Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-10-07 13:36:16
We're pretty much already on an equal playing field with PLD for tanking stuff, even without fancy gear. My first time tanking the Celestial Nexus fight was on Difficult and I had pretty mediocre armor (go go espial), with a grand total of 3% PDT. But you are correct in that most pick-up groups don't consider RUN for a tank position. However, if you organize your own events or manage to make friends who are more open minded, you should have no problem getting to tank on RUN.
Best thing you can do is look at the enemies you want to fight. I mean really look at them. What do they do? What do you have to do to beat them? PLDs mostly just need to change shields, but as RUNs, we have to think about what runes to use, what subjob to use, whether to orient our gear for all-protection or hybridize it with some offense, etc. If you understand the enemy, you can not only tank it better, but also you'll have the knowledge needed to organize the fights, and then you get to be the guy who decides who joins and who doesn't.
By Lyncath 2014-10-08 11:13:55
Where does the new Foreshock Sword rank among our endgame weapons?
DMG:273 Delay:504 VIT+8 INT+13
Accuracy+15 Attack+26
Great Sword skill +228 Parrying skill +228
Magic Accuracy skill +188
"Spinning Slash" damage +35%
It looks like a solid damage-dealing alternative to the Aettir, at least the stats make it seem as such. It is lacking some innate +skill but the other stats make up for it surely?
By Lyncath 2014-10-08 11:43:59
Hey guys, I don't want to start a bunch of crap, but, now with the new gear, as well as the mythic or jse GS, what is left before we are on equal playing fields with PLD? The reason I ask, is that I love to tank, I am always a tank in any mmo. At 75 Cap my favorite job was PLD. I don't have the acct anymore, but when I started this one, I wanted to tank again. This was about the time when RUN was announced as a new tank. I leveled my account to play RUN. Unfortunately, we are rarely used, at least on Asura.
I just logged on, and I plan to go ahead and suck it up and level PLD. It isn't the leveling that I'm not looking forward to, it's those damn shields I have to build. I love RUN, love the mechanics of it, but I want to be able to tank again. Do you guys feel like there will be anytime in the near future (yearish) that we will see, "RUN or PLD, <Can I have it?>" shouts? Or should I just go ahead and build a PLD if I want to tank? Thanks peeps!
As it stands there isn't a problem with RUN tanking things as the job itself is suited for the task, the problem is with playerbase mentality unwilling to adapt to new ideas.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-10-08 15:10:28
Where does the new Foreshock Sword rank among our endgame weapons?
DMG:273 Delay:504 VIT+8 INT+13
Accuracy+15 Attack+26
Great Sword skill +228 Parrying skill +228
Magic Accuracy skill +188
"Spinning Slash" damage +35%
It looks like a solid damage-dealing alternative to the Aettir, at least the stats make it seem as such. It is lacking some innate +skill but the other stats make up for it surely? Doesn't seem that great, unless perhaps you can take advantage of the Spinning Slash bonus. Everything else it offers is less than stellar.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Bahamut.Samsonxiii 2014-10-08 15:22:38
Hey guys, I don't want to start a bunch of crap, but, now with the new gear, as well as the mythic or jse GS, what is left before we are on equal playing fields with PLD? The reason I ask, is that I love to tank, I am always a tank in any mmo. At 75 Cap my favorite job was PLD. I don't have the acct anymore, but when I started this one, I wanted to tank again. This was about the time when RUN was announced as a new tank. I leveled my account to play RUN. Unfortunately, we are rarely used, at least on Asura. I just logged on, and I plan to go ahead and suck it up and level PLD. It isn't the leveling that I'm not looking forward to, it's those damn shields I have to build. I love RUN, love the mechanics of it, but I want to be able to tank again. Do you guys feel like there will be anytime in the near future (yearish) that we will see, "RUN or PLD, <Can I have it?>" shouts? Or should I just go ahead and build a PLD if I want to tank? Thanks peeps! As it stands there isn't a problem with RUN tanking things as the job itself is suited for the task, the problem is with playerbase mentality unwilling to adapt to new ideas.
Pld can build better PDT/MDT sets and has better hate tools.
Run has to know what element it will face.
I can think of a few more but I think those are critical.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-10-08 21:12:02
Bahamut.Samsonxiii said: »Pld can build better PDT/MDT sets and has better hate tools.
Run has to know what element it will face.
I can think of a few more but I think those are critical. Why is this thought so common?
I don't even know how many times I've been over this now, but... PLD does not have better hate tools. It's the other way around. RUN has far more enmity tools than PLD. PLD's only advantages in this field are, better access to enmity+ gear, and Sentinel.
While it's getting a bit outta date, I'll quote a post I made on the OF.
LinkMartel said: While I agree that DMG dealt should still generate CE....
