THF Without The 'end Game'

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THF without the 'end game'
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Posts: 365
By Shaidalyn 2012-08-27 07:07:08
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Currently my TP set:

My Evisc Set:

(from memory... I think that's what I use)

Thokcha is Agi. Not making a Fire path. I know people prefer it, but I am a tank 100% of the time I play and I very much enjoy my Thokcha as is. Apart from that, I'm open to all suggestions.

Aside from the terribly, hurtfully obvious upgrades (+2 legs, Epona's Ring) what can I do for my TP set that does not involved VoidWatch or 5mil+ gear? If I can find something for 1-2mil that will be a "wow, difference!" I will jump on it for my Thief.

The Army as a whole has basically kept me from being on reliably since 2010 so a LOT of the people I used to group with have quit and both my event shells have disbanded since this deployment started. When home I intend to get back into the swing of things but until then I'd like to max out whatever I can 2-box my way to.

All advice that is helpful welcome.
Serveur: Siren
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By Siren.Mcclane 2012-08-27 07:40:58
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And I don't see how an Agi dagger makes you a better tank. STR dagger will allow you to deal more damage and kill faster.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Erikthecleric 2012-08-27 08:09:11
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You said 2-boxing, and the second char on your FFXI profile is a WHM, so I'll have to agree with ^. AGI dagger for THF's survival when you have a WHM mule with you is slightly ludicrous over a STR dagger for kill speed. I understand you want to be an Evasion tank, but aside from Suppa & Neo-Nyzul gear(unsure if you mean this in end-game) but a STR dagger is one of the biggest improvements you could make.

For WS: I think ele gorget/belt arent as useful for evis (unsure) but I'd guess that rancor collar (or mantle + nefarious) would be an upgrade. Cuchulain's belt is a good(best?) evis piece as well. Loki's Kaften would be better than that body, as well as solo SA/TA piece. There's a quest in abyssea Attowha for a Jupiter's ring (DEX+6) that guarantee's it on your first completion, I think it with augment Attack+1~3 is good until epona's.

Also, AF3+2 hands, and af2+2 feet are a better combo for TP set, specially once you +2 those legs as well.

edit: looks like Justicair's torque is good for evis according to Sylow's set.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-08-27 08:16:08
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Atheling and Loki's for WS, Epona's for TP; that should be doable for a dual-box THF/WHM, though you may need to kill a few Ranis before you get a Dagger Blue proc.

Any particular reason you aren't using Exenterator? That's essentially an AGI Thokcha right there.
Serveur: Bismarck
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Posts: 141
By Bismarck.Stani 2012-08-27 08:25:47
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For a returning THF, you've gotta check out the new merited dagger WS, Exenterator. The Exen thread here is full of example sets, as well as trainwreck sets people give advice on, so a read through that should give you a good idea of how to gear it. Outside, Exen just pisses on Evis, it was a real boon.

You also must see the Oynos Knife, which has en-haste. Swap that in your offhand, and you can haste yourself, then take it out and go back to max DD mode.

Last major piece of advice I have off the cuff is to start doing CoP Dynamis coin farming. With the THF gear you posted, and a 2nd box to speed up your proc rate and add some cures/damage, you could pull in a mil in 2 hours, daily. Get better and you can make that 2mil plus, which will absolutely speed you into a new tax bracket. From there, even if you can't make the time commitment to endgame, you could merc/buy your way most of the way there anyways.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Leairc
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By Asura.Leairc 2012-08-27 09:58:12
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According to the neckbeards it's:


If not, then it's:

Aluh/STR Thokcha

... or go home, heh.

But I see your point of using an AGL dagger if you're solo'ing and dualboxing. The neckbeards still say math > all. -shrug-
Serveur: Sylph
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By Sylph.Decimus 2012-08-27 10:48:26
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I'm not going to tell someone with +1 and a kemas earring to make a Mandau, and he's already said he won't make a str thokcha. But yes, math does typically beat whatever you're proposing beats math.

Anyway, you should use probably use Aurore feet until you upgrade your legs. +2 feet are doing nothing for your damage and Aurore will at least add some dex and a fraction of a percent of haste. And I'd probably go with demonry ring over heed until you get Epona's. It's not the greatest, but it'll add something aside from subtle blow.

I know all those suggestions take away from your evasion, but you really shouldn't need it. Anything you would need it for you probably can't duo with the limitations you have on gear.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-08-27 11:52:37
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Anyway, you should use probably use Aurore feet until you upgrade your legs. +2 feet are doing nothing for your damage and Aurore will at least add some dex and a fraction of a percent of haste. And I'd probably go with demonry ring over heed until you get Epona's. It's not the greatest, but it'll add something aside from subtle blow.

