For The Shinies! A Guide For Thief

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For the Shinies! A Guide for Thief
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By Ulthakptah 2016-12-13 00:07:04
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Calinari said: »
The Legs will replace samnuha tights for TP and the Head will be Rudra's, but the rest?
Hey don't forget those feet which will save me the trouble of carrying around Jute Boots +1.

Something I do find hilarious is

Pillager's Culottes +1
DEF:113 HP+47 STR+29 DEX+5 VIT+16 AGI+20 INT+30 MND+17 CHR+11
Accuracy+10 Attack+10 Evasion+38 Magic Evasion+69 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+6%
Critical hit damage +4%

Pillager's Culottes +2
DEF:123 HP+70 STR+34 DEX+10 VIT+21 AGI+25 INT+35 MND+22 CHR+16 Accuracy+44 Evasion+58 Magic Evasion+89 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+6% "Triple Attack"+3% Critical damage +3%

The pants actually lose critical hit damage before going up by 1 more than the +1 version. Not that it matters as it probably still doesn't hold a candle to Lustratio Subligar +1.
Serveur: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-12-13 00:08:31
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At least on BLU, Herc body with +4 TA and Reiki was already better than Adhemar.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-12-13 10:10:35
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So far the head is the only I'm certain I'd use. Not a fan of losing STP on hands/legs for other pieces, we'll see how I feel about swapping body/belt around (don't have belt, and have HQ body).

I'm pretty hyped for the extra mag eva on the pieces though, at least head/body/hands since we have better on legs/feet. Currently think I'll only upgrade the head since we're going to get relic/empy sets eventually and presently cards look gated as ***.
By Verda 2016-12-13 11:24:47
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*cracks knuckles*

okay I entered the pillager's pieces in question into the spreadsheet.

Pillager's Bonnet +3 - An amazing item that I posted about before, but compared to other jobs 10% wsd pieces... which would've helped thf more overall if we got that instead since it would've also helped out unstacked rudra more, I think we got a big piece as every other job though ours is more situational. Crit dmg is already less valuable due to the fact THF gets so much of it, so it actually ends up being worse imho than if we got WSD 10% for everything but evisceration. I guess SE went the way tho that would help the most WS in a balanced way which is fine. But if you're spamming unstacked rudra with Aeneas you probably would have preferred WSD 10%. It also has no attack but that was sort of the thing Pillager's did. They're small negatives in comparison though since it still does so much for Stacked Rudra and Eviseration by huge amounts. You should make this first no questions asked imo.

Pillager's Culottes +3 - Lose by one tenth of one percent to dps of Samnuha Tights, basically worse but almost to the point it's unperceivable . You do gain a lot of accuracy though and given that the attack boost for triple attack isn't really calculated in the spreadsheet then you could in many situations just count these as a high acc version of max aug Samnuha tights which is a win. It's not "making out like a bandit" but it's a definite win.

Pillager's Poulaines +3 - Longer flee duration is always good, and more steal might be useful for aura steal we don't really know. I'm kind of not happy that THF and RNG used to be the two jobs with unique movement boots that made them run faster than everyone but a NIN at night time, but now lots of jobs get to move as fast as us. In comparison a net loss for THF since THF and RNG movement speed bonuses were basically devalued. Of course the adoulin ring had that before this as well as HQ carmine legs, but the ring at least had tradeoffs. We aren't the snowflakes we used to be for movement speed tho that's for sure. I do like the extra flee duration though.

