Just to reiterate what Scragg said for those that are making posts in here. If you feel something should be considered please post it in the
Suggestions Forum as per below. Please remember that it's not about defending or attacking an idea, just looking at things that you may want to see in FFXIV and to share feedback on those ideas as a player-group.
Scragg said:
This forum is for suggestions for Square-Enix on the development of FFXIV. Please use the following format when posting.
Got a suggestion?
Make a new Topic for your suggestion. The topic name should be the suggestion in it's shortest form.
Inside your post, reiterate the suggestion in the short form. Add a description to why Square-Enix should spend their valuable time doing it. Make it concise.
Everyone Else
Rate the original post up if you like the suggestion, down if you think it's a bad idea. Reply with any opinions.
If we get enough decent ones I might compile a list and sticky it.
Seeing as Scragg has given us this nice new shiny forum I figured it might be a good place to actually start asking the question, what do you want to see in the next FF MMORPG?Please try to take into consideration some of the things that have already been stated as fact e.g. There will be no character transfers.
Personally, better use of instanced events is a must. Possible more instanced events for lower level characters to keep them interested. True use of player vs many enemies without having to use sleepga or something similar so one enemy can be battled at a time instead of fighting many at a time.