how much ahead is fully upgraded bokwus head compared to new hat? Don't know if worth the extra inventory space if super marginal. Would use the new hat for enfeebs/helix already
how much ahead is fully upgraded bokwus head compared to new hat? Don't know if worth the extra inventory space if super marginal. Would use the new hat for enfeebs/helix already
Pretty close actually. Its actually ahead of bokwus on harder mobs before counting acc. I'm actually thinking i'ma take bokwus out of my default inventory cause even on REALLY weak mobs (bees by jeuno) is only about 20 damage on a 5600dmg nuke, and that difference gets smaller as mob goes up.
Edit: Lol, speaking of bokwus, I just noticed it is too big for the box :3
Did anyone change their merits? I find that if I'm asked to come as SCH to events, I'm coming to stun and not much else matters. I looked at my merits the other day and thought that they're not really focused towards a sch in current end game events, or at least not the way it seems to be atm.
I currently have 5/5 helix dmg and sublimation. Maybe grim recast could be swapped in if you think of some valid use for it based on your play style. I personally only ever would notice it when I screw up which I like to tell myself I don't do enough to warrant it.
For group 2 5/5 stromsurge is the given and then it would be between focalization and enlightenment. I would do one of these 2:
Option 1) 1/5 enlightenment and 4/5 focal as occasionally 20 magic acc could be helpful.
Option 2) 5/5 enlightenment for helix/kaustra dmg.
I don't think I'd do anything other than that as the stratagems are pretty much worthless when not 4~5/5. Option 1 is probably better for most of the player base, but with a reliable ls and top line gear nothing needs the acc from focal and option 2 has a good case.
Looking at your sets, bookworm's cape beats twilight cape? Also looking at your enfeebling set, wouldn't the buremette hat win over natirah hat (my spelling of these sucks bear with me).
Bookworm actually does beat twilight (at least for everything I plugged in numbers for which is i'm relatively sure the entire spectrum. Can take twilight out of inventory unless you plan to be light-weather healing.
You are right on Burm being better than nahtirah, but that won't last for long. Natirah is getting even sexier next update.
When radec used mote's DPS sheet, he had burm winning against Naritah still. When you look at the stats, you're comparing 1INT v 35 Magic Damage. Buremte Hat definitely still beats Naritah hat.
I noticed in the SCH stun set proposed in the guide that the Haste stuff has been dropped for more M.Acc. Are people gearing more for M.Acc now and not capping gear Haste to ~25%-26%?
The targets (delve bosses) that scholars are more focused on now actually require magic acc to keep reliably stunning for as long as possible. Most old content max recast reduction sets are still likely preferable, though there wont be much of a noticeable difference between them on most things.
For nuking headpieces BLM guide says Bokwus Rank 15, and this guide says Buremte, which is better? Is it possible that the Magic Damage +?? performs better on lower tier magic and MAB is better for higher tiers? If that's the case where do we draw the line to split up the spells?
The targets (delve bosses) that scholars are more focused on now actually require magic acc to keep reliably stunning for as long as possible. Most old content max recast reduction sets are still likely preferable, though there wont be much of a noticeable difference between them on most things.
Is it different for the other areas? I stunned Tojil reliably for 8 minutes with blinkmenot on and ... wearing a kirin's pole. I didn't miss a one.
I must have had some nice geo buffs/debuffs because a week ago w/ a much better m.acc set I couldn't land stun for ####.
For nuking headpieces BLM guide says Bokwus Rank 15, and this guide says Buremte, which is better? Is it possible that the Magic Damage +?? performs better on lower tier magic and MAB is better for higher tiers? If that's the case where do we draw the line to split up the spells?
Unless I'm mistaken, the answer to your question is literally on this page >.>
For nuking headpieces BLM guide says Bokwus Rank 15, and this guide says Buremte, which is better? Is it possible that the Magic Damage +?? performs better on lower tier magic and MAB is better for higher tiers? If that's the case where do we draw the line to split up the spells?
Unless I'm mistaken, the answer to your question is literally on this page >.>
Tested with Magian affinity Staves, Tamaxchi or something else? My curiosity lies with the upcoming adjustments and stacking pieces that have Magic Damage + VS an Affinity staff or INT/MAB piece. Where do I figure how much Magic Damage = 1 MAB or 1 INT and Does that value change significantly at certain points when casting different tiers?
Sets kinda updated: interesting fun fact Voay is better than atinian/ToM for higher teir nukes basically across the board and +1 is even better. Credit to Yugl/Nubbinater for drawing it to my attention.
I used the gear from next update, sorry for any confusion it causes for the next week or 2 before late august update.
Sets kinda updated: interesting fun fact Voay is better than atinian/ToM for higher teir nukes basically across the board and +1 is even better. Credit to Yugl/Nubbinater for drawing it to my attention.
I used the gear from next update, sorry for any confusion it causes for the next week or 2 before late august update.
Great work buddy. Still looking forward to a skill chain guide from you. Used sch to solo reives and farm items for run/geo AF pieces. Most mobs did die upon a skill chain craft able pieces
But back on topic, this staff you mention is better than a fully upgraded soothslayer as well right? That's for nukes, kaustra and helixes.