Pillager's Vest +3 It does beat adhemar +1 path B for TP if you use Suppanomimi. This will leave you one DW short though and I'm not sure where to come up with it. Reki Yotai does end up worse and also overcaps DW by 1 lowering tp per hit with no gain. Shetal Stone is the magic 6 DW but it has no other stats to talk about for a TP set. The increase of pillager's and suppa over adhemar +1 and telos is about 4794/4798 which isnt' really a percievable difference outside accuracy. Replacing the waist with reiki is a net dps loss and same if you replace dedition with suppa. The best combo I could come up with so far is actually replacing the 10 STP on Toutatis's Cape with 6 Dual Wield, this yields 4810 DPS while using Pillager's Vest +3. I'm not really happy with that solution though, and I haven't inputted the rest of the accessories yet so I'm gonna do that now and get back to you with what I find.
By ocean 2016-12-13 11:50:16
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Awesome input. Thank you Verda
By Verda 2016-12-13 11:54:11
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Ok I entered in accessories at least for TP sets too. For Aeneas the best TP set I could come up with is this:
Dagger	Aeneas
Dagger	Twashtar 119 III
Ammo	Yamarang
Head	Adhemar +1 B15
Neck	Ainina
Earring	Sherida Earring
Earring	Dedition
Body	Pillager +3
Hands	Adhemar +1 B15
Ring	Petrov
Ring	Epona's
Back	Toutatis's Cape 6 DW
Waist	Windbuffet +1
Legs	Pillager +3
Feet	Herculean DEX/TA

And for Vajra with AM3 up it's this:
Dagger	Vajra
Dagger	Twashtar 119 III
Ammo	Yamarang
Head	Adhemar +1 B15
Neck	Ainina
Earring	Sherida Earring
Earring	Dedition
Body	Pillager +3
Hands	Adhemar +1 B15
Ring	Chirich +1
Ring	Epona's
Back	Toutatis's Cape 6 DW
Waist	Windbuffet +1
Legs	Samnuha (Aug)
Feet	Herculean DEX/TA

Telos is basically a high acc piece now if you can't afford the acc/attack reduction from Dedition, not that it will be a huge deal most the time now with all the free accuracy we got.

Using Samnuha is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better for mythic am3, but basically tied for anything else. Also Ginsen is still better due to attack unless you want the acc/defensive stats.

I'm still not happy with how to fix DW without Adhemar, if anyone has any better ideas please share. Reiki is a loss, Suppa is better than it, but sacrificing your 10 STP for 6 DW is better than that. I tried 6 DW aug on Herculean Feet but you end up sacrificing 4% TA on the feet for 3% TA on the body so it's not worth it at all. The only way I can even find to make the body useful over hq adhemar +1 is to make a 6 DW cape which means you aren't using 4 points on the cape. Though hmm, can't you split it? I think you can, I never tried but if you can split it 6 DW 4 STP is a satisfying answer. Either way it ends up being the best combination I can come up with.

edit: fixed a few mistakes in copy pasting from the spreadsheet and making alterations on the fly

Also Ashera Harness is awful for a melee THF. It is however very good for any time you're trying to TP with an xbow which I know for most thf is very rare, but it's there as a situational piece for that. The other takeaway would be the crazy DT -7% of course, there isn't a better DT set body for THF.
Posts: 322
By Ulthakptah 2016-12-13 12:09:51
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New belt of choice might be Patentia Sash, since it gives 1 more stp than Reiki Yotai without over capping dual wield. The loss of accuracy on the belt doesn't matter much considering the crazy amount the body comes with.

The high amount of steal on the feet are probably there to make up for the other pieces that lose steal. Them probably losing steal because gear can only have so many stats on them, and they just stuck it all on the piece that is already just a macro in for flee and movement speed. So it feels like we didn't lose the ability to steal from old content without dragging down pieces that could matter.
By Verda 2016-12-13 12:39:25
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I checked Patentia just now thank you for the suggestion, it does bit worse than Reiki but not by much but the cape option ends up best by a large amount, even if you can't add 4 STP on after the 6 DW which I think you can.

