For the Shinies! A Guide for Thief
By Vanelle 2021-12-02 11:02:44
You don't use asura fists if you sub mnk. The main reason for doing it is access to raging fists. I like to go thf/mnk for omen so I can cover all 3 weapon types for the midboss. Thinker goes down pretty quick on thf/mnk. Karambit works really well with thf, especially in glass cannon tp set. What does an optimal RF set look like?
My best guess after a bit of reading was something like:
ItemSet 382705
with 30 stat + DA on cape, Path B adhe
Not sure if the Fotia pieces are just better but skimming the mnk thread seemed to imply they weren't using them.
I'd imagine you would need Acc swaps with Kentarch and Pillager's Bonnet at least if on low buffs.
By SimonSes 2021-12-02 11:40:55
You don't use asura fists if you sub mnk. The main reason for doing it is access to raging fists. I like to go thf/mnk for omen so I can cover all 3 weapon types for the midboss. Thinker goes down pretty quick on thf/mnk. Karambit works really well with thf, especially in glass cannon tp set. What does an optimal RF set look like?
My best guess after a bit of reading was something like:
ItemSet 382705
with 30 stat + DA on cape, Path B adhe
Not sure if the Fotia pieces are just better but skimming the mnk thread seemed to imply they weren't using them.
I'd imagine you would need Acc swaps with Kentarch and Pillager's Bonnet at least if on low buffs.
No calculation, so I will only make some guesses here:
1. Fotia is for sure better till some TP threshold, but without calculating it, I don't know where that TP threshold might be.
2. It's more than likely, that some of the other Gleti's pieces could end up much better in high buff scenario. Crepuscular Peeble too. This set looks solid for uncapped attack.
3. Relic +3 head looks like a clear improvement. Same STR, more DEX, same TA%, more attack and accuracy.
4. Lustratio feet could be competitive. I don't like using it, because of survivability issues, but for people who don't mind that, it might be any option.
Serveur: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-12-02 13:02:17
The thing about monk weaponskills is that all of them are multi hit with replicating fTP and fairly high stat mods. WSD is not very impactful, but multi attacks sure as heck are. When I'm on monk main I can literally see when howling fist or tornado kick proc a triple attack without even looking at the tp return; the damage spikes are that big.
So I would recommend swapping Adhemar bonnet +1 to Plunderer's Bonnet +3 as per simon's suggestion, and also swap Nyame sollerets for Plunderer's poulaines +3. Our relic feet have 33 str, 37 dex, 22 vit, 36 accuracy, 61 attack, and 5% triple attack rate. That's going to be your best H2H option for the feet slot period. The 5% TA pushes them well above the other options if you're subbing monk. The rest of the set looks good.
EDIT: Removed a snippet about howling fist. I didn't realize it wasn't available when monk was subbed.
By SimonSes 2021-12-02 13:11:08
You can't use Howling from sub. It's PUP and MNK main only.
Good call!
Serveur: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Austar 2021-12-02 17:25:31
I can add THF with MNK sub to my simulation if anyone wants to just give me a list of gear that MNK isn't on to add. For TP and WS.
By SimonSes 2021-12-03 03:02:39
I can add THF with MNK sub to my simulation if anyone wants to just give me a list of gear that MNK isn't on to add. For TP and WS.
For TP I would guess:
Gleti's Cuirass R20
Gleti's Gauntlets R20
Plunderer's Poulaines +3
Assassins's Gorget +2
Sailfi belt +1 R15
Gleti's body and hands I would consider a good compromise between survivability and dps (crit rate has nice synergy with Karambit). Malignance hands could still end up better tho (6% crit rate is like +3stp for Karambit, so R20 Gleti's Gautlets would have 8sTP, which is less than Malignance, but it's possible that white damage could even this out) and Adhemar hands with Adhemar head could be better too, but adhemar is in "glass" territory for TP.
Beside that you also have other glass TP pieces like:
Pillager's Cullotes +1
Plunderer's Bonnet +3
For WS I would go with set above for uncapped attack and check other Gleti's pieces and Crepuscular Pebble for attack capped.
By SimonSes 2021-12-03 11:57:57
Since I already took the time to figure it out in different thread, I will post it here too, so it's easier to find.
Context: This is a guess of THF ranged sets for fight like Arabati, with just COR and RDM support. Its possible with full buffs, you could maybe use Epaminondas's Ring and JSE neck +2 for Empyreal Arrow.
