Looking To Buy Apademak Horns.

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Looking to buy Apademak Horns.
Posts: 8
By Firewing 2012-09-25 13:35:10
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I'm looking to buy Apademak Horns. As most of you have seen my /yells, I've nearly finished my Kannagi.

It's time to take it to the next level, and I need 75 of these horns.

If there are any mercenaries/nice people out there who sell these, please PM me here and/or /t Firewing in game.

I appreciate everyone who has helped me this far. I understand this is a slow process, but every horn helps.


Posts: 8
By Firewing 2012-09-26 19:46:46
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Anybody? ;_;'
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-09-26 19:50:26
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Your server is huge. You will find someone.
Posts: 8
By Firewing 2012-09-27 00:15:19
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Yeah, but believe it or not, apparently not many mercenaries merc this item. I can understand its difficulty, which is why I don't know if anyone mercs it or not.

Thanks for the optimism.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Richybear
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By Fenrir.Richybear 2012-09-27 00:22:46
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Or just setup a buncha runs for Dhorme Khimaira, proc red for KI, and brew a bunch down at once.
That's what I did for the ones I needed anyway.

Sanguine Blade also tore him up in 2 or 3 WS's if that helps
Posts: 8
By Firewing 2012-09-27 13:04:00
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Thanks for the reply. I'll have to look into that. I don't like dealing with random strangers all the time; I like to touch base with a few people and stick with them. But, this is an MMO, so I need to suck it up.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: fattrav
Posts: 31
By Asura.Fattrav 2012-09-28 10:33:28
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75 horns will take about 4 hours. In 4 hours our group could farm up 6-10 marrows for roughly 80-130mil.

Factor in the cost of pop items, and you are looking at roughly 140mil.

No guarantee I could convince our group to act on it. Let me know if you have any interest.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Curty
Posts: 587
By Fenrir.Curty 2012-09-28 10:47:01
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Asura.Fattrav said: »
75 horns will take about 4 hours. In 4 hours our group could farm up 6-10 marrows for roughly 80-130mil.

Factor in the cost of pop items, and you are looking at roughly 140mil.

No guarantee I could convince our group to act on it. Let me know if you have any interest.

Lmao, 1.8M per apa horn. Really?
Serveur: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2012-09-28 10:51:16
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If you're not willing to do it for a reasonable price, there's no need to reply. 140mil for the 90 stage is batshit crazy.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Bunnygod
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By Asura.Loire 2012-09-28 11:05:18
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Siren.Kyte said: »
If you're not willing to do it for a reasonable price, there's no need to reply. 140mil for the 90 stage is batshit crazy.

Posts: 8
By Firewing 2012-09-28 11:48:52
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Hmm... Fattrav, I do appreciate the reply. I don't know if it was sincere or not, but I will assume it was. That is just too high of a price for me. I could build a relic for near the same amount of money. I also thing 4 hours is underestimating, I doubt all 75 could be gotten in that amount of time anyway (unless you had an alliance with full popsets and the KI for the NM with a COR wildfiring/brewing each one with no competition).

Like I said, I appreciate all the replies and offers, but as one poster said, 1.8mil a horn is outrageous.

Hopefully I'll find someone offering much less than that a horn. I was hoping between 250-500k per horn. X.x

Anyway, thank you for the replies.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Taint
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By Cerberus.Taint 2012-09-28 11:58:00
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Asura.Fattrav said: »
75 horns will take about 4 hours. In 4 hours our group could farm up 6-10 marrows for roughly 80-130mil.

Factor in the cost of pop items, and you are looking at roughly 140mil.

No guarantee I could convince our group to act on it. Let me know if you have any interest.


You can farm 6-10 Marrows and still merc horns. Last I checked Dynamis lasted 2 hours. If you only played 2hrs a night it would be a dumb venture, but Merc groups don't opperate that way.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2012-09-28 12:02:09
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Asura.Loire said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
If you're not willing to do it for a reasonable price, there's no need to reply. 140mil for the 90 stage is batshit crazy.

Not the magic handwave you seem to think it is.

inb4 other guy comes back with LOL I TROLL U
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: fattrav
Posts: 31
By Asura.Fattrav 2012-09-28 14:44:34
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We only do events for 2-3 hours a night.

The guy had a question, I gave an answer. I gave an answer that our group would entertain. I did not give an answer that you would give, nor did I give an answer you wanted to hear. I gave an answer I could stand behind. If you want ear candy turn on the TV and listen to the presidential commercials.

