The Role Of Rune Fencer

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The role of Rune Fencer
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By Enuyasha 2013-03-31 01:01:28
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Legion is Zerg content. With a PLD holder.

I will be slightly dissapointed SE made all these changes that support PLD tanking and then said "*** it, lets make everything zergable anyway" but i wont be so distraught to cancel the account i've put lots of work into for 10/11 years.

You seem to be spouting the most trollish verbage at me every time this conversation topic comes up so please, tell me how im the troll. If i wanted to troll you i honestly could. I might even be by accident right now.

Also lern2comprehend (since we are using buzz phrases and "do you even" statements anyway) I didnt say i dont like the DD Zerg tactic, im saying not everything is DD zergable and it would be a nice change (and i seem to have a bias seeing as how i leveled/geared PLD).

I understand Damage is a requirement to kill something, but HP above 0 and not weakened DD's also is a requirement. Would it not be nice if you could have one person monitored by a WHM hold the attention of the mob while the DD take large chunks of the mobs HP? Honestly, it might be possible it might not be but later theres going to be a few abilities released that allow for this (SCH's new 2hour combined with animus spells) So its not that far out there. Then, theres the one handed update that will close the gap between 2H DD and 1H tank damage.

And to head off your fallacious logic we have the means to cut the damage from AoE moves and expecting the answer to dangerous AoE moves to be throw your whole alliance at it is actually pretty absurd also. But hey, its worked so far so itll always work right?

As i said at the start, im not in any way distraught at all, i have DD's leveled and i will gear/use them if i have to. I would not like to be forced to use 3 or 4 out of the 16 jobs i do have.

TL;DR: NO U, im okay bro.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-03-31 01:06:55
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Enu is either incredibly HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE or is just trolling people now. Honestly I think their acting like the little punk kid who randomly spouts off sh!t to get attention. You can talk to them and try to get them to change but eventually you realize their doing it for attention. So click add to block.

You can explain everything, step by step, but if someone's not gonna listen then ohh well.
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-03-31 01:13:44
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »

Enu is either incredibly HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE or is just trolling people now. Honestly I think their acting like the little punk kid who randomly spouts off sh!t to get attention. You can talk to them and try to get them to change but eventually you realize their doing it for attention. So click add to block.

You can explain everything, step by step, but if someone's not gonna listen then ohh well.
Im intentionally trolling because you brought it up. i was totally srsbsns earlier but now its my lifes ambition to say "i told you so" when you *** that a PLD can out damage you and you come back to these boards after you cancel your account because of it.

I honestly dont care if people block me. Good for them, im amazingly good at saying "i told you so" when people cant see it. This *** also comes from the person that spouts off all this "NO PLD R STEWPID" nonsense whenever the topic comes up. So take your trollin' and get out of my ***about it.

shall we turn this into that Shiva thread where i make you look stupid at the expense of myself? let the "u mad bro" and meme derail begin. I dont even care bro.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
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By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-03-31 01:15:31
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lol, same old inuyasha.
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-03-31 01:16:17
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
lol, same old inuyasha.
and whose still playing the game <3\

INB4: "Not you obviously"

so have i won and can we move on with the thread yet?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-03-31 01:21:13
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Playing the game is not required to see that you still completely lack any sort of sense. You have never made anyone look stupid other than yourself, you have never been right when talking about the mechanics of any job, and you are still clearly, a kid. You will never win anything.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Pleebo
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By Cerberus.Pleebo 2013-03-31 01:21:25
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Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-03-31 01:23:50
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Playing the game is not required to see that you still completely lack any sort of sense. You have never made anyone look stupid other than yourself, you have never been right when talking about the mechanics of any job, and you are still clearly, a kid. You will never win anything.
Was kinda right about DD DNC. So yea, have fun in your world there bro. I've already won when i can evoke this kind of a reaction from you with just stating a possibly change in tactics that could possibly be looked at in the near future. So yea.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-03-31 01:25:03
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No, you were not right about DD DNC when you were spouting off pre-abyssea/level cap elevation. So no.
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-03-31 01:26:02
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
No, you were not right about DD DNC when you were spouting off pre-abyssea/level cap elevation. So no.
Sore loser now, thats cool. I'll keep spamming f5 til we get to page 9
Serveur: Fenrir
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Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-03-31 01:45:49
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DNC had no hope before native dual wield, among other things '~'
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-03-31 01:48:46
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
DNC had no hope before native dual wield, among other things '~'
i was still right. So meh to the circumstances!

Anyway, thread can move on now.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Serj
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By Bahamut.Serj 2013-03-31 02:09:09
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Believe that means you were wrong, actually.
Serveur: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Anesthesia 2013-03-31 02:40:46
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Enuyasha said: »
Was kinda right about DD DNC. So yea, have fun in your world there bro. I've already won when i can evoke this kind of a reaction from you

Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-03-31 03:11:32
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Carbuncle.Anesthesia said: »
Enuyasha said: »
Was kinda right about DD DNC. So yea, have fun in your world there bro. I've already won when i can evoke this kind of a reaction from you
was waiting for this. but meh.

Bahamut.Serj said: »
Believe that means you were wrong, actually.

circumstantially. as in "shits circumstantial".

Please move along with the thread. Trollfest 3/30/13 is over.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2013-03-31 11:42:50
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Yeah I'm a PLD fanatic but I look at the class and scratch my head (while I'm leveling it).

Bar spells cast quick enough but I just can't see DD RUN using most of their toys because many of them will be a dps loss. Go ahead, cast stoneskin a few times while fighting and when you wipe at 1%, guess who the raid will be bitching at.

