Ark Angels II / Divine Might II (Discussion)
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 160
By Valefor.Psykopat 2014-01-14 04:13:03
Thx !
Additional question:
Do you get same drops on each AA (than the single ones) + exclusive drops or just exclusive drops?
Real question is, can I get weapons in DMII? HM GA for exemple.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-01-14 04:28:20
What's the best setup for Galka VD? ;o
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-01-14 04:36:05
subjective question, but it's very easy with
mnk mnk cor smn brd whm (keep scherzo/earthen armor up fulltime, don't use /nin, brd smn whm all heal)
pld rng rng cor brd whm (you could do this one in your sleep but it's probably slightly slower)
By pchan 2014-01-14 04:44:52
Thx !
Additional question:
Do you get same drops on each AA (than the single ones) + exclusive drops or just exclusive drops?
Real question is, can I get weapons in DMII? HM GA for exemple.
Each AA drops the same thing as their own BC, the gear can drop from easy, but rarely, coins start to drop past easy level. They also have drops specific to DM like the earrings or the ammo/range for pop and SMN. Unless you are a diehard pup or smn, no real point doing DM beside crafting mats farming I suppose (very high drop chance on VE and easy).
By pchan 2014-01-14 04:47:16
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »subjective question, but it's very easy with
mnk mnk cor smn brd whm (keep scherzo/earthen armor up fulltime, don't use /nin, brd smn whm all heal)
I have doubts about this. The wyvern will not sleep the whole time, without pdt you will get owned from melee hits etc.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 160
By Valefor.Psykopat 2014-01-14 04:49:56
Thx !
Additional question:
Do you get same drops on each AA (than the single ones) + exclusive drops or just exclusive drops?
Real question is, can I get weapons in DMII? HM GA for exemple.
Each AA drops the same thing as their own BC, the gear can drop from easy, but rarely, coins start to drop past easy level. They also have drops specific to DM like the earrings or the ammo/range for pop and SMN. Unless you are a diehard pup or smn, no real point doing DM beside crafting mats farming I suppose (very high drop chance on VE and easy).
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 664
By Carbuncle.Xenhas 2014-01-14 05:04:03
DM drops have crossovers from the other AA loot pools. You can get different drops from different ones, at least on VD anyways. I'd assume it carries down to lower difficulties?
I posted some drops earlier in this thread for reference.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-01-14 05:10:23
I have doubts about this. The wyvern will not sleep the whole time, without pdt you will get owned from melee hits etc. you have doubts about everything, that's why you're a month behind on winning and still pretending /blu is ideal
having 3.5 active healers(cors damage is ***may as well waltz) instead of your poorly multiboxed brds makes a big difference
By pchan 2014-01-14 06:16:44
I pretend you didn't do it, stop giving lessons. Just because some random guy pretended to do it doesn't mean it works, I mean we have had someone reporting using THF in VD.
BRD, COR and SMN can't properly heal and a single WHM will not be able to cure more than one monk ... If you had suggested /nin you would have been credible at least. I would have given you more credit too if you had brought 2 brds too to allow 15+ minutes of capped acc instead of the pathetic cor.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Quetzalcoatl.Prettyshambolic 2014-01-14 06:19:15
DM drops have crossovers from the other AA loot pools. You can get different drops from different ones, at least on VD anyways. I'd assume it carries down to lower difficulties?
I posted some drops earlier in this thread for reference.
You can see all the drops from AA and DM on FFXIDB by searching for La Loff Amphitheatre, but yeah, each AA you kill within DM fight drops the same items as they do when you fight them individually.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Quetzalcoatl.Prettyshambolic 2014-01-14 06:26:46
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »subjective question, but it's very easy with
mnk mnk cor smn brd whm (keep scherzo/earthen armor up fulltime, don't use /nin, brd smn whm all heal)
pld rng rng cor brd whm (you could do this one in your sleep but it's probably slightly slower)
We do it on 2 RNG setup and kill it on VD in about 15-20 minutes. MNK's get one-shot in every AA I've seen them in, so I wouldn't recommend using that setup personally - not for the upper difficulties anyway, but I've seen groups go in with DRG's and THF's before now (presumably normal) so I guess anything works on mid-range difficulty.
