(Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide

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(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
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By volkom 2017-03-11 22:25:11
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this page reminds me of this scene >_> ionowhy


well the last page did <_<
Posts: 21
By cubia59 2017-03-12 04:17:45
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Quetzacoatl said: »
cubia59 said: »
Sadly I am soloing Ambuscade. I was planning to do 145 runs of Ambuscade (Regular, Normal) on my own to get full Sulevia +1 but if that's really with gallantry, I won't be able to do it. I tried Intense Ambuscade on very easy on my own and there are 3 mobs now instead of one previously and I cannot solo it anymore. Guess I'll only be able to get Flamma +1 set once I've done the 130 runs left...

Edit : and just figured that even if I do duo regular Ambu on normal, you get 10 gallantry... I am not even going to count how many runs I'd need to get the +1 set or I'm going to cry haha.

I'll try to get Flamma +1 and deal with it. Nothing much I can do.

Are all parts of Flamma +1 that great or do I only need specific parts ?

I would say Head, Body and Legs are rather invaluable. Hands you'll want Emicho/Emicho+1 for Store TP and High-Acc Builds. I don't think Flamma Feet can overtake the potential that Valorous Feet and Carmine/Carmine+1 serve. However, it may help to get those other pieces if you're strictly going solo, especially until you find success in obtaining Emicho/Valorous/Carmine.

I would still encourage trying to find a party to farm Gallantry, even if it's a pick-up group. The opportunity to obtain both sets might not be for long, and this month's Volume 2 is stupidly easy.

Thanks for the input. This is my actual DRK :


Many parts I could improve but that's what I've managed to get my hands on during the past 3 weeks.

I'd rather party with other people than leveling another job I don't like at all to get my gear, problem is I'm on a dead server. I barely see people doing Ambuscade. No one is shouting, no one is looking for parties and even if I shout, no one is recruiting. Only people I'm playing with at the moment are 2 friends, but one lives in Japan and we have difficulties to play at the same time and the other one isn't that much into Ambu.

And by the time I level up PLD (no way I'm going to play a healer), sets will be gone from the Gallantry's option.

Are people on Asura/other servers recruiting that much to do Ambuscade ?

I really need to consider the option to migrate to it. I don't really have fun playing like this anymore.
Posts: 1,273
By FaeQueenCory 2017-03-12 08:11:29
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Seriously. Go to Odin or Asura.
At the very worst you'll have to be the one to start your PUG.
Oh the horror.

But depending on when, you'll fill up quick enough.

Never solo Ambuscade. Even if you're so new that all you have is the NQ Ambuscade stuff... and you fulltime it... just do that.
You'll be the shittiest in the party, but at least you'll actually contribute a meaningful amount. (Unlike Spark armor fulltimers.)

Since you seem super new/returning, invest in some 117 Bayld gear (especially the bodies).

And forget about the catch-up in regards to gallantry. The main reason to never solo is because you're costing yourself a third cape every month.
Also because you annoy everyone else in parties.

EDIT: Also, consider being a ***. WHM is the princess ***. COR and GEO are the *** jobs that can give damage (though not GEO in Ambuscade). And BRD is the other *** job. They all rely on RF pieces for much of their main use, so are easy enough to gear to a point of being able to answer shouts.
Be a )(o.
Serveur: Fenrir
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Posts: 98
By Fenrir.Pertalee 2017-03-12 17:45:23
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There sure are a lot of things you "aren't" going to do to join content. Sounds like that is on you... No one is taking a gimp DRK, when they can take an average BLU, it is just that simple. DRK is one of the jobs that requires you to be stacked, do you really believe that stacked DD's are going to defer their spot to you? They aren't. Level a mage, and get over it. Or just accept that you are going to gear SLOW as *** and stop being upset about it.
Posts: 21
By cubia59 2017-03-12 18:30:31
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Finally found a good LS with nice peeps helping out each other. But I'll still follow some advices like leveling another job if needed (BLU or PLD) and see what I can do. I don't really like playing a job that I do not like but if that's necessary, I'll deal with it.

Thanks guys.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Azagarth
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-12 18:34:20
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Don't lv Blu, it's the same spot in a party as drk. Level jobs in the other spots. Stuff like whm brd Geo sch pld run etc are all good choices
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2017-03-12 19:26:52
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Fenrir.Pertalee said: »
There sure are a lot of things you "aren't" going to do to join content. Sounds like that is on you... No one is taking a gimp DRK, when they can take an average BLU, it is just that simple. DRK is one of the jobs that requires you to be stacked, do you really believe that stacked DD's are going to defer their spot to you? They aren't. Level a mage, and get over it. Or just accept that you are going to gear SLOW as *** and stop being upset about it.

Gonna have to agree with Pertalee here.

