What do you want in FFXIV?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-06-10 17:35:32
Artemicion said: Along the lines of what was previously said, I sure as hell hope we get a far more vast line of monsters to fight. I understand FFXIV will not be using an experience points based method of leveling up however, XI has pretty used to be {Final} {Crab} {Fantasy} and now is {Final} {Bird} {Fantasy}. No more grinding on the same mobs, and more lush and diverse environments (including monsters). ALL MMOS basicly use the same mob over and over again.. just change the name and change the color. hell most RPGs do the same.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 108
By Siren.Narayan 2009-06-10 17:36:28
Nieko said: Narayan said:
I cant remember if it was a FF or a Dragon Quest game, but the more you used a weapon or spell the more proficient you got at it and the more you were hit by lightning the more resistant you became to it.
Its not Square any more; it's Square-Enix. Need to consider DQ will have influence and this may just be the first FFDQ game.
Another excellent point that we have all been overlooking. hear here >_>
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Garuda.Maasahn 2009-06-10 18:01:12
Xxnumbertwoxx said: Maasahn said: Xxnumbertwoxx said: My point is, everyone would have to do it. We'd all be on equal footing. It would suck for you, just like it sucks for everyone else. It would keep the system completely balanced. More hours put in=better ***.
Of course, mobs would have to drop a much more reasonable amount of currency, and vendors would need to actually sell useful ***. But it could be done. Will it be done? Prolly not. But it'd be nice.
EDIT: Oh yeah, like Thunderz says, too. Better gil rewards for completing quests. Rewards in gil for helping other's complete quest, even if you already did it yourself.
If it sucks why would you play? You did get the point, right? Everyone *** about everything in MMO's. Saying something sucks is nothing new. I'm just saying the "suck" would be even for everyone. Yes, i understood the point. What i took from it is "You can't make everyone happy, so its going to be exactly the same for all" which imo is a good idea, but the whole idea of "its got to suck to be exactly the same for everyone" doesnt seem like a very fun game to me. Personaly id rather go kill 800 goblins that drop X amount gil each over the course of 2-3 weeks and buy said item instead of spending 5 hours a day camping 1 NM with 5000 other people competing against me that we may not even get the drop. but thats kinda mixing the way XI and XIV together in terms of how XIV is gonna have gil drops and XI has NM drops. It's all a wait and see and no matter how they do it someone will *** about it. Edit: Think i made sense, maybe just pointless rambling /em mumbles to self
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-06-10 20:38:23
I havent quite read the whole forum, but I haven't seen the one that I thought would be on there concerning leveling via skills...
Elder Scrolls style gameplay... increase major skill x10 = level up, your level up = HP + stats, your stats = better capabilities with skills which in turn help you level skills = level up. I always wished Bethesda would make an MMO, I can only hope that SE is taking a little slice of Elder Scrolls and putting it in FFXIV.
And for the people who wondered about mages and haven't played Elder Scrolls, this works for them too, but spells are broken down into schools of Illusion, Restoration, Mysticism, Destruction, and Alteration, effectively Enfeebling (Illusion/Alteration), Elemental (Destruction), Healing (Restoration), and Enhancing (Mysticism/Alteration).
Maybe they will, maybe they won't, I'll have to wait and see.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 828
By Odin.Karusan 2009-06-10 21:31:47
Just to reiterate what Scragg said for those that are making posts in here. If you feel something should be considered please post it in the Suggestions Forum as per below. Please remember that it's not about defending or attacking an idea, just looking at things that you may want to see in FFXIV and to share feedback on those ideas as a player-group. Scragg said: This forum is for suggestions for Square-Enix on the development of FFXIV. Please use the following format when posting.
Got a suggestion? Make a new Topic for your suggestion. The topic name should be the suggestion in it's shortest form.
Inside your post, reiterate the suggestion in the short form. Add a description to why Square-Enix should spend their valuable time doing it. Make it concise.
Everyone Else Rate the original post up if you like the suggestion, down if you think it's a bad idea. Reply with any opinions.
If we get enough decent ones I might compile a list and sticky it.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-06-10 21:34:29
Wasn't really a suggestion per se, considering if they wanted to implement it, they would have to rewrite they entire system as it is, I'm just hoping that their current system in question is in ballpark of what Elder Scrolls had to offer previously.
