Job Balance?

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Job Balance?
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By Draylo 2016-09-17 15:52:48
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I like how again Lady/Afania are ignoring what kept being brought up. Why do you cry for nerfs/adjustments to BLU but not to GEO when it is REQUIRED for fights. Even in the screenshots you posted you see them shouting for GEO all the time but no BRD. Yet that is okay and balanced? This thread just keeps going in circles at this point. Roundelk summed up everything I've been saying too. Afania just keeps trying to change their argument to seem right.
Posts: 8840
By Afania 2016-09-17 15:58:14
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Draylo said: »
I like how again Lady/Afania are ignoring what kept being brought up. Why do you cry for nerfs/adjustments to BLU but not to GEO when it is REQUIRED for fights. Even in the screenshots you posted you see them shouting for GEO all the time but no BRD. Yet that is okay and balanced? This thread just keeps going in circles at this point.

To adjust geo issue I would probably suggest buff brd over nerfing geo due to geo nerf=hardest content being harder for everyone.

That being said, everyone already agree that brd needs a buff so what's the point for me to write anything about it? I would be just writing opinions that doesn't need to be said.

The reason why blu balance issue kept being brought up because it's a lot more controversial and people keep repeating the same things trying to convince the other side while still not going anywhere. Brd needing buffs doesn't even need a discussion about whether it should happen or not.
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-17 15:59:05
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Just lower acc requirements a bit and make me everyone happier.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-09-17 15:59:51
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Draylo said: »
I like how again Lady/Afania are ignoring what kept being brought up. Why do you cry for nerfs/adjustments to BLU but not to GEO when it is REQUIRED for fights. Even in the screenshots you posted you see them shouting for GEO all the time but no BRD. Yet that is okay and balanced? This thread just keeps going in circles at this point.

GEO is a bit different because it is the fights the dictate whether GEO is needed or not and most fights need the utility that GEO offers. The problem is that its sad and lonely counter-part BRD is a bit a ways off from providing similar bonuses to Vex/Attune and cannot currently cap pDif or floor Magic defense.

So the problem with GEO is most likely BRDs weakness which is why a buff is most likely required. I personally think that BRD has a lot of potential though which a lot of people are already discussing, especially as melees become more emergent in more end-game fights.

Nerfing GEO would require a nerf to both GEO and the content in which it is currently required for.

I also don't think people are focusing on GEO because it is extremely agree-able that GEO is overpowered so there isn't much to discuss there.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Foreverj
Posts: 381
By Asura.Foreverj 2016-09-17 16:57:52
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eliroo said: »
Draylo said: »
I like how again Lady/Afania are ignoring what kept being brought up. Why do you cry for nerfs/adjustments to BLU but not to GEO when it is REQUIRED for fights. Even in the screenshots you posted you see them shouting for GEO all the time but no BRD. Yet that is okay and balanced? This thread just keeps going in circles at this point.

GEO is a bit different because it is the fights the dictate whether GEO is needed or not and most fights need the utility that GEO offers. The problem is that its sad and lonely counter-part BRD is a bit a ways off from providing similar bonuses to Vex/Attune and cannot currently cap pDif or floor Magic defense.

So the problem with GEO is most likely BRDs weakness which is why a buff is most likely required. I personally think that BRD has a lot of potential though which a lot of people are already discussing, especially as melees become more emergent in more end-game fights.

Nerfing GEO would require a nerf to both GEO and the content in which it is currently required for.

I also don't think people are focusing on GEO because it is extremely agree-able that GEO is overpowered so there isn't much to discuss there.

Holy fudge, according to your logic nerfing blue is necessary but nerfing geo is not necessary? Geo is even more overpowered then blue so nerfing it is not necessary? That's contradicting yourself lol don't get me wrong I have idris daurabla and ghorn 99 I'm not asking geo to be nerfed. I'm asking other jobs to be buffed including bard.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-09-17 17:05:54
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Asura.Foreverj said: »
eliroo said: »
Draylo said: »
I like how again Lady/Afania are ignoring what kept being brought up. Why do you cry for nerfs/adjustments to BLU but not to GEO when it is REQUIRED for fights. Even in the screenshots you posted you see them shouting for GEO all the time but no BRD. Yet that is okay and balanced? This thread just keeps going in circles at this point.

