100,000,000g Bounty

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100,000,000g Bounty
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Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Valefor.Anethesia 2012-12-06 18:15:25
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Congratulations, Deadwing; well earned.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: CaptainB
Posts: 15
By Leviathan.Captainb 2012-12-06 18:20:49
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
While I agree neither side has an excuse, I don't think it's fair to simplify it to 7-5. The order of the kills shows a lot. While it's respectable for Deadwing to gear up for Urteil and win, a 5 kill streak should be significant enough to indicate Urteil adapted extremely well.

(I'll give you 150m to come to Levi and beat me once!)

Uhhh O, let the transfers begin?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2012-12-06 18:21:43
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Leviathan.Captainb said: »
Uhhh O, let the transfers begin?
offer only good for sehachan
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Gawdless
Posts: 1922
By Leviathan.Phenomena 2012-12-06 19:34:16
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-12-06 19:36:31
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Gawdless
Posts: 1922
By Leviathan.Phenomena 2012-12-06 19:44:04
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Also Urteil have you done fights with subjobs locked? If so how does drk fare?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Fyyvoaa
Posts: 18930
By Leviathan.Catnipthief 2012-12-06 20:23:50
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Leviathan.Phenomena said: »
Also Urteil have you done fights with subjobs locked? If so how does drk fare?

I was going to ask about this a few days ago, I'm a bit curious as well.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Myrrhic
Posts: 280
By Asura.Myrrh 2012-12-06 22:44:06
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They looked like they were doing the same thing... one of the RDMs had a scythe tho.

Now the RDM that can only use the scythe? No cures.


*secretly wishes DNC had innate magical abilities to make them a player.*

*knows better =(*
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: sickel
Posts: 7
By Valefor.Sickel 2012-12-06 22:48:55
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Asura.Myrrh said: »
They looked like they were doing the same thing... one of the RDMs had a scythe tho.

Now the RDM that can only use the scythe? No cures.


*secretly wishes DNC had innate magical abilities to make them a player.*

*knows better =(*

Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 207
By Carbuncle.Zirk 2012-12-07 03:03:32
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Leviathan.Phenomena said: »
Also Urteil have you done fights with subjobs locked? If so how does drk fare?

DRK would get their *** handed to them hard by RDM if there was no sub jobs.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Redshift
Posts: 42
By Asura.Redshift 2012-12-07 04:09:17
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Asura.Deadwing said: »
Asura.Redshift said: »
Congrats Deadwing! ^^

I really wish I did PvP with you before you left, but architecture school does not leave much free time...

What are your plans now? Stay on Phoenix? Coming back to neo-Pandy?

Take it easy, buy up some orbs, go for K club/D ring. It's actually seems like a much calmer server, everything feels cheaper; like 30-50% cheaper.

I'll be coming back to what's left of Pandemonium when the server transfer rolls around. In the mean time I'll be happy to PvP anyone who wants to go out and have some fun, and I really look forward to a match with your Blu when I get back. You left Pandemonium before I really got into my prime, so it'll be nice to fight with you as an equal.
Ahhhhh so you are coming back! =)

And I may do the same as you, I'm considering a run at Dring myself. Let's hope you have Iz's luck with you lol. Though, I have a lot left to do on my list; solo to 90 Almace, craft hexed wristband -1 and try soloing adaman KS99 for gil (a few test runs with my mule atm). It's a pain to catch up now. Thankfully I still had most of my crafting gil on hand.

Congrats again on the victory, your win was talked about on PJ shouts quite a bit today. It's great to see familiar faces after all these years, especially yours. I quit FFXI about four years ago, I was on Cathsith in some top LS I can't care to remember the name (they had the first JP mythics) and I hated it. I missed pandy. So I *** around in IRL. Literally, *** around looking for a challenge. A couple models, twins and even -almost- kicked out of school last year because I crammed 50+ people in a tiny dorm (the fire department was not happy with the fog machine). I got bored, so here I am again!

I haven't done very much PvP. I'll need to work at it. Not blinking in and out of FFXI existence will take getting used to. I'll definitely be up for PvP when you come back =)
Guide Maker
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-12-07 04:14:52
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
Leviathan.Captainb said: »
Uhhh O, let the transfers begin?
offer only good for sehachan
I'd go on a tour around the worlds if it wasn't so expensive and wouldn't take forever to do. Just come all to Phoenix! So you'll see how even on a big server there's ***-all to do all day.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 110
By Shiva.Vosslerr 2012-12-07 05:10:44
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All thoughts about who won based on the pride fights aside..

