Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0

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Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0
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Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2017-06-30 19:36:30
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Hi, Kaitaru. These days, I'd have to say going with VE/SS (BRII) is probably your best bet for the shortest time on a run. If you choose to stick with RDM puppet, it will dispel without scanner and I'm not positive that attachment is really worth it.

On Cerb...BLM puppet w/ Heat Capacitators for Tactical Switch. This may add a little time to your overall run, but the ease in killing the mini/Boss is multiplied. 2-3x fire, deploy > retrieve. Self SC light (Shijin > TS > Victory), deploy and swap to pet M.Acc or MAB set if you have it and watch it melt. Even if you don't kill it in one sc/nuke, the dmg will be balanced enough where your melee dmg can still kill it. Ultimately, you likely won't even need to worry about spikes with the BLM puppet.

I use my favorite.../RUN and Swipe/Lunge as well if needed.

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By 2017-06-30 23:40:10
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By Teuphist 2017-07-01 10:32:25
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I briefly highlight each attachment at the start. I didn't however, go over the BLM attachments. The following are what I used for BLM this fight...

Mana Tank 3/4 (only one needed for this fight)
Optic Fiber 1/2
Heat Capacitor 1/2
Ice Maker
Amplifier 2
Loudspeaker 1/4
Turbo Charger (not needed, I just didn't take it off)

My MAB gear gives the Mashira...

Magic DMG+30

*before factoring boosts from attachments*

You could probably make good on replacing TC/Loudspeaker 1/4 with Amplifier 1/Mana Channeler/Loudspeaker 3.
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By 2017-07-01 12:58:19
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Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Nariont
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By Bismarck.Nariont 2017-07-01 13:49:14
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Asura.Kaitaru said: »
I'm trying to pump as much as I can to max each Weaponskill and trying to put together a VIT set for bonecrusher and string shredder. A fellow pup mentioned VIT/ATK/ACC/CRIT is what im going for but I noticed you have a DEX WS set for SS, how do you prioritize your stats for that? Was wondering if you could also share what your SS/VS/SP sets look like and if you wouldn't mind citing your path/augs on your JSE/Aug slots :P. I'm considering putting some time down to make an actual updated PUP guide :)

Ss: all DEX with high acc/atk
Chimera ripper: STR with high acc/atk/da
BC: VIT with acc/atk/da
String shredder: same as BC but add in crit rate+
Knockout: AGI with high acc/atk/da
MM: use knockout

You can make a mnd/auto skill for cannibal blade but ive had meh results.

Happy herc spam
By clearlyamule 2017-07-01 14:02:33
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Should add while not listed a wsc agi will add about as much dmg to ranged ws via base dmg as dex at least until they fix all the stuff that is wrong with ranged ws (though I've still be unable to get more than 10 agi arg).

And crits are less important for pets than players since it doesn't up the pdif/ratio caps so if you were capped you'll only see tiny increases in dmg there
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By 2017-07-02 01:29:08
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Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Stalk
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By Cerberus.Bongsolo 2017-07-02 03:08:28
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Asura.Kaitaru said: »
So as mentioned earlier I wanted to post my WS sets and see if I could get some help improving them.Not sure how to insert gearset tables so if anyone could help me with that id appreciate it -_-;. Currently this is my Shijin set:

Shijin Spiral

Cape is obviously +30 DEX +20 ACC/ATK with Double Atk 10%.
Abjuration pieces are auged with +10 STR +10 DEX +X ACC. Things Id like to replace would be the pants but finding pants with DEX seems impossible. My main option will probably be Samnuha tights once I get around to doing sinister reign. At the same time I also considered Rao pants for the +20 ACC and DA +3 from Path D but you lose the +10 DEX making Ryuo pants with the STR/DEX +10 Aug and you get to keep the DA +3 as its on the piece a great upgrade until you get a perf aug samnuha. Other swaps for this set is I'd like to get the Heyoka hat for the more crit/DEX but I cant justify spending another 7M+ after spending 8M for the harness...

So far what I have for my VS/SP Set:

Victory Smite/Stringing Pummel

So far there's a lot of work to do with this set and boy am I sad that PUP's dont get Adhemar bonnet t____t. Abjuration pieces are once again auged with +10 STR/DEX +X ACC. JSE is aug with +30 STR ACC/ATK +20 and Crit Hit rate +10%. The hardest piece of this set to justify was definitely the head piece. I considered a Taeon head piece to get Crit DMG/Chance but its not worth picking ACC/ATK over Main Stats... This makes RAO head great until a very lucky herc aug (much like all the other pieces) Shooting for the Ryuo body for obvious reasons while using Tali +1 unless you guys think I should just use Heyoka harness for now instead. Finally Id like to also used that well auged samnuha pants instead of the ambu +2 but its really hard to lose +50 STR. While Ryou pants suffer from low STR and Rao pants can net you +55 STR with some ACC its also hard for me to losing 30 ACC from ambu pants for 5 STR as we are dealing with a multi-hit WS for this set.

