The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos

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The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos
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Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-02-17 13:52:31
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Part of the skill of knowing when to use a hybrid set is knowing when to use a hybrid set.

Still, your inability to provide any evidence for your side of the argument is honestly offputting. Makes me think that you've never stepped foot in the event for any extended period of time, let alone earned the right to extend advice about gearing conventions for it.
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Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-02-17 13:52:57
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Multiple people said multiple times that they will acknowledge your point once you provide a better result than theirs...
Posts: 257
By Kyler 2013-02-17 13:54:38
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Hey guys my group consistently clears 25 mobs in Ki and Muru with highs of 31 !

That doesn't say anything about personal performance. Which is the only thing you can control. Which is what is readily being discussed in this forum and more specifically this thread. I said it is unnecessary to use a hybrid set on EVERY mob in EVERY legion chamber.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Jemmy
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By Asura.Jem 2013-02-17 13:55:48
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Kyler said: »
Am I wrong? Is that not what the discussion is? That in legion on all mobs at all times TPing in a hybrid set yields better overall performace than using a traditional TP set and only using hybrid/dt/pdt/mdt when appropriate?

This is the third time I have said this in different words and I'm still waiting for a response.

Pretty certain I answered this and you still wouldn't give kill numbers.

Asura.Jem said: »
My personal opinion is that you should wear Hybrid gear for any mob that can drop you in under 3 seconds regardless of if it is facing you or not. That doesn't apply to every mob in Legion but it certainly applies to several mobs per chamber.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Fondue 2013-02-17 13:55:52
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who cares about ki and muru
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Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-02-17 13:56:11
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Your performance has a weight on the success of the whole is this beyond you?
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Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-02-17 14:00:21
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clearly he's soloing legion, that's what we've not been getting
Serveur: Odin
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user: R3G1STRY
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By Odin.Registry 2013-02-17 14:01:13
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dat Kaustra solo, bro.

Also I was asleep...

We've done like ~15(?) in Mul, usually around 13-14. Not really sure about other halls because I don't keep track and we don't often do more than the first or second wave. From what I notice most of the DDs (including myself) are flipping between full PDT/Hybrid/DD sets depending on what mob. Usually we can get away with just a full DD set, but I'd consider the SCHs very good with stuns :3...

Curious, though... what setup are you using to get 18 in mul?
Posts: 257
By Kyler 2013-02-17 14:07:49
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The performance of a group is based on the performance of the individuals within it. If you don't have any new information to add I'm done wasting time on this discussion.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Ccl 2013-02-17 14:09:39
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Kyler said: »
Asura.Ccl said: »
and the mob is looking at you.

Why does this matter? You are always in your hybrid set remember?
I'm gonna assume either:

a) you're a bad troll
b) you don't read or only do partial reading.
c) you don't do legion and still stuck in fanatic era.
d) you do 9 in nq chamber and consider it clearing it and don't believe our number.
e)You're not advanced enough in game to understand this arguement and refuse to admit so you don't lose@ the internet.

There is no point to keep this going, I'll just go back to getting 18 scroll+selling rare/ex under 2h every monday.

Odin.Registraire said: »
Curious, though... what setup are you using to get 18 in mul?

DDX4(yoichi sam / rag war or drk / conq war) all work

Often the cor on pt 3 is a leech job that want to buy rare/ex.
Serveur: Odin
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user: R3G1STRY
Posts: 430
By Odin.Registry 2013-02-17 14:21:14
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Eh, don't have the RNGs to do that right now.
Serveur: Asura
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user: backstab
Posts: 256
By Asura.Backstab 2013-02-17 15:24:27
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I fulltime my hybrid set in mul and so do the rest of our DD, we still wipe w/o killing a single mob..... That make hybrid sets ***?
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
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By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-02-17 15:35:39
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No, that just makes your LS/legion group ***.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: backstab
Posts: 256
By Asura.Backstab 2013-02-17 15:53:06
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Ofc its ***but it answers the question, thing is it aint got ***to do with fulltiming hybrid sets or not. Its each player doing his job that makes a group good or not.

