Ark Angels II / Divine Might II (Discussion)

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Ark Angels II / Divine Might II (Discussion)
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2014-01-03 17:47:07
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Why would you bring two WHM? Wasteful considering the PLD doesn't even need heals that much.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-01-03 17:48:58
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for first 4, one handles the supertank and other handles the pld tanking the mob you're fighting

for taru, you soul voice troub+swap then swap the whms into the rng parties in the brd's slots
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Killkenny
Posts: 190
By Carbuncle.Killkenny 2014-01-04 17:44:18
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2 WHM or WHM + SCH is probably optimal, but swapping whms into rng pt for TT isn't necessary at all. Also we do TT last so soul voice has already been used before entering, before songs drop and again if wild card works.

I would also argue that you could optimise further


This would require a bit more than just swapping cors but with all the 2-3 boxing in alliance this would be detrimental to us, and we don't have 10 rngs.

The setup used for our first 2 wins was:


Far from optimal and this setup can easily win in 20mins without any major mistakes.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-01-04 18:18:49
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sv doesn't really change pace if your rngs are geared properly(should be able to cap acc with 2 nq preludes and attack cap seems to be really low.. its the DT that sucks)

definitely agree that you don't -need- 2 brds or 2 cors damagewise, but they offer a huge safety net for taru.. have one brd do preludex2 minuetx3 and other do minnex3 scherzo, with sv preludes you can keep some dt pieces in without losing any notable amount of damage and you eliminate any risk of dying to anything or worry about positioning for decoy

it's a 15-18 min fight saving SV for taru, and since taru is the only one with any modicum of thought required, can't see why you'd want to sv on the rest
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Killkenny
Posts: 190
By Carbuncle.Killkenny 2014-01-04 18:30:21
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We just had our rng /nin because its not practical to expect all of them to be smart and it reduces the support they require on TT to almost 0.

As /nin without SV I'm pretty sure we weren't capping ratio. If you had the people for it 10 rng/nin should provide the greatest safety net and the highest kill speed, but its a fairly meaningless debate since the actual dps check is quite low.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-01-04 18:38:05
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I don't know if I'd agree there, /nin is dropping berserk for only one mob when different use of SV will provide the same reliability. I can see how it'd be easier to execute if you can't rely on everyone doing what they need to be, though.

Definitely going to /nin single taru in the future though, thanks for mentioning it. Should cut a ton of the headache out of it.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Killkenny
Posts: 190
By Carbuncle.Killkenny 2014-01-04 18:50:52
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
I don't know if I'd agree there, /nin is dropping berserk for only one mob when different use of SV will provide the same reliability. I can see how it'd be easier to execute if you can't rely on everyone doing what they need to be, though.

Definitely going to /nin single taru in the future though, thanks for mentioning it. Should cut a ton of the headache out of it.

The bolded is always the primary concern.

We also fight at bottom of stairs with rng at top and supertank a bit further behind that, so on occassion a new AA being pulled down to stairs will do its AOE and kill anyone not using shadows. This is just another comprimise we make for simplicity.
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2014-01-05 16:38:07
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6 manned easy DM earlier, it's a good primary mats provider btw...
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2014-01-06 14:51:07
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Got 4 crafting items from easy DM 6 manned ... That's like 16M.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3701
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-01-07 20:09:19
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Brought PUP/NIN to Difficult AA HM and EV last night and it worked... quite well! Setup was PLD WHM BRD COR RNG PUP.

Reason for PUP was to frequently dump enmity onto the puppet with Ventriloquy (1min timer, occasionally deactivating/activating to completely get rid of enmity), letting PLD keep hate easily. Master just beat on the AA and kept shadows up. PUP wasn't as strong a DD as a good Relic RNG (was something in the neighborhood of 50/35/15% damage from RNG/PUP/PLD), but it's a lot more useful than many other DD options (say, MNK/NIN pulling hate and making the fight harder than it needs to be).

Deploying your puppet up close is a good way to get it killed quickly, so I tried RNG puppet deploying at a distance at first. Its R.Acc was pitiful so I used WHM puppet for future fights and that was a lot more effective. Pretty helpful with the puppet providing some mage support for -na/haste/erase and occasional cures too (particularly nice to lessen the blow of BRD coming /NIN for survivability when redoing songs in exchange for the backup magey stuff from /WHM). Equipped Flashbulb and Disruptor too, minor bonuses from the flash/dispel effects.

Master needs to go heavy on the Acc gear even with Hunter's Roll and 1 Madrigal. I was using the below set and Sole Sushi+1 and still 80something % acc on EV, even worse when Madrigal dropped. Probably wouldn't be able to have acceptable Acc for a Very Difficult fight, but Difficult and below should be OK for a well geared PUP.
ItemSet 317191
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: gymj1m
Posts: 462
By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2014-01-08 13:16:38
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pchan said: »
6 manned easy DM earlier, it's a good primary mats provider btw...