GEO is a bit different because it is the fights the dictate whether GEO is needed or not and most fights need the utility that GEO offers. The problem is that its sad and lonely counter-part BRD is a bit a ways off from providing similar bonuses to Vex/Attune and cannot currently cap pDif or floor Magic defense.

So the problem with GEO is most likely BRDs weakness which is why a buff is most likely required. I personally think that BRD has a lot of potential though which a lot of people are already discussing, especially as melees become more emergent in more end-game fights.

Nerfing GEO would require a nerf to both GEO and the content in which it is currently required for.

I also don't think people are focusing on GEO because it is extremely agree-able that GEO is overpowered so there isn't much to discuss there.

Holy fudge, according to your logic nerfing blue is necessary but nerfing geo is not necessary? Geo is even more overpowered then blue so nerfing it is not necessary? That's contradicting yourself lol don't get me wrong I have idris daurabla and ghorn 99 I'm not asking geo to be nerfed. I'm asking other jobs to be buffed including bard.

By my logic nerfing BLU and buffing other jobs will accomplish the same goal. Nerfing BLU will not make other content near impossible though but rather open gates for other jobs.

Buffing every other DPS is pretty dicey to because you can easily make another DPS extremely broken if you buff them all at the same time, it is alot easier to Nerf BLU in this scenario.
Posts: 8840
By Afania 2016-09-17 17:13:25
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Asura.Foreverj said: »
eliroo said: »
Draylo said: »
I like how again Lady/Afania are ignoring what kept being brought up. Why do you cry for nerfs/adjustments to BLU but not to GEO when it is REQUIRED for fights. Even in the screenshots you posted you see them shouting for GEO all the time but no BRD. Yet that is okay and balanced? This thread just keeps going in circles at this point.

GEO is a bit different because it is the fights the dictate whether GEO is needed or not and most fights need the utility that GEO offers. The problem is that its sad and lonely counter-part BRD is a bit a ways off from providing similar bonuses to Vex/Attune and cannot currently cap pDif or floor Magic defense.

So the problem with GEO is most likely BRDs weakness which is why a buff is most likely required. I personally think that BRD has a lot of potential though which a lot of people are already discussing, especially as melees become more emergent in more end-game fights.

Nerfing GEO would require a nerf to both GEO and the content in which it is currently required for.

I also don't think people are focusing on GEO because it is extremely agree-able that GEO is overpowered so there isn't much to discuss there.

Holy fudge, according to your logic nerfing blue is necessary but nerfing geo is not necessary? Geo is even more overpowered then blue so nerfing it is not necessary? That's contradicting yourself lol don't get me wrong I have idris daurabla and ghorn 99 I'm not asking geo to be nerfed. I'm asking other jobs to be buffed including bard.

There is a very logical reason why making adjustment on blu(nerf) is a better choice than making adjustment(buff) on other dd.

There is also a very logical reason why nerfing geo is a worse choice than buffing brd.

Nerfing blu and Buffing brd are better choice to solve some of the current issues than buffing all dd and nerf geo.

Seems like you just focus on the word nerf and buff way too much instead of acknowledging that nerf and buff job is to problem solve.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Roundelk
Posts: 41
By Odin.Roundelk 2016-09-17 17:43:26
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Afania said: »

Your entire argument is based on your experience, and how you do things.

A common melee setup is DDx2, COR, GEOx2, whm. Thus your argument about tank isn't legit because that's not how some people do things. If you do UNM or HTBC it's going to be tougher to hold hate than T4 as well.


Buffs Indi-Haste, Indi-Fury, Geo-Frailty, Geo-Vex, Samurai Roll and a Random roll.

This pt will destroy Escha Zitah T1 and T2, Escha Sky T1 and T2, Reisen T1 and Meleeable T2, VD Ambuscade, Any avatar HTMB. Indi-Fury is not even needed and Vex isn't even needed for half of these fights, these are low tier fights where accuracy is capped in all situations and none of these NM's pose any significant threat, They are simply blown apart. Replace the DRK's with any DD and the same thing can be achieved.

Escha Zitah T3 and Helms

Instead of a Random Roll it will be a steady Hunter's Roll and accuracy will be fine same bubbles.

