IiPunch - Monk Guide

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iiPunch - Monk Guide
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Asura.Illuminate 2024-10-29 20:47:13
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Quick question here. The attack % bonus to boost is increased from the AF hands (anchorite's). Does it have to be worn during activation only, or worn during the melee/weapon skill to gain the benefit?
Posts: 2,762
By Nariont 2024-10-30 00:22:12
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Isnt an atk boost anymore, more a base dmg increase like Sneak attack gets based on your str, which i think is calc'd on hit. If im understanding the jp wiki(since bg is just unknown it looks) the af gloves just get an extra 6~9 str ontop of the base str of the gloves

For +3;


The “Boost Effect Up” adds a +9 STR bonus to auto attacks or weapon skills while the “Boost” effect is active.

So it's effectively a 37 STR pair of gloves under boost
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karppa
Posts: 458
By Asura.Karppa 2024-10-30 08:47:14
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spicychai said: »
Loving this job and its high hp / defense / damage. Though it's also an all-physical job so just curious, how often might I be in trouble in solo / trust content without access to magic or self heals from ailments? I don't mind a bit of less damage to blunt resistant enemies, but curious about how often I'll find physical immune enemies out there, or those that entirely need magic support like bar spells, erases, etc.

Same thoughts monk was 1st job what I lvled back in the day still play monk often.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Asura.Illuminate 2024-10-30 19:36:47
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Nariont said: »
Isnt an atk boost anymore, more a base dmg increase like Sneak attack gets based on your str, which i think is calc'd on hit. If im understanding the jp wiki(since bg is just unknown it looks) the af gloves just get an extra 6~9 str ontop of the base str of the gloves

For +3;


The “Boost Effect Up” adds a +9 STR bonus to auto attacks or weapon skills while the “Boost” effect is active.

So it's effectively a 37 STR pair of gloves under boost

So what you're saying is that using boost (with anchorite's gloves) is equivalent to having +37 STR on the next hit or weaponskill hit?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-10-30 19:40:52
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It's equal to +37 because of the base str plus the extra 9 on the gloves.

Not like, an extra 37 str
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-30 19:57:28
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Asura.Illuminate said: »
Nariont said: »
Isnt an atk boost anymore, more a base dmg increase like Sneak attack gets based on your str, which i think is calc'd on hit. If im understanding the jp wiki(since bg is just unknown it looks) the af gloves just get an extra 6~9 str ontop of the base str of the gloves

For +3;


The “Boost Effect Up” adds a +9 STR bonus to auto attacks or weapon skills while the “Boost” effect is active.

So it's effectively a 37 STR pair of gloves under boost

So what you're saying is that using boost (with anchorite's gloves) is equivalent to having +37 STR on the next hit or weaponskill hit?

He's saying that the gloves are near useless and you shouldn't even burden yourself with that -1 inventory space
Posts: 2,762
By Nariont 2024-10-30 20:28:55
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Pretty much, if you were to use boost for the purpose of maximizing that boosted hit, then i think the gloves are technically the best in that slot for that(most other gloves are 22~28 str, and you cant MA on the boosted hit)

But actually using boost for that purpose is rare to the point of nonexistant and its used more for "free" tp via ask sash while you move/get buffs, very seldom used to force a pause during a pain sync scenerio and then dumping a ws after the window closes(which doesnt use boosts STR formula, just raises ws dmg based on the remaining boost duration)

Its not a great ja and would frankly be borderline worthless if ask sash never got added to bandaid being forced to skip several AA rounds for 1 strong hit and some extra TP that doesnt match up to all those lost rounds
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Asura.Illuminate 2024-10-30 21:17:04
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So I wanted to test Boost. Fill me in if I'm missing something - anything - here, as i'm not experienced in testing.

Naked MNK/BLU(51) Bumblebees just outside Windurst Woods.
Food was Grape Daifuku +1 (+3 STR and +4 VIT)

STR 110
DEX 115
VIT 118
AGI 107
INT 108
MNK 107
CHR 107

Chaos roll + 4 attack songs: total 2500+ attack. I'm assuming this is being attack-capped for the mobs out here.

I used shoulder tackle (100% VIT modifier; chance of stun based on tp) ftp 1.0. Main reason being that I don't have to worry about how much tp I accumulate.
Average: 697.33

Same conditions, except I used boost and waited until there was aprox 2-3s remaining (to get the most from boost).
Average: 925

Conclusion: Boost increased the damage of shoulder tackle by about 32.65%. Boost damage increase is independent of any attack-cap mechanics.