ItemSet 382713
Cape: 30racc/20ratt,20agi,10sTP
Gandring: Path A
ItemSet 382714
Cape: 20racc/20ratt,30agi,10wsd
ItemSet 382715
Pursuer's Hands path A
Pursuer's Feet path D
If you have both rings: Pursuer's Body path A
EDIT: Assuming you don't have problems with Ranged Accuracy, then Centovente offhand
Serveur: Fenrir
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Posts: 1,410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-12-03 12:59:16
Saevel confirmed that the thief in his group was dual wielding tp bonus daggers. Centovente, Fusetto +3, and Fusetto +2 are all different weapons and each provide their tp bonus independently of the others. You can dual wield any two of them to get tp bonus + 2000, so you'd be shooting off 3k empyreal arrows immediately.
Very useful trick for Arebati tbh. Definitely something to keep in mind.
Serveur: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Austar 2021-12-03 13:55:11
crit rate has nice synergy with Karambit it's cool, but it doesn't do as much as you would think without going full crit. just comparing the effect with 5/5 gleti's and using sailfi to cap haste, it's about a 7% increase. once you start adding in more optimal DPS pieces, the effect really doesn't compare to just standard TA based sets. i've been getting most of the best results using TA and throwing in some TA damage. the defense is nice, though, since the discussion was brought up about glassy thinker. i don't think the defense is that necessary in segment farming if you're bringing thf to that for some reason. I am also planning to check rogue's roll as an alternative roll since thf also gives a bonus for it.
5/5 with effect vs without comparison on apex mobs. Code 2730.04 9818.13
0.4 0.6
2659.36 2801.86
9525.09 10083.98
2554.56 9413.25
0.45 0.55
2485.32 2619.99
9146.5 9657.22
it is a bit annoying with how low thf's accuracy is with h2h so some of the stronger pieces aren't coming out ahead even just punching a tier 2 apex
By SimonSes 2021-12-03 14:55:30
You really need to start putting description there Austar (even the simple print you recently did, when presenting values in NIN TP sets discussion). I see it not the first time and still have problems understanding what is what.
it's cool, but it doesn't do as much as you would think without going full crit. just comparing the effect with 5/5 gleti's and using sailfi to cap haste, it's about a 7% increase.
I didn't mean to use 5/5 Gleti's for TP, the crit part was specifically about Gleti's hands, which has +5stP and crit rate, but I guess Malignance hands are still hard to beat. i don't think the defense is that necessary in segment farming
Its actually supper necessary imo. Every time me or anyone in my static who comes on DD change sets to even slightly more glassy than hybrid, we frequently die. Shaol C still has massive lags (at least for EU people) and sometimes WHM is too slow and there is several mobs families that can destroy you in second with one tp move if you are not wearing 40+DT.
Serveur: Ramuh
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Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-12-03 15:13:27
I didn't mean to use 5/5 Gleti's for TP, the crit part was specifically about Gleti's hands, which has +5stP and crit rate, but I guess Malignance hands are still hard to beat. I know that, I am just showing you that without going massive on crit, the effect is not that amazing.
Its actually supper necessary imo. Every time me or anyone in my static who comes on DD change sets to even slightly more glassy than hybrid, we frequently die. I was talking in regards to full set levels of DT. I don't think it's required to go full DT in your TP set, you can always swap to it if things go bad.
almost everything in that post is in regards to 5/5 gleti's since I was using it as a baseline set to compare karambit's effect on crit rate.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-12-03 18:53:30
I've come to the conclusion that you're better off spamming Asuran after I decided to just check really quickly.
I might have missed some combinations, but Raging Fists ideally holds to about 2500(including moonshade,) after which you risk capping at 3K easily.
I am not using GEO buffs or debuffs in this case, just 11 Samurai and Chaos rolls and not Soul Voiced march/march/min5/min4.
ItemSet 382721
Gleti's body, hands, and legs are all fairly minor losses to DPS.
ItemSet 382726
Gleti's body is again pretty minor loss to DPS here, but the other two pieces mentioned before lose a lot more in this case.
Code DPS WS Avg.
5209.9 33222.36
0.38 0.62
5040.06 5374.62
32332.19 34205.09
ItemSet 382727
Spamming Asuran as soon as possible with this set gets me these results:
Code DPS WS Avg.
5376.34 18912.24
0.27 0.73
5253.94 5501.8
18831.66 19000.21
Neither set is capped on attack in this situation.
