I have done Glavoide for Dagger and 5 shells from finishing GA.
I dual boxed most but got some help at times. There’s always someone that will help you if you return the favor.
KI are not too bad there are just lots of NM’s to kill to get them.
Ether farm the pop items to pop the KI NM’s or buy them from ah. I farmed most of mine.
I killed the KI NMS on NIN/WAR with WHM/BLM mule with little difficulty with a slightly better than abyssea average NIN no empy. After, I changed to THF/DNC and WHM/BLM mule for the Glav kill.
I used RR, Apoc, SS atmas. SS probably was not needed but I like the extra HP for Glav. In all honest though if he Disgorges you its luck if you stay alive.
I popped Glav and pulled it just south of flux 8 where you can tank it with your back against a wall and keep your WHM just in casting range.
Fight is pretty straight forward. Build a few steps so you can violent flourish. For safety save TP until he casts you don’t want to be curing him. Keep your eye on the chat log. As soon as you see Disgorge use violent flourish it has a higher than normal charge time and is pretty easy to stun. If you are pretty good at dual boxing you can also use WHM/BLM as back up stun that way you can stun his heavy nukes too. If not then just eat the nukes and be quick with the cures.
The only issue you could have is when Glav is in low hp blood weapon has a hate reset and he is going to go for your WHM that probably just cured you. It can be 1 of 2 modes negates Physical or magical damage for around 30 seconds this can be troublesome if he is negate physical damage mode as you need to get hate back quick. Don’t panic ether cure bomb yourself on WHM until the effect wares or Accomplice/Collaborator, Bully or animated flourish until you have hate again. He will only attack in this mode so you should be able to evade most of his attacks.
If he is in negate magic damage I see this as a free 30 seconds of as much damage as you can, take care though as soon as blood weapon wares he is very likely to follow up with another tp move “Disgorge”.
If you’re brewing you would want to do it on THF and can easily brew 2 pops 3 depending on what mode he goes in to for blood weapon. Don’t spam your WS and you will be fine just take it easy and take care of his TP moves if you cure him he is most likely going back to 100% HP.
Sorry about the wall of text :/
Good Luck!