If you do not like, you don't have to take it. No one is forcing anyone to. At the very least it give someone else the opportunity to come on and offer a lower price. The OP did not give any guidelines for pricing, just that he wanted it done. What you view as unreasonable someone else may be able to pay with no hesitation. I meet players all the time, some range from trial accounts to folks with capped gil. Unless you know your customer personally never assume their financial ability.

Farming marrows is currently one of the best, if not the best time:gil in the game. If you want something merc'd you are going to have to pay on par with that.

Sorry we could not work something out. I wish you luck with your katana.
Posts: 614
By Aikawa 2012-09-28 14:55:44
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Asura.Fattrav said: »
75 horns will take about 4 hours. In 4 hours our group could farm up 6-10 marrows for roughly 80-130mil.

Factor in the cost of pop items, and you are looking at roughly 140mil.

No guarantee I could convince our group to act on it. Let me know if you have any interest.

Last time I did dynamis it lasted 2hrs, but if that price give me 75 horns in 1 night just looting the horns, w/o doing anything else. I would pay it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: fattrav
Posts: 31
By Asura.Fattrav 2012-09-28 14:58:29
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Aikawa said: »
Asura.Fattrav said: »
75 horns will take about 4 hours. In 4 hours our group could farm up 6-10 marrows for roughly 80-130mil.

Factor in the cost of pop items, and you are looking at roughly 140mil.

No guarantee I could convince our group to act on it. Let me know if you have any interest.

Last time I did dynamis it lasted 2hrs

What happens if you do dynamis on two separate days?
Posts: 614
By Aikawa 2012-09-28 15:03:04
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What if you do horns in 4 days = 4hr... After dynamis since you say that you do events for up to 3 hrs. a day... Is simple to find a work around.. But I wouldn't ask that much Gil for the silly thing that "I can get same amount doing another thing" the nm is a ***... If you group using brews, farming/buying pops that's enough reason to ask for that amount of Gil.

Btw... IMO only vere, ukon, harp are the only empys worth to upgrade... Others are just epeen... Coz can get relic 99 and use metired ws, for less than it takes to get 1500 hmp...
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dannyl
Posts: 1550
By Bahamut.Dannyl 2012-09-28 15:09:45
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Asura.Fattrav said: »
Unless you know your customer personally never assume their financial ability.

If you want something merc'd you are going to have to pay on par with that.

You should take your own advise. Never assume all merc's are the same. If gloating is all you wanted to do, then you succeeded. Good job. /thumbsup
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2012-09-28 15:11:36
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If you can get WAR NIN WHM THF/war(sanguine blade, yo), you can easily kill 4 dhorme then THF brew the 4 apademaks for ~7 horns in 30 min. The big timesink is warping, rebuying pops, waiting on AH, etc. You could even cut the NIN if the war has all their red proc weapons and /nin, or cut the WAR if your NIN has most and you're ok with 11-12/13(though a 4th person to hold pops is a big bonus still). You'd expect to use around 2.2m cruor on 11 brews, but that's not horrible.

Very few experienced groups will merc this because there are better options, as others have stated. I'd suggest hiring competent people you know to do the roles you need and organizing it yourself. If you offer 3 people 750k/hr for 6 hours, add in ~44 pops at 300k each, and 5.6m value in cruor you're looking at 32.3mil as your total cost. Given a merc group has to organize and fill your role in addition to the others, I think a fair price would be around 40m.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: fattrav
Posts: 31
By Asura.Fattrav 2012-09-28 15:18:42
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Unfortunatly our group does 1 gil run a week, it lasts 2-3 hours. I could possibly get them to go for 4 hours and get the horns finished.

Spreading it out over multiple days does not fit in with our schedule.

Again, no one responded with any offer, so I responded with what we could do.

To the folks who think the price is too high, offer something lower, otherwise the price is right. At that point the buyer needs to determine if they are willing to pay that much. If they are not, they can make a lower offer.

Have any of you folks bought a car, house, or business before? Do you know how the sale of big ticket items work? Things are only worth what someone will buy them for. If you have no alternative to what you want the price is immense. In the case of 150mil, I hope he finds someone to do it cheaper, I really do. But if he wants it really bad and no one else is offering, he might accept my terms. It's not even that hard to make gil in this game, maybe 2/3 months to get 150mil.

Either way I wish him luck and I am sure he will get his katana.
Posts: 8
By Firewing 2012-09-28 15:19:11
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*sigh* I am sorry if I offended anyone. I don't know how I would have. I feel on this game, now-a-days, I cannot say anything without either being second-guessed, my motives questioned, or down-right have my words contorted to mean something other than what they blatantly mean.

I did not make this post to start any drama. I truly appreciate the advice and the offers (no matter what the offer) that was given in earnest.

Thank you.