DRK is such a hassle to gear, if you look back a few dozen pages, I was once in your position: severely undergeared and didn't have a clue about where to start or how to improve....on drk. It just became easier to play everything else and join every possible content shout that gave me an opportunity to get an item I needed. Very slow grind, but its what needs to be done.

Especially this is true if you don't have an REMA and don't meet the acceptable ACC threshold for anything people would take you to events for. There's no way around it. You can either try progressing gearwise through the ranks and slowly upgrading your sets, or level GEO, get an appropriate average set and skip to the front (COR works too).

Sorry, but nobody would be willing to bring an undergeared drk (that already suffers from accuracy issues on the job itself) to content where decent gear comes from.

Again, its a catch 22.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-03-12 20:54:29
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Everyone has pretty much reiterated the same thing, you will need to level something else.

A different role.

Not just another DD job, most people are months ahead of you in gear. Your best best is support or heals, might get away with tank. If you move to asura geo is a no go, way too many people have idris, and you will see AG REMA shouts for merit bcnm and Vol 2 ambuscade. No exaggeration there either, not even talking about the troll shouts, I mean there are some serious people for those fights expecting AG DD.

Whm will be your fastest way into something, sch will take a bit more gear to get you moving, but not only will it help you get in endgame, but you will be able to solo a massive amount of content on it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-12 21:28:34
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Asura.Thorva said: »
Everyone has pretty much reiterated the same thing, you will need to level something else.

A different role.

Not just another DD job, most people are months ahead of you in gear. Your best best is support or heals, might get away with tank. If you move to asura geo is a no go, way too many people have idris, and you will see AG REMA shouts for merit bcnm and Vol 2 ambuscade. No exaggeration there either, not even talking about the troll shouts, I mean there are some serious people for those fights expecting AG DD.

Whm will be your fastest way into something, sch will take a bit more gear to get you moving, but not only will it help you get in endgame, but you will be able to solo a massive amount of content on it.
Thorva speaks from experience, hes such a terrible DD now he only gets into content because of his sch :D
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-03-12 21:43:23
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I sch everything, even chocobo racing, walks on the beach and to listen to the Beatles.
Posts: 21
By cubia59 2017-03-13 06:35:53
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Thanks for the precious comments guys, really helps a lot.

So, if I want to upgrade my DRK, I have 4 ways :

- Struggle alone
- Get people to do it for me (Mercenary)
- Get people to do it for me (helping out each other and leech, but I don't like this one)
- Level another job and participate in end game content, jobs being GEO, SCH, PLD. RUN (I'll prolly go for PLD or RUN, I am not really interested in GEO or SCH) and will get "decent" gear learn how the job works as I have no clue at all

I have enough feedback to progress now, I only need to work on it.

Thanks again, really appreciated.

PS : just a quick question, I'm working on a relic but haven't traded anything yet and I see many DRK with Ragnarok and few DRK's with Apocalypse on my server. Is Ragnarok better for end game stuff and Apocalypse should be an option ?

Have a nice day !
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Kensai98
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2017-03-13 07:04:52
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Both are situational. This is a very general over view. Rag is more for zerging. Apoc is more helpful when doing more low man stuff as catastrophe heals you.
Rag is also fantastic for cp parties. Great sword is just skillchain challenging. Whereas apoc is super easy to skillchain with. Same issue warrior has with rag. Great axe had more of an ability to skillchain. So it really depends on what you're planning on doing.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-13 09:07:42
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I highly suggest Rag as your first AG. Its going to be used about 80% to apocs 20%. Those 20% are only when your cant trust a whm, or your tank is so bad you have to drop your dps alot.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Fenrir.Pertalee 2017-03-13 13:29:08
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Apoc Chant, APOC APOC APOC APOC APOC!!!!! but for serious, probably rag... pains me to say it. /wrist drk style! you cant be a real drk unless you are super emo when you play it.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-03-13 13:53:29
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Does anyone have a list of relevant endgame mobs that Dark Seal Drains land for full values on? I just picked up a Dacnomania, and would like to know which ones it works well on without having to try it. I know that it works on Kirin (but not Koryu) and doesn't work on Omen Caturae, but not sure about WoC or T4 Reisenjima.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Fenrir.Pertalee 2017-03-13 14:41:58
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It works on omen caturae, you just cant do it when they are absorbing. I get 2500 all the time on them.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-13 14:48:14
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Ya I am around the 2500 mark on avg too, honestly if can go anywhere on them though 1500-4500 ive seen. Heck I got a lucky 4800 last night and was rocking a 7k hp on FU for a bit. There isnt many mobs that flat out resist DS/NV drain3 (only are immune in general), some just have higher magic defense values and such. look at the endgame guide I posted, that set should neet you that 1500-4500 non-mb on nearly anything in game with 2500 as an avg.
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By Quetzacoatl 2017-03-15 02:10:53
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o m g

