PARKER!! who awoke Rooks from his eternal slumber!?
He'll never be able to dream up a way to finish the trivia game with all of these interruptions! /frypan
/tosses frypan into the corner it's become painfully obvious that ffxiah needs to hire a new mod.../looks around the conference room
well let's see...PARKER is totally incompetent, Nikolce is criminally insane, Mosin has his hands full with two teenage daughters and all his monk training... and like all cats, Misao couldn't be forced to give a ***at gunpoint about anything but catnip, moving red dots... and napping on cozy pillows in warm sunbeams...
and so, after careful consideration and weighing in of all of our options, I nominate King Spath, Supreme Ruler of all of the lands of NI...
Heavy is the head that wears the crown Sire but you're obviously the most qualified to rule ffxiah with an iron fist of justice and the sacred ban hammer Mjolnir.... /turns his attention and gaze to Mjolnir...[we all see PARKER struggling to lift the hammer]
/heavy sigh......
c'mon PARKER you're never going to be able to pick it up...take a break before you blow a gasket...