.

That equates to 0.228 DPS, assuming perfectly timed jumps...

After all the massive grinding it takes to cap out a job point, we get +0.228 DPS.

We got screwed. And jump atk+ is a pathetic excuse for a job point enhancement.

Anything that just increases jump DMG, is going to be extremely limited in usefulness. Because it's still linked to jump recast timers.

About the only things that would have had a significant impact(and yes, capping out this ***should be significant, considering the effort involved) on dps, would have been jump recast-.

But I admit, I dunno how they would have implemented that one. if the JP cap was raised to 30, then at -1 second recast per, spirit jump would have a 20 second recast when capped. Soul jump would be 70 seconds.

Personally, I'd have been fine with this. <,<;; But I doubt SE would consider it balanced.

For Fly high, Duration+. 1 second per. Totals at 1 min fly high at 30. Hey. It'd finally be back to what it was in the first freaking place. Now just make it 0 recast again, SE.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-19 08:11:08
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Weapon skill ja delay really hurts fly high. Especially so for mythic users where every jump under am3 is basically >100% tp.

Surprised SAM got such a good job point boost for hasso considering hasso considering its a full time JA and berserk/jump got such terrible ones since those have recasts or limited durations.

At least Jump damage would have been more useful or Jump store TP or something. 30STP on Jump or 30DA on jump would be pretty cool. I know it messes with ryuno but you guys make up <1% of DRG population XD. Fly high duration should have been a thing. They screwed us originally since the update and ore update notes said 45sec but it was implemented with 30sec. SE said "woops yeah we screwed up" after the fact. Man 45 sec woulda been a nice duration considering that between weapon skills we get so few jump due to ja delay. One min duration would have been sweet and would have made it potentially one of the top tier 2hr abilities in the game. I suspect they decided against a long fly high duration solely because of 60sef super jump spam.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-05-19 13:02:15
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Who would even waste precious fly high duration super jumping? <,< It'd be useless for any thing but very brief solo survival. You super jump even once, and you don't have hate anymore, unless you're alone and wyvernless. What would be the point of spamming super jump?

I want the original SP2 back. 1 min of 0 recast jumps. Pure soul jump spam. Was delicious on the test server.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Reichleiu
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-05-19 14:54:17
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Who would even waste precious fly high duration super jumping? <,< It'd be useless for any thing but very brief solo survival. You super jump even once, and you don't have hate anymore, unless you're alone and wyvernless. What would be the point of spamming super jump?

I want the original SP2 back. 1 min of 0 recast jumps. Pure soul jump spam. Was delicious on the test server.

but you know this will never happen as it was extremely broken. I would love for them to make the ability 45 seconds with its current 10 second timers, that would be fine. However, I can't see this happening either.

SE has never really felt the need to give us anything special and because of this, I feel like we lucked out with Fly High in its current state. (8-10 Jumps in 30 seconds if timed well)


What SE really needs to do is get JPs right and add some better gear for DRG. Our reforged AF and Relic is largely a joke compared to others. Because of this I have nothing other than finishing my Ryu (9k alex left) to work on as DRG, and spamming salvage and dyna once a day is crazy boring.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-05-19 15:24:42
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I don't think it'll happen either, but that isn't gonna stop me from wanting it.

And if you want extremely broken, consider mighty strikes+brazen rush. <,<;;

Well, we're certainly better off with fly high in it's current state than we would be with the ridiculous wyvern breath based SP2 they first came up with...

I'm sitting on 10~ Job points that I don't wanna spend on any of this crap. Maybe eventually there will be something worth spending them on.

While AF and relic reforges were disappointing, I look forward with evil glee to the thought of empyrean reforged. 119 lancer would be awesome. Even if all they did was toss stat vomit over the current stats, it'd still be great. The thought of ilvl str on lancer's cuissots... /drool. And if they keep with the current, unusual, trend of DRG ilvl legs getting dex then that'd be another bonus to drakes. Lancer body with haste and stat vomit? yes please. And this is before even hoping for new special stats.