The groups I go with have worked through the levels so I've seen them all beat on Normal and Difficult with varying setups. We were doing Hume with SAM/DRG x2 and a PLD for a while on Difficult (/DRG for High Jump to control hate) because SAM's new 1 hour allows it to stand the AA's 1hr at <10%. I know that's not the fight you were asking about, but it highlights the different setups people have made work.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-01-14 06:58:32
I pretend you didn't do it, stop giving lessons. Just because some random guy pretended to do it doesn't mean it works, I mean we have had someone reporting using THF in VD.
BRD, COR and SMN can't properly heal and a single WHM will not be able to cure more than one monk ... If you had suggested /nin you would have been credible at least. I would have given you more credit too if you had brought 2 brds too to allow 15+ minutes of capped acc instead of the pathetic cor. Nobody takes you seriously, I can screenshot 11 119 relics, 4 felistris masks, 8 bloodrain straps, whatever for you if you want? I've killed them more than anyone because I can kill them by myself on VD. You can absolutely win with a THF on VD too, you just refuse to see anything outside of your arrogant little *** 'if i can't do it with melee, nobody else can'.
In case it was too difficult for you to figure out, two cure 4s from a geared BRD and SMN will have higher HP potential and lower casttime than a single cure6 from a single WHM. You have more curing power than 2 WHMs and 2 unused BRDs.
Quote: We do it on 2 RNG setup and kill it on VD in about 15-20 minutes. MNK's get one-shot in every AA I've seen them in, so I wouldn't recommend using that setup personally - not for the upper difficulties anyway, but I've seen groups go in with DRG's and THF's before now (presumably normal) so I guess anything works on mid-range difficulty.
The groups I go with have worked through the levels so I've seen them all beat on Normal and Difficult with varying setups. We were doing Hume with SAM/DRG x2 and a PLD for a while on Difficult (/DRG for High Jump to control hate) because SAM's new 1 hour allows it to stand the AA's 1hr at <10%. I know that's not the fight you were asking about, but it highlights the different setups people have made work. It works on Galka, and Galka only. Scherzo and Earthen armor reduce any WS that would do over 75% of your max hp by 95%. If something would have done 4000 damage, it does 200. It's very reliable, but only for galka because only galka is exclusively 1hit WS.
By pchan 2014-01-14 07:24:07
Quote: Nobody takes you seriously, I can screenshot 11 119 relics, 4 felistris masks, 8 bloodrain straps, whatever for you if you want?
Why would I want a SS, are you like this retard on BG that doesn't know the gear drop on difficult versions ?
Quote: I've killed them more than anyone because I can kill them by myself on VD.
Not with mnk/war
Quote: You can absolutely win with a THF on VD too Nope. Prove it. You are trolling.
Quote: In case it was too difficult for you to figure out, two cure 4s from a geared BRD and SMN will have higher HP potential and lower casttime than a single cure6 from a single WHM. You have more curing power than 2 WHMs and 2 unused BRDs. No. I think you like to sound elistist but that's it. The galka as well as any AA with level greater than normal will rape the face of any monk not equipping pdt gear while TPng. You'd know if you had actally done it. How do you handle wyvern again ? I know how a DD setup would handle it I think you have no clue since you exclusively bring pld and rngs.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-01-14 07:27:28
will do a galka and take screenshots later today when i have a reason to gear up mnk, not going out of my way for someone who won't admit they're wrong regardless
By Spiraboo 2014-01-14 07:44:15
Quote: BRD, COR and SMN can't properly heal and a single WHM will not be able to cure more than one monk ... If you had suggested /nin you would have been credible at least. I would have given you more credit too if you had brought 2 brds too to allow 15+ minutes of capped acc instead of the pathetic cor.
Not saying he's doing it because i don't know, but you can take 1 brd in and have 15+ mins of capped acc by having a outside bard popping SV double mad before you enter, he can prolly have SV mads for almost the whole fight because of the cor, if lucky on wildcard.
