You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto

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You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto
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By minikomby 2015-04-12 17:50:12
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anyone have seen Linos flaute with refresh on it? i know some weapons can get refresh and based on BG wiki you can get refresh with leafdim stones, just need someone to confirm if this is possible or myth
Posts: 4
By Nerdgirl101 2015-04-12 19:00:40
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Thank you for the updates! :D

I think I got a refresh +1 augment the other day, can't remember if it was on the linos though or something else. Pretty sure it was on the linos. Right now I got lucky with an all songs +2 and occ. quickens spellcasting +5% augments.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Lonoha
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By Ragnarok.Zaenon 2015-04-17 13:08:25
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Thanks for the updates!

Nitpicking, but the idle set could use HQ empy feet (18% movement speed), HQ Gendewitha body (+2 refresh), HQ flume belt (3 def, 4 VIT and a whole lot of white box) and Assiduity Pants +1 instead of Nares.
By geekgirl101 2015-04-27 16:44:11
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So according to the page updates only telchine feet are good for brd?
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By Asura.Loire 2015-04-27 16:49:58
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geekgirl101 said: »
So according to the page updates only telchine feet are good for brd?
Brd specific you could go a bit further and make telchine legs and head into melee options as well as putting enhancing duration on the whole set for a 50% increase in length of all enhancing spells you cast.
By geekgirl101 2015-04-27 16:57:54
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What about respite cloak for idle then? +3 refresh is quite nice considering there's no head I can find for bard that has refresh to justify the use of the genendewitha bliaut....

...except that wivre hairpin, but I think the bonuses of the respite cloak are greater of the other 2 together for better survivability.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Lonoha
Posts: 28
By Ragnarok.Zaenon 2015-04-28 03:23:35
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Especially since you can cap PDT without Gendewitha with perfect Darkness Earrings and D ring
Serveur: Sylph
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user: dmregm
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By Sylph.Reain 2015-05-14 06:51:59
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New Job Points

Marcato Effect
Increases effect duration of songs while under the effects of Marcato.
Increase effect duration by 1 second.

Requiem Effect
Increases damage over time of Requiem
Increases damage over time by 3.

New Gifts
445 Capacity Point Bonus+21%
450 String skill+8
500 Wind skill+8
545 Capacity Point Bonus+23%
550 Song spellcasting time-5%

Possibly some of the other Gifts are new too but these were the ones I didn't have unlocked.
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By Boshi 2015-05-14 07:03:59
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Previous gifts stopped at 210
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-05-14 07:05:40
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So... no gifts from 210 to 445? That's quite a big jump lol
New JPs are uhm... could've been worse, but it's nothing particularly stellar. Was hoping for some Madrigal improvement, but alas no.

The final gift is nice as it will allow us some more freedom while gearing.
At the same time though it's pretty underwhelming compared to what other jobs got...
But then again, couldn't we say the same about most of our JPs and Gifts?
Serveur: Sylph
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user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-05-14 07:12:19
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There is more I just didn't know where the previous ones ended.I'll type up 210-550
Serveur: Sylph
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user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-05-14 07:15:23
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210 Eva+5
245 Acc+5 R.acc+5
275 Capacity point bonus+17%
280 Magic Defense Bonus+3
320 Magic Eva+8
355 Capacity point bonus+19%
360 Magic accuracy+8
405 Singing skill+8
445 Capacity point bonus+21%
450 String skill+8
500 Wind skill+8
545 Capacity Point Bonus+23%
550 Song spellcasting time-5%
Serveur: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-05-14 07:29:05
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I think the last one before this patch was the one at 210. Thanks for sharing Reain! Folks still at work like me will surely apreciate :D
Serveur: Odin
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user: Brahk
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By Odin.Brahk 2015-05-14 08:28:56
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Noticed this in the items:

Essentially a combination of terpander and emninent flute. Will be perfect to put on my alt for the rare times I myself am not BRD.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
By Cerberus.Fiasko 2015-05-14 08:32:07
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Does blurred harp have +4 lullaby/ballad?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-05-14 08:40:31
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Areaeffect is looking pretty cool. Gonna be able to quantify easily how string instrument and skill effects AoE size for harps and song level.