And ya I'm glad they're preserving steal.

edit: ok, so you can't split capes according to ls members I asked. Even though it's 1 DW short the best cape now ends up being Canny Cape with 5 DW. You lose out on some dex/accuracy but you get 2% TA. You're also 1 short on DW but not sure if that's really fixable.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Wheeldog
Posts: 26
By Ragnarok.Wheeldog 2016-12-13 13:06:05
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How much of a difference did you see for adhemar+1 body/10 STP Toutatis's vs pillager +3/6 DW Toutatis's? Is it a pretty substantial jump or somewhat minor?
By Verda 2016-12-13 13:14:41
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this is canny 5 DW with pillagers +3: 4908.138
this is tout 6 DW with pillagers +3: 4889.851
this is suppa + pillagers +3: 4880.560
this is adhemar + 10 STP tout: 4870.896
this is Reiki + pillagers +3 and tout STP: 4853.371

This is with Aeneas/Twash with Pdif capped and using 30 STP from sam roll and magic haste and gear haste capped too ofc.

it's significant but not wtfbbqsauce.

This build of thf has 52% TA, up until 50% TA you start gaining a lot for TA but after the majority of your swings have TA (over 50%) it's natural that TA becomes steadily less of a dps boost tho that slope is really gradual. As with all numbers games, there's too many inputs and weights for simple ideas to arrive at accurate answers, so that's why we use the spreadsheets.

it's kind of funny THF will probably be one of the few jobs not tping in an ambu cape >.> And that will be a hit to accuracy so the tout 6 DW still ends up a good accuracy option. To get the absolute most from the body and replace windbuffet we'd want at least a belt with 6 DW and 4% TA or 10 STP.
Posts: 322
By Ulthakptah 2016-12-13 13:35:09
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Verda said: »
I checked Patentia just now thank you for the suggestion, it does bit worse than Reiki but not by much but the cape option ends up best by a large amount, even if you can't add 4 STP on after the 6 DW which I think you can.

And ya I'm glad they're preserving steal.

edit: ok, so you can't split capes according to ls members I asked. Even though it's 1 DW short the best cape now ends up being Canny Cape with 5 DW. You lose out on some dex/accuracy but you get 2% TA. You're also 1 short on DW but not sure if that's really fixable.
You know thinking about it +15 steal is a *** ton. I wonder how easy it will be to steal the thrown weapons from escha sky gods now. Not that I even know what the thrown weapons do.
By Verda 2016-12-13 13:46:01
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Ulthakptah said: »
You know thinking about it +15 steal is a *** ton. I wonder how easy it will be to steal the thrown weapons from escha sky gods now. Not that I even know what the thrown weapons do.
ya we should find out more what they do. The old ones removed spikes or en- hits if I remember correctly from other gods. I'd really like to know how steal+ affects aura steal too or if it does at all. Because otherwise unless farming low level mobs mats (i forget the level where mobs stop having steal pools and start having despoil pools instead) it's not really worth much on most content. Even despoil pools seem mostly forgotten now. I think you can despoil organs from some mobs in sky but that's about it I'd like to know more uses for both JA really.
Posts: 322
By Ulthakptah 2016-12-13 14:07:10
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Never know maybe things have had steal pools all this time just with the long timer and low rate we wouldn't know. Would be funny if the new million gil mats can be stolen in Omen. I'll have to remember to steal and despoil randomly to see if I get anything.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2016-12-13 14:27:36
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You need to look at sets without Samurai's Roll as well as that's a much more common scenario and Samurai's Roll will impact the performance of a lot of your swaps. There's also Floral Gauntlets.
By Verda 2016-12-13 15:32:03
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Ulthakptah said: »
Never know maybe things have had steal pools all this time just with the long timer and low rate we wouldn't know. Would be funny if the new million gil mats can be stolen in Omen. I'll have to remember to steal and despoil randomly to see if I get anything.

That's true and let us know if you find anything :D

Fenrir.Snaps said: »
You need to look at sets without Samurai's Roll as well as that's a much more common scenario and Samurai's Roll will impact the performance of a lot of your swaps. There's also Floral Gauntlets.