Of course, we haven't actually heard from SE if they'll do reforged empy armour. But considering AF and relic, you'd tend to expect it at this point.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-19 15:25:18
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Most other jobs have 2-3 pieces of reforged to melee in, we have none, although relic hands are a great acc piece. No store tp or DA on any of our reforged. I guess 30seconds of super jump spam technically makes you unkillable for about 35seconds. Everyone dies, you rr and get hate on the mob, everyone rrs while you keep super jumping(mob wont target other members cuz they're not on the hate list yet. Drg jse has sucked since empyrean. Our af+2, besides augments, were terrible. Cant we get some decent JSE that have like DA+5% or STP+10 other than AF? SAM, MNK, RNG and WAR use plenty of their reforged whilst DRG relies on plasm gear. It's probably because we have no traits which jse could improve. WAR jse has tons of DA, SAM jse enhances store tp and Zanshin, the jse enhances triple attack and crit dmg, rng enhances snapshot and recycle. Our use enhances wyvern regen, wyvern hp and wyvern acc, wyvern PDF/mdt.

At the very least our relic reforged should have had some STP/double attack and equal amounts of wyvern haste as player haste. Pteroslaver feet were almost a good tp piece but no store tp.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Bloodrose
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-05-19 15:28:18
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
I don't think it'll happen either, but that isn't gonna stop me from wanting it.

And if you want extremely broken, consider mighty strikes+brazen rush. <,<;;

Well, we're certainly better off with fly high in it's current state than we would be with the ridiculous wyvern breath based SP2 they first came up with...

I'm sitting on 10~ Job points that I don't wanna spend on any of this crap. Maybe eventually there will be something worth spending them on.

While AF and relic reforges were disappointing, I look forward with evil glee to the thought of empyrean reforged. 119 lancer would be awesome. Even if all they did was toss stat vomit over the current stats, it'd still be great. The thought of ilvl str on lancer's cuissots... /drool. And if they keep with the current, unusual, trend of DRG ilvl legs getting dex then that'd be another bonus to drakes. Lancer body with haste and stat vomit? yes please. And this is before even hoping for new special stats.

Of course, we haven't actually heard from SE if they'll do reforged empy armour. But considering AF and relic, you'd tend to expect it at this point.
I've only ever learned to expect the unexpected with SE, or not to expect anything at all, especially when it comes to DRG or DRK, although DRK's reforged was much more of a boon than DRG's was.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-19 19:35:12
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Actually DRKs still are and always have been powerful job. They were one of the top DDs even when SOA came out. The thing that made MNKs come ahead was the STR and DEX changes to pdif for 1handed weapons and h2h and empyrean WS being unlocked. If MNKs still had NQ 1hand damage calculations, 2STR=1ATK and Shijin Spiral, DRK and WAR would still be top tier(also MNK are just plain good with Formless bypassing gimmicky mechanics).
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Bloodrose
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-05-19 19:47:54
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Monk were still top tier and in high demand, but I'm not saying DRK's were inferior, they just got royally screwed on armor and use in comparison to a lot of other in-demand jobs like sam and war.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Reichleiu
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-05-20 08:10:48
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
I don't think it'll happen either, but that isn't gonna stop me from wanting it.

And if you want extremely broken, consider mighty strikes+brazen rush. <,<;;

Well, we're certainly better off with fly high in it's current state than we would be with the ridiculous wyvern breath based SP2 they first came up with...

I'm sitting on 10~ Job points that I don't wanna spend on any of this crap. Maybe eventually there will be something worth spending them on.

While AF and relic reforges were disappointing, I look forward with evil glee to the thought of empyrean reforged. 119 lancer would be awesome. Even if all they did was toss stat vomit over the current stats, it'd still be great. The thought of ilvl str on lancer's cuissots... /drool. And if they keep with the current, unusual, trend of DRG ilvl legs getting dex then that'd be another bonus to drakes. Lancer body with haste and stat vomit? yes please. And this is before even hoping for new special stats.