E.G Horde Lullaby with Daurdabla

Horde Lullaby II with Daurdabla

Unfortunately it doesn't display for macros and you'd actually need be in the equipment you cast in to see the correct size. Works for buffs and horde lullaby 1+2 though as long as you cast from the menu.

Edit. It works with macros with gearswap unloaded so probably just needs Bryth to update it.
Serveur: Odin
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user: Brahk
Posts: 46
By Odin.Brahk 2015-05-14 08:55:49
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Cerberus.Fiasko said: »
Does blurred harp have +4 lullaby/ballad?

Assuming they stack, then it does appear that would be the case. +4 ballad and lullaby on stringed instrument radius is an interesting twist.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
By Cerberus.Fiasko 2015-05-14 08:57:08
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It balances song duration and overwriting problems for non relic users. =/

edit: for ballads
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Lonoha
Posts: 28
By Ragnarok.Zaenon 2015-05-17 15:19:36
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Asura.Sechs said: »

The final gift is nice as it will allow us some more freedom while gearing.


Can anyone with the JPs do a quick test to see if that 5 percent goes beyond gear cap? Pretty sure it won't, but eh.

I'd do it myself but I'm nowhere near that many JPs
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: woVow
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By Leviathan.Vow 2015-05-17 17:38:53
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Sylph.Reain said: »
Edit. It works with macros with gearswap unloaded so probably just needs Bryth to update it.

That may not be so easy to fix. When you enter a command with a <st*> target, the client follows it up with a second command:
>/ma Meteor <stnpc>
>client parses command
>/ma Meteor mob_id -- spoofed by the client. This previously did nothing, as far as I can see.
>player presses enter
>/ma Meteor mob_id -- the actual target of your spell, as chosen by you.

Gearswap also parses outgoing commands:
>/ma Meteor <stnpc> -- nope, not enough information to spoof an action packet. Let the command pass and set a flag saying the user entered a subtarget command. Pretarget occurs here.
>/ma Meteor mob_id -- the subtarget flag is set; block this line and reset the flag. This prevents gearswap from interpreting the line as a new command.
>player presses enter
>/ma Meteor mob_id -- now gearswap has the information it needs to write and send the packet. Block this line so that the client doesn't generate a packet as well.

The problem is that the previously unused line spoofed by the client is the line used to create the /aoe circle.
Serveur: Siren
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user: BruHouse
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-05-18 17:16:32
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slightly disappointed in JPs too :( but I'll take what I can get!

Ragnarok.Zaenon said: »
Thanks for the updates!

Nitpicking, but the idle set could use HQ empy feet (18% movement speed), HQ Gendewitha body (+2 refresh), HQ flume belt (3 def, 4 VIT and a whole lot of white box) and Assiduity Pants +1 instead of Nares.

Nitpicking is welcome and necessary :D I'll make these changes

Also: The second post in this topic has a link to the old and incomplete DD BRD guide. Is it possible for a mod to edit that placeholder post to include a link to the new DD BRD guide instead? It would be very appreciated!

Looking over this one over as a whole now, I'll need to modify it a bit more. The equipment sets look pretty good for the most part, some minor changes necessary, but a lot of the information is outdated. Got a bit off my plate since I've posted the new one, so I'll get to it soon :)
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Serveur: Fenrir
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Posts: 339
By Fenrir.Reece 2015-06-28 12:02:45
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Is Ovate Rope still the best Debuffing piece for waist?
I can't seem to get my hands on one and the BCNM does not drop it for the life of me lol.

Also the new earring is interesting.
Would that be a viable option now in the case of not having an Enchanter's +1?
Serveur: Siren
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user: BruHouse
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By Siren.Bruno 2015-06-28 22:05:38
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lol. Ovate Rope took me quite a few tries too =/ but yeah it is still best in slot

Darkside Earring looks like a pretty good earring at first glance. Safe to assume it comes from either Diabolos or Fenrir?

It seems like it has potential to be better than Gwati Earring in some cases too. Although we don't exactly know how Wind/String instrument skills are valued, the general consensus is to value them at a 3:1 ratio to magic accuracy. If you go strictly by this, comparing them alone, Gwati is better. However, when you factor in our personal stats, it comes out different. You could say if your total Wind Instrument skill has 1 or 2 "leftover" skill, or more simply if your skill is not divisible by 3, then the +5 from Darkside Earring would result in a total of +2 Magic Accuracy. This tends to be the case if you use the front page debuff set:

373 natural + 45 from gear + 16 from merits = 434 skill total, 434 / 3 = 144.6 Magic Accuracy

so if you add +5 for Darkside... (439 / 3 = 146.3) it results in a gain of +2 Magic Accuracy.