Fulltiming your hybrid sets lets you make much less mistakes since you only have to focus on WSing at the right time and maybe throwing on a heavy mdb/mdt set.

Ccl/ominia group or w/e you wanna call it do legion better then any other group cause each player does their job, fulltiming hybrid sets or not might contribute to their overall success but it isnt the game breaking point.
Posts: 61
By Phorcys 2013-02-17 16:30:04
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Kyler said: »
Am I wrong? Is that not what the discussion is? That in legion on all mobs at all times TPing in a hybrid set yields better overall performace than using a traditional TP set and only using hybrid/dt/pdt/mdt when appropriate?

This is the third time I have said this in different words and I'm still waiting for a response.

You would be correct. If a DD knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that using a Hybrid build isn't necessary then yes, they shouldn't be using it. As DD, we know which mobs we need our Hybrid builds for, and for those who're new to our shell just starting out in Legion for the first time, we call it out in TeamSpeak when to throw it on just before engaging mobs where a Hybrid build is necessary. Also, we use SMN for Perfect Defense and reset two hours once we're out if we're planning to do multiple halls so the more ridiculous mobs (turtle, I'm looking at you) aren't so ridiculous. During Perfect Defense, we don't use our Hybrid builds, since they're obviously not necessary, so I can honestly say, ***is truly situational.

For most things though, especially after the first wave in just about any given hall, a Hybrid build is almost always a must, even with high levels of Regen from Embrava and great mage support. Better safe than sorry, especially when a death is such a major setback. As it was previously said, losing buffs like Embrava at a bad time (when it's not able to be re-applied until it's time for the next SCH in the rotation to re-apply it) on top of waiting for weakness to wear is more of a setback and loss of DoT than the DPS gain from not using a Hybrid build.
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
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By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-02-17 16:46:07
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Asura.Backstab said: »
Ofc its ***but it answers the question, thing is it aint got ***to do with fulltiming hybrid sets or not. Its each player doing his job that makes a group good or not.

Fulltiming your hybrid sets lets you make much less mistakes since you only have to focus on WSing at the right time and maybe throwing on a heavy mdb/mdt set.

Ccl/ominia group or w/e you wanna call it do legion better then any other group cause each player does their job, fulltiming hybrid sets or not might contribute to their overall success but it isnt the game breaking point.

Yeah, it's already been stated that they do so well due to their excellent support, but having intelligent DDs is obviously required too. I misunderstood the point of your previous post, but there still isn't really any reason not to be using a hybrid set(on anything that's dangerous enough to deem it worthwhile) if you're not going the PD route.
Posts: 1,053
By Yandaime 2013-02-17 21:44:04
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Sorry to derail the Hybrid Theory (good ol' Linkin Park...) But

Hecatomb Subligar +1
(Critical Hit Rate +4% Augment)

I would think it still has a place in UF Builds for Keeping crit rate in the mid high range
Or are Heca Legs+1 void now?
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: Sambb
Posts: 334
By Carbuncle.Sambb 2013-02-18 01:13:31
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Phorcys said: »
Kyler said: »
Am I wrong? Is that not what the discussion is? That in legion on all mobs at all times TPing in a hybrid set yields better overall performace than using a traditional TP set and only using hybrid/dt/pdt/mdt when appropriate? This is the third time I have said this in different words and I'm still waiting for a response.
You would be correct. If a DD knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that using a Hybrid build isn't necessary then yes, they shouldn't be using it. As DD, we know which mobs we need our Hybrid builds for, and for those who're new to our shell just starting out in Legion for the first time, we call it out in TeamSpeak when to throw it on just before engaging mobs where a Hybrid build is necessary. Also, we use SMN for Perfect Defense and reset two hours once we're out if we're planning to do multiple halls so the more ridiculous mobs (turtle, I'm looking at you) aren't so ridiculous. During Perfect Defense, we don't use our Hybrid builds, since they're obviously not necessary, so I can honestly say, ***is truly situational. For most things though, especially after the first wave in just about any given hall, a Hybrid build is almost always a must, even with high levels of Regen from Embrava and great mage support. Better safe than sorry, especially when a death is such a major setback. As it was previously said, losing buffs like Embrava at a bad time (when it's not able to be re-applied until it's time for the next SCH in the rotation to re-apply it) on top of waiting for weakness to wear is more of a setback and loss of DoT than the DPS gain from not using a Hybrid build.