RUN's problem is that it has the physical durability of a wet paper sack. Not that it can't generate enough enmity.
In terms of enmity generation, RUN is definitively superior to PLD. RUN has a ridiculous array of enmity tools. Tons of JA, all with notable CE values. And two very good native enmity spells, flash and foil. And foil, being self targeted, generates enmity for every mob on the hate list. Code Action CE VE
Elemental Sforzo 1800 7200
Vallation 450 900
Valliance 450 900
Embolden 160 320
Swordplay 160 320
Pflug 450 900
Gambit 640 1280
Liement 450 900
One For All 160 320
Batutta 450 900
Rayke 640 1260
Runes 40 160
Foil 320 880
Flash 180 1280
A RUN/PLD using sentinel could Cap CE(10k) in 10 seconds. Mind you, That'd take perfect timing with JA use. So lets say 15~20 for a more realistic value.
Of course, doing this requires RUN's SP, and a rather non standard sub. But even without /PLD, you could still hit 5K~ CE in the same time frame. And that's before accounting for enmity gear.
Furthermore, they have massive native fast cast letting them spam their enmity spells far faster than a PLD.
Wanna see PLD's enmity tool list? Code Action CE VE
Invincible 1 7200
Holy circle 1 20
Shield Bash 1 900
Sentinel 1 1800
Cover 1 300
Rampart 1 300
Fealty 1 300
Chivalry 1 300
Divine Emblem 1 300
Palisade 0 1800
Flash 180 1280
Enlight 20 180
Reprisal 0 640
Enmity generation-wise PLD's only advantages are greater access to enmity+ gear, and sentinel(which is sub-able anyway.)
Although PLD does has a great advantage in not Losing as much CE. Both via taking less damage, and having enmity+ on already good PDT gear. Which is good, 'cause PLD has a hell of a lot harder timer building CE in the first place. A PLD that wants to build good CE, has to sub /BLU or /DRK for additional CE actions.
Also, using /war for enmity purposes would be really silly. Provoke is really not that good an enmity tool. And cures, while useful for survival purposes, generate truly terrible enmity these days. And RUN isn't going to lose and fast cast from changing subs. They can easily cap fast cast. +60% fast cast during vallation or valiance(which can be full timed via alternating) with 5/5 inspiration merits and Relic aug.
What RUN needs to be equal to PLD, is the ability to survive heavy physical damage. They've got the enmity thing covered even if they didn't melee at all. Again, post is out of date, but the enmity stuff is mostly the same. Specifically, the differences are, Rune enmity was nerfed to 0 ce/ve and 3 PLD JA now have CE values.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-10-09 05:34:56
Where does the new Foreshock Sword rank among our endgame weapons?
DMG:273 Delay:504 VIT+8 INT+13
Accuracy+15 Attack+26
Great Sword skill +228 Parrying skill +228
Magic Accuracy skill +188
"Spinning Slash" damage +35%
It looks like a solid damage-dealing alternative to the Aettir, at least the stats make it seem as such. It is lacking some innate +skill but the other stats make up for it surely?
Hmm SE updated Spinning Slash's 2000TP modifier but I don't see any testing that was done on it. Since moonshade exists it would be a pretty important thing to know how much extra fTP your getting from it. SS has kinda low mods (30% STR / INT) but has a 50% attack bonus, is a single hit and makes light with fusion WS's. It's why we used it WAY back when, good on the older HNMs. As RUN has an attack deficiency, could be very useful if the fTP scaling was similiar to other one hit WS's.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-10-09 05:37:03
Bahamut.Samsonxiii said: »Pld can build better PDT/MDT sets and has better hate tools.
Run has to know what element it will face.
I can think of a few more but I think those are critical. Why is this thought so common?
I don't even know how many times I've been over this now, but... PLD does not have better hate tools. It's the other way around. RUN has far more enmity tools than PLD. PLD's only advantages in this field are, better access to enmity+ gear, and Sentinel.
While it's getting a bit outta date, I'll quote a post I made on the OF.
LinkMartel said: While I agree that DMG dealt should still generate CE....
RUN's problem is that it has the physical durability of a wet paper sack. Not that it can't generate enough enmity.
In terms of enmity generation, RUN is definitively superior to PLD. RUN has a ridiculous array of enmity tools. Tons of JA, all with notable CE values. And two very good native enmity spells, flash and foil. And foil, being self targeted, generates enmity for every mob on the hate list. Code Action CE VE
Elemental Sforzo 1800 7200
Vallation 450 900
Valliance 450 900
Embolden 160 320
Swordplay 160 320
Pflug 450 900
Gambit 640 1280
Liement 450 900
One For All 160 320
Batutta 450 900
Rayke 640 1260
Runes 40 160
Foil 320 880
Flash 180 1280
A RUN/PLD using sentinel could Cap CE(10k) in 10 seconds. Mind you, That'd take perfect timing with JA use. So lets say 15~20 for a more realistic value.
