I'm mostly ordering for the salty barista tears
well just for that I'm going to give you a....
back in my day coffee only cost
fiddy cent for a bottomeless cup. we would drink fifteen cups of coffee on saturday at Jerry's Diner and then go burn it all off skateboarding. Yeah fiddy cent shitty cup of diner coffee was my big treat for the week
My food budget for an entire week was
$21.00...ok yeah divide that by seven and YOU GUESSED IT I spent
three whole dollars a day on food THREE not tree fiddy not three seventy five not four dollars
THREE DOLLARS which is also how much I earned an hour working at mcdonalds.
and This is why you kids can't have nice things because you try having them every fricken day. You gotta save some of your money away for a rainy day....a penny saved is a penny earned. don't take any wooden nickels. never bet on a three legged horse
your grandmother wouldn't spend five dollars on coffee
if her life depended on it. go look in her purse and find some sweet and low packets and then raid her cupboard for some tasters choice and make your own goddanmned unicorns drank
why not? your arm is too tired from waving your glitter wand around and what? your tiara is too heavy and your diamond shoes are too tight? little miss frilly britches with all your fancy smancy gadgets and whatnots.... with your pokemans and your tamagutchis
just wait and then when and until reality hits princess and you're crying face down in the gutter I bet you'll wish then you hadn't squandered all your monies away on swirly twirly glitter drinks then
Yeah you'll see!