Most of RUN's toys seem like they were meant for PLD but scraped together to make "its own class" as long as your committed enough/lucky enough to make/have made a good GS to play it with.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
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By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2013-03-31 12:17:03
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
Yeah I'm a PLD fanatic but I look at the class and scratch my head (while I'm leveling it).

Bar spells cast quick enough but I just can't see DD RUN using most of their toys because many of them will be a dps loss. Go ahead, cast stoneskin a few times while fighting and when you wipe at 1%, guess who the raid will be bitching at.

Most of RUN's toys seem like they were meant for PLD but scraped together to make "its own class" as long as your committed enough/lucky enough to make/have made a good GS to play it with.

What you mean is most of RUNs toys seem like something that would have given RDM a whole new aspect of being played, taking it away from the losing arena of magery where RDM is middle of the road and pushing it towards an tank role that players had morphed it into years ago.

But saying you're gonna fix RDM isn't going to sell copies of an expansion pack - new jobs will.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2013-03-31 12:29:59
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RUN's situation reminds me of how SCH was before Sublimation, Addendums, T4 nukes, Regens, Embrava, Kaustra, Stoneskin, Protects, Shells, Blink, Raise II, Raise III.
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Serveur: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-03-31 12:30:30
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Personally, I think RDM should've gotten Meditate, SA, TA, Geomancy, and pre-patch Embrava because <insert ***-backwards logic, whining, personal opinion, and *** here>, that'd really bring RDM to it's full magic and melee potential.

Look, not everything that's added to the game should be given to RDM just to try to redeem it from it's dead job status, likewise giving a new job Temper isn't going to make RDM any more or any less dead.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2013-03-31 12:35:50
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go back to the old days where most things were enfeeble-able, but it took a damn good rdm to do it and rdm would be loved again.

Nothing like paralyze stopping an aga IV.
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Serveur: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-03-31 12:47:30
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
go back to the old days where most things were enfeeble-able, but it took a damn good rdm to do it and rdm would be loved again.

Nothing like paralyze stopping an aga IV.

I'd assume RDM will come back into play with new SoA content to come. The Nakuaals are hopefully gonna be more of a blend of repeatable new stuff with old school end game feel.
Serveur: Siren
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Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2013-03-31 13:13:23
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They said they were going to add new RDM spells post-expansion release, so I'm willing to just wait and see what they have.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2013-03-31 13:21:25
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Siren.Kyte said: »
They said they were going to add new RDM spells post-expansion release, so I'm willing to just wait and see what they have.

Adjustments to Absorb-Spells (More Dark Magic in general) and Dark Magic fast cast were slated for October 2012.

My point being, nothing exists until SE does it, and even then it isn't what was expected, or what was even hinted at. It is all from left-field.

At this rate they'll probably add a new PUP attachment, a COR roll that increases the rate at which you harvest/mine/log.

And call it a day.
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-03-31 13:25:20
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Inb4 someone says RDM should get absorb spells and the to-be bonuses Urt mentioned.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2013-03-31 13:26:32
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Wouldn't be surprised, most people that play the job are dumbasses who couldn't dispel the broad side of a barn an adamantoise.

Of course I can't say that Dark Knights are much better. . . (probably worse)
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Serveur: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-03-31 13:30:43
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I just think it's funny when new ***comes out and it's usually a RDM or PLD bitching "Oh, my job should get that!"

I saw a BLU bitching, the other day that there are no new spells yet, they were so bold as to say "SE isn't looking at the big picture..." Like BLU is SE's main money maker or something.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-03-31 13:39:15
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Everytime I come onto FFXIAH every thread is filled with a troll taking it completely off subject...

1. No one likes a I told you so, You won't have many Friends with that atiitude, I know as I used to do that!

2. WHo cares about DNC in a RUN thread? No one because its inmaterial so, stop derailing the topic.

3. Adding a Tank class to the game when mechanics do not support a Tank is a really backwards *** idea SE, Should have fixed emnity BEFORE you did that.

RUN is a DD BRD effectively, with a Greatsword but no access to Ragnatok, Mythic or Calad. It's a gimp PLD at the minute, as PLD can cap MDB and MDT gear easily enough... RUN works more like Carol songs for the PT but generates alot of hate when using these.

So its a DD BRD as it can't backline when creating hate roughly the same as a font Line DD.

Sad but true ~
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-03-31 13:43:20
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Between subbable stuns, job abilities, and every job up to and including MDL (Magic-Defenseless Lightmelee) can cap MDT thoughtlessly, paralysis stopping nukes is a lot less exciting thann it used to be, at least in upper-tier content.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-03-31 13:44:31
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Phoenix.Kojo said: »
I just think it's funny when new ***comes out and it's usually a RDM or PLD bitching "Oh, my job should get that!"

I saw a BLU bitching, the other day that there are no new spells yet, they were so bold as to say "SE isn't looking at the big picture..." Like BLU is SE's main money maker or something.

BLU has no new spells form the update?

Granted BLU isn't the main money maker for FFXI, but as it stands they haven't added anything for RDM yet, BLU isn't in a situation where they need new spells yet, they're damage is high, there defensive spells are great, what would BLU need now?

I'd rather a boost to BLU magic attack than bothering with new spells personally.

I'd rather RUN get some sort of a change though to make it more of a DD class, that said Thaumas gear and nomkahpa mittens give it a fair amount of Multi strike, perhaps we're yet to see it played as DD properly yet
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2013-03-31 13:45:01
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Curse, Drain III and Aspir III pls.
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