FFXIAH Linkshell Ni
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
By Siren.Mosin 2018-09-19 10:38:29
not much here...
The weather has turned gloomy and wet, and I couldn't be happier. *** the sun. I'm also glad the days are shortening up. the girls are full-blown teenagers now, and are rotten. nature has a brilliant way of forcing you to let go of the babies you once cherished. they get smelly, rude, and self-absorbed, and then you're just like "when are you turning 18 again?" ugh. gentle jesus. the role of 'father' is an exhausting and thank-less job and I'll be god-damn lucky to make it through another 12 years of this ***unscathed.
well, that was an unexpected rant. thanks for being my defacto therapist kind subjects of the kingdom of NI, I'll try to relax... spacebucks are still fun when I get a chance.
sup with everyone else? still alive and healthy? no? you people should include in your will to have someone log on and tell me you died, if that's the case, or I'll just wonder forever.
this whole post is a good example of "some thoughts don't need to be shared" but I typed it, and am bored, also *** it.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2018-09-19 10:50:06
My Room

Living Room

Kitchen/Dining Area
Ignore the mess. }
Not Pictured: Bathroom, roommate's room, washer/dryer
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2018-09-19 10:58:02
Almost forgot.
Nik managed to sneak in at some point:
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
By Siren.Mosin 2018-09-19 11:02:55
nice digs and cat bruder.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-19 11:25:50
the girls are full-blown teenagers
/exhales loudly
brother... I do not envy you... that's a heavy cross to bear.
/monk robes /lights incense
Altana, hear our prayer...grant Mosin the strength he will desperately need in the coming days as he faces the ten plagues of egypt fatherhood.
the inevitable 3:00am wrecking of the car, the ensuing high decibel battle over inappropriate dress, the parade of worthless pimply faced suitors, the coming of the great storm of estrogen fueled tirades about unfairness, the massive cell phone bills, the swarm of jeans purchased with holes already in them, the hideous coming of the clown *** of Babylon first attempts at wearing makeup, the great flood caused by the flushing too many feminine products down the toilet, the ungodly stench of unwashed teenagers and the plague of cockroaches the half eaten plates of food that they leave in their rooms for weeks will eventually bring.
he will need your help Altana, please keep his wine casks full. keep safe his hidden pack of backup cigarettes, fill him with patience and hope that the light you tend at the end of the teenage tunnel will never be extinguished.
keep lots of pictures around from when the girls were cute and innocent and looked lovingly into their father's eyes to help him ease through this transition of scornful glares, eye rolling, exasperated sighs and temper tantrums.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-19 11:27:47
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2018-09-19 12:45:25
nice digs and cat bruder. I am pleased with it.
That whole... fatherly thing sounds just... lovely.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2018-09-20 02:51:00
I like the chairs, Spath. You should take up scotch drinking and cigar smoking
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-20 10:36:22
You should take up scotch drinking and cigar smoking
Culture shock
I went to a cookout recently to hang out with some old punk rock friends from yesteryear... now...it's been thirty years since I have seen/hung out with some of these people. ok?
During the time I've been gone from their lives I've been immersed in my wife's family culture, which I adopted when they adopted me. They're immigrants from one of those eastern european balkan states, it's not important which one. It should be called Gracious Hospitality because the one thing they now how to do better than anyone else in the world is throw a party. We're talking beyond Texas levels of like whole cow bbq... you take that up about twelve notches and then add on eighty more dishes, forty seven different deserts... and a full bar.
If you've only ever been to, midwestern style, hotdogs, hamburgers and a six pack type bbq's you probably don't know what the *** I'm taking about and have no frame of reference... Hoppy probably knows what I'm talking about... I'm fairly sure she has been to texas style blowouts... Excess is the watchword I'm trying to convey here.
So. not all of these old friends could make it to my wedding which was so epic it's still talked about to this day.... So I want to bring some of this to them. Ok? A buddy of mine was very graciously hosting it, but I know he is of this wienie roast type hotdoga on a stick upbringing. So I brought enough food to feed an army, enough beer to float a battleship and I brought enough cigars for everyone. I figured, we're all going to be outside grilling meat and drinking beer... of course you bring cigars... right?
I'm not doing it at my house so this is the scaled down version piss poor excuse of the lifestyle I have been living like a king all these years.... And it still blew all of their minds completely apart
They couldn't grasp it and I couldn't explain it to them.... I think they enjoyed it but it was clear they were a bit overwhelmed.
Didn't know quite what to make of it.
But we're wandering dangerously off the main point/catalyst of this whole rant which was cigars. I went to a men's gathering recently (wife's side of the family) while the wives were at a restaurant for a baby shower the men had an impromptu get together and the father brought at least fifty cigars, took over the patio of the bar and bought four of everything on the menu...