Being a bard (I don't even have top notch curing sets, def. can work on -cure cast), provided i have the mp (which most of the time i'd have due to having a decent idle refresh set and ghorn ballads, or even devotion from whm), I can keep a mnk alive myself if he's not taking hate for sure (i.e. hit and turns or AEs). So with the help of another person with similar builds (say a smn or the cor), I'm pretty confident i can keep a DD alive with said partner. In my point of view that sounds viable as people seem to undermine what a proper bard can do (yes surprise surprise we do more than singing and going afk). Though no doubt the mnks have to be cleverly geared and supports must be pro in order to pull it off.
By pchan 2014-01-14 09:53:08
His strat is based on wearing zero pdt or else sherzo and EA won't work on WS, you are looking at 800 dmg per hit wth no pdt (I think) etc. The strat can only work with /nin and full pdt. Won't work in his case though. Besides, he requires one of {BRD,COR,SMN} to supertank the wyvern, sleep will work at start but after 10 minutes it will only last a few seconds, and proceed to rape mages. Melees can't afford taking damage from the wyvern especially if they don't equip pdt and have to handle the AA. It's possible to supertank the wyvern with the cor or the BRD but then that's one less healer (and it's difficult as breath sucks, you will need the WHM to cure 3 MNKs plus the COR). It's possible to kill the wyvern whenever it pops but then that's one less monk (it keeps summonng it).
By Pantafernando 2014-01-14 11:09:47
His strat is based on wearing zero pdt or else sherzo and EA won't work on WS, you are looking at 800 dmg per hit wth no pdt (I think) etc. The strat can only work with /nin and full pdt. Won't work in his case though. Besides, he requires one of {BRD,COR,SMN} to supertank the wyvern, sleep will work at start but after 10 minutes it will only last a few seconds, and proceed to rape mages. Melees can't afford taking damage from the wyvern especially if they don't equip pdt and have to handle the AA. It's possible to supertank the wyvern with the cor or the BRD but then that's one less healer (and it's difficult as breath sucks, you will need the WHM to cure 3 MNKs plus the COR). It's possible to kill the wyvern whenever it pops but then that's one less monk (it keeps summonng it).
What about killing the wyvern after he gets sleep resistance? Supose new pet will allow more 10 mins of reliable sleep?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1998
By Asura.Ccl 2014-01-14 11:11:53
Quote: You can absolutely win with a THF on VD too Nope. Prove it. You are trolling.
Why couldn't thf do it if mnk can do it in or under 15min, 30min is plenty of time even with thfs.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Quetzalcoatl.Prettyshambolic 2014-01-14 11:25:36
Quote: You can absolutely win with a THF on VD too Nope. Prove it. You are trolling.
Why couldn't thf do it if mnk can do it in or under 15min, 30min is plenty of time even with thfs.
Damage isn't really the issue, surviving his attacks is.
By Spiraboo 2014-01-14 11:27:46
Besides, he requires one of {BRD,COR,SMN} to supertank the wyvern, sleep will work at start but after 10 minutes it will only last a few seconds, and proceed to rape mages.
I'd imagine a smn can easily keep the wyvern busy with an avatar (solo bcnm20 style kiting if needed), though it might get in the way of keeping EA up, not sure
By pchan 2014-01-14 11:35:59
His strat is based on wearing zero pdt or else sherzo and EA won't work on WS, you are looking at 800 dmg per hit wth no pdt (I think) etc. The strat can only work with /nin and full pdt. Won't work in his case though. Besides, he requires one of {BRD,COR,SMN} to supertank the wyvern, sleep will work at start but after 10 minutes it will only last a few seconds, and proceed to rape mages. Melees can't afford taking damage from the wyvern especially if they don't equip pdt and have to handle the AA. It's possible to supertank the wyvern with the cor or the BRD but then that's one less healer (and it's difficult as breath sucks, you will need the WHM to cure 3 MNKs plus the COR). It's possible to kill the wyvern whenever it pops but then that's one less monk (it keeps summonng it).