I say respect to both players. Deadwing shows some nerve by switching servers just to challenge Urteil and then coming out on top in the fights that mattered most and showing some dedicated RDMing. Congrats to a well-fought-for 100m.

Urteil also showed singled out skill when it came to DRK. Something not everyone has the ability to do. Several of the fights seemed be based on luck, such as Catastrophe missing (I'll admit I went "oh hell no" irl.), and having some bad luck with resists also cost him a few rounds imo.

All in all, an awesome fight that shows me that Ballista shouldn't be as dead as it is.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2012-12-07 06:10:17
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Shiva.Vosslerr said: »
All thoughts about who won based on the pride fights aside..

I say respect to both players. Deadwing shows some nerve by switching servers just to challenge Urteil and then coming out on top in the fights that mattered most and showing some dedicated RDMing. Congrats to a well-fought-for 100m.

Urteil also showed singled out skill when it came to DRK. Something not everyone has the ability to do. Several of the fights seemed be based on luck, such as Catastrophe missing (I'll admit I went "oh hell no" irl.), and having some bad luck with resists also cost him a few rounds imo.

All in all, an awesome fight that shows me that Ballista shouldn't be as dead as it is.

It's a real shame, because with FFXI's job system being the way it is, there could be a good level of depth to a metagame. The problem with PvP isn't the lack of rewards, in my opinion - though that certainly could contribute. Rather, it is just how inconveniently implimented it is. It is extremely inconvenient to PvP somebody; you have to both meet at a certain time, hope the Brenner etc area is free (which most of the time it would be, but in a hypothetical reality where people PvP'd often), and then you have a short time to fight.

Persistent (consensual) world PvP and duels would offer a lot to the game. PvP needs to be integrated as a part of the game, rather than just a sideshow.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-12-07 06:13:27
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Bahamut.Raenryong said: »
The problem with PvP isn't the lack of rewards, in my opinion - though that certainly could contribute
Excuse me for my lack of experience on the matter, but wouldn't pvp rewards be very easily obtainable just by going with a friend and autoattack hp to 0 till you have enough x achievement to get it? And thus making the rewards likely meh?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Fyyvoaa
Posts: 18930
By Leviathan.Catnipthief 2012-12-07 06:29:44
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Phoenix.Sehachan said: »
Bahamut.Raenryong said: »
The problem with PvP isn't the lack of rewards, in my opinion - though that certainly could contribute
Excuse me for my lack of experience on the matter, but wouldn't pvp rewards be very easily obtainable just by going with a friend and autoattack hp to 0 till you have enough x achievement to get it? And thus making the rewards likely meh?

make it so the PVP "currency" or "reward" is based on group PvP not solo PvP.

Although your situation you pointed out could technically still be exploited that way.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Shiomi
Posts: 654
By Phoenix.Shiomi 2012-12-07 06:53:25
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Yeah, I really like the idea for rewards for PVP but it would need an air tight way of not being exploited.

If anyone has some ideas we could compile them and send them off the the official forums.

1) Clearly you'd need a minimum participation needed. About 8-10 people should do it.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-12-07 07:03:34
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Zirkk will be fought tonight and the Deadwing fight will go ahead as planned sunday.
By 2012-12-07 07:06:43
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Fyyvoaa
Posts: 18930
By Leviathan.Catnipthief 2012-12-07 07:20:20
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another deadwing fight? was the first one recorded?

I may watch it if it's live streamed.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2012-12-07 07:21:16
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Phoenix.Sehachan said: »
Bahamut.Raenryong said: »
The problem with PvP isn't the lack of rewards, in my opinion - though that certainly could contribute
Excuse me for my lack of experience on the matter, but wouldn't pvp rewards be very easily obtainable just by going with a friend and autoattack hp to 0 till you have enough x achievement to get it? And thus making the rewards likely meh?

It's possible. What RIFT does at least since that is what I PvP in mainly is that you -do- get rewards for 1v1 and stuff but they pale in comparison to what you get for group vs group. You still obtain currency for matches, win or lose, yet get much better currency for winning. All rewards you get from PvP benefit you almost solely in PvP (unless your PvE gear is subpar) - likewise for PvE coming into PvP.

