Any Info Out There Yet?

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Any Info Out there yet?
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Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: arnor
Posts: 150
By Odin.Arnor 2009-07-20 15:32:08
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im hopin triumphant smash is better then lolasuran claws
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-07-20 15:34:17
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Azulmagia said:
Tbest said:
That's the augmentable weapon from the Fairy Quest... Pay attention. :P
orz I should've figured from the names. But... DMG39 is pretty... uhh...
Yeah, it's not the best... But, you'll be able to augment it up to 5x and add things like DMG+4 and Souleater that were displayed on that scythe.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-07-20 15:34:50
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Arnor said:
im hopin triumphant smash is better then lolasuran claws

Really do... Asuran Claws, I liked, because it was actually *blue*. But I have high hopes (stupidly) for Triumphant Smash.

(Two hours later... EDIT: BRB killing myself)
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: arnor
Posts: 150
By Odin.Arnor 2009-07-20 15:37:33
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im also hopin its not a spell like asuran claws where you needan alli and luck to even get the mob to use it =/
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-20 15:38:04
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Maybe we can make Double Attack with Triumphant Smash :D
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-07-20 15:41:04
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Haseyo said:
Maybe we can make Double Attack with Triumphant Smash :D

:D Probably not, but let's hope anyways!
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-20 15:42:24
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Azulmagia said:
Haseyo said:
Maybe we can make Double Attack with Triumphant Smash :D

:D Probably not, but let's hope anyways!

I'm going to test every possible combo D:
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-20 15:45:11
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BG has some dialog about joining unions up.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-20 16:05:13
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Text about the fairy quest for augmented items.
(from BG forums)

Greetings, fair traveler.
My people would entreat thy assistance, and offer rich reward in return.
Thou shouldst speak with my sister Callisto, who abides in Grauberg's Witchfire Glen.≺Prompt≻

Hark! Our foe lurks thither.
How wouldst thou proceed?≺Prompt≻

How will you proceed?
≺Selection Dialog≻Withdraw.
Charge in.
Scout the enemy.
Check weapon.≺Prompt≻

Our foe advances...may thine aim be true!≺Possible Special Code: 00≻

I have been observing our foe closely from my post.
It appears that ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 0)≻[it remains but a fledgling./its strength is on the wane./it has only begun to realize its true strength./its strength is burgeoning by the day./it has reached the pinnacle of its power.]≺Prompt≻

My sisters are monitoring the strength of our enemies throughout the realm.
By your leave, I shall share with thee their findings.≺Prompt≻

East Ronfaure: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 0)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Jugner Forest: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 1)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Vunkerl Inlet: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 2)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Batallia Downs: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 3)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]≺Prompt≻

North Gustaberg:≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 0)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Grauberg: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 1)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Pashhow Marshlands: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 2)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Rolanberry Fields: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 3)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]≺Prompt≻

West Sarutabaruta: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 0)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Fort Karugo-Narugo: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 1)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Meriphataud Mountains: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 2)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Sauromugue Champaign: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 3)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]≺Prompt≻

Beaucedine Glacier: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 0)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]
Xarcabard: ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 1)≻[★/★★/★★★/★★★★/★★★★★]≺Prompt≻

The ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻#a≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻ thou hast entrusted to our keeping can endure only ≺Numeric Parameter 0≻ more enchantments.
Thenceforth, it shall be rendered useless. Pray be wary!≺Prompt≻

Greetings, traveler!
How dost thou fare in thine adventures?≺Prompt≻

By my troth, what a thrilling battle! When thou landed the felling blow, a shiver ran down my wings!
As promised, here is thy reward.≺Prompt≻

Dost thou find this enchantment to thy liking?≺Prompt≻

Accept the item?
≺Selection Dialog≻Accept.
Refuse. (≺Numeric Parameter 0≻ times remaining)≺Prompt≻

May it serve thee well.≺Prompt≻

≺Possible Special Code: 1F≻y≺Player/Chocobo Parameter 0≻ obtained ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻ ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻$≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻!≺Prompt≻

Ah, 'tis unfortunate.
Sadly, my folk are not well-versed in the penchants of adventurers these days...≺Prompt≻

In that event, we shall prepare thy weapon to be enchanted anew.
May thou be once more triumphant in battle anon!≺Prompt≻

What's this?
'Twould appear that thy weapon can endure no further enchantments.≺Prompt≻

Though it may fall short of thy expectations, pray accept it.≺Prompt≻

Otherwise, we shall have no choice but to dispose of it.≺Prompt≻

Many thanks for thine assistance!≺Prompt≻

Pray accept this ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻#≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻ as but a humble token of our gratitude.≺Prompt≻