What was your setup?
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2014-01-08 13:33:12
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Anyone tried DNC/nin? Figured it'd be helpful with samba steps back up cures. Did galka on normal and it was okay till I caught meikyo(sp?) And died then I dc'd and didn't make it back till 25%. Anyone try it on another or harder settings?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kerron
Posts: 999
By Leviathan.Syagin 2014-01-08 13:57:58
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Bahamut.Greyfawkz said: »
pchan said: »
6 manned easy DM earlier, it's a good primary mats provider btw...
What was your setup?
Doesn't exsist.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kidnoftle
Posts: 40
By Leviathan.Kidnoftle 2014-01-08 14:08:30
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Leviathan.Syagin said: »
Bahamut.Greyfawkz said: »
pchan said: »
6 manned easy DM earlier, it's a good primary mats provider btw...
What was your setup?
Doesn't exsist.

For how much he talks out of his *** I wouldn't be surprised at all if 6man easy DM was incredibly doable. As it stands hard can be done w/ <18 with relative ease.
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2014-01-09 03:51:27
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1 gimp PLD supertanks and mnks kill mobs one by one. I wouldn't be surprised that with an ochain PLD, you can clear normal this way with PLD WHM BRD MNK/WARx3.
By 2014-01-09 04:56:31
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Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Noxzema
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2014-01-09 13:56:21
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Anyone know if you can invite someone out of party that's in the zone for drops? (can I do the fight on my alt, and if something drops that I want, can I drop my alt for my main and be able to lot?) I assume that I can, I just wanted to verify before I put the work into my alt.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: gymj1m
Posts: 462
By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2014-01-09 14:20:42
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Siren.Noxzema said: »
Anyone know if you can invite someone out of party that's in the zone for drops? (can I do the fight on my alt, and if something drops that I want, can I drop my alt for my main and be able to lot?) I assume that I can, I just wanted to verify before I put the work into my alt.

Yesterday I had no treasure pool at all after soloing it on one character, while having the second member sitting in party inside the BC area.

Also, just solod Ark Angel TT Easy on RNG/NIN
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2014-01-09 14:55:06
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I'm seeing a lot of strategies for high-end people. Is there is strategy to beat normal AA for people with no REM, mules and only mediocre equipments from ROE? What would be the recommended setup for normal AA, assuming the players don't have delve or skirmish gear (only some but none of the max upgrades). Pld would use a skirmish shield if required.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-01-09 15:12:38
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Leviathan.Andret said: »
I'm seeing a lot of strategies for high-end people. Is there is strategy to beat normal AA for people with no REM, mules and only mediocre equipments from ROE? What would be the recommended setup for normal AA, assuming the players don't have delve or skirmish gear (only some but none of the max upgrades). Pld would use a skirmish shield if required.

I would suggest not bothering.

The Normal Tier Content, required to get into the Main battle, hits particularly hard, if your DD don't have high DD output, and the PLD is not using Ochain, you might have some issues.

This content is meant for high end players not all content is for poorly geared / newer players to just dive right into.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Wardeniii
Posts: 363
By Sylph.Wardeniii 2014-01-09 15:31:15
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On the bright side, if you don't have good gear there is plenty of other content for you to go do.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Snapshot
Posts: 99
By Bahamut.Snapshot 2014-01-09 15:34:09
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A skirmish geared Rng party will work on all AA's Normal. Setup I usually use is Rng x3, pld, sch,brd. Jishnu's helpful but not needed.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Soraishin
Posts: 1155
By Bahamut.Soraishin 2014-01-09 15:46:41
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i'd suggest crawl/walk/run, endgame isn't meant for jumping right into. Try making a static LS and get guys in the same boat as you to where you can work with each other to build your way up. Won't happen overnight but won't happen at all if you don't try.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2014-01-09 17:26:16
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I think it might be possible as long as Pld without ochain can survive without getting one-shotted. The main goal isn't to beat it fast or try harder difficulty but to finish the fight within 30min. I'm thinking of a combination of a combination of Rngx2, Cor, Pld, Whm and Sch. Sch to help regen on Pld and Whm for cureskin. As long as pld doesn't die instantly, the 2 Rngs can focus to pin hate on the pld with Decoy Shots and Cor to make up for the lack of accuracy. This way we can chip away at the target before the time runs out.

The main problem is can Pld be killed too quick to cure without ochain?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zerowone
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-01-09 17:41:20
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Did a little experiment today, on Difficult MR. Set up was PLD, THF, RNG, BRD, COR, WHM. Accuracy wasn't an issue, won the battle in 19 minutes, would have been faster if we weren't toying around with accomplice. Which by the way, is not a good idea to use on a Ranger.