Two distinct systems, but with the option to duel at any time in any position, world PvP anywhere and the ability to jump into a group PvP instance whenever you choose.
Guide Master
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19610
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-12-07 07:22:39
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How's Conquest? Was thinking of going back for Storm Legion and liked the sound of a RIFT take on WvWvW
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2012-12-07 07:36:36
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Its level 50 incarnation was very disappointing. You had a few good battles but the teams were often unbalanced in terms of numbers (not uncommon for one faction to have 2x the people of the other two combined) and the gameplay kind of zergy.

You had some good battles, and it expanded the metagame a bit (Warriors would run VK-based summoning specs for instance - happened in Warfronts too but so rarely, and would also run tank specs to soak damage). You basically would always have a ton of ranged and then some tank warriors at the front with maybe a few melee behind. The tank warriors would soak up damage and prevent enemy melee just running into your ranks while pulling squishies and healers into your zerg for destruction. When the enemy formation was sufficiently weak, the warriors would then lead the wave, smashing apart the enemy and destroying them.

A lot of fights were kinda bad though - like world PvP on an exaggerated scale. Stillmoor was simply too large and a lot of the time was spent PvEing Extractors (points you had to defeat to capture - most points wins).

It was removed when SL was released and is presently being redesigned for 60 cap and will be re-released at some point in the near future; hopefully better. It wasn't a wholly negative experience, just not what I'd call a positive one either. Some matches were amazingly fun. Most were slow/boring/unbalanced/too PvE-centric.

Depending on how long you've been from the game, it may be dramatically different to what you remember! Storm Legion is phenomenal though, and definitely worth looking into. I play on Deepwood if you happen to play on US servers and want some company/help/whatever.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Izildur
Posts: 670
By Asura.Izilder 2012-12-07 07:48:54
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I think SE made the same mistake on PvP they made with the new FF online (v1.0) - they looked at WoW and said "ok lets make it totally different"... which in case of PvP was a bad decision

They need to Remake PvP and add some nice formats - also add some decent rewards and it would definitely get my attention.
By Juggalo 2012-12-07 08:36:43
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Popping in here late because my character wasn't active on here or whatever. I saw the original match and it was great stuff. Kudos all around to both Deadwings and Urteil for putting on quite a show for everyone.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Avengers
Posts: 220
By Quetzalcoatl.Avengers 2012-12-07 10:36:23
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Asura.Izilder said: »
I think SE made the same mistake on PvP they made with the new FF online (v1.0) - they looked at WoW and said "ok lets make it totally different"... which in case of PvP was a bad decision

They need to Remake PvP and add some nice formats - also add some decent rewards and it would definitely get my attention.

This right here, I do find myself occasionally playing WOW (haven't since cata release), but one thing it did right I feel is PvP, battlegrounds were so much damn fun and I honestly wish FFXI had something similar too it. When I played KOTOR when it was released, I like the same thing (except the fact it was a bit unbalanced and all sith played sorcs.)

If there was a better form of PVP, I'd be spending alot more time in game than I do.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2012-12-07 11:19:26
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Phoenix.Urteil said: »
Zirkk will be fought tonight and the Deadwing fight will go ahead as planned sunday.

You have a lot of class and character. Without knowing you, I still have respect for you.

You boasted a lot, just for the show, but you offered Zirk a lot of help while he taunted you relentlessly.

You were beaten in what can only be described as an even match between HNM PVP players, and immediately took care of the prise as you said. You even suggested more fights, purely for sport.

I was rooting for you the whole time. Definitely a worthy character (not the pixel character to root for.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Deiago
Posts: 6
By Fenrir.Deiago 2012-12-07 11:35:02
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It's people like this that make the game more fun. Not talking about a bunch of elitist crap but playing with skill and having a strong knowledge of the game and of their jobs. And also exhibited a respectful level of character like Omnys said. Makes reading this thread and watching the matches more enjoyable. It's not just a bunch of trolls...
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-12-07 16:29:01
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It's always about sport.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2012-12-07 17:36:23
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Phoenix.Urteil said: »
It's always about sport.

A lot of people would have been like "Hold please, I cannot trade at this time as there's a fist-shaped hole that has appeared in my monitor."

I would have, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I wouldn't have ninja's or anything, but I'd probably need a new monitor.
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