Next, I repeated the baseline except I equipped ambu cape with STR +30 (and attack +20) and Gere Ring (STR 10 and attack 16), for a total of +40 STR. I used shoulder tackle (did not use boost)
Average: 698

Conclusion: The baseline damage seems to be the same as not having the extra 40STR (and attack). So adding 40 STR doesn't seem to have a significant effect on damage using (assuming) attack-capped shoulder tackle on mobs.

Lastly I repeated the baseline keeping the ambu cape and gere ring on (+40 STR) AND used boost, using shoulder tackle with aprox. 2-3s remaining on boost. I did this to see if STR had any bearing on boost since someone mentioned a translated post suggesting it might.
Average: 923.33

Conclusion: Boost increased total damage of shoulder tackle by 32.28%. The rough and dirty increase in damage seems to not be affected by STR when using boost on attack-capped mobs.

I haven't touched the gloves. I just can't find any meaningful information or testing on wtf boost actually does now? It's a 60s timer. Situational at best, I agree. However, I'm still curious. Even using boost then WSing 2s later might make it "worth it" if it surpasses attack cap damage?

Would appreciate any advice on further testing. I understand the nature of ftp transferring WS's for MNK. I don't think waiting 12s with triple delay (iirc) might be worth a ~32% damage increase to the first hit of a ws, but could be meaningful in some situations?
Posts: 2,762
By Nariont 2024-10-30 21:32:51
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Asura.Illuminate said: »
I haven't touched the gloves. I just can't find any meaningful information or testing on wtf boost actually does now?

The wiki atleast gets that part down i think, boost triples your delay and sets the timer haste/slow effect how long this lasts, once the timer is about to expire and you swing once for roughly 8x~ since it combines both fists into the single swing, this also nets you 400% extra TP.

WS gets a dmg boost in proportion to how long you wait until boost expires, i do not know if making boost last longer increases the dmg but if so that just makes it worse as the longer you wait the more rounds are lost and thus the more ws' are lost in the process, my limited attempts to make boost work always fall short imo; the dmg/tp given at the end just isnt worth the time sitting idle, maybe if you could MA with that TP boost on each hit, but you dont so it doesnt come close to making up the lost time, and if you ws you lose the tp gain bonus too
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Asura.Illuminate 2024-10-30 21:49:32
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Well so far it seems STR has nothing to do with Boost. I am pretty sure the longer you wait, the better the bonus is. You would have to wear the gloves to get the extra 9% but at least they have 10% WSD on the +3 version. I was using boost to easily hit 30k WS in omen while farming cards.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-10-30 21:51:31
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That's how boost itself works, yes. The longer you hold boost the more damage+

The Boost+ on the gloves is separate from that
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Asura.Illuminate 2024-10-30 22:21:35
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
That's how boost itself works, yes. The longer you hold boost the more damage+

The Boost+ on the gloves is separate from that

I'd assume the boost on the gloves just adds a flat % to the damage increase - assuming the 32 ish % I saw in my quick and dirty testing.
Posts: 2,762
By Nariont 2024-10-31 02:08:56
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Asura.Illuminate said: »
I'd assume the boost on the gloves just adds a flat % to the damage increase

It's just +STR to add to the str/400 calc of the formula for the AA hit of boost +6~9 str based on the upgrade level of the gloves
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2024-10-31 02:17:17
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Worth to check if the damage boost on WS is for whole WS or just first hit. Could be good for Prime then in low buff scenario

Nariont said: »
dmg/tp given at the end just isnt worth the time sitting idle, maybe if you could MA with that TP boost on each hit, but you dont so it doesnt come close to making up the lost time, and if you ws you lose the tp gain bonus too

It's a gamble, but double/triple damage from empy, relic and (I assume) Prime can proc on this attack, which leads to very high damage, because it affects whole damage, not just one of the many punches like with regular attack rounds.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Asura.Illuminate 2024-10-31 03:41:52
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SimonSes said: »
Worth to check if the damage boost on WS is for whole WS or just first hit. Could be good for Prime then in low buff scenario

Nariont said: »
dmg/tp given at the end just isnt worth the time sitting idle, maybe if you could MA with that TP boost on each hit, but you dont so it doesnt come close to making up the lost time, and if you ws you lose the tp gain bonus too

It's a gamble, but double/triple damage from empy, relic and (I assume) Prime can proc on this attack, which leads to very high damage, because it affects whole damage, not just one of the many punches like with regular attack rounds.