Fleetstalker is the only threat here as it can one shot you without DT gear equiped, It has Aoe Melee strikes and defense down so the common BLU tools are out the window, Whoever has hate just turtles up and its still a joke of a NM.

The 3 Pixies dispel 24/7 so BLU buffs are out the window including MG.

Wrathare this is the only NM where changes might be needed WAR won't be able to cap haste using a 2handed weapon when they sub NIN but they can go the Fencer build route everything else can sub NIN or has shadows/battuta built into them. You can either Zerg it or Multi-step SC it and its dead in lesss then a minute, for 2 DRK or DRK + WAR Resolution > Torcleaver > Scourge > Resolution > Torcleaver, Fencer WAR? replace Resolution with Savage Blade. This is still low tier content.

Escha sky T3 is probably better off with mages but Duke Vepar can be done with melee, same buffs just entrust Precision.

AAGK is a mob I would say is better suited with jobs that have blink/Utsuemi though you could sub NIN and still go to war on it and a Tank isn't needed on it. The rest of the AA's is done with a mage strat.

Sieryu is easy just equip DT gear when it faces you since it dispels and you probably want to use mid accuracy set. Everything else including WoC is done with mages.

Reisen T3 Tree is a mage strat and imo Neaks is better done as a mage strat, Maju can be down with both melee and mage but for this you are likely bringing more people one which includes a Tank and on this mob you are not likely to pull hate as I have seen WAR's MS it and my our tank still held hate.

UNM 135 Sarama and Behemoth are a joke with this party setup, Sarama most dangerous moves are magic based which a BoG Vex destroys it and Behemoth is dead with one howl.

The I rest haven't done in awhile but I'm going to guess Tolba is done with Mages and Hidhaegg you probably want a tank and the other I have never done I have no idea what to expect.

So your common party is actually getting all of its buffing needs in fights that take 3min or less regardless of DD's and switching them to BLU is making no real impact except for the fact Indi-Haste will be dropped for Presicion? This is going with the assumption that its a capped skill Dunna GEO which would be 25 more accuracy allowing to rival or slightly surpass DNC DRG RUN and DRK with the assumption RUN and DRK do not use their accuracy boosting tools which then would still blow BLU's accuracy out of the water. Sieryu is the only NM I can think of that extra accuracy maybe benefit BLU so if that is indeed the common part set up you just killed your argument.

I also do not find myself in that party setup when we do low tier clears with 6people and I either dual box or Duo HTMB.

Afania said: »
This defense argument was brought up because blu has an advantage while capping haste. So why is "MNK never pull hate" a legit argument? So are you going to invite MNK over blu instead? It just doesn't make sense.

BLU's advantage IS capping Haste nothing more nothing less. I thought you would pick this up by now but no I will not invite MNK because it doesn't pull hate but because That's why it won't pull hate? It's just terrible that's everyone wants it buffed.

Afania said: »
Regarding utsusemi: I already made it clear about it, but Ill go into detail again. So if you are fighting an NM that repeatedly wipes both shadows and blink. Blu will still have higher defense than NIN.

This is true but also you have to think most NM's like that have either dispels and/or Defense down but yes that remains true though not perfect.

Afania said: »
You conveniently brought up a situation, such as NM with dispel or defense down, in a pt with tanks capable of holding hate and whm capable of keeping ppl alive without both vex attunement to support your argument. So how is this legit in a job balance discussion?

Your scenario is so specific that doesn't even apply to majority of people shout for blu onry.

I don't even know what you are on about here, BoG/Bolster Vex should be assumed for any serious fight and Attunement is not needed. A Tank should be keeping or else wtf is it doing there? A WHM should be keeping the party alive or else wtf is it doing there? Most shouts that go on for BLU onry is mostly for Ambuscade which does not need Vex or even Attunement and if its for anything else where it required well the common party setup can more than handle it with or without BLU's.

Afania said: »
That being said, the argument shouldn't focus on cocoon and occult as I dont think it's the most op defensive buff ever, nor the real reason why pt slot is locked to blu. I only think the way you argue against it is not very objective thus I said something.

This is funny because this is what you complaining about earlier so now you are convinced that these aren't broken which kills your argument again.