I do have a few suggestions they could put in though, but I'll play around with how to word them and get back to it.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 828
By Odin.Karusan 2009-06-10 21:37:23
Kyaaadaa said: Wasn't really a suggestion per se, considering if they wanted to implement it, they would have to rewrite they entire system as it is, I'm just hoping that their current system in question is in ballpark of what Elder Scrolls had to offer previously.
I do have a few suggestions they could put in tho, I'll check it out. It's good to talk about it because people get ideas and thoughts about things they do want and then they might consider making a Suggestion. I was just more saying if it's posted in here it makes it difficult for Scragg to collate and difficult for people to contribute their opinions on. I think there are some great ideas in here and would love to see them further developed. :)
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-06-10 21:47:25
My suggestion would be that SE takes the more popular jobs that they have, not only in FFXI, but the series in general, and consider running those. SCH, PUP, DNC, they were nice ideas in that they were original (or at least in their current form) so as to give to the series rather than copy, but I also feel they left out a few jobs and character ideas that could have made a bigger impact than some of their additions, such as Defender being another viable option for a tank job than a job ability, Geomancers, Assassin being a job rather than a trait, Sniper being another ranged damage dealer (with more aspects for sneaky THF action than brute range force) to compare with Ranger rather than COR.
As for their current FFXI job unlocking system, I preferred Tactics style where your jobs that become available revolve more around conditions of which jobs are level 30, verses any job. Being MNK and a pet owning job would unlock the quest for PUP, being WHM and RDM would unlock SMN, WAR and THF would unlock RNG and NIN, etc.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-06-11 06:55:40
So many ideas! Here's a summary of some of these ideas and my thoughts on them, also chucked in some of my own kinda.
Kyaaaadaa: Tactics style job unlocks, I like it, has good potential even for an MMO, and there's no reason why there shouldn't still be a quest to unlock the job after you have war and thf to 30 (or whatever)
Narayan/Kyaaadaa: Skills based level up, another good idea and a good solution for the exp-less style. Although as Kyaaadaa kinda mentioned, it sounds like SE already have something very definite in mind for the job system (and you'd want to think so by now), so I'm content to wait and see on this point.
Liela: More customisation options when creating a character. Yes, definitely, it's a very simple thing to do well these days and gives a lot of worth. I'd like to be able to customize it enough to create my own clone, as well as having options for changing hair and facial hair later on if I so choose (although limited so people don't change their hair every damn day).
Alyria: Good vs Bad storylines, has potential, but I think it adds too much complication into an MMO, if you really want that sort of style, play Fable (which sucked) or a Jedi Knights game or something. Having said that, I wanna see more things like apkallu hate, where a non-agro mob will start agro-ing you if you kill enough of them.
Zakules/Doggy: Sphere grid and picking stats. There is great potential in a sphere grid type of levelling, but one of the things that FFXI does really well is never limits you in your choices. What I mean by that, is that in some games you can make yourself a mage with all INT and no HP and be super powerful. But this is based on choices you've made right from the start and once done there's no changing it. FFXI doesn't punish you (generally) for choices you make at low levels, or at any stage with non-undoable actions. If you level INT to 5, you can still change it if you get sick of your blm and now love your war instead. The Sphere grid can still work though, travelling in a certain direction of the sphere grid would close off other paths to you, so unlike FFX you can't be an uber everything job, but still have choices in the way you level. At higher levels when you've nearly maxed out your sphere grid, you can use your exp (or equivalent of) to switch off sphere's you've previously activated to extend your grid in a more powerful direction.
Blazza: Weapons = job. To the people that responded to this, don't take me so literally, I just very quickly thought of a unique weapon for each job. This system could very well merge with the sphere grid or with the skills based levelling.