AF2+2 feet should be pretty attainable; he can dual-box Jeuno easily for the base piece and forgotten steps are running under 10k now. 500k might be a lot for him but I think that falls under the category of "spend modest amounts of money for a gigantic upgrade".
Posts: 365
By Shaidalyn 2012-08-27 12:21:57
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Thanks huge amounts for the advice! I suppose I didn't realize that a STR Thokcha was THAT massive of a difference. As it was I felt concern in using my Agi one over Triplus Dagger at times but the base DMG just felt worth it. I mostly did not want to do STR Thokcha due to the cost (60k/geode right now) when I felt I might need to spend in other locations.
I forgot to mention Suppa... I have a Bushi right now so I need to drop it and do the re-quest quest. Ugh. Then find a way to get DM done again lol. I fully intend to do it, just not while I'm playing on 15-30kb/sec internet in Afghanistan. Especially when I've already had -3- seal farming sessions end abruptly thanks to rocket attacks :P
Same goes for Dynamis while here sadly or I'd be doing that daily.

I messed up on my thinking for Evisc WS. I use Rancor Collar. My bad ^^;
I'll work on Loki's when home. Can I really Thf+Whm kill that nasty bugger? I admit I'm a pretty good dual-boxer but he's such a jerk lol.
I have Exenterator but in Aby it's really lackluster for me compared to Evisc. I seem to hover 3-5k with Evisc, Exenterator even WITH TA usually doesn't break 4k. Without it does ~2k. I use it full time out of Aby however.

I know my +1 legs are shameful ._. but I've just not had time to do Aby for the +2. My other +2's were amidst helping friends. I never really aimed for any of my own +2's.

I am curious, how would Aurore beat the AF3+2? I'm already at 26% haste and figured the random AF3+2 procs would be nifty (they sure are fun when they do proc in Aby).

I'll work on AF2+2 for sure. Working on getting my wondrous WHM Dyna wins when I get home but at least Jeuno is a freebie. And 500k is not a problem if it's a significant boost. I just can't do the whole 3mil for a single piece for one job when I play 5-6 regularly >.< Fortunately Thf and Dnc share a ton and I live on them the most.

I will be working on Twashtar when I get home but Glavoid will make that miserably slow so I don't see it before 2013 :P As for Mandau... I thought about it but I've been hung up on doing a relic. So many jobs I love and most relic are really for -1- job.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-08-27 12:34:21
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Keep in mind that since you'll still be mainhanding Aluh for the foreseeable future, you can 90 a STR Thokcha in the short term and it will still be a very strong upgrade; work on 99ing it at your leisure.

That said, 60k a flame geode is actually extremely cheap at this stage in the game, so it will probably go up; stockpiling now isn't the worst idea if you can afford it.

To break down what I see overall...

STR Thokcha

AF2+2 feet
+2 your legs
...and I would personally get a Nefarious Collar or something rather than Rancor were I in your position and planning on Tanking All the Things (+12% DT would only need to be the difference between living and dying once for me to decide 3% crit wasn't worth it), but I know people will fight me vehemently on this

..and then rework your set towards AGI (100% AGI mod); the existing Exenterator thread can help you with this if you look earlier in the thread before Thaumas and Athos were on the scene.

EDIT: oh, you have it. Exenterator isn't a WS for Abyssea, but if you're a man of limited resources I strongly recommend spending those resources on Exenterator rather than Evisceration; eventually, you're just going to run out of stuff to do in Abyssea, and then what do you do with Evis?
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-08-27 12:53:46
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One other thing if you're mainly a solo (well, d-box) THF: level your Adventuring Fellow. SE has been recently teasing the idea of expanding fellow access to more locations, and if this ends up including Dynamis or Abyssea, it will be a HUGE bonus to THF, which gets more from having a Fellow out than any other job.

As long as your Fellow is alive you can Trick Attack every cooldown, which means you can stack Rudra's or Mercy Stroke almost every time you have TP after you factor in post-kill running around.
By 2012-08-27 13:04:38
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Serveur: Valefor
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user: Shiyo
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By Valefor.Kiaru 2012-08-27 13:06:27
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TP: Keen ring or demonry ring(eponas really, it's not hard to get), af2+2 boots, suppa.

Evis: Cuchulain's belt, merman/ghille's earring/TP bonus + attk moonshade over kemas, justiciar's torque, rancor mantle(rancor collar/atheling if you can't afford justiciar's/rancor mantle), loki's kaftan.