Capping attack doesn't change TP set much. Hands and legs are about equal now instead of a minor loss. Asuran spam is still ahead.
ItemSet 382729
Code DPS WS Avg.
8001.94 53216.67
0.36 0.64
7709.77 8274.77
51510.12 54977.51
ItemSet 382728
Code DPS WS Avg.
8925.23 32906.75
0.24 0.76
8732.32 9129.8
32788.41 33032.41
By SimonSes 2021-12-04 04:05:46
What's the avg TP you WS at when you set WS to WS asap? Because with 19% base TA you have almost 50% ta in TP set and there are some kick attacks too, which with Karambit mechanic and samurai roll should create massive tp overflow.
At what tp threshold Raging Fists match Asuran Fists damage?
EDIT: oh btw that DPS from last set. 8900. That can rival THF with Daggers >.> Im actually struggling to get that much dps with Dagger setup, at least without SA and TA (those abilities don't stack well with h2h)
Could you check for hybrid TP set?
Like lets say Malignance feet, legs, head, hands and Gleti's or Malignance body and maybe Moonlight Ring instead of Hetairoi?
Also can you check for not /mnk (maybe /drg) both glass and hybrid Asuran? If Asuran is that good anyway, then I wonder how much worse is h2h setup in general without /mnk.
I don't think it's required to go full DT in your TP set, you can always swap to it if things go bad.
In my experience you can't. Monster usually turn and immediately TP move you, because you WS them, but don't kill them. You WS them when they have 2000TP+ and take them from lets say 80%HP to under 50% or under 25%, so you trigger both hate change and TP move at the same time. There is no time to change to hybrid at all, especially with that much lag. Sometimes it's even too fast for equip to change to TP from WS, so having glassy WS set also end up with death. It's much safer on jobs that hold TP and one shot. Like Ukon WAR, Calad DRK, Savage DRG etc. (tho first two are safe anyway, because they have lots of Sakpata in both TP and WS). I feel segments is kinda moot discussion tho, because blunt is heavily resisted there and you only really need 2 types and THF has piercing and slashing (Naegling). Karambit for segments would me more relevant for DNC. On THF you would only probably use them for Skeletons, but then you probably wouldn't go /mnk only for that.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-12-04 06:20:22
What's the avg TP you WS at when you set WS to WS asap?
With the minimum use of a WS set to 1K, your average TP excluding any TP bonus is around 1250 to 1300.
At what tp threshold Raging Fists match Asuran Fists damage?
I didn't want to sit and test every minimum TP threshold, so I wrote a function that starts at 1000 and runs 1000 WS only, if the average is less than 18912.24, then it increases the TP by 10. Looks like it stopped at 2130.
oh btw that DPS from last set. 8900. That can rival THF with Daggers >.> Im actually struggling to get that much dps with Dagger setup, at least without SA and TA I'm using an extremely weak mob with capped fSTR and dDEX for that result. Also worth noting I am assuming Master Level 20 as well.
Could you check for hybrid TP set? Using Asuran, and 4/5 Malignance set with Gleti's Cuirass with the uncapped setup:
Code DPS WS Avg.
4701.65 18910.45
0.19 0.81
4591.1 4819.06
18816.09 19013.09
Also can you check for not /mnk (maybe /drg) both glass and hybrid Asuran? /DRG loses a lot. Might be able to get more benefit from different pieces with the higher delay, though.
Glass: Code DPS WS Avg.
4636.59 19175.13
0.23 0.77
4518.26 4764.07
19078.97 19277.5
Hybrid: Code DPS WS Avg.
4183.01 19173.65
0.16 0.84
4081.21 4287.46
19073.58 19275.19
Yes, I know the WS Average is not 7% higher. /MNK gives smite and you're not capped attack in this example.
Capping attack on an Apex crab:
/MNK Glass Code DPS WS Avg.
8146.45 31157.17
0.22 0.78
7959.9 8331.09
31050.94 31281.98
/MNK Hybrid: Code DPS WS Avg.
7775.44 31159.03
0.19 0.81
7594.62 7964.07
31039.6 31280.43
/DRG Glass: Code DPS WS Avg.
7605.34 33340.13
0.19 0.81
7418.06 7832.0
33196.46 33498.48
/DRG Hybrid: Code DPS WS Avg.
7262.72 33325.23
0.16 0.84
7065.51 7426.9
33185.61 33472.56
Some other tidbits, Rogue's roll still sucks. Samurai is considerably better and so is Chaos if you're not capped. If you can cap without Chaos, Fighters and Rogue's are comparable, but fighters helps the rest of the party more, most likely.