Of course, we haven't actually heard from SE if they'll do reforged empy armour. But considering AF and relic, you'd tend to expect it at this point.

What will be even better, hopefully, is the fact that if the current trends hold true.. the crit damage + on them should rise by 3-5%.

Can you imagine ilevel STR and 13 or 15% crit damage? That would be a step in the right direction for DRG. Hopefully when they revamp old WSs next month the give Drakesbane a decent boost.

But outside of looking forward to empy upgrades, none of the gear in this new FFXI landscape really impresses much for DRG. Even gear from these hard mode mission battles has been largely a disappointment.

Well, at least now I have 5/tick wyvern refresh when his HP isn't capped and i'm in my idle set.. (Vishap +1, Isa Belt, Champion's Gaela)
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-05-20 15:41:33
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I was taking the approach of minimal expectations. Even if they don't boost the crit dmg, I'll be fairly happy. And if they do, hell yes.

I look forward with great interest to any possible drakesbane buffs. A good place to start would be removing the -20% attack penalty....

I agree. There has been very little gear of interest to DRG.

Also, Wyvern regen*?
Posts: 885
By Sieha1 2014-05-20 15:54:43
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Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »
Monk were still top tier and in high demand, but I'm not saying DRK's were inferior, they just got royally screwed on armor and use in comparison to a lot of other in-demand jobs like sam and war.

war isnt really that great even. the only 2 handed dd that is worth anything is sam these days. everything else either takes too much damage or sucks at doing damage. mnk is dying out because of the defensive abilities of the other jobs and the use of rngs.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Bloodrose
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-05-20 16:36:23
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Sieha1 said: »
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »
Monk were still top tier and in high demand, but I'm not saying DRK's were inferior, they just got royally screwed on armor and use in comparison to a lot of other in-demand jobs like sam and war.

war isnt really that great even. the only 2 handed dd that is worth anything is sam these days. everything else either takes too much damage or sucks at doing damage. mnk is dying out because of the defensive abilities of the other jobs and the use of rngs.

You must be, or must know, some really shitty warriors and 2 handed DD then.

So tell me, how do other heavy DD that share the same PDT/MDT gear take more damage than sam, when most of them typically use /sam for Seigan and Third Eye? Do you even see samurai using Seigan or Third Eye? Probably not.

If you're going to argue that they are "always in the yellow/red", then that might very well be an issue with the whms, and not necessarily the DD, or the DD aren't using their PDT/MDT ilvl gear, or a combination of some seriously horrible whms and seriously horrible dds.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: innit
Posts: 176
By Bismarck.Marmite 2014-05-20 16:48:13
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Sieha1 said: »
war isnt really that great even.

Do you even lift bro?

Seriously though we are discussing FFXI here. War is an incredible DD. It also offers a lot of versatility and brings a lot to the table, 1 min warcry with 70tp bonus, blood rage, tomahawk, Zerk and Aggressor (both with 1m4s down time), Restraint, Retaliation, Brazen Rush, Mighty Strikes and massive variety of weapon skills.

Please don't say silly things like that.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-20 21:57:15
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Removing attack penalty from drakes would actually make it better than stardiver even for nonmythic drgs. Like we struggle to get an 0.8 or 8.9 or whatever it is FTP using gorgets for stardiver--but drakes is already a 1.0. The only thing stardiver would have going for it is the str wsc but the crits would even that out. Might wanna stardiver at start of fight for the +5% crit rate for the alliance(which benefits your subsequent drakesbanes slightly too). A boost to geirskogul, say making it str 60% would make it on par with tachi fudo(better actually since the +40% boost) which would make it an incredibly solid 1 hit ws. Camlann's can be balanced by giving it a 100% attack bonus like gekko instead of this "ignores defense" bullcrap.