Afania said: »

More importantly people need to remember high defense is the RESULT of capping haste. And that's unbalanced.

MG is defense + 25%, regen +30, haste +15.

March had less than that without ja if I remember correctly(feel feee to correct me if I get the number wrong), and it doesn't provide any additional buffs besides haste unless it's honor march.

Indi haste has more haste but it also doesn't provide additional benefits.

At least one of MG, march or indi haste must be used to cap haste. They are must have buffs for melee pt. In terms of additional befits MG is below or equal to honor march but better than regular march and indi haste.

Brd is a support role and it took a support job slot. Geo is support job and it took a support job slot. Blu is DD and it doesn't take away any support pt slot to cap haste while still doing DPS.

How is this not a design issue?? Blu is essentially doing what people invite brd for in past 10 years, provides more than that by addressing one of melee weakness(defense), as a dps job.

If a BLU capping pt haste can't play offensively and takes support pt slot instead of DD pt slot then I wouldn't say it's design issue. But as it stands now it's clearly an issue in design. A lot of people just anti nerf because they think anything related to the word "nerf" is bad and it's the end of their world. But it's not.

Yes my mistake MG is 25% Def but BLU did not replace BRD, GEO did, BRD has not been used for quite some time even before MG was introduced to the game because everywhere you went it was with 2 GEO's doing Haste, frailty, Torpor and Fury/Presicion then soon came entrust. Vex wasn't used as there wasn't any content where it was needed besides Delve 2 morta?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-09-17 17:50:29
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If the issue is defense/utility on non-BLU melee, nerfing BLU won't fix that. Your average melee is still perceived as a liability as before. If anything, it shifts things back towards BLM.

No, the focus should be on buffing other melee. There's some pretty obvious options:
  • Alter penalties on abilities like Berserk, Defender, Counterstance, or Last Resort.

  • Increase the effectiveness of defensive spells and abilities like Absorb- spells, Healing Breath, or Dodge.

  • Allow defensive effects such as Counter and Dread Spikes to apply to monsters that use special attack rounds like Ironclads and Narakas.

  • Add or modify traits that enhance resistance against attacks or status effects, such as giving THF a Magic Evasion Bonus (parallel to their regular Evasion Bonus) or making Resist ___ traits more effective.

  • Add or modify gear that provides good defense without sacrificing too much offensively, like some of the Ambuscade armors do and weapons like Bravura or Epeolatry are designed to do.

  • Enhance the effectiveness of spells designed to increase defenses like Minne, Carols, or Bar- spells to avoid the over-reliance on GEO spells or Cure/-na spam.

  • Enhance the upper limit of Haste provided by Advancing March, Victory March, Haste II, and Hastega II through their appropriate magic skills.

  • Reduce the frequency of unresistable status effects and dispel effects.

Could go on for a while, but you get the idea.
By Draylo 2016-09-17 17:52:01
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This is funny because BLU doesn't force other jobs out of the party setup. You can still use them and accomplish what you were doing in the same time frame. GEO FORCES BARD OUT OF A SLOT. You will literally never take BRD over GEO because the GEO is mandatory in the setup. This isn't the case for BLU, how do you figure that BLU is a more pressing issue? If you are worried buffing multiple DD will make things too easy, then why not nerf GEO so that things become harder and warrant the buffs to DD and maybe have people bring BRD or buff it. Seem logical to me instead of focusing all your hate on BLU. (Note I don't want any nerfs to any job, Afania just seems nerf happy.)
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
Posts: 1239
By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-09-17 18:02:18
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Think Afania is looking very specific at one part, where everyone else is looking at the game as a whole. What I mean by that is the reason everyone keeps mentioning that GEO is broken is looking at it like this; In terms of how broken the job is, GEO is basically worth two or more bards. It keeps multiple jobs out of invites, and in terms of broken jobs in the game it is number one period.