THF was using 119 Mandau in main hand and Izhiikoh off hand. Stacked Mercy Strokes were between 3-4k. Accuracy was not an issue for them.
For the curious drops were:

Left us with the impression that PLD, RNGx2, THF, BRD, WHM is also a viable option for VD. We did this run because wanted to see if it was viable without a second ranger on D and a third ranger for VD, since getting 2-3 relic rangers together is not always an easy thing.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-01-09 17:44:48
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VD's never needed 3 rngs, better off with a cor than a thf though
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Enceladus
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2014-01-09 18:46:04
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Lakshmi.Zerowone said: »
Did a little experiment today, on Difficult MR. Set up was PLD, THF, RNG, BRD, COR, WHM. Accuracy wasn't an issue, won the battle in 19 minutes, would have been faster if we weren't toying around with accomplice. Which by the way, is not a good idea to use on a Ranger.

THF was using 119 Mandau in main hand and Izhiikoh off hand. Stacked Mercy Strokes were between 3-4k. Accuracy was not an issue for them.
For the curious drops were:

Left us with the impression that PLD, RNGx2, THF, BRD, WHM is also a viable option for VD. We did this run because wanted to see if it was viable without a second ranger on D and a third ranger for VD, since getting 2-3 relic rangers together is not always an easy thing.

Seems a bit of a leap to assume that if the THF's accuracy is fine on Difficult with a COR, it will be fine on Very Difficult without a COR.

And I believe all the Difficult AAs have been considered viable without RNGs for a while now.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Echandra
Posts: 546
By Asura.Echandra 2014-01-09 18:59:17
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Ragnarok.Flippant said: »
Lakshmi.Zerowone said: »
Did a little experiment today, on Difficult MR. Set up was PLD, THF, RNG, BRD, COR, WHM. Accuracy wasn't an issue, won the battle in 19 minutes, would have been faster if we weren't toying around with accomplice. Which by the way, is not a good idea to use on a Ranger.

THF was using 119 Mandau in main hand and Izhiikoh off hand. Stacked Mercy Strokes were between 3-4k. Accuracy was not an issue for them.
For the curious drops were:

Left us with the impression that PLD, RNGx2, THF, BRD, WHM is also a viable option for VD. We did this run because wanted to see if it was viable without a second ranger on D and a third ranger for VD, since getting 2-3 relic rangers together is not always an easy thing.

Seems a bit of a leap to assume that if the THF's accuracy is fine on Difficult with a COR, it will be fine on Very Difficult without a COR.

And I believe all the Difficult AAs have been considered viable without RNGs for a while now.

Especially MR. the evasion and damage output takes a pretty HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE leap from D to VD. D and down you don't even need a full party to win.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zerowone
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-01-09 19:21:25
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Having won MR and HM on VD I am quite aware of how evasive they can be. We toyed around today to see if D could be done with just 2 DD's (119 Relic RNG and a 119 Relic THF). Yes, people don't consider THF a DD and yes TH is a non factor in these fights. We also realized we could do D with just the relic ranger as the only source of damage.

We did this mainly because the person wanted to see how a Mandau would fare and if it was even a viable option for damage. It turned out it wasn't bad, it wasn't great but it wasn't bad and could make due. If accuracy became a problem for the THF on VD MR with PLD, RNGx2, THF, BRD, WHM, then the THF could just pull the pets to the corner build TP off the Pet and then stack Mercy Stroke onto the PLD. Sure it would be an endless stream of pets being spawned. People get bored and like to experiment and do things differently, and that's what we did.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Killkenny
Posts: 190
By Carbuncle.Killkenny 2014-01-09 19:34:14
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Lakshmi.Zerowone said: »
Did a little experiment today, on Difficult MR. Set up was PLD, THF, RNG, BRD, COR, WHM. Accuracy wasn't an issue, won the battle in 19 minutes, would have been faster if we weren't toying around with accomplice. Which by the way, is not a good idea to use on a Ranger.

THF was using 119 Mandau in main hand and Izhiikoh off hand. Stacked Mercy Strokes were between 3-4k. Accuracy was not an issue for them.
For the curious drops were:

Left us with the impression that PLD, RNGx2, THF, BRD, WHM is also a viable option for VD. We did this run because wanted to see if it was viable without a second ranger on D and a third ranger for VD, since getting 2-3 relic rangers together is not always an easy thing.

They can all be done on VD with 5 people using PLD WHM BRD COR RNG if your RNG is good, probably without the COR too. Only one I'm not sure about is GK with the extra hp, since I've only done it using 3 melee.
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