#2: Gilless economy. I like what you're wishing for this to achieve, let's face it, money is good. Every civilisation for thousands of years has invented their own form of money independent of each others influence. They all started out with the barter system, but eventually realised that if someone wants to buy a cow, the owner of the cow just might not need 3 sheep in exchange. Money is an awesome step between goods for services, allowing ANY goods or service pay for ANY other goods or service of a certain value. If I want your scorpion harness, I don't want to have to trade my vermy for two STR rings to someone else, so that I can trade those for and INT ring and a acc necklace for someone else so that I can trade them for the scorp harness. </endrant> Also, regardless of whether a mob drops 10 gil or 1k gil, it all depends on what the other sources of gil are. If the ONLY source of gil is from mobs, and each mob drops 10gil, then a KC for instance, will be about 200k, if each mob drops 1k, then the KC will be 200mil instead. The amount of gil acquired from all game sources (ie. not from other players via trades, sales or AH) is what will define the price of things, and is a very fine balance. If your average quest gives 20k gil and your average mob drops 5gil (including worth of items), then people will do more quests. If it's the other way around and quests only generally give 1-2k and mobs drop 200gil+ (and the occasional higher value rare items), then people will farm more and do quests less.
#2: More use from meds: This is just another system, personally, I've grown to really like FFXI's med-less style. Games where you need to rely on potions to stay alive tend to be lacking in strategy to me. Potions are also a tax on the wallet. Also, a lot of people don't WANT to craft anything, and never will, while crafter's will naturally gain an advantage over non-crafters (as is the case now), non-crafters shouldn't be punished.
Swimming, different races access different areas, higher levels access different areas etc.: I HATE this idea. The swimming is a maybe, but totally unnecessary imo. Level 1 runs are hella fun, and a level 1 character should be able to get anywhere a level 75 character can get if you can manage to avoid the mobs. I don't want to have to level my mule to 50 so that it can jump high enough to get over the gate to get into Jeuno. It would also suck if me and my friend are off exploring, and he can get somewhere I can't because he's a taru.
PVP: Only in selected areas like Ballista, PK to monopolise an NM or for fun or whatever reason is just HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
Augments: I'd actually like to see this scrapped personally. If I get a caster's cap from some random NM, I want to know that it's the same as the caster's cap the last guy got that killed the NM. I don't want to kill an NM for the same rare item 10 times to hopefully get better stats on the same item. Same goes for augments, FFXI has a ***-load of different gear, FFXIV will probably have more. You don't need all those choices AND be able to add random stats to them. A scorpion harness is a scorpion harness is a scorpion harness.
Personal airship: Would be neat at much later levels, but meh, totally unneeded and flight by necessity would have to be very limited due to the actual 3D models of the terrain. Also as much as travel in FFXI could be faster, (to Jeuno especially) some areas should always just be hard to get to. City to city travel should get easier by end-game, but super fast travel at low levels just makes things too easy.
Personalised animations/emotes: Would be cool, but probably not worth the technological limitations. I know better than most that a custom animation can be very small, since all it actually is is a bunch of numbers corresponding to each body part, location, and time, but it still has to be saved somewhere and downloaded by everyone seeing it. So if you unleash your new pose in the middle of Whitegate, every person within 50' of you has to instantly download that information. As we have it now, all animations are already on your computer, so it's the difference of downloading "/poke" vs a few kb of data.
NM's: NM's are always going to be highly competed for, but I'd like to see this shitty 5% drop rate bs scrapped. Call it luck, call it fate, call it what you well, it's just not *** fair that one person can go 1/1 on Mee Deggi and someone else can go 0/86. One suggestion I mentioned to Karu was that (for instance) instead of Faf having a 5% drop rate on Ridill (or w/e it is), he instead drops about 7 Ridill fragments (or something) each kill. These are of course r/e, but you need 100 fragments to get a Ridill. This means that if you're in a HNM linkshell, if you're next in line for your Ridill, you'd be the one getting all these fragments. It would still cost you points, it would still take 20 Faf kills to get your Ridill, but at least it's a more of a guaranteed thing than complete luck. 100% drop mobs could still very well be 100%. It's not a perfect system, and the drop rates of course could be tweaked a lot, but I think it's a fairer system, and a system that doesn't even need to be in place on all NM's. It could be possible for Faf to drop 5 fragments, or you might get lucky and have him drop 15-20. Maybe, it could even drop a whole Ridill itself as well as the fragments, but at a lower drop rate. Basically this system would help with all those cases of people being 0/100 on Mee Deggi, or my nyzul group having never seen denali legs after a year of doing 4-5 boss runs a week, without affecting drop rates so much as affecting shitty luck. "well, another shitty level 40 run with no drop, but at least I'm at 35/50 Nyzul leg tokens."