Depends, I have a COR mule so I can always get it. You'd want to check for every situation really. pDIF cap will rarely if ever be achieved solo for example and with it capped attack is a completely ignored stat but becomes much more important when you aren't capped. That's why we always say ***is situational. An optimized set for an optimal situation is what people are most interested in most the time however, and an optimal situation is always have SAM roll. Given how much SAM roll will boost your dps though it should probably be a priority to get it in a DD party.

Also, I've updated the spreadsheet quite a bit today. I didn't enter in all the new gear (such as +2) etc yet but I did do something I'd been wanting to do a very long time which is include calculations for Triple Attack damage. The results show a surprising DPS increase for Hetaroi Ring, however chiner's is still less than windbuffet +1 and it's almost funny how well plunderer +1 feet do as a TP piece, still don't beat Herc TA tho. Everyone feel free to check the math on it, it was built off someone elses work mostly, I just added the columns for it to the gear list page and gear page and referred to that rather than a custom table they had. I also optimized the sets taking out some stuff I had experimented with or putting in non augment gear since getting perfect augs is pretty rare (or even just maxing the 2 more important ones).

Edit: updated spreadsheet on a further page, added triple attack damage to Tout cape for upgraded sets.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: Celina
Posts: 68
By Lakshmi.Kyera 2016-12-13 15:44:03
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Ulthakptah said: »
Never know maybe things have had steal pools all this time just with the long timer and low rate we wouldn't know. Would be funny if the new million gil mats can be stolen in Omen. I'll have to remember to steal and despoil randomly to see if I get anything.

I use steal all the time on mobs with buffs, and I have +10ish in steal gearswapped into precast because why not, for ~4 months and I have only stolen items I have expected to be able to steal. SE thinks THF only exists for TH.

would be cool if you could steal THF Cards from bosses.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2016-12-13 16:26:08
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Verda said: »
Depends, I have a COR mule so I can always get it. You'd want to check for every situation really. pDIF cap will rarely if ever be achieved solo for example and with it capped attack is a completely ignored stat but becomes much more important when you aren't capped. That's why we always say ***is situational. An optimized set for an optimal situation is what people are most interested in most the time however, and an optimal situation is always have SAM roll. Given how much SAM roll will boost your dps though it should probably be a priority to get it in a DD party.

Okay. If you keep going with this thought then it's clear your scenario is suboptimal. You're missing many essential buffs (Miser's Roll, Rogue's Roll, Fighter's Roll, Warcry, Crystal Blessing, Haste Samba, etc.) that I consider fairly common for zerg situations and that will also affect the outcome of your swaps.

The issue I'm taking here is how you're advertising this new gear as an improvement when most of the time it won't be. I don't think modeling an ideal situation is useless (zerg gear is relevant), but I do think it's more valuable to model just capped accuracy/attack. That's more common than having Samurai Roll, especially given that party size is now limited to 6 participants on the most recent content. Your swaps drop a lot of Store TP for a small amount of Triple Attack and yield a very small improvement in DPS. I wouldn't be surprised if the same swaps end up lowering your DPS without a COR.
By Verda 2016-12-13 16:35:29
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Well the spreadsheet is there if you want to do the work to verify the setups you're interested in. Also, all those you listed isn't really common imo. The typical setups I see are GEO BRD COR DD DD WHM, then maybe another party with a tank, healer and another GEO. SMN, WAR, additional COR's aren't really things I count on. So we basically both want to see diff setups and that's one reason why I shared the spreadsheet you can check any setup you want. I still don't think you'll end up not using canny, from when I looked but that's a guess and you're welcome to it.

Edit: also one reason I include SAM is unlike a lot of the other buffs you mentioned it makes a huge difference on dps and is full time. Crystal blessing and Savagery warcry are amazing too ofc but it's really rare to have a SMN buffer and warcry isn't full time.