Obviously know that a lot of these pieces are replaced with properly auged herc but thats a far goal for me. While on the topic of Herc im curious what kind of augs you guys would go for with a Shijin vs Victory Smite and Pummel and what slots would you replace with Herc. Assuming High DEX/ACC/Double/Triple atck for Shijin and STR/ACC/Critical hit damage (or critical hit %?) for VS/SP Herc pieces? Wanted to get your thoughts :D.

The "Sample BBCode" below your post shows you {itemset}number{/itemset} replace "{}" with "[]"
Your shijin Spiral set says 351931 insert that(replace number) and
ItemSet 351931

On topic your VS has no link just to sets.

SS kinda fails, is ok to use if doing a Skill Chain. Stack Dex/Multi Hit/Attack.

VS Crit chance/Crit Damage/Multi Hit/STR/Attack.

Use /checkparam ingame and try to match your acc for content, example your fighting something that needs 1150acc don't have 1150acc in TP set and drop to 1000acc during WS.
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By 2017-07-02 15:48:42
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nariont
Posts: 20
By Bismarck.Nariont 2017-07-02 16:20:33
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For Shijin, the only decent DEX legs youll get are teo pants with max dex aug and as for VS only real upgrades are caro neck, high STR ring may beat epona's too
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By 2017-07-02 16:23:58
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nariont
Posts: 20
By Bismarck.Nariont 2017-07-02 16:27:34
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Reason it works for smite and not shijin is that shijin while its ftp is crap is mirrored so i think fotia will pull ahead VS however isnt and its ftp is fairly high (for h2h WS anyway) ontop of its 80% STR mod a good chunk of its dmg comes from the 1st hit the other hits help too specially if they crit but the bulk comes from the 1st

EDIT: Or maybe im wrong, coulda swore shijin was mirrored ftp but atleast according to wiki its not, SO yeah, Caro likely wins for both
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By 2017-07-02 16:59:35
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By Ruaumoko 2017-07-02 19:10:01
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Asura.Kaitaru said: »
Kind of a curious question for the fellow puppetmaster. How does the Scanner attachment fair these days?
In my experience the Scanner has been a perpetually broken attachment that even causes the BLM to just stand around casting nothing at times.

I'm pretty sure that the BLM has a Scanner built into it, at least the FFXIclopedia says it does and the quest text when you get it indicates that it does. This might be why it sometimes causes the BLM to lock up.
By clearlyamule 2017-07-02 22:12:14
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Ruaumoko said: »
Asura.Kaitaru said: »
Kind of a curious question for the fellow puppetmaster. How does the Scanner attachment fair these days?
In my experience the Scanner has been a perpetually broken attachment that even causes the BLM to just stand around casting nothing at times.
I was reading some jp blogs awhile back and they seemed to indicate that it basically stopped the auto from casting once hit rate for that spell dropped below some threshold which in theory could make the auto not cast the spells it's less likely to land however could also stop it from casting just about anything. Seems jps were using it to try and do some macc/meva testing
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: psylo
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2017-07-04 05:06:21
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Asura.Psylo said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
2. Can I have a recap of the -DT% and/or -MDT% values for the respective frames?

Pet have initial 50 PDT. (if i'm right for PUP since wyvern have only 40%)

VE head add 12.5 DT

And PUP have the trait : Stout Servant who add 9% more DT.

And for the WHM head, i don't find the info but i guess its 12.5 BDT.

If i take pup trust PLD as example, BG wiki pages say :
Special Features:
37.5% Damage Taken Reduced. Shield Subverter has additional effect of Silence.

So based on this thing, you have to put 50% DT to cap so.
ItemSet 352162

41% DT on it. + JA trait => 50% DT

But i think i'm made mistake.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nariont
Posts: 20
By Bismarck.Nariont 2017-07-04 09:28:14
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trust version was given more DT to compete wit the other trust tanks (it didnt work), VE doesnt get that same level of -dt
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2017-07-04 12:09:26
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-DT is in the frames, I don't think I've ever heard of it being in the head at all.

That being said, -12.5 on valoredge w/ -9 from Stout Servant will leave you needing 66% in gear/attachments (be sure to calculate optic fibers into AP).
I.E. AP4 with both optic fibers - 1x light/earth maneuvers will give your puppet -37.5 pdt. add that with trait and innate -dt and you're now at -59% PDT. -28.5 Remaining to cap would leave you with 4/5 NQ Rao (12%), Anwig (10%) and the last 6.5% can be mix matched between belt, ring or earrings.
If you get Thurandaut +1, add it with Isa belt and you'll be .5 over cap and it will cover magic dmg as well versus using handler's earring which is only PDT. Or you can use augmented condemners which you can get up to -5%DT w/ Fern stones. That can help you play around with your sets based on what you're fighting, whether you need more accuracy, regen, evasion (not really).

