[Neo-Salvage] 2 People For Static

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[Neo-Salvage] 2 People for static
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Seymor
Posts: 28
By Cerberus.Cyphon 2013-03-29 04:14:04
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Hello everyone,

I'm looking for 2 dedicated players to do Neo-Salvage with me.
Only requirement is that you don't need a lot of NQ gear anymore so we can focus on Neo-Salvage.

I for myself am just going for morri papers first, so all the ares/usukane/skadi/marduk/Alex(if you're doing a mythic) is yours :)

Times: All arround GMT

Hook me up IG or write send me a message.
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Posts: 31
By Anberlin 2013-05-03 15:39:07
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Did you still need people? My and my buddy are need salvage II. Looking for Skadi/Ares papers. I have very well geared SCH/DRG/THF/RNG/COR, all DD with E or R. My buddy is 90 Ukon war.