Other than a STR/DA cape I just looked at standard THF capes, but crit did perform the best for uncapped attack sets for those that have it already for evisceration. Nyame set also works best for uncapped attack if you're closing a skillchain with asuran.
Asuran is also really easy to gear even if you aren't in top end equipment. Cap acc, fotia x2, wear whatever the hell else you have for attack and pdl where applicable.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-12-04 06:33:20
There is no time to change to hybrid at all, especially with that much lag. Sometimes it's even too fast for equip to change to TP from WS, That has not been an issue for me. I never even had lag in Dynamis-D when that was a thing or any other instanced content. I don't multi box and I'm on the smallest server, though.
By SimonSes 2021-12-04 06:41:29
Thx a lot for answering everything :)
There is no time to change to hybrid at all, especially with that much lag. Sometimes it's even too fast for equip to change to TP from WS, That has not been an issue for me. I never even had lag in Dynamis-D when that was a thing or any other instanced content. I don't multi box and I'm on the smallest server, though.
I know for sure that lag from EU is the worst (Gonna try some vpn, it suppose to help a little) and Bahamut isn't small, especially after recent movement between servers. My lag in 6man party in Shaol C is terrible. Easily few second lag between clicking ability like Corsair's roll and it being executed in game. As DD the worst is auto target, it sometimes takes up to 6 seconds for target to switch after the mob died. Sometimes is switches and doesn't even show to witch mob (if you run to it, you auto attack it, but nothing is targeted). I think I need to record this for people to truly understand how bad it can be XD
Btw I don't have such lag at all in Gaol and in Dynamis I only have such lag with alliance, when I tribox it alone, I have no lag at all. It must be connected with data coming from different people, but idk why its way worse in ShaolC, than in Gaol, especially that I play both with same people.
By gargurty 2021-12-04 07:00:22
i'm from the netherlands and yes, my connection has mayor lag in places like ody and dyna. Sometimes its even unplayable. Nothing you can do about it tho and it will never chance :/
Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Yandaime 2021-12-04 12:38:10
North East US here (Maryland) haven’t played in awhile but Dyna D was DEFINITELY an issue. Also, Mireu. Some friends of mine hardly ever had issues during such events? But a lot of us where STUCK there struggling just to engage targets. Very annoying.
Click on engage and just STARE at the thing for several seconds unable to move… walk over it and try to WS and it was killed off before I reach it and then I stay locked onto a blacked out name tag for several seconds before it clears so I can finally engage the next thing lmao.
And people wonder why I hated Dyna D
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 182
By Asura.Jokes 2021-12-04 14:08:06
Quote: Quote: As DD the worst is auto target, it sometimes takes up to 6 seconds for target to switch after the mob died. Sometimes is switches and doesn't even show to witch mob (if you run to it, you auto attack it, but nothing is targeted). I think I need to record this for people to truly understand how bad it can be XD
This basically sums up dyna & sheol c for me. Players from the west coast US, NZ, Hawaii etc. don’t know how good they have it, and what effect the different can have in parse.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2021-12-06 14:59:31
Any Beryllium Arrow suppliers on Asura? Seems to be a dry market.
Serveur: Shiva
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Posts: 191
By Shiva.Znitch 2021-12-07 17:06:00
Loving all of the THF /ra talk, any chance we could get a concentrated effort on the OF to ask why the Detonator WS and Marksmanship in general were omitted from Ambuscade weapons?
...j/k, SE won't listen.
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By Hopalong 2022-01-06 18:22:21
Question about Omen farming daggers...
Best is?
#1 Gandring/Centovente
#2 Tauret/Centovente
#3 Tauret/Malevolence
#4 ???
Edit: I don't have Gandring so I can't test that out, also I'm sure ws frequency changes the game with that weapon but here are my Aeolian Edge results without going into too much detail.
Apex Crabs:
Tauret/Malevolence = 8133
Twashtar/Malevolence = 7771
Twashtar/Tauret = 7708
Tauret/Twashtar = 7528
Tauret/Fusetto = 7103
Twashtar/Fusetto = 6773
Malevolence/Fusetto = 6748
My guess is that Gandring/Tauret is best for Omen Farming followed by Tauret/Malevolence.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-01-11 00:45:07
Not super sure if reading to much into it but they finally figure this one out, I guess.