Whereas, if you look at BLU. Multiple jobs beat BLU as a DPS, people are basically complaining because people on their servers are morons and only shout for BLUs. Not to mention, if you bring another DD job you will accomplish the goal just fine. People are complaining essentially at the core of BLU, that it is a hybrid job and can do a lot of things very well. If you don't bring a GEO to pretty much everything, you won't win.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2016-09-17 18:06:01
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Odin.Roundelk said: »
Buffs Indi-Haste, Indi-Fury, Geo-Frailty, Geo-Vex, Samurai Roll and a Random roll.
Ditch the second geo get a brd, brd can haste/march still get fury/frail/vex, drop sam roll because any 2hd DD should be xhit anyway, use chaos/fighter.
Same setup can handle most t3 as well, some helms. Shouldn't need acc roll in most cases. Can't think of a time I used all needed acc resources on drk in a long time.

Any rate, I get what you are saying and I agree.
Posts: 8840
By Afania 2016-09-17 18:06:24
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The first part of your argument is still based on a top end players pov. I'm sorry but PUG isn't going to clear all these without going more defensively. Most of them can't even beat Sarama.

There are multiple PUG organizer told me that their experience with none blu DD is a lot worse than blu. You can pop on the forum claiming "but blu doesn't make a difference" but it doesn't change the fact PUG still gonna shout for blu because they have experienced lower difficulty with them.

You guys seems to have this tenancy to interprete everything I said to extreme level.

Which post I did mention cocoon and occult being a defensive buff that is the most broken thing on the planet?

It's something blu has that helps melee reduce dmg taken, but MNK or drg or sam doesn't have.

I acknowledged it being very helpful to melee when it comes to survivability, doesn't mean I think every pt would wipe without it. But you guys somehow interprete as me saying I'm saying it's broken op?

I think it's an advantage, nothing more and nothing less. Advantage is not the same as "broken" and it doesn't contradict itself to say cocoon and occult it's an advantage but not broken.
Posts: 8840
By Afania 2016-09-17 18:11:02
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Draylo said: »
This is funny because BLU doesn't force other jobs out of the party setup. You can still use them and accomplish what you were doing in the same time frame. GEO FORCES BARD OUT OF A SLOT. You will literally never take BRD over GEO because the GEO is mandatory in the setup. This isn't the case for BLU, how do you figure that BLU is a more pressing issue? If you are worried buffing multiple DD will make things too easy, then why not nerf GEO so that things become harder and warrant the buffs to DD and maybe have people bring BRD or buff it. Seem logical to me instead of focusing all your hate on BLU. (Note I don't want any nerfs to any job, Afania just seems nerf happy.)

When did I said blu is more of a pressing issue than geo??? The fact that people keep twisting my words take my opinion to extreme lv and add opinions that I never present is getting ridiculous.
Posts: 8840
By Afania 2016-09-17 18:13:17
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Leviathan.Stamos said: »
Think Afania is looking very specific at one part, where everyone else is looking at the game as a whole. What I mean by that is the reason everyone keeps mentioning that GEO is broken is looking at it like this; In terms of how broken the job is, GEO is basically worth two or more bards. It keeps multiple jobs out of invites, and in terms of broken jobs in the game it is number one period.

Whereas, if you look at BLU. Multiple jobs beat BLU as a DPS, people are basically complaining because people on their servers are morons and only shout for BLUs. Not to mention, if you bring another DD job you will accomplish the goal just fine. People are complaining essentially at the core of BLU, that it is a hybrid job and can do a lot of things very well. If you don't bring a GEO to pretty much everything, you won't win.

Except none of my post ever say geo isn't getting priority invite over other jobs. So stop putting words in my mouth.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Roundelk
Posts: 41
By Odin.Roundelk 2016-09-17 18:13:17
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Odin.Roundelk said: »
Attack Bonus
DRK Doesn't need to be explained > WAR gets 70 Attack from Job gifts and Attack Bonus 3 plus Smite level 3 and I might add that Berserk for WAR main is 35% Attack bonus and not 25% like it is when subbed and WAR can pretty much Full time Berserk > BLU gets 50 Attack form gifts, does not equip any Attack Bonus traits but does get Attack bonus from subbing WAR but everyone gets that.

Do your research: Nature's Meditation.

Extra Attacks
THF > WAR and RUN(It has Temper)> BLU. DNC can rival or even surpass BLU in this situation because Daggers generally get more Triple attack than what Swords get in Double attack.

DNC is going to be using roughly same weapons as BLU (Mythic + Empyrean) so, no. So it's going to be TA trait vs Saber Dance, which is basically a wash.