I can see lancer hands being amazing 4%-5% DA with 4% haste, body obviously is gonna have 25-33STR 30-30DEX 15-25att/Acc, 3-4% haste, 10-15stp and maybe some +crit damage or +DA to top it off. Head should be jump and high jump recast -6 or something. Would love jump recast reduction.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-05-20 23:36:32
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Ophannus said: »
Removing attack penalty from drakes would actually make it better than stardiver even for nonmythic drgs.
Yes, I know. And I'd be fine with that. XD Let all the DRG's feel the pain of getting Huginn Gambieras. <,<

Also, they can give drakes a light property. I really think all of the mythic WS should have a level 3 SC property now.
Ophannus said: »
I can see lancer hands being amazing 4%-5% DA with 4% haste, body obviously is gonna have 25-33STR 30-30DEX 15-25att/Acc, 3-4% haste, 10-15stp and maybe some +crit damage or +DA to top it off. Head should be jump and high jump recast -6 or something. Would love jump recast reduction.
Not that I object or anything, but I don't see why lancer body would get crit dmg+. Sure as hell take it if it did though. By all means SE, Feel free to put crit rate/DMG on any/all lancer pieces. o.o

Jump recast-. Do want. Might as well throw some STP and multihit on there to make it have good jump stats before the recast-. <,<

But really, It might make more sense to put that sort of enhancement on the legs or feet. Legs have a spirit/soul jump thing already and have crit dmg for the auto crit jumps. Feet are permanent spirit jump gear even now.

The head has that wyvern dmg absorb trait. Would probably make sense to design the head as a TP piece so that trait would actually get used. Of course, for anyone to consider that, it'd have to beat Yaoyotl/Otomi helm. Tall order.

Also, they should scrap the current set bonus in favor of something not HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. <,<
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Reichleiu
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-05-21 07:11:12
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Also, Wyvern regen*?

Yes, not sure why I said refresh.

I have it setup so that if my wyvern's hp is lower than 90% when idle I will equip those 3 items. This way I can at least come close to recapping his HP which benefits my spirit link syphon and his overall survivability. It's very mild though.

I even macro it in if my wyvern has poison on it when idle.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-21 16:57:47
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I don't bother. With Restoring Breath being a 60s cast and healing over 1.6k I just Spirit Link siphon and Restore Breath.

Our reforge has decent ilvl stats at the very least. Vishap Mailm is a solid WS piece and Vishap Greaves boast 20STR which is pretty high for feet(Whirlpool and others are 16-18ish) but our sets lack any STP/DA which are often more important to us than raw str/dex/att/acc.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Reichleiu
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-05-22 14:28:33
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Was going to start a new thread but we were discussing some of this earlier.

Part of a the Q&A post on BG.

Every Shout is Asking for Monks (5/22/2014)

I believe I recall reading plans to adjust damage classes so they were on more equal ground, I'm wondering if this has progressed at all?

I won't say we'll weaken Monks but we are thinking of ways that other classes will be able to defeat Monks. As presented in the recent Freshly Picked Vana'Diel, the June update will bring with it adjustments to weapon skills. At the same time, we will also be adjusting the formula for how TP is gained, and try to reduce the disadvantages that come with certain delay values. We hope through these adjustments, the gap between attacker classes will shrink, so please check it out when the next update comes.

In addition to this, we are thinking of making monsters that are strong to blunt and breath (as in, Formless strikes) damage, or enemies that are vulnerable to magic damage, etc. Through this you may find certain attacking jobs more suited to certain content.

We do think there are several pro/cons to this idea though, and we don't have plans to make it so that a single job is always optimal for something, so we would like if players would give us feedback on this solution.

This is kind of exciting.

While we already knew about the WS increases.. changing the way jobs with higher Delay gain TP could be huge. Could it warrant a shift away from /sam if we can still maintain a viable 5-hit?

The second bit about making monsters less weak to blunt is LONG overdue. It seems blunt is that one damage time that is strong against everything in the game. The thing about monsters vulnerable to Magic damage already exists.. so that isn't too helpful.

Regardless, next update looks like its shaping up to be in interesting one for DRG. Or, it will be awful because everyone gets a buff except us...