Yeah.... it's that time again already NI people. The whiskey soaked weekend has ended and so has the gentle caress of warm cigar smoke.
No more charcoal grilled steak smells wafting in the open windows of a quiet house on a peaceful street in the middle of nowhere...
We're back in the thick of it, neck deep and sinking fast... in a sea of florescent lighting and recycled air... the song birds have all been replaced by the steady roar of evil machines and the harsh glare of evil screens.
The wargs are on me the second I stepped out the door... Halfheartedly I slash their throats open clinging desperately to the memories....fighting my way in ...then it's coffee fueled powerball daydreams... answer the relentless pursuit to dash the notion that there are no stupid questions
I gotta do it all over again....fight my way back to five pm friday Ardbeg 10 and a nice Maduro, comfy couches filled with loved ones and puppies... good food and good company.
hold on. maintain. persevere. dig deep. find the will. the well is deep but my arms are tired.
Hear our prayers Altana, grant us the strength.