Accuracy Bonus, This is completely wrong.
RNG doesn't need to be explained > DRG + DNC, both have Accuracy Bonus 3 and get 64 Accuracy from Job Gifts > RUN Has Accuracy bonus 3 and gets 54 Accuracy from Job Gifts > BLU gets 36 Accuracy form Gifts, I generally only use Accuracy bonus 3 but to compare with Accuracy bonus 4 it still does not beat the others in accuracy. You will never set Accuracy bonus 5+ the sacrifices you have to do to bring it to light are not worth it.

RUN won't get as much accuracy from weapons (no 269 swords, no dex+50 sword, no major +acc gsword) and DNC doesn't get carmine+1, so DNC is keeping up via gear with adhemar+1 only.

Defense Bonus
PLD > RUN > this more of the fact that BLU uses Cocoon rather than trait as BLU never sets Defense bonus ever and both tanks use /BLU.

If RUN is utilizing /BLU they're not even contention for DD since they're not even delay capped, so pick your poison, either RUN is considered some type of competition or it has a defense advantage (and RUN/BLU cannot beat BLU in defense unless the BLU is giving it MG anyway)

Magic Evasion
RUN > Mages > Everything else gets 36 M.Eva Gifts yes light DD gear has more M.eva than heavy armor except for Souveran gear which PLD and WAR can use and is slightly higher. It is extremely rare for a BLU to set Blinding Fulgor for M.eva trait.

You missed that BLU is on mage armor, which has higher meva than light armor, eh?

You can also change/build your PT setup to not have BLU with no loss.

If you count the party losing +25% defense and 30hp/tick "no loss" I suppose.

I am also likely someone you and everyone else here never heard of.

Yeah, there's probably a reason for that.

WAR has higher native attack with 3 Att bonus. traits and 3 Smite traits which is 9.6% attack bonus with a 2-handed weapon and 70 attack from gifts and also equips gear that generally has higher attack, BLU Nature's Meditation and /WAR Berserk does not beat that.

DNC's Saber Dance starts really high(50%-40%) drops down to (20%-10%) in 30 seconds so DNC still does have an edge and if no ARME than an even bigger edge I guess we can agree that it may be close to a wash?

RUN has Lionheart and Epeolatry 119 III and both are its best weapons sporting 269 skill, RUN has very high natural accuracy not to mention when DD it is fulltiming Hasso for more accuracy so even with BLU's Accuracy bonus 4 and a 50 DEX weapon RUN still has more accuracy. Since the update you likely do not have to use any carmine +1 pieces anymore.

RUN can Embolden an incoming protect 5 for a massive DEF boost but this recent defense update has probably made Cocoon overtake it and in tanking situations has Cocoon also thus beating BLU.

Why use mage armor with high M.eva that has no acc/att when you can us a DT set that still has high accuracy and won't kill your DPS? VEX is taking care of M.eva woes anyway.

I mean yea 25% DEF and 30 hp tic is good but you can live without it as you are using MG more for haste in low tier content which is weak and in high tier content where you are protected.
By Draylo 2016-09-17 18:16:00
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Afania said: »
Draylo said: »
This is funny because BLU doesn't force other jobs out of the party setup. You can still use them and accomplish what you were doing in the same time frame. GEO FORCES BARD OUT OF A SLOT. You will literally never take BRD over GEO because the GEO is mandatory in the setup. This isn't the case for BLU, how do you figure that BLU is a more pressing issue? If you are worried buffing multiple DD will make things too easy, then why not nerf GEO so that things become harder and warrant the buffs to DD and maybe have people bring BRD or buff it. Seem logical to me instead of focusing all your hate on BLU. (Note I don't want any nerfs to any job, Afania just seems nerf happy.)

When did I said blu is more of a pressing issue than geo??? The fact that people keep twisting my words take my opinion to extreme lv and add opinions that I never present is getting ridiculous.