What about killing the wyvern after he gets sleep resistance? Supose new pet will allow more 10 mins of reliable sleep? Sleep duration resistance carries over to the next pet even if you wipe and recover
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2014-01-14 11:40:29
Scherzo/EA makes AoE damage a joke, and with marches, haste, and a casting build, Utsu Recast is stupidly low, so aside from AA HM turning to you for an extended period of time or a poorly timed WS like rampage, there's no real difficulty that I can see in staying alive on THF.
Is there something I'm missing here?
Quote: Sleep duration resistance carries over to the next pet even if you wipe and recover
Is there any source for this? The whole building resistance thing is supposed to tick down over time when it's not being used on it, and I've never ever heard or one mob's resists carrying over to another.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Bismarck.Keityan 2014-01-14 11:44:06
Sleep duration resistance carries over to the next pet even if you wipe and recover
This can not be true. Our group kills the pet at around 12-15 minutes. It re-summons, and it no longer has sleep resistance anymore. I can imagine it carrying over if you wipe, but if you not if you actually kill it.
By Spiraboo 2014-01-14 11:53:17
Sleep duration resistance carries over to the next pet even if you wipe and recover
This can not be true. Our group kills the pet at around 12-15 minutes. It re-summons, and it no longer has sleep resistance anymore. I can imagine it carrying over if you wipe, but if you not if you actually kill it.
^ that. At least from my experience when I ask the DD to kill the pet due to resist, for the next pet spawned lullaby tends to land, and stays slept for longer. Could be luck but i don't know.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2014-01-14 12:45:41
Sleep duration resistance carries over to the next pet even if you wipe and recover Wrong. New pet does not have built-in sleep resistance from previous pet.
It's possible to kill the wyvern whenever it pops but then that's one less monk (it keeps summonng it). Wrong. You can keep wyvern asleep until it builds resistance. Then kill it. When GK summons new wyvern, you can sleep until it builds resistance. Maximize dps time on GK, minimize dps time on wyvern.
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »mnk mnk cor smn brd whm (keep scherzo/earthen armor up fulltime, don't use /nin, brd smn whm all heal) Why not use /nin? GK weaponskills are best mitigated by shadows. Also, easier to go with 3rd MNK instead of SMN. One more person to bounce hate between and one more person to deal damage.
By pchan 2014-01-14 12:52:01
yeah 'm right but whatever you'd know if you did the bc..
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2014-01-14 12:55:23
Jesus *** christ pchan, are you that stupid? Galka is literally retard fodder. It's impossible to wipe to with smn+brd setup, using mnk/war just requires more active healing than /nin or nin. You'll have virtually unlimited mp, and you can heal faster than it does damage. Sleep wyvern til resist, take 5 seconds to kill, repeat. That said, PLD RNG RNG can push 15min kills if the pld can actually contribute to damage. I've had 15min kills with nin mnk mnk brd brd whm as well.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 452
By Quetzalcoatl.Elysien 2014-01-14 12:58:09
pchan? yawn
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2542
By Ramuh.Kailana 2014-01-14 12:59:27
yeah 'm right but whatever you'd know if you did the bc..
I've done the BC multiple times and I know for a fact that the sleep resistance does not carry over from one mob to another, be it MR's pets or GK's pet.
No idea why I see people pushing /war either, as that just gets you killed faster. Shadows mitigate -most- of all of the AA's most dangerous moves by themselves.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 190
By Carbuncle.Killkenny 2014-01-14 12:59:48
*** lol at the wyvern being the sticking point in the logic behind using mnk/war on GK. With Carn I only have to sleep the wyvern 3 times during the fight usually, sometimes 4, but its not as if it's resisting/having a very short duration. So even without mythic its not an issue.
With MNK MNK MNK SMN BRD WHM (we have used mnks /nin and /war, prefer /nin but its by no means necessary) the total battlefield time is 9-11mins, 7-9mins of engaged time and its dead before 1hr songs drop. Without mythic brd you may add a minute or 2 to kill speed but nothing major.
Judging by how DDs got raped by AoE on normal difficulty i think RNGs and BLMs gonna make a come back....again! That being said might be smoother to try SC+MBs, any thoughts?