**Please correct me if I'm wrong, it is possible I just didn't have the correct info on automatons and have been doing things wrong all along.**
By clearlyamule 2017-07-04 12:18:56
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Yeah you can't apply trust info to player lol. I mean by that logic plds should have a -50% pdt buff ws because August...
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2017-07-04 12:19:59
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Asura.Psylo said: »
Asura.Psylo said: »

Looks like you can swap out h2h, neck and waist and you'll still be over the cap with 2x OF and AP4 by 4.5%.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: psylo
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2017-07-05 03:34:58
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Teuphist said: »
Asura.Psylo said: »
Asura.Psylo said: »

Looks like you can swap out h2h, neck and waist and you'll still be over the cap with 2x OF and AP4 by 4.5%.
Or can be perfect if use VE frame + SShead, so no initial DT (right its come from the VE head).
With :
- Optic 1/2
- Flashbub
- Strobe I/2
- Armor IV
- Magic jammer IV
- Turbo Charger 1/2
- resister II
- one last attachement like ACC for example.

With Fire/light/wind manv all the time, we get 37.5 PDT from armor plate IV (and other nice bonus Mdef 60, 15% resist from debuff etc ..)

So in that case, this set can be usefull for a 50 MDT + 87.5PDT.

Anyway thks for all your info guys ^^
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nariont
Posts: 20
By Bismarck.Nariont 2017-07-05 07:03:16
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VE frame itself has the -DT value, head doesnt add/take anything away
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2017-07-05 14:00:42
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Asura.Psylo said: »
Or can be perfect if use VE frame + SShead, so no initial DT (right its come from the VE head).

Seriously, can someone point me in the direction where that info is coming from? I honestly have never heard of any automaton -DT being in any of the heads until just these last few posts.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: psylo
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2017-07-05 15:51:24
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Teuphist said: »
Asura.Psylo said: »
Or can be perfect if use VE frame + SShead, so no initial DT (right its come from the VE head).

Seriously, can someone point me in the direction where that info is coming from? I honestly have never heard of any automaton -DT being in any of the heads until just these last few posts.

It was more an interogation, for now i have no idea if its come from body or head, since, BG wiki have no real info on it.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nariont
Posts: 20
By Bismarck.Nariont 2017-07-05 16:08:57
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Asura.Psylo said: »
It was more an interogation, for now i have no idea if its come from body or head, since, BG wiki have no real info on it.

Says there VE frame has -12.5 DT, heads usually only alter range behavior and casting times/spells, aswell as what 1hr isused under HA, frames are where the meat of a puppets stats come from
By clearlyamule 2017-07-05 16:56:03
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Bismarck.Nariont said: »
Asura.Psylo said: »
It was more an interogation, for now i have no idea if its come from body or head, since, BG wiki have no real info on it.

Says there VE frame has -12.5 DT, heads usually only alter range behavior and casting times/spells, aswell as what 1hr isused under HA, frames are where the meat of a puppets stats come from
They also have a skill modifier that can bump certain skills. So like VE/SS will have slightly more melee but less ranged skill than SS/SS
Serveur: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2017-07-05 19:04:08
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Head also determines the shooting speed for Sharpshoot frame!
Now sure how it affects Stormwaker, Harlequin and Valoredge (other than the obvious skill difference)
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2017-07-05 19:37:18
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I wanted to touch on the STP topic again as a while back it was deemed that the puppet couldn't get a 3-hit build without OD, which I swore wasn't entirely accurate. I don't yet have Enmerkar earring, but since -DT is capped from gear, I swapped the augments on Condemners and got Pet: 28 acc/ra and STP 10. Since the earring's implementation, I'm not positive if the tone of the subject has changed.

Anyhow, I just made this quick video to show the 3x hit even though one came from RA (does that count due to the ranged delay?)

It looks as if with 3x fire, I'm getting 355tp/hit and 327 from RA.
Posts: 1,600
By Ruaumoko 2017-07-10 05:00:40
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Has anyone ever tested whether the Regulator, Disruptor and Reactive Shield generate any viable Enmity when they're used?

It's always bugged me that PUP is reliant on Flashbulb and both Strobes to get Enmity.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Trulusia
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By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2017-07-10 17:03:56
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Ruaumoko said: »
Has anyone ever tested whether the Regulator, Disruptor and Reactive Shield generate any viable Enmity when they're used?

It's always bugged me that PUP is reliant on Flashbulb and both Strobes to get Enmity.

It's pretty unlikely. It's also quite difficult to test. It's a safe bet that they grant pretty low amounts if they give anything at all, but considering how long it took for the devs to add enmity gain to Flashbulb, I dunno if they add that ***by default. If they did I'd assume they would just copy the enmity values from the spell versions.

FWIW, in Reisenjima or if you have a COR, you can abuse the reset timers to double Ventriloquy and generate a shitload of enmity. If you are /PLD you can actually cap it iirc. Can't think of too many times it's actually useful though with all the enmity resets on anything worthwhile.
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