It works out the same way without merits, and with both Job Gifts (+12) also with and without merits. The only way this would not come out like this is without merits and only having the first job gift(+5), but looking from a most optimal standpoint, this earring looks worth getting. +5 Magic Acc from Singing, +2 from Wind Instrument, and +1-2 from CHR(assuming 2:1 and depending on your current amount), so 8-9 Magic Acc.

It should be noted, however, since its utilization is dependent on our skill, if our optimal setup is to change in the future and change our instrument skill to a number that would only let this earring give +1 Magic Accuracy(a totaled number that can divide evenly by 3 before this piece), then Gwati would tend to be the more favorable earring.

Remember too that this is all closely following only a hunched estimation for instrument skills' magic accuracy values too, as it's not clearly known. (btw, I did edit the front page debuff section with more information on song magic accuracy hit rate recently, if it wasn't noticed)

If you're also in a situation debuffing an exceptionally high level target that your CHR is 1:1 on rather than 2:1, Darkside Earring would match Gwati before even considering the Instrument skill, which would put it above it after the fact.

On a different topic, I kinda wish it woulda given a more absurd amount of PDT for Minne to maybe make it worth using =/ 3% is hardly worth it

tl;dr: Enchanter's Earring+1/Darkside Earring should be the best debuff earring setup.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 339
By Fenrir.Reece 2015-06-29 18:23:06
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Siren.Bruno said: »
Just to be sure it definitely is the one with Rabbits right? Tails of Woe haha.

Yeah it's Diabolos I believe. Will have to double check the BG thread.

I always was under the assumption skill was also 2:1 rather than 3 when it comes down to Macc ratio.
I hoped it would be an extremely useful earring, wasn't sure if it would replace any of the current ones though.

Enchanter's will cost me an arm and a leg but I'll get one eventually. I'll stick with Gwati/Darkside for the time being.

Also I meant to mention, I tend to use the Sword from Unity for Stoneskin precast also with the Umuthi Hat and Doyen Pants (as well curing on those legs)

Those are also options.
You could probably make a split set for SS/SS Precast. Or enhancing in general I guess
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BruHouse
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-06-29 18:51:50
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it's definitely Tails of Woe!

I'll make note of those and get around to brushing up and updating the sets with those, along with some of the other suggestions from earlier posts, thanks :D
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 339
By Fenrir.Reece 2015-06-29 20:21:19
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Even though you can get better augments for Songcasting with Gendewitha, it's nice to note Doyen Pants as well as having -15 Healing cast, -10 Stoneskin cast. It also comes with -6$ Songcasting

Sword is: Pukulatmuj btw
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BruHouse
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-07-06 23:28:18
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Anyone know what the max MDT augment on Gendewitha+1 is? Updating the main page's PDT/MDT sets too. BGWiki seems to imply 3% but I've also seen posts refer to the pieces assuming 4%.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-07 01:22:30
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afaik no Skirmish 113 and 119 item can go above 4%.
For 113 it's just PDT of course, for 119 it can be MDT as well, but on a separate augment slot.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10,298
By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-07 01:27:51
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Just noticed Reain's old post about the area effect.
Didn't know they work from macros with GS unloaded. That's strange, gonna have to poke Byrth and Rooks about it because I find it very useful.

Those area effect things made me realize what I always suspected and what was probably always known, about different tier songs having different range.
Back in the days at 75 I used to believe that Wind instrument songs had a fixed width range (9.9 yalms), whereas String Instrument songs had a variable range that increased in tiers according to your combined string/sing skill, capping at 19.9 yalms.

Now I wonder if this is really true? I never tested it.
Still it's annoying to see how Horde Lullaby II has such a small range (even with String). The same applies to Minuet 5 and Ballad 3, probably to all songs added post 75.
It's pretty lame, wish they could somehow standardize it and make all string songs 19.9 and all wind songs 9.9...
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