デバッグ:モンスターレベルは≺Promp t≻

On the ground are the violently shredded remains of what appears to have been a label.
Your instincts tell you that the perpetrator is no longer in the area.≺Prompt≻

On the ground are the violently shredded remains of what appears to have been a label.
A chill runs up your spine as you feel a predatory gaze bear down upon you.≺Prompt≻

You are unable to activate the ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻3≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻, as not all party members currently have one in their possession.≺Prompt≻

It appears that using the ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻3≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻ here will summon forth the enemy.
(Your level will be restricted to ≺Numeric Parameter 1≻.)≺Prompt≻

Use the ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻3≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻?
≺Selection Dialog≻Yes.

Your enemy has found its prey elsewhere...≺Prompt≻

Your enemy has forsaken this area in search of better prey...≺Prompt≻

You sense that your enemy is lurking just out of reach, still wary from its most recent encounter.
You will have to wait a while longer...≺Prompt≻

≺Possible Special Code: 1F≻y≺Player/Chocobo Parameter 0≻ obtained ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻ ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻$≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻!≺Prompt≻

Obtain this item?≺Prompt≻

Obtain this item?
≺Selection Dialog≻Take it.
Leave it.≺Prompt≻

≺Possible Special Code: 1F≻y≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 0)≻[A treasure box has/Treasure boxes have] appeared!
The treasure ≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 0)≻[box/boxes] will disappear after three minutes have elapsed or when the time limit for this battlefield expires, whichever comes first.≺Prompt≻

≺Possible Special Code: 1F≻yYour display of prowess in battle has earned you a superior augment as a reward!≺Prompt≻

≺Possible Special Code: 1F≻yYour display of prowess in battle has earned you an experience bonus as a reward!≺Prompt≻

≺Possible Special Code: 1F≻yYour display of prowess in battle has earned you greater riches as a reward!≺Prompt≻

≺Possible Special Code: 1F≻y≺Multiple Choice (Parameter 0)≻[dummy/The Queenbug/Procrustes/The Scythefang Liger/The Ellylldan/Zmag Ognjeni Vuk/The Feeorin/The Simorg/Gummy Guillaume/The Goldcap/The Groot Slang/The Cosmos Cocora/The Amaranth/Iqi-Balam/Khadem Quemquoma/The Brummbar] appears to have stopped moving.≺Prompt≻

Greetings, fair traveler.
My sisters and I have a proposal for thee.
Prithee lend us thine ear.≺Prompt≻

How dost thou fare in the task appointed thee, gentle wanderer?≺Prompt≻

What will you do?
≺Selection Dialog≻Move on.
Rescind the agreement.
What sort of proposal?
I shall offer my aid.
Augmentable weapons.
Enemy intelligence.≺Prompt≻

Thy sympathies are appreciated, kind traveler.
By thy leave, I shall share with thee our tale.≺Prompt≻

Alas for the plight of my people.
Exiles are we. Our ancient home overrun by fell beasts with claws full covetous, the olden halls made--by our sisters' blood--incarnadine.≺Prompt≻

Sadly, we have not ourselves the strength to stand against this scourge.
In these trying times, we can rely upon aught but the abiding bond of friendship we share with thee and thy kind.≺Prompt≻

Should thou be willing to lend us thine aid, trust that thou shall be rewarded in kind.
The fey magick passed down from our mothers and grandmothers will bestow powers hitherto unknown to the arms thou bearest.≺Prompt≻

A boon shall also be granted to any allies who assist thee in thy efforts.
Pray consider our plea...≺Prompt≻

Truly, thou wouldst take up this task? We shall be forever in thy debt.
First, we ask thee to entrust unto us the weapon thou wouldst have us enchant.≺Prompt≻

Our sworn enemies are aprowl throughout these lands.
Thou needst slay but one--it matters not which.
The more formidable the foe thou dost conquer, the more potent the enchantment we shall be able to weave for thee.≺Prompt≻

My sisters stand vigilant in our enemies' demesne.
Speak thou unto them, and they shall lead thee to thy quarry.
Should thy mission succeed, thy newly ensorcelled weapon shall be returned to thee therewith.≺Prompt≻

Shouldst that particular enchantment be not to thy liking, thou mayest decline the item.≺Prompt≻

Vanquish a different foe, and my sisters shall offer thee another enchantment that may perchance better meet thy needs.≺Prompt≻