Thank you!I did not know this lol
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2024-10-31 07:21:39
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Boost is also ultimate low tp feed tool. High damage and high tp gain (very high assuming ask sash) with single hit. Ofc with 1min cooldown it's not possible to practically depend on Boost attack rounds and WS alone, but I would think in every fight when we try to limit TP feed and are no pressured with time, using Boost just after WS, to hit with it and WS again is probably a valid use case.
Posts: 2,762
By Nariont 2024-10-31 12:01:14
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SimonSes said: »
It's a gamble, but double/triple damage from empy, relic and (I assume) Prime can proc on this attack, which leads to very high damage, because it affects whole damage, not just one of the many punches like with regular attack rounds.

S'fair, was being more general about its usage, when its stacked with am3(which can only proc on 1 fist, one time anyway cause lolh2h) or the 1%~ emp proc, it can do some really high damage.

And like you pointed out, its a great low TP feed tool in that its high dmg for very low TP return, just from a DPS perspective it always seemed like a net negative unless you just couldnt swing anyway for whatever reason
Posts: 41
By spicychai 2024-11-04 21:33:46
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Are there any other jobs that reliable suppress TP on bosses like monk does? I notice my trusts die way more often without monk, not just because I can kill things faster, but because my trusts just get tortured through more frequent skills.

I play RDM , BLU and MNK so just considering which job to work on first for most content in solo e.g. dynamis D, Ambu V1E eventually, farming for stuff like capes or ambu etc, high-tier BCNMs
Posts: 2,762
By Nariont 2024-11-04 21:42:05
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Nin is the only other job that can inhibit TP via yurin iirc

Blu has a strong plague and a couple TP wipes(feather takes a random amount up to 1500, reaving wind takes 1k)

Bst has TP drainkiss(drains depending on TP)

Smn has mewing lullaby(wipes TP)

Drk can fit in there with abs-tp and a sb setup

None of the dds can really replace mnk in a dmg:tp given ratio imo but you can pair mnk with a few of these and almost if not entirely block TP moves from happening
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-11-07 20:33:54
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Figured it out nevermind

There's nowhere h2h can go off of frag, except light. (without prime/fangs) Can never remember the level 2 cycle without looking.

(frag > dist > fusion > grav)
Posts: 41
By spicychai 2024-11-10 12:33:38
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Had some solo random mob questions for monk, and it's totally misc stuff because I like to try out fun stuff:

  • How useful is subbing DNC (if you're completely solo, as a means for self-cleanse / haste samba(nowhere near as good as magical capped haste but still something and minor potency heals .

  • Can a monk survive decently with pure counter / dt sets with random mobs?

I use monk for fun when I run around doing exploration, every now and then I may find an apex bat aggroing me. My set just relies mostly on DT/TP and killing things faster before they kill me for MNK, but I never built a counter set or considered subbing support jobs. (Also I'm ML.15 atm)
Posts: 2,762
By Nariont 2024-11-10 12:54:03
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/DNC's main utility is box step and a "free" stun these days, the heals are okay but shouldnt ever be something to rely on imo, haste sambas alright but depending on your weapon you're already overcapped in MA with just gear/magic capped, so you only hurt yourself with job haste.

MNK can get a decent counter/DT hybrid going, it's just usually better to simply ride a basic DT/TP set and kill your target faster as counters sadly just do hateless dmg, no TP gained. Can be pretty great under counterstance.. until a TP move happens or a few hits a row get in, wish it wasnt suicide to use that JA lol
Think that's still fairly UTD as far as general sets go
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Sylph.Drlove 2024-11-10 13:03:52
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spicychai said: »
Had some solo random mob questions for monk, and it's totally misc stuff because I like to try out fun stuff:

  • How useful is subbing DNC (if you're completely solo, as a means for self-cleanse / haste samba(nowhere near as good as magical capped haste but still something and minor potency heals .

  • Can a monk survive decently with pure counter / dt sets with random mobs?

I use monk for fun when I run around doing exploration, every now and then I may find an apex bat aggroing me. My set just relies mostly on DT/TP and killing things faster before they kill me for MNK, but I never built a counter set or considered subbing support jobs. (Also I'm ML.15 atm)

I don't find any use in /dnc anymore, if your somewhere you can't use trust, chances are your just going to pummel whatever it is before any time at all anyways.