NM's and instances: I like the NM system, but they're probably the biggest cause of competition in the game, and I don't mean friendly competition. Let's make every NM in the whole damn game a pop NM, the higher the level NM, the more likely it is to be instanced to avoid people stealing after a wipe (It's often possible to recover from a wipe!). Allow people to be invited to party that are outside the instance to give them access (for instance, if you are in dynamis xarc, you simply need to invite someone in xarc to party for them to be allowed entry). And of course, more instancing in general, I want to be able to do whatever damn dynamis or limbus I choose, when I choose!
Same name mob is the same level: I actually like no two mobs being exactly the same. While it can be annoying that sometimes that tiger is T and sometimes it's VT, it adds to the challenge of the game, keeps it interesting and is more realistic. Every mob being exactly the same, resisting the same things, doing the same actions... *** that. ***, I actually like the fact that there's a 95% accuracy cap, it's a little silly on low level mobs, but in reality if you're a master swordsman killing a kitten, you're probably not going to be giving it your whole concentration and would miss at times <_<
Arte: More mob types. I hope for a hugemongous range of mob types as well, however even with a million different mobs, there are still going to be a select few that simply shine as exp meat. But yes, hopefully this will prove to be more than simply crabs and birds. Also, while I hope for more mob variety, FFXI has a good thing going (and under-used imo) with monster correlation (bird > fish > amorph > bird etc.)
Karu: No zones. I love this idea and think it's completely do-able. But even if this is implemented, we can still expect to see walls. A massive completely free-roaming environment like in fallout 3 or elder scrolls would be awesome, and is totally possible, but as far as a design aspect goes, it's a much harder way of designing the world. It would be much harder to have your various regions (deserts, snow, forest etc.) in this fashion I think. Even still, I'd like to see them pull it off.
The only thing I haven't really mentioned in all of the different suggestions about jobs, is that I hope beyond hope that they still allow us to change jobs, and only in MH (or equivalent). This is one of the biggest things (as well as the SJ) that FFXI has over it's competitors. The SJ I could keep or leave, depending on the main job system, but job change is a 150% definite must.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-06-11 07:38:03
Thunderz said: Personal airship!!!!!!!!!!
do it!
I would play the game farm my *** off and get this thing asap I don't care for anything else
I want a airship >.< {mine!} Pimp Ma Airship... Neon Underglows, Brass or Chrome fixings... Big Hella Sexy Mermaid on the front... Graphics...( promoting LS Insignias) You got my Vote!
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-06-11 19:56:13
Did a mt here. hope it wasnt qouted.. ><
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Remora.Rhinok 2009-06-11 19:57:34
I want rikku instead of that ugly moogle in my moghouse X_X
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Leviathan.Nickee 2009-06-11 20:23:49
I dunno if this has been mentioned anywhere, I doubt it. But I would really like to see some, Xbox live style player rating system, even just a happy sad or neutral face next to their name in the /sea box, only for personal viewing, not an overall, based on what everyone thinks of them. Like if someone just totally *** up a party I'm in because they don't know what they're doing, and I go to invite them to another party 2 months later, I don't want to think, "why is this name familiar? do I remember this person in a good way.. or bad way?" And not find out until after he gets my party killed that "oh yeah, its this ***" I don't know, just some kind of system for that, besides blisting, I think would be bad ***.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-06-11 20:24:24
Gonna surprise everyone here.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Remora.Rhinok 2009-06-11 20:26:54
They should give paladins mijn gakure, that would be inscane.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-06-11 21:10:26
In reply to Blazza's comment about Augments, I do not think that the Augment system in itself was a bad idea, and the same goes for a great many things in this game, as well as many ideas in general. That said, a good idea can turn sour and ugly with a bad execution, which is what happened. Augmenting an item, as many ACP11 finishers found out, can be a very good thing, but the chaotic seemingly randomness that comes out of the Field Parchments are the epitome of good idea/bad execution. As people on these forums have stated, when the Augment idea was put forth, the examples were extraordinary, one with HP+/MP+ versus two decent stat bonuses. (If anyone would like to reply with the pic, please do) What we recieved in turn was a huge supply of + elemental resist with some HP+/MP+, a few good stat raises, but a downside effect of HP-/MP-, Stat-, and elemental resist -.