But be forewarned...
Mundane metals are soon strained by the arcane forces of our fey spellcraft.
Thou shouldst not seek more than ≺Numeric Parameter 0≻ enchantments, lest thy prized possession be lost forever...≺Prompt≻

Furthermore, we shall not be able to return to thee thy item if thou shouldst rescind the agreement ere achieving thy aim.
Once the preparations for the ensorcellment have been made, the process is, sadly, irreversible.≺Prompt≻

Know also that our powers are limited to vessels of pristine fay craftsmanship, untouched by impure sorcery.
Any of the following would do nicely, methinks...≺Prompt≻

≺Unknown Parameter (Type: 80) 1≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻ ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻$≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻.
≺Unknown Parameter (Type: 80) 1≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻ ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻$a≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻.
≺Unknown Parameter (Type: 80) 1≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻ ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻$b≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻.
≺Unknown Parameter (Type: 80) 1≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 01≻ ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻$c≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻.≺Prompt≻

Entrust one of them to us, and thou mayest consider our agreement sealed.≺Prompt≻

Mindest thou, we cannot accept weapons already enchanted, nor those that inherently harbor legendary powers...≺Prompt≻

Our odious foes redouble their strength with each passing moment...≺Prompt≻


I see... My apologies for imposing upon thy good nature.
Fare thee well in thy travels.≺Prompt≻

Remember always that we are unable to return to you items thou hast entrusted to our care.
Once the preparations for the ensorcellment have been made, the process is, sadly, irreversible.≺Prompt≻

Wouldst thou still retire?
≺Selection Dialog≻Nay, I shall fight on.
Yea, I am afraid so.≺Prompt≻

Many thanks.
My sisters and I await tidings of thy triumph.≺Prompt≻

As thou wishest.
As agreed, we shall dispose of the ruined item.
Fare thee well.≺Prompt≻

It would seem our enchantments did not suit thy fancy.≺Prompt≻

Sadly, the failed ensorcellment hast rendered thy item useless.
As agreed upon, we must needs dispose of it.≺Prompt≻

Nevertheless, we would fain offer thee a small token of our gratitude for thy aid.≺Prompt≻

Though you may deem it little recompense for the loss of your prized possession, please accept this ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻#≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻.≺Prompt≻

Accept the item?
≺Selection Dialog≻Yes.

Our apologies for troubling thee.
Shouldst thou have a change of heart, thou knowest where to find us...≺Prompt≻

Thy offer of aid is most kind.
We shall hold thy ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻#≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻ for safekeeping.≺Prompt≻

Shouldst thou succeed in thy endeavor, my sisters shall present thy newly enchanted ≺Possible Special Code: 01≻≺Possible Special Code: 05≻#≺BAD CHAR: 8280≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻≺BAD CHAR: 80≻ to thee at the scene of thy triumph.≺Prompt≻

My apologies.
We cannot accept this item.≺Prompt≻

This item has already been enchanted by the hand of another.
We can do no more with it.≺Prompt≻

This item already harbours magick beyond our comprehension.
We can do naught with it.≺Prompt≻

We cannot accept any more of thy items.≺Prompt≻
≺Possible Special Code: 00≻
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-20 16:06:34
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Littledarc said:

Meaning...? lol
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-20 16:07:19
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Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-20 16:09:21
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The hell does it all mean, I failed Computer Science (C++) 101 last semester. >.>;
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-07-20 16:12:01
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lol, it's pretty much just the quest log/options for the Fairy/Pixie Quest.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-20 16:12:44
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Aww I hoped it told us which adjustments we could do.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-07-20 16:13:10
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CompSci classes are still teaching C++?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-20 16:14:29
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Azulmagia said:
CompSci classes are still teaching C++?

I know, I want to go into Network management and stuff.
I don't care how it's made, as long as the program is working on your computer, I'm happy!
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-07-20 16:18:17
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I'm pretty sure the augs are randomly generated to a point.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2009-07-20 16:21:15
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cmon I cant wait anymore >.> hase lets break in!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: deodate
Posts: 63
By Asura.Deodate 2009-07-20 16:21:48
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I'm at work and don't have the time to sift through 11+ pages of posts, but I was curious if anyone has found out what the new BLU spells are yet.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Fawkes
By Pandemonium.Fawkes 2009-07-20 16:22:18
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Tbest said:
I'm pretty sure the augs are randomly generated to a point.

Yeah, the scythe in the preview looked a little useful. Let's just hope that's not something SE pulled off to get our hopes up just to be smashed.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Fawkes
By Pandemonium.Fawkes 2009-07-20 16:22:40
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Deodate said:
I'm at work and don't have the time to sift through 11+ pages of posts, but I was curious if anyone has found out what the new BLU spells are yet.

