Ballist★r Brawl: 500k Per Winner?! :D Yay!

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Ballist★r Brawl: 500k per winner?! :D Yay!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Bismarck.Minibuddha 2013-03-09 13:56:24
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malea said: »
Well no way would I pay to transfer for Hako, when UNCAP O.M. here on Lakshmi are 12vs12 standard... But I do wish we had more people involved with Hako for the day's I work and can't attend official matches.

Another thing is.. I met Evviva when I first started back in the end of Aug 2012. It wasn't long after I started on Lakshmi (FOR PVP ONLY) that he transfered to Carby, and is now on Fenrir. (Since end of Aug last year >_>) I'm glad you guys are here to kind of spread the word that PvP is still happening on FFXi BUT you are guys are making is so theres limited amount of ballista players on each server. You guys post the videos and encourage people to transfer to another server for "good" ballista and than you change servers. I watched Carby go from 20vs20 60 cap OM like 2- 3 weeks ago & now they are lucky if 8vs8 (most C/A) ;_; Even some of our Ballista players left lakshmi for the bigger 60 cap matches and are now regretting making that choice. Just want you to be aware that although you may be spiking others interest in PvP, you constantly changing servers is only spreading those people interested in PVP out amongst the servers.

&&& I don't think you should consider these matches for 500k Fair when you're playing against people who don't even have level 75 for merits or 60 cap gear .. just sayin' :) ...but it's very cool you guys are paying !! If I could transfer for a day I'd bring Malea over for you all to meet! She's a pretty big deal! :P


Malea I miss you :( I know im not your best friend or anything but...if you do want to come over to Fenrir on Malea, Talk to me. You know how to get a hold of me. Perhaps I can help with that so maybe you too can be happy. I am sorry you think Evviva moved to get "bigger" Matches. Its far more then that. Anyways if its something that catches you, let me know and you know how to get ahold of me ok? Dont be mad at Evviva or Ayerro I love em both!
Posts: 15
By malea 2013-03-09 18:43:47
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Mini<3 I miss you soooooooo much! Thanks for the offer! As of right now tho I couldn't leave all the friends I've made :/

If you read what I posted carefully you'd see I'm not mad (I'm really happy on Lakshmi - although I do miss the evolved LS mates) I'm Actually not mad, nor was I @ either Evviva or Ayerro. I'm sad the community is divided. Never did I say Evviva only moved for "bigger" matches. I just said his influence he has on the community and moving has divided the ballista community. Maybe you should offer a solution to make Evviva happy. After all I wasn't the one who got sensitive. As for Ayerro, I sent her a private message this morning to clear all of this up and to avoid changing the topic of this forum XD ...But maybe I should've posted it on here to clear stuff up with everyone >_<

Anyways to avoid going further off topic I just want to say I hope you are doing well & I'd love to ballista with you again in the future! *fingers crossed* our paths cross again! Xoxo

& Goodluck Ayerro & Evviva:)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2013-03-09 19:59:08
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Ayerro doesn't respond to private messages much, I should warn you >:| always so distracted/busy!
Posts: 15
By malea 2013-03-09 20:23:54
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Bahamut.Raenryong said: »
Ayerro doesn't respond to private messages much, I should warn you >:| always so distracted/busy!

She actually responded right away, & I think we cleared a lot up! :)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2013-03-09 20:24:26
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Well she apparently hates me then!!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ayerro
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-09 22:14:08
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I don't mean to ignore you Rae~ :< Your messages are just so... high maintenance! You should probably just add me on an instant messenger or something. v__v
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2013-03-09 22:16:51
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I'm not sure if that is a compliment or not!! Regardless, I will add you and annoy you there instead.

EDIT: It is however your fault if I end up inflicting myself on the 3 other people using Ayerro as their Skype name!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Bismarck.Minibuddha 2013-03-12 17:27:35
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malea said: »
Mini<3 I miss you soooooooo much! Thanks for the offer! As of right now tho I couldn't leave all the friends I've made :/ If you read what I posted carefully you'd see I'm not mad (I'm really happy on Lakshmi - although I do miss the evolved LS mates) I'm Actually not mad, nor was I @ either Evviva or Ayerro. I'm sad the community is divided. Never did I say Evviva only moved for "bigger" matches. I just said his influence he has on the community and moving has divided the ballista community. Maybe you should offer a solution to make Evviva happy. After all I wasn't the one who got sensitive. As for Ayerro, I sent her a private message this morning to clear all of this up and to avoid changing the topic of this forum XD ...But maybe I should've posted it on here to clear stuff up with everyone >_< Anyways to avoid going further off topic I just want to say I hope you are doing well & I'd love to ballista with you again in the future! *fingers crossed* our paths cross again! Xoxo & Goodluck Ayerro & Evviva:)

Mucho Love Malea <3 Do you want to join us? We are a nice group :3. Ayerro welcomes new wonderful people.

<3 Malea and Evviva and Ayerro.

Ayerro is super sweet. We sat up til 2:30am on Friday night talking. Most fun i had in forever. Let me tell you nothing is better then friends who are really amazing. All 3 of yall. Like you no idea how happy I really am. We all get to ballista together and have fun, talk, and see who does the most Penta Thrust damage hahaha :p

I just hope yall know this, that i do this out of love and friendship. I must sound lovey dovey or something but no this is who I am :)
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ayerro
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-14 02:56:59
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Next match is posted on the OP. Friday, @6:30 PM PST.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Bismarck.Minibuddha 2013-03-14 12:22:33
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Its sad I can not play on Friday nights til Summer due to reasons beyond my control D: but ill have all weekend to play :D
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ayerro
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-17 07:23:12
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@work bump ('-'*

Videos will be uploaded shortly. .w.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: deno
Posts: 86
By Fenrir.Deno 2013-03-17 08:17:59
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@the bathroom doing a #2 bump @,.,,...,@

Videos will be uploaded in even less time than the previous post~ 8D
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ayerro
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-17 12:23:31
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Hako - after the 500k matches!

Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ayerro
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-18 11:41:47
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Day 3's Battle

Think you're up for the challenge? :3

(This is a video, just btw. Took forever to upload)

YouTube Video Placeholder
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ayerro
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-27 05:33:50
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day 4
Next event scheduled for Friday @7pm PST.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ayerro
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-04-12 08:35:11
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As of right now, BallistarBrawl is 1 mil, not 500k. :3

Meaning, each member of the winning team receives 1mil each. For example, in a team of 5 people, each individual member will receive 1mil. As the challenging team, if you lose to BallistaSession, there's no gil-loss, so give it a shot if you're up for it!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ayerro
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-04-13 21:18:46
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-bumps- :'3

Doing a spontaneous match. /tell in game if you happen to see this/are interested!