In my scaled down version for this picnic I only bought a dozen cigars or so, BUT they were carefully selected, good cigars, carefully chosen, ranging from mild to bold. I don't know what type of cigars other people enjoy so I'm trying to get the best representatives of each of the categories, like maduro etc.... no candela but a nice sort of rainbow of the other varieties. Not too expensive, maybe $20 each tops. I'm not smuggling cubans or something. I didn't go that far.
Nobody smoked a cigar with me. I smoked two!!!... I smoked the whole time I was there ok. Offered them numerous times to everyone. No takers. Not a one. I couldn't talk anyone else into it.
Jesus...no wonder I haven't been hanging out with these *** this whole time...bunch of candyass no cigar smoking pansies! wtf?!....
Take a vacation from from being a schlub for half an hour and venture over to the richer side of life with me brothers. We're old now, we made it over the hump. It's ok to pretend you're a rich *** for just a little while man... taste what real tobacco is supposed to taste like....
I gave one to the host as a parting gift. I can only hope he one day fires it up and sees the light... I feel like Aladdin trying to take jasmine on the magic carpet ride and she's all... No. I'm good, thanks though... <record scratch abruptly stops whole new world>
idk maybe they were offended... oh... so now american cookouts are good enough for you!? well la di dah
/falls back in chair exasperated
*** it
/smokes cigar
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
By Siren.Mosin 2018-09-20 10:54:57
What a bunch of clowns. I'd have smoked one.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-20 10:58:33
What a bunch of clowns. I'd have smoked one.
I know right?
none of them even pretended to smoke one to humor me.
faith in humanity falls .5
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-20 11:17:35
Have you ever grilled peppers Mosin? You roast them whole over the coals until the skin blackens and blisters and you set them aside, cover them and let the steam separate the skin and then you peel the skin off take out the seeds and stuff rip them into strips and then put olive oil, garlic and a little salt. Not a huge deal, just a little bit of time and some love....
Italians do it... you can buy them already roasted and peeled in a jar in the italian section of any grocery store... but it's not the same experience as doing it fresh of course...
it unleashes a pepper's awesome hidden potential with a smoky sweet brilliance.
they are so *** good that way that once you have experienced it you will never look at a cold pepper on a vegetable tray next to the ranch dip the same way ever again....
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Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
By Siren.Mosin 2018-09-20 11:40:00
I always put them on shish kebabs, but eat the skins. similar, but not the same. I can definitely see the potential.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-20 11:40:33
I'm grilling my *** off and I'm using my cigar as a timer... my buddy has this tiny square weenie grill and I know that I barely have enough time to make everything before the coals go out. It's a race against time and I do the peppers first so they can sit and cool off and I can peel them, steak next, chicken, sausages, I even grilled hotdogs for the kids and some vegan burgers he had for the woosies...
and I set up a makeshift workspace by turning one chair to face me to peel the peppers on while sitting on the other chair and some dude five feet away starts spraying bug spray on his legs because the bugs are biting him... >.> nik uses WTF FACE it's completely ineffective.
I don't care so much that they didn't help or bring anything other than a six pack of whatever froofy poofer fruity sugar malt beverage they were drinking and a bag of chips...it was in cleveland I knew that going in. I knew it would be like this.
I didn't know that dude... he was a friend of the friend I didn't even know he was coming... but I was ready for him... and his wife and his kid that I didn't know about either. I GOT THIS.
you don't spray bug spray five feet from the grill and where food is being prepared COME ON! you gotta work with me here
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2018-09-20 11:42:56
PARKER! I want that couch found NOW!
Wait... you already found it? But it’s not in the... What do you mean look in the living room? I was just in th... ...
Well, good job PARKER. *grabs by shirt collar, lifting PARKER off the ground* but if you think you can pull this stunt a second time... *motions towards a large axe on the wall*
Yes, I’d be impressed and would likely gift you a weapon. *sets PARKER down*
Now fetch me some tea.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2018-09-20 11:44:34
I like the chairs, Spath. You should take up scotch drinking and cigar smoking I actually did drink scotch and cigar/pipe smoking are honestly incredibly enjoyable.
That said I’m off both. Another time perhaps.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-09-20 11:50:33
What a bunch of clowns. I'd have smoked one.