If you plan to use thf outside, make an exenterator set.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Octavius
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By Sylph.Decimus 2012-08-27 17:43:00
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Aurore feet won't help. I just added incorrectly.
Posts: 365
By Shaidalyn 2012-08-28 03:57:43
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You guys are all awesome.
I've been thinking about WotG earring (I am only at where you obtain the Jeuno Flag)... Regain vs TP Bonus has been plaguing me. TP Bonus is apparently +25 which is INCREDIBLY tempting since I play HEAVY amounts of THF/DNC but I also have a deep love for my BLU/PLD/SAM (and Almace is in the near future). Is the TP bonus going to be overall a better thing to do?

As for Exenterator set, I -kinda- have one? I think...

It's ugly and partial but I've just not dedicated any time to it yet. I figure AGI rings/Guille earring.
I have a Crudelis Belt (+5agi) but I was told the mods from breeze win out? Not sure.

And I love my Karyn<3 been working on my WHM's fellow as well, stupid "bond" requirements... Got her to 50 in less than a week and been wasting calls daily to get first LB... and gonna take ages for next ._. but Karyn is 81! :D
Serveur: Asura
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user: Calatilla
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By Asura.Calatilla 2012-08-28 04:41:00
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I think Atheling Mantle is better than Blithe, though don't quote me on that, its what I use but I'm sure I read it in one of the other gear threads.

This is mine, though I admit it could probably use some updates itself, not used THF much lately.

Could replace Toci's with AH versions or Loki's/denali since they have AGI on them
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Motenten
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By Fenrir.Motenten 2012-08-28 05:00:48
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Shaidalyn said:
I've been thinking about WotG earring (I am only at where you obtain the Jeuno Flag)... Regain vs TP Bonus has been plaguing me. TP Bonus is apparently +25 which is INCREDIBLY tempting since I play HEAVY amounts of THF/DNC but I also have a deep love for my BLU/PLD/SAM (and Almace is in the near future). Is the TP bonus going to be overall a better thing to do?

With Sam, you absolutely want the TP Bonus earring, period.

With Blu and Pld, if you have Requiscat, you want the TP Bonus earring. With CdC, TP Bonus is also one of the best options.

Thf and Dnc with Exenterator is actually one of the least useful applications of the earring, since the TP mod is just duration of the effect. If you ever get Twashtar or Mandau, though, definitely will want TP Bonus, and it's still useful with Evisceration until you get Exenterator.

The regain earring is generally less useful unless you know exactly how your fight patterns play out. At best it'd help in Dynamis by making up for spending TP on steps and sambas, but more likely you'll have excess TP anyway, so there's no real gain.

Shaidalyn said:
As for Exenterator set, I -kinda- have one? I think...

It's ugly and partial but I've just not dedicated any time to it yet. I figure AGI rings/Guille earring.
I have a Crudelis Belt (+5agi) but I was told the mods from breeze win out? Not sure.

Crudelis beats Breeze Belt
Any attack earring > Evergreen
Denali, Urja or Loki body instead of AF3
Atheling Mantle will generally be better than Blithe
And yeah, agi rings.

Can refine more after getting to that basic level.

ScaevolaBahamut said:
Keep in mind that since you'll still be mainhanding Aluh for the foreseeable future, you can 90 a STR Thokcha in the short term and it will still be a very strong upgrade; work on 99ing it at your leisure.

Not exactly correct. 90 Str magian is maybe a 1% improvement over 99 Agi Thokcha, if using Exenterator, not a "very strong" upgrade. Still, it's worth eventually getting the str Thokcha.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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Posts: 853
By Ragnarok.Erikthecleric 2012-08-28 05:26:26
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Was trying to find it but: Why ele gorget/belt isnt good for exen. Oh, and AF3+2 is better for exen then brego gloves @_@
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Billzey
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By Bismarck.Helel 2012-08-28 05:28:03
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As far as I know, regain earring is only really useful for RNG and COR. Any dual wield job will obviously be using brutal + suppa. For 2-handed jobs (as well as dual wield jobs) you will likely want tp bonus over regain.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-08-28 13:38:39
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Bismarck.Helel said: »
As far as I know, regain earring is only really useful for RNG and COR. Any dual wield job will obviously be using brutal + suppa. For 2-handed jobs (as well as dual wield jobs) you will likely want tp bonus over regain.

Not really. The problem is not so much that TP Bonus is BANG ZOOM AWESOME as it is Regain simply isn't that great. Dual-wielders benefit more from Suppa, as you say, but two-handers don't use it* because they are relying on X-hits, to which a latent-based Regain contributes nothing.

