My group of minions and I have been dedicated mercs for weapon mats (and other aby and non-aby items) for a while now. Since I get a lot of random inquiry tells, I wanted to make an official post to let everyone on Quetz know what we provide and our general terms.
Our current AA run times are weeknights after 10pm cst and on weekends when we're not farming mats in Aby. As a general rule, we charge per mat/item as it hits the pool; so it should go without saying that you must meet our schedule. However, if that's when you're normally asleep/at work/playing with the kids, if you pay us 50% ahead of time, we'll farm you 50% of the mats that night and then D2 you when we finish. We've had a few people ask to pay for the entire farming run ahead of time, but we don't expect it as the norm.
We're able to farm the majority of weapon mats you want in 1-2 days, depending on competition and our members personal schedules. (Yes, that includes Glavoid shells, Apademark horns, etc.) So we typically plan to farm for 1-2 people per week. We merc on a first come, first served basis. However, money talks and if your wallet is fatter than the guy in the front of the line... the schedule can be shifted in your favor.
You're paying for what you're getting; namely speed and efficiency. You are by no means required to participate in the farming or killing process.
Right now we are NOT currently providing +1 seals, NNI clears, OdinT2, Arch Omega/Ultima/DL, Legion, VNM pops (Colorless Souls, Eye of Verthandi, etc.) Please do not ask. If we decide to in the future, I'll update this post.
If you'd like a price on something, please PM me or send a tell in game. :)