I know right?
none of them even pretended to smoke one to humor me.
faith in humanity falls .5 I would have. Never smoked one though. Not opposed to them, just never been around in my upbringing and don't have anyone to guide me, like A LOT of my adulthood...
and I set up a makeshift workspace by turning one chair to face me to peel the peppers on while sitting on the other chair and some dude five feet away starts spraying bug spray on his legs because the bugs are biting him... >.> nik uses WTF FACE it's completely ineffective. ...wow, WTAF.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-20 12:43:03
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2018-09-20 13:15:07
10/10 need in home.
Carbuncle.Skulloneix said: »I would have. Never smoked one though. Not opposed to them, just never been around in my upbringing and don't have anyone to guide me, like A LOT of my adulthood... I thought that was part of adulthood? Who cares about having a guide for something like that. Try it, enjoy it, then improve upon it.
Serveur: Excalibur
Posts: 3178
By Nadleeh Sakurai 2018-09-20 15:50:44
great, now I want some tea
By volkom 2018-09-20 16:01:25
i want green tea ice cream
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2018-09-20 16:06:44
i want green tea ice cream ^^^^ This ^^^^
Serveur: Excalibur
Posts: 3178
By Nadleeh Sakurai 2018-09-20 16:15:06
green tea mochi
By Zerowone 2018-09-20 16:16:32
Green balls...
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-09-20 16:21:54
I thought that was part of adulthood? Who cares about having a guide for something like that. Try it, enjoy it, then improve upon it. Well yah, but I meant more like the activities and hobbies I have, didn't have anyone guiding me. The Pew Pew Sticks and Motorcycles
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-21 08:59:41
Carbuncle.Skulloneix said: »didn't have anyone guiding me.
Guides!? We don't need no guides!
we have movies and television! we can just cobble together whatever the hell we want into a belief system.... it's not like we have to turn it in to the teacher on monday and show our work!....
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-21 13:08:57
Carbuncle.Skulloneix said: »Pew Pew Sticks
firearms skully?
/scratches beard lazily
I'm thinking about going to walmart to buy 300 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun ammo and three or four boxes of bio degradable clay pigeons...
PARKER don't forget to grab the battery charger for the automatic thrower... and grab a couple of lawn chairs... and some cigars...
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2018-09-21 13:11:10
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Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-09-21 13:33:34
Yep, have gotten a few over the past few years now. No shot guns yet. It's on my list though.
I'm thinking about going to walmart to buy 300 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun ammo and three or four boxes of bio degradable clay pigeons... Sounds like fun!
So, Cleaveland Browns finally won. Herd the Beer Boxes opened up. lol.
Edit: As of 2010-10-05 14:48:06 CST, Ni reached 10,000 pages.
Since we all can't be on the same linkshell in game, this can be our cross server linkshell thread.
Like most linkshells, it can be pretty dead at times. Other times it's full of intense conversations about either rl, gear, goals, pokemon or anything else you want to contribute.
We can cover any sort of topic at all, within reason of the forum rules. No real main topic, just a bunch of FFXIAH friends/people coming on and discussing random things.
Continuation from: http://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/2873/ffxiah-linkshell/732/#150486
Update: Sorry Eternaltriumph, too much has changed D: (Page 698)
Eternaltriumph said: Yeah Chuu. Bringing you up to speed, Ludoggy is the LS pedophile. I'm the fountain of random and useless knowledge that makes you go "Hrm" with the occasional side of "holy shit he said what?"
Kungfu is the LS nutjob, spouting super random things that are usually sexist, until Savvy or Alyria comes into the room. Then he's a classic case of sexual harrassment. Rumaha is also true to the second part; we're wondering about his sexuality though.
Daj is Ludoggy's gay lover. Not much else is known about this Asuran. Tairo is kinda new, but since is a female and Alyria's lesbian lover, she fit right in real quick.
Celene(F) and Rowland(M) are more of the shyer members, but often say things that are witty, have a good pun and sometimes cause three page discussions. Celene hates when people hit on her. It doesn't stop them from trying.
Krizz is just social and likes to kill time here during work Tbest is about the same, except tends to be a douche to guys and affectionate toward girls.
Alyria is the most social female, gets groped a lot without provoking it by others, and Tairo ends up stabbing people for it. Cai is just a barrel of lols, I might be gay for him. If I wasn't straight.
Not sure about Citag, s/he's new. Kiriyu is just an in-out kinda person. Says one thing every three days that every guy makes a big fuss over. Ludoggy gets really defensive since she's asian and underage (might be 18 now).
Artem is the wayward soul that makes you ponder the meaning of life by constantly reminding us life can suck. But he deals, and so do we. About the same for Savannah, except people are more "AWH!" to her because of a vagina involved.
Dasva is the ex military man (as is Krizz but this doesn't apply to him) who hates the world and plots a way to destroy most of it.
