spellcast doesnt expose an actual recast check, you can make a variable set to 0 and then check if its 0
if its 0, set it to 1, and have a <command>wait 310; sc set var 0</command> when using
basically creating your own timer that tells itself not to use it for 5 min10s after its flagged to use once
its not perfect, but its the best spellcast can do
<var name="Konzen">0</var>
<if spell="Tachi: Shoha">
<if advanced='"$Konzen" = "0"'>
<var cmd="set Konzen 1" />
<command>input /ja "Konzen-Ittai" <me></command>
<command>wait 2; input /ws "Tachi: Shoha" <t></command>
<command>wait 310; sc var set Konzen 0</command>
<cancelspell />
<return />
<!--Other shoha rules-->
the <me> etc should be &-l-t-;-me-&-g-t-; and &-l-t-;-t-&-g-t-; without the -s but xiah forum is parsing them so i can't just put that