Also I did try with no SAM roll and Reiki + tout STP do win with pillager's +3, however I think excluding SAM roll is a huge disadvantage, as the spreadsheet is only set to 30 STP, and with a full 60 STP roll your dps goes from 4850 to 5541, which is on another level compared to most other buffs. Crystal Blessing for example only gets you from 4850 to 4983 and Rogue's only to 5010, fighter's is also not so great for THF b/c they will only get less than half the benefit and will get you to 5061 dps. SAM is incredibly valuable basically, you'd always want chaos + sam and if you don't need chaos then you can use one of the other options.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2016-12-13 16:47:36
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Verda said: »
Well the spreadsheet is there if you want to do the work to verify the setups you're interested in. Also, all those you listed isn't really common imo. The typical setups I see are GEO BRD COR DD DD WHM, then maybe another party with a tank, healer and another GEO. SMN, WAR, additional COR's aren't really things I count on. So we basically both want to see diff setups and that's one reason why I shared the spreadsheet you can check any setup you want. I still don't think you'll end up not using canny, from when I looked but that's a guess and you're welcome to it.

Quad COR rolls and SMN buffs are actually very easy to utilize. Support jobs can all come COR or SMN, do some buffs (easy to get fast crooked XIs abusing the escha NPCs for super revits), and then change to jobs they are actually going to be on for the fight. Also WAR is literally the best zerg job. Warcry + Mighty Strikes + Resolution put it far ahead of any other DD job in both individual and party DPS. The only reason to not bring WAR is if you don't have WAR.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-12-13 16:48:00
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Also add in the new ammo/ring, that new ammo is sex and the ring looks to be a solid piece as well.
By Verda 2016-12-13 16:52:14
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Ya I added those in lady :D

Fenrir.Snaps said: »
Warcry + Mighty Strikes + Resolution put it far ahead of any other DD job in both individual and party DPS. The only reason to not bring WAR is if you don't have WAR
Well, I edited my post above showing why I value SAM roll so much, it's just very valuable. Also I believe a fully stacked party for Ramuh Volt Strike will beat WAR mighty strikes zerg as shown in Papesse's group 1.5 min win vs Teles. But this is the THF thread so lets keep it to that please.
Posts: 322
By Ulthakptah 2016-12-13 17:34:46
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Also add in the new ammo/ring, that new ammo is sex and the ring looks to be a solid piece as well.
Thf isn't on the 6 wsd ammo. At least that's the one I think you are thinking of. I don't see how +10 more acc than ginsen is sex.

Rings are good though we actually get 2 diffrent ones with agi +10 so that's good news for Exenterator.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-12-13 17:42:09
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Ulthakptah said: »
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Also add in the new ammo/ring, that new ammo is sex and the ring looks to be a solid piece as well.
Thf isn't on the 6 wsd ammo. At least that's the one I think you are thinking of. I don't see how +10 more acc than ginsen is sex.

Rings are good though we actually get 2 diffrent ones with agi +10 so that's good news for Exenterator.

I have a hardon for magic evasion, so it's sex to me.
Posts: 89
By Marootsoobootsu 2016-12-13 17:53:34
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What food is THF usually downing these days in various situations?

And with all of this extreme Acc, does that change things at all? Like, could you shift from Sushi to meats? And given the extreme importance of STP nowadays, is Spaghetti something folks are downing in any quantity? Even NQ Arrabbiata seems to at least outdo Red Curry Buns by quite a bit. Quick-and-dirty on Verda's spreadsheet, Arrabiatta seems like the top DPS food available (Behemoth steaks 1% triple attack might make the difference, but I'm skeptical?), and the fact that it comes with some decent defensive stats to boot (150 HP), would seem to make it a winner.