Quote: Known Issues
The “Augments ‘Conspirator’” effect described on the help text of the following items does not activate properly.
Raider’s Vest +2 / Skulker’s Vest / Skulker’s Vest +1
MAYBE they'll actually fix it. That was found a hot minute ago, so long ago I can't even remember how many pages back.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-01-11 00:56:34
I guess I should state for those "not in the know"
I guess it was STP not the SB (not entirely sure)
Serveur: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-01-11 03:19:39
Quote: Known Issues
The “Augments ‘Conspirator’” effect described on the help text of the following items does not activate properly.
Raider’s Vest +2 / Skulker’s Vest / Skulker’s Vest +1
Hot damn, that's fantastic news! That means they're aware of the issue and are going to fix it before the upgraded versions come out. So the effect "should" work according to what's listed on bgwiki when empyrean +2 and 3 is released.
Quote: I can't even remember how many pages back.
The discussion was over two years ago back on Page 200 of the sticky. The summary is that the JP wiki was updated with the correct "intended" effect for the body. Augments conspirator is supposed to give the thief + 2 store TP and + 2 attack for every player in the alliance who has enmity on the target you're fighting. The effect only affects the thief, and the empyrean body must be worn fulltime for the augment to work. So if you're in a 12 man alliance, the body should give you + 24 sTP and 24 attack if everyone is fighting one big mob, as opposed to just 12 attack and 12 sTP in a 6 man party.
However, the armor is bugged. There is an error wherin the augment effect completely overwrites any other store tp effects from the rest of your gear. So if you were to wear 4/5 malignance and a store tp cape for example, then pop conspirator and equip skulker's vest +1 in a 6 man party, you'd pretty much be nerfing your entire set. You'd get sTP + 12 from the vest and the sTP on everything else would be ignored. This is a massive flaw that makes the piece completely unusable. But they seem to have caught onto it. With the augments conspirator effect working correctly the empyrean vest +3 will probably be a good candidate for our new go to TP body piece when the upgrades come out.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-01-11 09:23:33
Being so long ago I thought it was the subtle below that was broken, but I didn't look. I vaguely recall it may have been the STP instead but that spot you picked didn't seem familiar.
While we're in the vein of ***that's broken I would LOVE to see someone post a "bug" that the AF hands, relic body/hands, EMP hands, JSE cape and Vajra effects of "SA/TA+" suck dog turds. (I think the effect as Job Points is ok though! It's not forcing you to chose to use jank gear to get it) Maybe even imply that they're working incorrectly (they aren't) but give them an out to change it.
By shastax 2022-01-12 06:54:33
Any Beryllium Arrow suppliers on Asura? Seems to be a dry market.
Yeah, if only it didn't take 90+ woodworking, smithing, clothcraft, and synergy to make them...
By shastax 2022-01-12 15:29:30
The thing about monk weaponskills is that all of them are multi hit with replicating fTP and fairly high stat mods. WSD is not very impactful, but multi attacks sure as heck are. When I'm on monk main I can literally see when howling fist or tornado kick proc a triple attack without even looking at the tp return; the damage spikes are that big.
One caveat to this is Asuran Fists. It's an 8 hit weaponskill, so multihit will not do anything at all. You cannot hit more than 8 hits in one WS. So while it might not scale well on WSD, it's better than the other options (multihit, tp bonus). I know you were responding to a comment about Raging Fists though, and it is true that multihit will affect that.
By Evihime 2022-02-09 17:46:20
Hey guys,
Im back in game since 1 month after like 8 years quit, im trying to catch up with THF
Made Aeneas, I had Twash and Mandau since back in the days.
Im having an hard time understanding what are the best dagger based on situation
From what I learned Aeneas Main and Twash Off should be the best combo for high lvl stuff and spamming rudra/making sc correct?
I was wondering what else should I make to be complete, like should I make a tauret for other situations?
x2 malevolence for aeolian?
What else?
Ty guys for understanding, but theres a lot of info around
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2022-02-10 01:30:28
I'm not sure Aeneas MH and Twashtar OH is the best option for THF...
I mean it used to be a long time ago but not today?
If we're talking about pure DPS then Twashtar R15 MH should be the best option, with Centovente OH, followed by any other OH option.
Crepuscular Dagger > Gleti's Knife > Ternion Dagger R15
It should be something like this.
Aeneas/Twashtar should come right after in terms of DPS.
Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong but last time I tested DPS these were the results I got.