This pretty much sums it all up to be honest, it is pretty much what I and most others have said regarding legion in this thread....

Hybrid set use it, PD normal tp. Stunners are good and RELIABLE use normal tp on first wave. /end
Serveur: Asura
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user: buhusky34
Posts: 395
By Asura.Kese 2013-02-18 11:00:00
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hybrid set saved me in nam'

Posts: 61
By Phorcys 2013-02-18 15:29:47
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Yandaime said: »
Sorry to derail the Hybrid Theory (good ol' Linkin Park...) But

Hecatomb Subligar +1
(Critical Hit Rate +4% Augment)

I would think it still has a place in UF Builds for Keeping crit rate in the mid high range
Or are Heca Legs+1 void now?

Ideal Ukko's Fury legs inside Abyssea with Razed Ruins Atma set.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: eLySiuM
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By Quetzalcoatl.Elysien 2013-02-18 15:44:49
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Asura.Kese said: »
hybrid set saved me in nam'

Now I know how you did this. You got the infamous IG there.
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: suji
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By Phoenix.Suji 2013-02-18 16:04:48
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On topic, something I've been excited about on WAR is Berserker's Torque. I'm effectively immune to sleep. It never gets old to watch myself keep on swinging after a Sleepga while everyone else is typing "zzzz."

The automated implementation is simple:

Autoexec (Grim Halo is my standard reset trigger):
   <register silent="true" event="gainbuff_Sleep">input /ws "Grim Halo"</register>
   <register silent="true" event="losebuff_Sleep">input /ws "Grim Halo"</register>

XML (must be before any return rules):
    <if buffActive="Sleep" hpgt="200">
        <equip when="all">
            <neck lock="true">Berserker's Torque</neck>

Non-automated way is easy enough as well.

I know this isn't an original idea but it's awesome and doesn't come up often so perhaps it has a place in a WAR guide.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Mikumaru
Posts: 382
By Phoenix.Mikumaru 2013-02-18 19:10:57
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I wasn't sure if this was the right place to ask but I figured it was better than a necro bump or new thread. Sorry for the ramble .
I recently finished Bravura and while this guide offers extremely detailed final sets I was looking for some armor progression advice . I won't bog this down with the minor details so :
I have on average 3 hours of play time each night , usually marred with interruptions , so time management is extremely crucial . I would rather not bother side grades or situational pieces (at this time). The majority of events being done will be 75/99 Limbus ,Salvage , 75 Einjahar , Nyzul , ZNM (no PW ) ,sky and sea (the last 2 will be rare) . Reading this guide made me happy knowing that the effort I was planning on putting into Ares' +1 won't be a waste but don't know where to start . Admittedly my current gear sets lean towards the higher side of low or the extreme low side of mid grades .
This is my current MT set

And my current Upheaval

After the snickering subsides any spot improvement advice would be greatly appreciated . Just to reiterate , not looking for side grades since time is precious . If an item will offer minimal improvement , unless it's easily (read quickly like a night or two) I would rather not bother . My goal gear sets are everything shy of NNI and Legion .
Thanks <3 Miku . Ps great job on the guide and terrific info all in one easy to find spot . =)
Posts: 257
By Kyler 2013-02-18 19:43:56
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Have you considered meebles? It doesn't take very much time and you can get a few nice pieces/Possibly sell other pieces to make some gil.