You are implying it because this is a Job Balance thread, and you don't mention GEO when you come in here. You constantly talk about PUGs, "Won't anyone think of the PUGs!!" yet they exclude many job in favor of GEO onry.
Posts: 8840
By Afania 2016-09-17 18:20:59
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Draylo said: »
Afania said: »
Draylo said: »
This is funny because BLU doesn't force other jobs out of the party setup. You can still use them and accomplish what you were doing in the same time frame. GEO FORCES BARD OUT OF A SLOT. You will literally never take BRD over GEO because the GEO is mandatory in the setup. This isn't the case for BLU, how do you figure that BLU is a more pressing issue? If you are worried buffing multiple DD will make things too easy, then why not nerf GEO so that things become harder and warrant the buffs to DD and maybe have people bring BRD or buff it. Seem logical to me instead of focusing all your hate on BLU. (Note I don't want any nerfs to any job, Afania just seems nerf happy.)

When did I said blu is more of a pressing issue than geo??? The fact that people keep twisting my words take my opinion to extreme lv and add opinions that I never present is getting ridiculous.

You are implying it because this is a Job Balance thread, and you don't mention GEO when you come in here. You constantly talk about PUGs, "Won't anyone think of the PUGs!!" yet they exclude many job in favor of GEO onry.

I said it over and over again but you refuse to read. Why would I come to a thread to present an opinion such as "Geo is op and brd needs a buff" when everyone already agree with this?

You think Im blu hater because I said something about balance issue with blu multiple times. But that's not because I have some sort of crazy hatred toward it. But because people like you keep starting this controversial topic thus I have to reply?

It's really simple concept in a discussion. If I agree with you then there's nothing to say. If I don't agree then I present my opinion. You get this idea that I hate blu more than geo because I said nothing about geo, but that's not because I hate geo less, but because I already agree that it's op thus nothing to say.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
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By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-09-17 18:21:16
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You're nitpicking at my post. The post was basically you are being very specific in the situation, whereas everyone else is looking at the game as a whole.

Not trying to be argumentative or make anyone upset. Just discussing the game.
Posts: 8840
By Afania 2016-09-17 18:24:45
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Leviathan.Stamos said: »
You're nitpicking at my post. The post was basically you are being very specific in the situation, whereas everyone else is looking at the game as a whole.

Not trying to be argumentative or make anyone upset. Just discussing the game.

I am looking at the game as a whole all the time.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
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By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-09-17 18:28:32
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Well, in terms of broken jobs. Blu is what? 6th? 7th? Sure, jobs like black mage have no replacement. But, it is still broken.
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-17 18:29:05
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You don't fix what isn't broken.

Since Afania claims blu isn't broken, it doesn't need fixing.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-09-17 18:29:06
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Leviathan.Stamos said: »
Think Afania is looking very specific at one part, where everyone else is looking at the game as a whole.

I think this door swings both ways. You and Draylo are also just focusing on one single aspect of BLU at a time and not the whole package which is why people consider it OP.

It isn't that hard to agree that GEO is OP and BRD is weak so I have no idea why that keeps getting thrown into this conversation.

I don't think its hard to agree that currently BLU is a bit too good of a Jack of all trades. It doesn't have a clear weakness in each trade and while others may be able to do some things better than them - They still have their faults that for the most part BLU generally lacks.

I can't speak for Afania but I don't not hate BLU, not even close. Whenever I came back to this game a year ago BLU was the reason I came back. I spent a lot of time learning every spell while leveling the class and just learning everything I could. It is a fun and really deep class, which imo has the best design in this game(PUP is a strong contender for best design too). I remember reading that people were claiming that BLU was really well off when everyone was gawking over BST and this was before the AoE spells and MG were added.

I left when XIV 3.0 came out and just recently rejoined this game a few months ago. When I came back all I saw were shouts for BLU. If anyone asked about which job they should level the quick was either BLU or GEO. I could also quickly see why BLU was so strong after just joining a few parties. Even now it still among the top shouted for jobs on Asura. You can call the PUG population stupid and sheepish but not everyone is and there is a reason as to why people are shouting for BLU.

Whether balance is obtained through buffs or nerfs, that is fine. I personally think that buffs will just lead to more chaos and eventually power creep. New content that is focused around other DPS would be nice aswell as long as it doesn't require gimmicks like Maju. I just think we need to all agree that BLU is leaning more towards the OP side.

I personally think that MG is what makes BLU so strong currently and what tips it to the OP side of things, but that is just based on my view.

