I like
bootshine - > twin snakes -> snap punch
-> dragon kick -> twin snakes -> demolish -> touch of death
-> dragon kick -> twin snakes -> snap punch
button 1:
/ac "True Strike" <t>
/ac "Demolish" <t>
button 2:
/ac "Twin Snakes" <t>
/ac "Snap Punch" <t>
Iono if there's a better rotation~ but thats been working out for me so far. Sometimes I do bootshine -> twin snakes -> snap punch but I like spamming dragon kick for that 150 potency ability and it looks cool (even though bootshine crits from behind).
edit: maybe using true strike more would be more effective cuz it is a higher potency ability. but I like staying in one spot and spamming the flank positionals then moving around to reset for bootshine->truke strike -> snap punch/demolish.