Just wanted to add that I solo'd a lot of my VNMs ad DNC/RDM using the trial dagger + Twilight. Enspells trump Sambas, weapon effects trump sambas (twilight would absorb hp, offhand would activate sambas), and enspells trumped weapon effect (enspells proc'd, twilight didnt). Just to clear up any confusion.
So RUN/DNC could have a samba up and no runes and still get weapon procs. However their enspell effect would prevent both samba and weapon effects from happening.
Ragnarok.Zeromega said:
»Sylph.Dasanuffadat said:
»Good note on the getting rid of runes. Lunged with a Pflugged up Flabra and no Barstone. I'll see how long it takes to wear off.
Another thing of note: Totally forgot about Tenacity. That'll hurt testing even more >.<
Edit: Lasted 1 minute as opposed to the normal 3 or so for me under Tellus + Pflug.
Edit2: Did a couple more, same set up, same result. Slow never resisted or evaded with 0 earth resistance. Slow lasted at max 1m 52 sec with variation from a minimum of 1 minute with pflug up.
So I guess the more bar-element you have the higher chance at resisting/evading and the resisted element for the rune is what is taken into account for pflug. So Flabra's earth resist gives it resist/evade potential as well as reduces duration with Pflug up in case it doesn't get resisted?
whats the confusion? the higher your ele resistance the higher the chance youll resist an enfeeble all together, same with duration, glavoid couldnt slow through my entire fight
Was trying to figure out exactly which rune would benefit from pflug. Conclusion from my 8hrs or so in crawler's nest is matching defending element up. But Tenacity could have interfered as well, too bad we can't disable traits to test stuff..