The Augment system in FFXIV, if put into moderation, and allowing the augments placed on a gear to be chosen from a list comparable to the NM defeated, then I'm sure it would recieve a lot more praise, and a great deal more participation. As it stands now, I only augment things that I plan on NPCing to a vendor, such as my cheaply crafted Seer's gear, or what have you.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-06-12 00:34:34
I agree that it does have merits if executed properly, I just don't think it's necessary. I play a free MMO as well on and off just for shits and giggles. A lot of the good gear in the game is just a super rare drop of regular mobs, but it's like, OMG! NEW BOOTS FOR MY WIZARD! Then you look at them and it's like, wtf, +8 STR. I really just think that if I see those damn Lunar Eclipse Silk Shoes drop, that I know before I pick them up that they'll have +8 INT.
Seriously though there are 547 body pieces in FFXI. That's enough for a different piece of armour every 3 levels for EVERY job. Considering the fact that most pieces are wearable by 3 jobs at minimum, and generally closer to 10 different jobs, this means that at any given level, there are probably about 3-4 pieces of armour you can choose from. Obviously the higher level you are the more you can choose from as A: more armour is available at higher levels and B: you can still wear the lower levelled armour.
So out of all of these choices, why the HELL can't we be happy with the hundreds of options available to us without adding augments and making even MORE variations.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-06-12 00:58:44
Blazza said: So out of all of these choices, why the HELL can't we be happy with the hundreds of options available to us without adding augments and making even MORE variations. I know, for one, that I carry 4 body pieces just for BLM, in order to accomodate various builds. Usually; Royal Redingote for nuking, Wizard's Coat for enfeebling, Errant Houppelande for HMP and +INT on Drain/Aspir, and Black Cloak for standing. As for customizing, its not to create more variations in gear, although that would be a bi-product, its more for customizing the pieces to custom fit a tailored character performing a certain job. An example would be my Seer's gear. I wouldn't mind having two augmented sets, one with stats for low level WHM. BLM and RDM, and one with MP for RDM and SMN. The same would hold true for most jobs out there. People carry different gear because of meleeing in +acc for TP build, then macroing in +STR and +att for WS, +enmity or -enmity for performing hate control, or whatever the situation calls for. Having a tweak capability to suit a players preference, example of whether the THF is trying to parse damage without hate, or accrue a ton of hate to TA, would decide on -enmity or +enmity for a piece of gear. The bottom line would be a break from the norm. Augmenting a piece of gear to suit your individual play styles would manage to set you apart from the cookie cutter mainstream that the game seems to be bent on, as many people on this forum have stated and complained about. I, for one, would love to see augmenting being used to create something original rather than "be just like that other dude I saw in Whitegate" because I could pick my own. (Props to the melee WHM I saw with +Accuracy and +Attack on his Redingote)
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-06-12 01:17:54
Well I guess the cookie cutter really is the best argument for augments. However, take a look at the enhanced macro thread and my comments on gear change penalties.
I'd love to see an end to blinking, changing gear ten times a fight is ridiculous, and stopping gear swaps from being an option in the middle of a fight would totally change the way we play. I think for the better.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-06-12 01:23:30
I posted in that thread also, and it goes back to the need for various pieces of gear to pull as much out of an action as possible. If landing an enfeebling spell on a mob was so easy, changing 6 pieces of gear to stick it would not be necessary, but it would also kill most of the fun. I have a grand ol time collecting the pieces I need to complete an enfeebling build, or amass all 8 HQ staves, etc. And as I said before, you will always have a piece of gear that is better for an action, so the need to switch pieces will always be there, there is no alternative answer in an MMO to this. The blinking could be addressed with the removal of losing your target when he does blink. As a mage, specifically RDM, WHM and SCH, blinking toons piss me off when I'm trying to cure them as they are in the deep red, but they just want to milk damage, then get mad at me when they die because they drew too much hate and I couldn't keep tab on them to cure. Hopefully FFXIV will have this under a much more manageable system.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-06-12 01:28:24
If they don't impliment my idea of gear change penalties (which, as much as I hope for it, I'm not sure that they will), then fixing the blinking issue is an absolute must.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 32
By Odin.Suotuo 2009-06-12 01:32:09
Hopefully they get rid of stupid jobs like pup and pup-masters
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-06-12 01:33:06
Suotuo said: Hopefully they get rid of stupid jobs like pup and pup-masters Here it comes...