Serveur: Leviathan
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user: bluecop81
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-03-15 02:28:26
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Yawn you got a ring, I got a ring, we got a ring its a ring... Ring a ding ding ding ding dong....
Guide Maker
Posts: 3,251
By Quetzacoatl 2017-03-15 02:30:22
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I like to express my elation :<
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: bluecop81
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-03-15 02:31:01
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Quetzacoatl said: »
I like to express my elation :<
Posts: 69
By xaniko 2017-03-15 06:44:02
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Silly question: Can AG Apoc DRKs keep up in terms of DMG with non REMA but top notch WS/TP sets BLUs?
Posts: 48
By afheal 2017-03-15 07:07:44
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xaniko said: »
Silly question: Can AG Apoc DRKs keep up in terms of DMG with non REMA but top notch WS/TP sets BLUs?

If you parse the fight, and know how to play the job, it wont even be close. For example, in ambu, a well geared drk vs a well geared blu will see a 30% to 40% difference in damage favoring the drk.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2017-03-15 07:52:28
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afheal said: »
If you parse the fight, and know how to play the job, it wont even be close. For example, in ambu, a well geared drk vs a well geared blu will see a 30% to 40% difference in damage favoring the drk.
f_ck no. A well augmented double Colada Blu will wipe the floor with AG Apoc, if both players are equally skilled and capable of bringing out max of their jobs.

Both RAG and Liberator are considerably ahead of Apoc.
When Liberator's Max potential is brought out it can be on par with even the best and decked out blu's, but not apoc... no. It is a complete different weapon with different advantages, and DPS isn't its niche.

Check out Prime's videos he has several of them that go up against a decked out blu and he's no joke of a player on any of his jobs, and his DRK is one of the best from all the videos I've seen floating around.
Posts: 48
By afheal 2017-03-15 09:00:10
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Honestly I misread the post. It's early and no coffee in my system yet lol. But overall a well geared drk will normally beat a well geared blu
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2017-03-15 09:28:46
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afheal said: »
Honestly I misread the post. It's early and no coffee in my system yet lol. But overall a well geared drk will normally beat a well geared blu
Not in the present, no. Maybe once upon a time. Maxed out, DRK stands no chance at all against maxed out blu. Please stop saying this. You might not have played this game in a long time if that's what you think.

Current top dps, more or less, are:
- top tier SMN on its own level due to conduit
- 2nd tier THF,WAR,BLU,DNC all lumped together - would say THF has the edge.
- 3rd tier: DRK, RNG, DRG, COR, BLM
- 4th tier: NIN
- Bottom of the barrel/junk/trash/don't waste your time: MNK
Posts: 48
By afheal 2017-03-15 09:41:22
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Sorry, but I've played since 04 and recently came back last year. I've parsed against AG decked out almace/tizona blu's and have always come on top (when I put my try pants on) so yes a drk will beat a blu on average. In the beginning when I was relearning drk, this wasn't the case, but now it's no contest. But I also had the opportunity to get lucky on some augments lately so that could be another reason why I'm saying this lol
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-03-15 09:44:36
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BLU hasn't been a top tier DD for a while now, and the disparity in access to recent melee gear is slowly widening that gap. I haven't specifically looked at DRK recently, but WAR and SAM come out ahead given decent support and scale better with additional buffs.

Good lowman job, good if you need a strong mix of offensive and defensive capabilities, but if max damage is your only concern then you can do better elsewhere.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2017-03-15 09:58:08
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
but WAR and SAM are well ahead of BLU given proper support.

WAR and SAM with COR/GEO/BRD buffs yes - I've seen this. Especially resolution spam on the war's part (even wider gap if MS is up). SAM when they are the only DPS and not having their 5-steps messed up, yes. Two different approaches/play styles.

I don't see DRK as high as those two. I often see DRK below THF and BLU. They don't pull off resolutions as impressive as WAR in a zerg situation, and they don't pull of as good skillchain dmg as SAMs.

Lets rephrase the question then - BLU and DRK in the same party, BLU is going to win the parse. CDC self Skillchains, Insurgency and resolution don't. CDC's DMG @ 1000%tp isn't as bad as cross reaper @ 1000% tp and is on par with resolution @ 1000%tp.

I just haven't seen any evidence at all to support DRK is ahead of BLU.

And there are plenty of bad bandwaggon Blu's out there that have AG Tizona/Almace and have no clue what they're doing, or don't have the right spells set, or don't know when Tizona shines and when Almace shines. If the fight lasts 30 to 120 seconds, Almace is going to win.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-03-15 10:10:39
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Resolution doesn't self-SC, but Torcleaver does, and it can pull ahead of Resolution in many situations even without SCs, especially with a Caladbolg.
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