Of course, doing this requires RUN's SP, and a rather non standard sub. But even without /PLD, you could still hit 5K~ CE in the same time frame. And that's before accounting for enmity gear.
Furthermore, they have massive native fast cast letting them spam their enmity spells far faster than a PLD.
Wanna see PLD's enmity tool list? Code Action CE VE
Invincible 1 7200
Holy circle 1 20
Shield Bash 1 900
Sentinel 1 1800
Cover 1 300
Rampart 1 300
Fealty 1 300
Chivalry 1 300
Divine Emblem 1 300
Palisade 0 1800
Flash 180 1280
Enlight 20 180
Reprisal 0 640
Enmity generation-wise PLD's only advantages are greater access to enmity+ gear, and sentinel(which is sub-able anyway.)
Although PLD does has a great advantage in not Losing as much CE. Both via taking less damage, and having enmity+ on already good PDT gear. Which is good, 'cause PLD has a hell of a lot harder timer building CE in the first place. A PLD that wants to build good CE, has to sub /BLU or /DRK for additional CE actions.
Also, using /war for enmity purposes would be really silly. Provoke is really not that good an enmity tool. And cures, while useful for survival purposes, generate truly terrible enmity these days. And RUN isn't going to lose and fast cast from changing subs. They can easily cap fast cast. +60% fast cast during vallation or valiance(which can be full timed via alternating) with 5/5 inspiration merits and Relic aug.
What RUN needs to be equal to PLD, is the ability to survive heavy physical damage. They've got the enmity thing covered even if they didn't melee at all. Again, post is out of date, but the enmity stuff is mostly the same. Specifically, the differences are, Rune enmity was nerfed to 0 ce/ve and 3 PLD JA now have CE values.
That's before adding in enmity spell spam from /BLU since RUN can get such insane FC natively. Cocoon does mitigate most of the physical problems, as long as the target isn't one of those "we spam multiple dispels" types.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-11 14:10:50
Got bored and decided to stun tojil on RUN/BLM, with Eosuchus club and inspiration, recast is about 9~10 sec with march/haste. Not bad if you can't get a SCH RDM or GEO! Can DD on lesser NM if you want as well.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-10-11 16:17:09
With good gear RDM can get 8s recasts on easily solo stun everything in delve v1. You only need one march to get that and your own buffs won't wear in any reasonable amount of time.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-11 19:25:18
With good gear RDM can get 8s recasts on easily solo stun everything in delve v1. You only need one march to get that and your own buffs won't wear in any reasonable amount of time.
I don't know what's the point you're trying to make lol. Are you trying to say that I'm lacking enough FC gears to reach better stun recast? Why do you always move on and make your own points when others weren't talking about it Saevel!
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 74
By Shiva.Ladyofhonor 2014-10-11 20:46:25
Got bored and decided to stun tojil on RUN/BLM, with Eosuchus club and inspiration, recast is about 9~10 sec with march/haste. Not bad if you can't get a SCH RDM or GEO! Can DD on lesser NM if you want as well.
Hmm, wouldn't RUN/DRK be better, then, since it would offer some actual DDing for the earlier NM's?
I always thought Mag Acc was made an issue on stun, so I guess it's just a matter of time until they resist?
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-11 23:22:42
Shiva.Ladyofhonor said: »Got bored and decided to stun tojil on RUN/BLM, with Eosuchus club and inspiration, recast is about 9~10 sec with march/haste. Not bad if you can't get a SCH RDM or GEO! Can DD on lesser NM if you want as well.
Hmm, wouldn't RUN/DRK be better, then, since it would offer some actual DDing for the earlier NM's?
I always thought Mag Acc was made an issue on stun, so I guess it's just a matter of time until they resist?
Yeah but my DRK is lv 1 :D /BLM is all I have :D
By Boshi 2014-10-13 10:12:32
New avatar drop could be interesting piece?
Nilas Gloves
DEF:89 HP+45 MP+20 STR+11 DEX+35 VIT+32 AGI+5 INT+12 MND+30 CHR+17 Attack+15 "Magic Atk. BONUS"+15 Evasion+24 Magic Evasion+37 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+5% Enmity+5 "Double Attack"+2%
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2014-10-14 08:47:01
Quick question.
In a situation of Delve boss with aura, Yorcia one for example, what best to help to drop aura with Lunge.
Flabra X3 , then boss AURA, so
=> Gambit boss, then flabra X3 => lunge
=> Gambit boss, then flabra X3 => Rayke, then flabra X3 => lunge
Any advice ?
I use this lunge set :
ItemSet 329610
And, one more thing about lunge, do you think prudence Torque is better than eddy, cause Skill seem is the 1st multiplier for lunge dmg.