The only situation for which Regain is defensible is ForeverMNK, but even that's kinda ehhhhhhhh

*this applies to RNG and COR as well, of course.
Posts: 365
By Shaidalyn 2012-08-29 02:02:46
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Ragnarok.Erikthecleric said: »
Was trying to find it but: Why ele gorget/belt isnt good for exen. Oh, and AF3+2 is better for exen then brego gloves @_@

They are?
With a 100% AGI mod I would figure the +5AGI would beat the STR/ATK on AF3+2
Are there better gloves out there apart from the new VW ones/Legion obtained ones?
Serveur: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Yarly 2012-08-29 02:57:54
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Unless the agi+100% mod affects all the hits of Exenterator, I can see how the str+3/dex+8/acc+3/atk+16 from raider's armlets +2 are better than the agi+5 that brego gloves offers.
Posts: 365
By Shaidalyn 2012-08-29 04:19:38
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I assume Twash/Mandau is the absolute best way to go if capable?
I would only be willing to work on Mandau AFTER I am 100% secured in getting my Twashtar (I'd feel so guilty kicking Dnc to the curb for a Thf ONLY Dagger).

It seems no other relic really "jumps out" at me. The Dmg:Delay is insane and the +ATK is nice.
Granted, both would end -forever- at 85 but still shiny shiny...
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: kvazz
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By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-08-29 05:15:19
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Why would Mandau end -forever- at 85? O.o It's just killshots up to the 95-99 stage.
Even twashtar? The 90 NM for that dagger is really easy, I did most of that dualbox as WAR\SAM + RDM.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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Posts: 853
By Ragnarok.Erikthecleric 2012-08-29 05:43:09
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This seems to be a decently accomplishable gearset for you to work for. There are some upgrades that can be made to this gearset, but they require a bit more gil, VW drops and NNI drops.

Head: Thaumas would be better.
Earrings: Auster's Pearl(unsure of this ones name- AGI+4)/ Ghillie Earring+1 if Accuracy/Attack required.
Body: Tessara Saio would be better.
Rings: Depending on Attack vs mobs DEF, 1 ring could be swapped for Strigoi/Pyrosoul
legs: HQ would be slight upgrade, but Thaumas would be better
feet: Depending on Attack vs DEF, Thaumas Feet could be better

Mandau95(99 best obviously lol)/STR Thokcha would be better than sub Twashtar, unless the Twashtar was 99 as well.
Serveur: Valefor
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user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2012-08-29 05:50:42
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Urja jerkin > loki's unstacked, prosilio > crudelis, athos gloves > af3+2 unless SA exent, vassal mantle(40k) > atheling if you care about +5 attack for -1 inventory.

Why would Mandau end -forever- at 85? O.o It's just killshots up to the 95-99 stage.
85 - > 95 is dyna trials, not kill shots. Very annoying/hard/impossible without help.

Twashtar is also a very very very minor DPS upgrade for DNC so don't even worry about it. Make a mandau if you want a good dagger, aluh is good enough for dnc.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-08-29 06:06:56
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Not killSHOTS, but it's still just kills!
He can dualbox, both trials would be easy dualbox.
Posts: 365
By Shaidalyn 2012-08-29 07:50:21
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Oh wow, really? Disappointing. I was expecting a big jump for an Empy on Dnc... I guess my only important Empy farming will be Almace/Ochain after all...

As for dual-boxing the Dynamis trial... it says "5-6 90's" which I rarely take to mean duo at 99 but maybe? Guess I'd have to give it a shot and find out!
Thanks for all the help!
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-08-29 08:50:43
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To be fair, the 90 and 95 relic trials, while probably requiring a group, are not the worst thing ever, and everybody's got a price. If you really want Mandau, you can always pay people to take it past 85 for you.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-08-29 09:39:49
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Shaidalyn said: »
Oh wow, really? Disappointing. I was expecting a big jump for an Empy on Dnc... I guess my only important Empy farming will be Almace/Ochain after all...

As for dual-boxing the Dynamis trial... it says "5-6 90's" which I rarely take to mean duo at 99 but maybe? Guess I'd have to give it a shot and find out!
Thanks for all the help!

I had some trouble with 90 apoc trial as drk\sam + rdm, but only because of eagle eye shot.
If you \nin your attest nm trial should'nt be too bad, just don't expect to finish it in one run!:P
Xarc trial is possible to dualbox np, did that as drk\sam + rdm aswell.
If I could do it, my guess is that you can aswell
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