For the pure counter build, Counterstance can be super fun to use, but also super deadly for both sides at the same time. With just the job point bonus and use of counter stance with relic +3 feet on at activation puts you at 88% counter to already. if something is just physical or weaker magic I abuse it. If its something that hits like a truck I won't, it really sucks getting hit for 2k+ if you dont counter, its just one of those RNG things that happen. Although Dyna Sandy -D I will rock counterstance full time, A, Im gonna get super lucky on the counters and kill it with taking no dmg. B, Im going to get countered to death anyways might as well go out in a blaze of Glory
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19
By Bismarck.Voight 2024-11-10 22:27:54
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Sylph.Drlove said: »
spicychai said: »
Had some solo random mob questions for monk, and it's totally misc stuff because I like to try out fun stuff:

  • How useful is subbing DNC (if you're completely solo, as a means for self-cleanse / haste samba(nowhere near as good as magical capped haste but still something and minor potency heals .

  • Can a monk survive decently with pure counter / dt sets with random mobs?

I use monk for fun when I run around doing exploration, every now and then I may find an apex bat aggroing me. My set just relies mostly on DT/TP and killing things faster before they kill me for MNK, but I never built a counter set or considered subbing support jobs. (Also I'm ML.15 atm)

I don't find any use in /dnc anymore, if your somewhere you can't use trust, chances are your just going to pummel whatever it is before any time at all anyways.

For the pure counter build, Counterstance can be super fun to use, but also super deadly for both sides at the same time. With just the job point bonus and use of counter stance with relic +3 feet on at activation puts you at 88% counter to already. if something is just physical or weaker magic I abuse it. If its something that hits like a truck I won't, it really sucks getting hit for 2k+ if you dont counter, its just one of those RNG things that happen. Although Dyna Sandy -D I will rock counterstance full time, A, Im gonna get super lucky on the counters and kill it with taking no dmg. B, Im going to get countered to death anyways might as well go out in a blaze of Glory

Counter on MNK is godly in the right circumstances, equipping counter gear and riding Counterstance is how I Mastered MNK, ran through everything I saw in Reisenjima put my back in a corner and tossed it all in the air, ended up being one of the fastest jobs to master doing that.

and Counter is also how MNK can solo the Cait Sith HTMB on N, just make sure that in your counter set, after capping counter, add in enough ACC to actually land the counters, and DT to not get 1 shot.

After Master MNK, you only need 53 Counter in gear to full cap it!
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2024-11-11 04:44:23
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Nariont said: »
so you only hurt yourself with job haste

You can't really hurt yourself with ability haste, unless you mean tp spend on activating samba. If you are at capped delay, ability haste will just have no effect.
Not sure if he was asking about solo with or without trusts (his description sounds like without), but haste samba from /dnc can be slightly useful even with magic haste cap if you are using Godhands. Without trusts it can help with all weapons, but its also still just 5%, so don't expect wonders. Also tbh the best TP gear for monk actually lacks capped gear haste, so samba could help to fill that gap too.

If someone want to play with counterstance I suggest to try /BLU instead. Cocoon completely mitigates the defense loss from counterstance, so it's no longer risky to use this ja. You can focus on normal TP and WS gear and still be counter capped all the time. You can also use some emergency cures (though for the best cure you need very high master level since it requires 58lv sub) and with enough macc in gear you can even do some debuffs including def down, slow, dispel, blind and stats down. For solo without trusts you also have 10% magic haste spell.
Posts: 41
By spicychai 2024-11-18 19:06:08
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As someone who doesn't have any ody gear unlocked, does MNK lose out much from it?

I can see nyame being busted for savage blade for example, but not sure how good it is for mnk. I've seen some mpaca sets too but also wondering if people just use malignance instead with bits of kenda / adhemar / bhikku, etc.

Lots of sets that this could apply to so obviously may vary, since there's impetus up, footkick up, both up, both down, and if you're doing victory smite or something else, etc.
Posts: 2,762
By Nariont 2024-11-18 19:17:56
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Few bits of nyame are used for WS like howling or tornado kick as due to high wsd+modest DA. Mpaca hats a staple on any dmg varies with TP ws and the legs get PDL with high atk/some TA, which malig is short on
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Autocast
Posts: 59
By Asura.Bronzequadav 2024-11-19 00:38:59
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Is monk supposed to hold TP for non victory/shijin/asuran weapon skills (howling/raging/kick ws)? If so to which amount, 2k?
Posts: 683
By Kaffy 2024-11-19 00:48:50
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With godhands moonshade and mpaca head I don't hold tp except for the occasional footwork + tornado kick.
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