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-06-12 01:34:25
Suotuo said: Hopefully they get rid of stupid jobs like pup and pup-masters I'm hoping they opt for more traditional jobs that they've had in the previous installments of the series. Defender, Sniper, Assassin, Templar, Bishop, Elementalist, Geomancer, Onion Knight, Squire, just to name a few.(yes, most are from Tactics and Tactics advanced, but it seems appropriate, considering they mostly resemble FFXI and the job system)
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 32
By Odin.Suotuo 2009-06-12 01:39:33
also other thing want to be able to run over mountains and climb up certain spots i always hated running around areas to get to hnm camps like Sims and make the relic system alot less about money and more about hard work you put in.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-06-12 02:33:25
Suotuo said: also other thing want to be able to run over mountains and climb up certain spots i always hated running around areas to get to hnm camps like Sims and make the relic system alot less about money and more about hard work you put in. I'm all for greater freedom in movement, but only to a certain extent. I really like the fact that there are places that are hard to get to and I hope there will always be horrible places to get to like Sim, Roc, khimaira, Hydra etc. Not just for NM's either, but I just think it spoils it if you can just jump on your golden chocobo and get anywhere straight away. Very much agree on the relic system though, I love how Mythic weapons are now except for the alexandrite part.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10000
By Bahamut.Rumaha 2009-06-12 03:00:27
Base stats for each race - Then as u lvl up u alot what gets + etc. Sphere Grid works i liked that system(I game sharked it too after i beat everything xD)
I think it was in FFIX u could like fuse weapons and stuff something like that wouldbe good- Sorta like augments i guess.
More inventory.
No/very little reapeating armor models. Seriously.
^ But less repeating monster models/Types.
Some type of besieged type thing.
Same AH everywhere...and a way to stabalize prices...maybe a "Price Cap" Type thing..
A bank system w/ interest etc.
A steadier way to make money ^ Possibly that...but like maybe like in Fable II where u can smith or w/e for some $$ but limit it in some way.. maybe like more repeatable quests dailys kinda like that.
Edit** Maybe a way to customize armor looks like colors etc.
Ability to choose from a list or customize how u hold each weapon.(Lol Elvaan Male Sword & Shield)
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-06-12 03:14:06
Only problem I have with any of that is chosing your own stats. It has great potential to be good, but is very easily broken and unbalanced. Also, in no way shape or form should you be forced to make a choice that you may regret later, if you go all out in enhancing your INT, you should be able to change this later on (especially when you find out that MND helps magical crit hit rate). BUT! That then leads to changing your stats around more than your underwear, which is even more broken. Better I think to have stat upgrades be automatic with your level ups.
The Sphere grid I think has a little more potential than straight up choosing stats, but still potentially has the exact same issues.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-06-12 03:18:14
I don't know about the bank, or the besieged idea, but the same AH everywhere would be cool, a greater variant on both armor and monster types to reduce repeats throughout the game would be just peachy. A steady way to make money... I cannot reiterate enough that there IS a steady way to make gil in this game, but you have to play with your income and spending to achieve it.
Edit: Just to reiterate what Scragg said for those that are making posts in here. If you feel something should be considered please post it in the Suggestions Forum as per below. Please remember that it's not about defending or attacking an idea, just looking at things that you may want to see in FFXIV and to share feedback on those ideas as a player-group. Scragg said: This forum is for suggestions for Square-Enix on the development of FFXIV. Please use the following format when posting.
Got a suggestion? Make a new Topic for your suggestion. The topic name should be the suggestion in it's shortest form.
Inside your post, reiterate the suggestion in the short form. Add a description to why Square-Enix should spend their valuable time doing it. Make it concise.
Everyone Else Rate the original post up if you like the suggestion, down if you think it's a bad idea. Reply with any opinions.
If we get enough decent ones I might compile a list and sticky it. Seeing as Scragg has given us this nice new shiny forum I figured it might be a good place to actually start asking the question, what do you want to see in the next FF MMORPG?Please try to take into consideration some of the things that have already been stated as fact e.g. There will be no character transfers. Personally, better use of instanced events is a must. Possible more instanced events for lower level characters to keep them interested. True use of player vs many enemies without having to use sleepga or something similar so one enemy can be battled at a time instead of fighting many at a time.