Number2 is kinda like a mix between Cai and I; never bashes, likes to laugh and has odd avatars. His current suits a lot of the convos this LS gets into. Barti is most well known for his moustache. He gives mousatche rides for a fee. I'm missing a few people but whatever. CARRY ON!
Luelle Smells.
Roster of FFXIAH Ni (as of April 1st, 2010 Pocoyo avatar craze)
One Year Anniversary!!!Asura.Ludoggy said: Happy b-day ls.
Heres my lame gift to AHLS, since Row is lame and took away the OP, I made my own!
Haseyo/Bignose: He's got a bigass nose, Leader of the RL avi revloution or some junk no one gives a crap about...crazy about his asian pop/rock bands and is a closet pedo. AKA LAME
Dameshi: wont level his sam sub and is a lolblu, LAME
Citag: Doesnt put out, Really lame
Dasva: Uses Chu as a cover up for his desire for me greased up and naked on his bed, Lame.
Rydiya/Bra+Panties: Secret lesbien, doesnt wear bra+panties, like to knit and other old people stuff (bingo)
Pikachu/Chu: Hi Chu, I love chu
Kryee/Socks: Noms on socks, wears the sam red pair everyday and frequently sniffs her arm pits.
Cheyne: Domo origoto, Mr Roboto...I think he's gay.
Enterius/ghost: He's a ghost...he'll say something witty to me later.
Ixe: Ducky face and cant seem to get a straw in her mouth (can get other things in there though)
Mairah: She cool...lame
Bart: Full times OPO-OPO, free mustache rides otherwise LAME
Sav/Mango: Field trips, yay!
Aly/thatgreenmodthatwillbanmeifIsayanythingbad: *tapes*
Woody: You're not Italian...no tea for you.
Sectum: My apprentice...loves asian girls, loves to cook...he's awesome. put me in a story where I wasnt a pedo and that'd cool
Valencea:Wont tell me the color of her undies, you lost the bet...no we cant get married...NO MEANS NO
Kojo:Open pedo...he likes scat, ewww
Tohsou: I think he's a pedo with a girlfriend as cover up, lame.
Kiriyu/strawberry: Lurk Less post moar! I see you what you are doing!
Krizz: Mohawk guy #1
Triet: Mohawk guy #1...wait
Bloodbathboy: The Hulk
Celene: Quit...Canadian...who the hell quits?
Tbest: MIA
Eternaltriumph: Where the hell has he been? Is he gone cause he got pussywhipped or something? Whatever...
#2: GOD...I miss him /cry
Luelle/otherlu: The Other Lu.
Zekky: Quit, kicking ass, raped me :\
Krystale/Girlwithpiercing: Magnets stick to her, Toke Canadian, hawt...she's 15 right?
Marzbarz: NINJA
Rowland: All your Pocoyo are belong to...him
Weewoo/Tool: He liked Asura and wont admit it.
Miemo: Has a mithra avi c.c
Kalyna: is a girl right? right? oh...lame
Sagittario: Lame elf whu runs around in a diaper subligar
Ludoggy: Faggot
Edit: The Family Ni Tree

Luelle's (And Citag's too!) birthday present

Pics worth referencing:
This OP is paid for and sponsored by Stiklelf
Fenrir.Scragg said: Code Rowland 29488 2007-06-24 16:06:00
Ludoggy 26597 2009-02-25 22:31:23
Flionheart 22174 2008-11-17 14:28:15
Krizz 22085 2007-06-30 15:22:38
Haseyo 20875 2009-01-12 15:55:51
Dameshi 19807 2009-02-17 10:29:14
Urial 18636 2008-02-09 01:15:03
Spence 18475 2009-05-04 11:26:27
Kalyna 15001 2010-01-21 11:40:04
Rydiya 13469 2008-05-16 05:24:33
Alyria 12656 2007-10-23 10:58:35
Tigerwoods 10807 2007-03-14 21:10:43
Enternius 10382 2007-08-10 04:14:29
Slipispsycho 10072 2008-09-05 08:56:34
Rumaha 10000 2009-02-20 13:28:03
Kojo 9060 2007-06-30 17:46:02
Sevourn 8567 2009-02-10 00:10:20
Cheyne 8527 2007-04-27 12:27:54
Mabrook 8356 2008-07-01 00:53:38
Marzbarz 7723 2010-01-10 14:12:5
Join date added, banned users filtered.
February 1st, 2012
Cool stuff Scragg added: 4/20/12 Code
[spoiler="Custom spoiler!"][h1]Yay[/h1][/spoiler]
Will try to get to more stuff when I can.
Disclaimer: Your Feelings May Get Hurt In Your Stay Here.