Thks in advance
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-10-14 09:06:57
Skill+ gear is never going to beat MAB gear, with the sole exception of the main hand wep, just because it has hundreds of skill.
using that set, with no trait MAB, eddy would be about 240 dmg ahead of Prudence on a 3 rune lunge.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2014-10-14 09:21:28
Ok, so now i have to test ammo to see if magic damage win again pur MAB like erlene's book
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,304
By Asura.Sechs 2014-10-14 09:31:17
RUN can use the Incursion belt btw
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-10-14 09:38:27
There's some degree of assumption in this, since I dunno for certain where in the lunge formula M.DMG goes. But I see erlene's at 4 dmg ahead of Dosis. But feel free to test it. I don't have Erlene's, and I'm not gonna go get it over 4 dmg.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-10-14 09:53:04
There's some degree of assumption in this, since I dunno for certain where in the lunge formula M.DMG goes. But I see erlene's at 4 dmg ahead of Dosis. But feel free to test it. I don't have Erlene's, and I'm not gonna go get it over 4 dmg.
I assumed M.DMG was added the same time as skill, before any multiplies since that's how it acts for magic WS's and nukes.
And yeah I wish RUN had better MAB gear since it's already got a sh!t ton of base MDMG.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-10-14 09:58:11
Well, I put it in the same section as skill, but I didn't add it directly to skill.
Single Hit Damage = ( Main-hand weapon Skill × (0.5 + Number of Runes × 0.25)+ M.DMG ) × Magic Multiplier Terms
Is how I did it.
I would say that RUN's access to MAB gear is already pretty good. Looking at like 122 MAB max atm? For not actually being a mage, fairly decent.
By Zaeeth 2014-10-14 10:15:22
Nice set. I have yet to get a hold of that sash from Incursion or the gloves from Shiva. I don't know if I'd want to use Erlene's Book because of the -2 Enmity only for 4 more dmg. My current set with Aettir nets me +3 Enmity.
As an aside - I recently got Crematio Earring to replace my Hecate's earring.
Testing the two; with Hecate's I get consistant 541 damage and 548 with Crematio. I don't know of anyone's mentioned it or not but it doesn't seem that magic crit+ affects Swipe/Lunge. Has anyone had a different experience?
ItemSet 322251
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-10-14 10:26:57
Quick question.
In a situation of Delve boss with aura, Yorcia one for example, what best to help to drop aura with Lunge.
Flabra X3 , then boss AURA, so
=> Gambit boss, then flabra X3 => lunge
=> Gambit boss, then flabra X3 => Rayke, then flabra X3 => lunge
Any advice ?
I use this lunge set :
ItemSet 329610
And, one more thing about lunge, do you think prudence Torque is better than eddy, cause Skill seem is the 1st multiplier for lunge dmg.
Thks in advance
For Wopket consider trying Lux instead of Flabra.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2014-10-14 10:40:05
Lux will be usefull only if TP during aura, and cleary a WHM with a strong cursna set should take care of me (or i can use some of my precious halowed water).
Mmmm, can protect me from blind too, bah can swap rune just during aura to try to proc it.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-10-14 10:49:02
Skillchain Light breaks aura the fastest.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,304
By Asura.Sechs 2014-10-14 12:32:02
Another good head option is the Legion Circlet (Aa's Circlet?) and for feet I think Qaaxo Path C should be better than Manabyss? They have no -enmity. Also Qaaxo Path C is quite a good option for many other uses as well (TP, WS etc)
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-10-14 13:03:06
15 mab vs 18 MAB. in terms of dmg, manabyss wins. If you're more concerned with overall enmity gain, or just have qaaxo C, then sure.
Oh, for lunge capes. Argochampsa Mantle beats toro and evasionists for pure dmg. If you have an enmity aug on evasionists, then you might prefer that, but I tend to go pure dmg on lunge.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-10-16 05:27:21
Skillchain Light breaks aura the fastest.
SC Light isn't light elemental damage, it's Wind + Fire + Thunder + Light and it will chose whichever the target has the lowest resistance against, same with Darkness and Water + Ice + Earth + Darkness. Transfixion is the light elemental SC, Compression is the darkness elemental SC. The reason light breaks it the fastest is that it's doing high amounts of wind damage, much more then fragmentation or detonation would. Using Lux wouldn't effect his aura at all.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-10-19 10:54:59
Just putting this little piece out there:
Code if buffactive['Tenebrae'] and spell.english == 'Lunge' or spell.english == 'Swipe' then
equip(sets.JA.Lunge,{head="Pixie Hairpin +1"})
in your function precast & midcast, is a beast.
Also picked up a Meangah Cape +1, was wondering if it has any use in a Dimidiation Build or is Vespid a better option?