Caduata Belt(Good for both Metatron and Upheaval)
Kokous Earring
5VIT ammo piece (Bibiki seashell in the meantime)

Are you gearing towards being capable to do other events such as legion/NNI/Prov etc.? Or are you looking to gear optimally for the things you are doing in the meantime?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Mikumaru
Posts: 382
By Phoenix.Mikumaru 2013-02-18 20:34:46
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I would like to do NNI but with the incoming Nerf looming i dont see it as somethng to think about . I have gone on a few runs (obviously) but decided that Bravura completion was more important since its already been over a year . Optimal Gearing for the current event set while working twards events like NNI and possibly Legion is another way to look at it .
i have also been told Warrior's Cuisses+2 > my current leg options for both MT and Upheaval . I also aim for the Twilight Set as interim pieces .
Posts: 61
By Phorcys 2013-02-18 21:33:58
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Phoenix.Suji said: »
On topic, something I've been excited about on WAR is Berserker's Torque. I'm effectively immune to sleep. It never gets old to watch myself keep on swinging after a Sleepga while everyone else is typing "zzzz."

The automated implementation is simple:

Autoexec (Grim Halo is my standard reset trigger):
   <register silent="true" event="gainbuff_Sleep">input /ws "Grim Halo"</register>
   <register silent="true" event="losebuff_Sleep">input /ws "Grim Halo"</register>

XML (must be before any return rules):
    <if buffActive="Sleep" hpgt="200">
        <equip when="all">
            <neck lock="true">Berserker's Torque</neck>

Non-automated way is easy enough as well.

I know this isn't an original idea but it's awesome and doesn't come up often so perhaps it has a place in a WAR guide.

^This. Absolutely love my Berserker's Torque.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Tyleron
Posts: 163
By Carbuncle.Tyleron 2013-02-19 06:56:45
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Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
I wasn't sure if this was the right place to ask but I figured it was better than a necro bump or new thread. Sorry for the ramble .
I recently finished Bravura and while this guide offers extremely detailed final sets I was looking for some armor progression advice . I won't bog this down with the minor details so :
I have on average 3 hours of play time each night , usually marred with interruptions , so time management is extremely crucial . I would rather not bother side grades or situational pieces (at this time). The majority of events being done will be 75/99 Limbus ,Salvage , 75 Einjahar , Nyzul , ZNM (no PW ) ,sky and sea (the last 2 will be rare) . Reading this guide made me happy knowing that the effort I was planning on putting into Ares' +1 won't be a waste but don't know where to start . Admittedly my current gear sets lean towards the higher side of low or the extreme low side of mid grades .
This is my current MT set

And my current Upheaval

After the snickering subsides any spot improvement advice would be greatly appreciated . Just to reiterate , not looking for side grades since time is precious . If an item will offer minimal improvement , unless it's easily (read quickly like a night or two) I would rather not bother . My goal gear sets are everything shy of NNI and Legion .
Thanks <3 Miku . Ps great job on the guide and terrific info all in one easy to find spot . =)

My suggestion is to cross check the lower sets on page one. For MT avant+1 legs or af2+2 legs (also good upheaval set). For upheaval apathy neck and twilight body. Also farm a few more elemental belts. (All those are upgrades done in a night or 2)

I would also work on 99ing the bravura as MT is a decent WS.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Mikumaru
Posts: 382
By Phoenix.Mikumaru 2013-02-19 12:47:03
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i am curious about apathy > fort . i can understand the +2 vit (esp since i am taru :X ) but i would presume the 7 GA skill offers no benefit in any form ? i am planning on getting the twilight set as well as least a light belt (covers more WS) i would also presume a flame belt couldnt hurt . should i really try and get more or would light/dark/flame cover most/all ?
Serveur: Odin
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user: Jassik
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By Odin.Jassik 2013-02-19 13:01:13
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Thunder shadow soil breeze should cover petty much every ws worth using them on. Wouldn't hurt to get at least a few gorgets as well.
Posts: 14
By lordbirry 2013-02-19 13:04:20
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hello a ls person showed me this forum because i just got my ukon. I would just like alil help since i never get invites to NNI or Legion runs. I will post my current gear set and maybe someone can tell me if im totally in left field or got a semi reasonable set

85 ukon
pole grip
twilight helm
rav hands +2
warrior legs +2
rav feet +2
chiv chain
atheling mantle
sentry belt
spiral ring
rajas ring
cassie earring
brutal earring
rav orb

and i only got about 600k gil ; ;
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