Edit: Heck, Spaghetti Carbonara seems to pull well ahead of both Behemoth Steaks and RCBs.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-12-13 17:59:26
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I very rarely use sushi, generally only for t3/t4 fights. Normally use Carbonara for my cheap food as it's some attack, STP and hp. Otherwise standard meat, or Miso Ramen if it's a dangerous fight.
By Verda 2016-12-13 18:00:08
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My favorite foods for THF:
behemoth steak +1

plate of sublime sushi +1

pork cutlet rice bowl +1

If you're going on the cheap red curry bun is available from the curio moogle and very effective and NQ plate of sublime sushi for accuracy.

There's other foods i haven't looked into and these aren't really backed by data but seem the best choices to me. bowl of oceanfin soup or bowl of riverfin soup of course for a hybrid acc/attack food though.

Edit: ya I didn't mention miso as Lady did it's a great defensive option.
Posts: 83
By Luminiferous 2016-12-14 09:42:02
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Hi all! I just returned not long ago and scoured some threads regarding CP efficiency solo. During non-campaign times like now, is the best place to farm CP in Reisenjima? I usually target piercing mobs and average kill 3 a minute, but just wondered if there were better alternatives solo. Thanks!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-12-15 05:43:37
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Luminiferous said: »
Hi all! I just returned not long ago and scoured some threads regarding CP efficiency solo. During non-campaign times like now, is the best place to farm CP in Reisenjima? I usually target piercing mobs and average kill 3 a minute, but just wondered if there were better alternatives solo. Thanks!

If you're looking specifically to max CP, you can try to chain Apex bats, if you're not capable of doing that with trusts then Reisenjima is probably your best bet. It will also net you some hp/mp vorseals, which are very nice to have. I'm legit considering paying someone to farm me kills for another tier or two, but then I just bought my Chirich+1 so I'm poor again...
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-12-15 05:55:18
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So on looking over the +3 set after a few days, here's my determination:

Head- First one I'm going to upgrade, BiS for WS assuming you have attack buffs, which at least I always do. Also going to be highest Meva you can get. My current meva head is a Herc with DT-4% on it, which is meva+59, the +3 helm is meva+83.

Body- I will be upgrading this, as it'll be my high acc TP piece, not that it beats my Adhemar+1 by much, but it's an extra 25 mageva, and almost anything I desperately need acc on has some shitty debuffs I want to avoid.

Hands- I'll likely upgrade eventually, but it's a low priority. Adhemar+1 are just so good for this slot, and I have Floral for DW usage to tide me over. But eventually for TA stacking it'll be upgraded, also has a meva upgrade, we'll see how quickly I farm cards.

Legs- Also a will upgrade. This'll replace the Meghanada+1 as my high acc legs. The new ambuscade legs are actually new BiS for meva/mdt so it doesn't have that going for it, but it's more meva than Samnuha so it has that going for it. Currently unsure if I want this before body, I'm leaning towards this as my 2nd.

Feet- Will upgrade eventually, no priority. Jute+1 has the meva/resist grav/movement+18%. But this has it crushed in evasion, which I wonder if it might become semi-relevant with the extra evasion on all the pieces.

So I saw some people seem to be unhappy with our set, but I'm pretty happy with a set that has 3 pieces that are upgrades and all 5 have a use for. Looking at my other jobs, COR and RUN, and I think there's only like one piece for each I care for in any capacity. So I consider THF lucky in that regard.

Also remember, our relic had some really interesting bits to it. Just imagine if we get +acc on our body, which already got TA and crit rate/dmg on it. And our relic feet are probably going to be TA+7% or something crazy, too.

...And our Empyrean set is going to be godly.
By Calinari 2016-12-15 06:45:23
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I mean it's a usable set, and 1/5 pieces is about what you'd expect.

2 being reasonable switches, and 2 being totally useless (I run at 21% even while naked so 18% /scoff.)

But, the set is certainly not worth the 200~ days it will take to make. even at 3~5 cards a day it's just not worth.

Especially considering that 3 months from now it'll be relic +3 time and you'll store all 5 pieces of af+3 you just spent 3 months getting.
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