Sift through the 11 pages.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-20 16:23:52
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Deodate said:
I'm at work and don't have the time to sift through 11+ pages of posts, but I was curious if anyone has found out what the new BLU spells are yet.

In a nut-shell:
One has an additional effect of Paralyze (probably a physical sell seeing the spell is Triumphant Smash) and the other is a self buff (possibly AoE) of Attack bonus, Sub Zero Roar. Roar makes me think of possible AoE.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: deodate
Posts: 63
By Asura.Deodate 2009-07-20 16:24:38
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Fawkes said:
Deodate said:
I'm at work and don't have the time to sift through 11+ pages of posts, but I was curious if anyone has found out what the new BLU spells are yet.

Sift through the 11 pages.

Funny, I thought I mentioned why I couldn't do that. Is it so hard to type type 2 spells out?

*edit* Thanks, Haseyo. I appreciate it.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Scizor
Posts: 1444
By Ramuh.Scizor 2009-07-20 16:25:09
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Haseyo said:
Deodate said:
I'm at work and don't have the time to sift through 11+ pages of posts, but I was curious if anyone has found out what the new BLU spells are yet.

In a nut-shell:
One has an additional effect of Paralyze (probably a physical sell seeing the spell is Triumphant Smash) and the other is a self buff (possibly AoE) of Attack bonus, Sub Zero Roar. Roar makes me think of possible AoE.

Im thinking the Sub Zero Roar will be like Warcry for some reason
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Hades.Chopxsticks 2009-07-20 16:25:35
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im a little bit pissed at this... granted i think ive made a little bit overall from the synth... but:
The requisite condition for the following Super Kupower is not mentioned in the in-game explanation:
Artisan's Advantage: The chance of losing ingredients in a failed synthesis attempt is drastically reduced.

Players must receive synthesis image support from their respective guilds in order to benefit from this Super Kupower.

i would like half of all those soulflayer staffs back please... because SE "Forgot" to let this information public
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-20 16:25:47
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it's cause you have a carebear as an avatar. he must have bad childhood memories relating to carebears... :D
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-20 16:26:24
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Scizor said:
Haseyo said:
Deodate said:
I'm at work and don't have the time to sift through 11+ pages of posts, but I was curious if anyone has found out what the new BLU spells are yet.

In a nut-shell:
One has an additional effect of Paralyze (probably a physical sell seeing the spell is Triumphant Smash) and the other is a self buff (possibly AoE) of Attack bonus, Sub Zero Roar. Roar makes me think of possible AoE.

Im thinking the Sub Zero Roar will be like Warcry for some reason

Yeah, which would kind of suck. ; ;
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-20 16:27:02
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Chopxsticks said:
im a little bit pissed at this... granted i think ive made a little bit overall from the synth... but:
The requisite condition for the following Super Kupower is not mentioned in the in-game explanation:
Artisan's Advantage: The chance of losing ingredients in a failed synthesis attempt is drastically reduced.

Players must receive synthesis image support from their respective guilds in order to benefit from this Super Kupower.

i would like half of all those soulflayer staffs back please... because SE "Forgot" to let this information public

known issue. they just should have told us earlier. maybe they will fix it.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-07-20 16:27:19
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Chopxsticks said:
im a little bit pissed at this... granted i think ive made a little bit overall from the synth... but:
The requisite condition for the following Super Kupower is not mentioned in the in-game explanation:
Artisan's Advantage: The chance of losing ingredients in a failed synthesis attempt is drastically reduced.

Players must receive synthesis image support from their respective guilds in order to benefit from this Super Kupower.

i would like half of all those soulflayer staffs back please... because SE "Forgot" to let this information public

Why would you desynth without support in the first place?

It's pretty much a given that if you're crafting, the smart thing to do would be to have synthesis support.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Fawkes
By Pandemonium.Fawkes 2009-07-20 16:28:05
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Azulmagia said:
Chopxsticks said:
im a little bit pissed at this... granted i think ive made a little bit overall from the synth... but:
The requisite condition for the following Super Kupower is not mentioned in the in-game explanation:
Artisan's Advantage: The chance of losing ingredients in a failed synthesis attempt is drastically reduced.

Players must receive synthesis image support from their respective guilds in order to benefit from this Super Kupower.

i would like half of all those soulflayer staffs back please... because SE "Forgot" to let this information public

Why would you desynth without support in the first place?

It's pretty much a given that if you're crafting, the smart thing to do would be to have synthesis support.

Cos he's hardcore.
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