Really amazing video; not directly related but still pretty awesome and I think everyone can probably appreciate this. I believe it's from Russia's Got Talent, courtesy of Sarah Lane's facebook. lol
From my point of view, I've seen a couple of sand art shows that are a lot better than that, BUT: She was hot and passionate which was cool, and I'm pretty sure I missed a lot of cultural elements which got the whole crowd in tears. Maybe if I knew a damn thing about about Russian history/culture or could understand the words of the song I'd have liked it more.
From my point of view, I've seen a couple of sand art shows that are a lot better than that, BUT: She was hot and passionate which was cool, and I'm pretty sure I missed a lot of cultural elements which got the whole crowd in tears. Maybe if I knew a damn thing about about Russian history/culture or could understand the words of the song I'd have liked it more.
I speak russian so i understood every word of the video. Admit I almost cried. Also, the pictures went along with the words of the songs...and it was just astounding...
One of those songs was by Metallica's Nothing else Matters. Lovely video though i didn't understand the words going with it but i could see the emotion.
Wow that's awesome. Love the detail on the back and shorts of the ninjer, along with what seems like the Orc slashing an utsu shadow? Really awesome scene. The Orc even has a Boogie-man quality about him in the face. lol
Sorry they aren't FFXI, but the OP of the thread nudged me to post them since they are FF related anyway @_@; noIdon'tcompletelylovevincentwhatevergaveyouthatidea.
Sorry they aren't FFXI, but the OP of the thread nudged me to post them since they are FF related anyway @_@; noIdon'tcompletelylovevincentwhatevergaveyouthatidea.
Did no such thing! lol My yaoi commission for Hal and Cai is soooo cancelled.
Turklevinny. <3
Really, though, FFXI or not, feel free to post whatever you please, artists. I think it's a safe bet that most of the FFXI player-base are FF fans in general, so no need to worry about being irrelevant. lol Surely someone felt the urge to doodle a scene of Ramza and Delita playing grass-reeds together, yes?!
Sorry they aren't FFXI, but the OP of the thread nudged me to post them since they are FF related anyway @_@; noIdon'tcompletelylovevincentwhatevergaveyouthatidea.
Sorry they aren't FFXI, but the OP of the thread nudged me to post them since they are FF related anyway @_@; noIdon'tcompletelylovevincentwhatevergaveyouthatidea.
wtf you're pusama? now I know yoooou do have ffxi fanart somewhere in there.
Oh, yes ^^; I took down my account a year or so ago because I was just "OH MY GOD LIFE STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OH MY GOD I CAN'T HANDLE THIS MESS ON HERE ANYMORE" lol... but now I have two accounts cause my newest works and (soon to be) school works are totally different from my illustrative fanart doodles '-'
Yes I draw hal a lot :D but I only put the nicer ones of him back up.... and the tarutaru yagami light.
Sorry they aren't FFXI, but the OP of the thread nudged me to post them since they are FF related anyway @_@; noIdon'tcompletelylovevincentwhatevergaveyouthatidea.
. . .
I think you're my new favorite person.
I hear you like vincent too... let us be vincent buddies <3
Sorry they aren't FFXI, but the OP of the thread nudged me to post them since they are FF related anyway @_@; noIdon'tcompletelylovevincentwhatevergaveyouthatidea.
Did no such thing! lol My yaoi commission for Hal and Cai is soooo cancelled.
Turklevinny. <3
Really, though, FFXI or not, feel free to post whatever you please, artists. I think it's a safe bet that most of the FFXI player-base are FF fans in general, so no need to worry about being irrelevant. lol Surely someone felt the urge to doodle a scene of Ramza and Delita playing grass-reeds together, yes?!
*draws Cai x Cyberman yaoi instead* XU
what's that you say? draw more vincent? Don't mind if I do! (oh god I need to pack ; ; )
herroo friends! I've seen a ton of great FF/FFXI/whatever artwork submitted via screenshots to the site so I thought it'd be a nice idea to make a thread for you artists to post your work and connect with each other, while showing off your badass stuff for everyone else. lol Hopefully someone can get this started off as I have nothing of my own to post and don't want to post the work of others. D:
Edit: Rin's post just reminded me, but personal site/journal/DA links as well if you want! Also, if you have art from someone else that you think wouldn't mind it being shared here, post as well. Just make sure to credit them and link somewhere where they can be found. :D