Also, if we were to nerf GEO, I'm pretty sure that would just lead to a bit more BLU domination as they seem to operate much better than other DD w/ less support. Just my 2 cents there.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-09-17 18:30:16
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
You don't fix what isn't broken.

Just to comment on this, as it striked a slight nerve. If we lived with this mentality we would still be riding horses. Looking for ways to improve working things is just as important as fixing broken things.
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-17 18:32:22
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Improving is not nerfing. By your example you'd break a leg to every horse so they don't run too fast.

Giving monk rocket punch is an improvement.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-09-17 18:35:26
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Improving is not nerfing. By your example you'd break a leg to every horse so they don't run too fast.

Giving monk rocket punch is an improvement.

I was more commenting on the Quote itself which is a terrible saying. I wasn't really bringing it into the discussion as a part balancing.

Also the Term "broken" in regards to a class being too strong has a bit of a different meaning then something actually being broken.

I think Broken refers more to how an op class breaks the balance of a game, so then it would need fixing.

In this case, BLU may not be broken but nerfing it may bring balance to the game a bit. We are looking at balance of a game and not individual jobs.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
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By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-09-17 18:40:16
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See, I don't disagree that MG is absurdly powerful. I just think the traits thing is being very much overblown along with how OP BLU is. Just I don't know which perspective you guys are standing on, in terms of; are we talking about with PUGs? Or are we talking about with a static group? If with PUGs, no one is going to go full DD, always hybrid. So most of the points about the DD traits are terrible, since you will be playing defensively making up for party. Even in the static group, personally I always equip forms of utility be it White Wind, Magic fruit, Flutter, etc etc.

But, as I said. On my server this whole BLU only thing doesn't exist. So, I guess I am defending the BLUs on your server lol
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-17 18:41:47
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Actually some of the ones focusing only on nerfing blu are those with tunnel vision here.

I wish people on the same side of the argument would realize who is full of ***. This whole conversation could have ended pages ago when Oraen said "I don't think Cocoon and Mighty Guard should stack", fair enough dude.

But then you get pages on pages of incoherent ramblings of someone who thinks everything about blu is too much, but also it isn't broken...that doesn't make any sense.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
Posts: 1239
By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-09-17 18:45:01
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As a person that plays a lot of jobs, like I said before. The only thing that REALLY needs fixed is H2H damage. It is the only time playing the game where I felt I was weak as *** despite being well geared.

Even meleeing with my lolclaustrum feels more satisfying than MNK or PUP(master melee)
Serveur: Odin
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user: Roundelk
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By Odin.Roundelk 2016-09-17 18:47:00
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Afania said: »

The first part of your argument is still based on a top end players pov. I'm sorry but PUG isn't going to clear all these without going more defensively. Most of them can't even beat Sarama.

There are multiple PUG organizer told me that their experience with none blu DD is a lot worse than blu. You can pop on the forum claiming "but blu doesn't make a difference" but it doesn't change the fact PUG still gonna shout for blu because they have experienced lower difficulty with them.

You guys seems to have this tenancy to interprete everything I said to extreme level.

Which post I did mention cocoon and occult being a defensive buff that is the most broken thing on the planet?

It's something blu has that helps melee reduce dmg taken, but MNK or drg or sam doesn't have.

I acknowledged it being very helpful to melee when it comes to survivability, doesn't mean I think every pt would wipe without it. But you guys somehow interprete as me saying I'm saying it's broken op?

I think it's an advantage, nothing more and nothing less. Advantage is not the same as "broken" and it doesn't contradict itself to say cocoon and occult it's an advantage but not broken.

But thats the issue, You want a job adjusted because PUG are mostly people without proper knowledge of the game and have low skill level who will move to the next best easiest thing, THAT MAKES NO SENSE!. What I described in my earlier post is players who know what they are doing and playing accordingly no HQ gear or AG ARMEs needed.You should never nerf or adjustments because of returning or low skill players however millions exist in the game go on to do ilvl135+ content in RoE gear without JP who can possibly and more likely be a BLU who doesn't have the versatility that is expected. PUG will likely continue using BLUs because the update did not nerf anything on the players side while the more important adjustment that was made which balanced things alot more evenly was simply glossed over.
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