Since there are some adjustments to Ranged TP set recently and guide isn't updated, decided to spreadsheet and post currently possibly BiS (excludes DM augment) Ranged TP set for all weapon and WS with notes for those aiming to build BiS sets.
Keep in mind that since lanun +3 hands isn't added to spreadsheet yet, I kinda just guesstimate the hand slot.
Also worth noting, due to the gear set price and complexity, a good Ranged COR is far more expensive/harder to build than a good melee COR. However in Escha with buffs a good Ranged COR is definitely on par with RNG with all the triple shots and TP overflow ws dmg boost.
Fomalhaut TP - Last Stand
Fomalhaut TP is very simple: Since Last stand dmg scale with TP overflow, once acc is capped, stack as much TS(if it's up) and STP gear as possible and push the WS avg/SC dmg higher with TP overflow.
Lanun Gants +3 is amazing in that way since every QS proc results roughly 10% increase in ws dmg with SAM roll up, and they proc 50% of time. Even without spreadsheet to confirm I bet they are BiS hand for last stand TP.
If TS is not up, we stack as much STP as possible anyways, hopefully the Sam roll and stp gear is enough to push it to 3 hit.
Favors Chaos/SAM roll, and SJ /WAR.
Triple shot up:
ItemSet 355056
*Rune kris may be potentially better with refresh and capped attack due to STP, but IMO Kustawi +1 is overall better mainhand in most situations.
*Back augment: AGI/racc/STP
Triple shot down:
ItemSet 355588
DP TP - Leaden Salute
DP TP is similar to Fomalhaut Last Stand, stack as much stp as possible and push TP overflow and leaden Salute damage.
For some reason I am getting oshosi HQ body beating empyrean body. Im guessing it's because leaden scales more with TP overflow so the extra stp on oshosi body out weight higher TS proc rate.
If not closing darkness SC, favors Wizards/SAM roll, SJ /BLM or /DNC.
If closing darkness SC, change wizards to allies and /DNC.
Triple shot up:
ItemSet 356191
*STP+10 back piece.
*Use Hep Rapier +1 as 2nd weapon if /DNC
*This set does not have 4 hit if SAM roll is removed, I suppose you can swap feet to Adhemar D for stp.
Triple shot down:
ItemSet 356190
Armageddon TP - AM3
Armageddon AM3 TP set is a bit more complicated than both DP and fomalhaut because it depends on your WS and whether you have SAM roll up or not.
Since AM3 white damage is so high, often comes out 50:50 WS:white dmg ratio or more, it favors crit hit rate and dmg gears even if main WS is last stand.
Last stand:
Last stand favors combination of STP, crit rate and crit dmg gears. Like fomalhaut, it favors Chaos/SAM and /WAR. Meg +2 head is so good even if TS is up, just because of high deadaim on it.
When triple shot is down, body and leg slots are open to crit dmg gears as well, CD gear really pushes arma AM3 DPS high.
Triple shot up
ItemSet 356180
*AGI+30/racc/crit+10 back.
Triple shot down
ItemSet 356181
Wildfire is more tricky because this WS doesn't scale with more TP, so stp gear is pretty useless after x-hit is reached. Additionally, since WF SC with itself, in situations that you are just spamming WF it's often more ideal to use allies roll IF mob doesn't resist dark damage.
Therefore the ideal WF build involves TS up/down set with SAM roll and without.
If fighting NM that takes darkness damage well, the ideal roll would be allies/wizard and /DNC for SCBonus.
For WF sets with MAB herc legs, ilabrat ring and carmine HQ hands (192 tp return after ws), 62 stp is required in TP set to maintain 4 hit.
After reaching 62 STP for 4 hit just use as much crit hit gears in the remaining slot for white dmg.
Triple shot without SAM roll:
ItemSet 356183
*STP+10 back.
TS down without SAM roll:
ItemSet 356188
*Crit-hit +10 back.
*Since 3 hit isn't possible without SAM roll, I didn't add anymore STP than 62.
If NM doesn't take darkness dmg well, then ideal roll would be Wizards/SAM and aim for as much crit hit and white dmg as possible in TS up set, and 3 hit in TS down set for better WS frenquency.
TS up with SAM roll:
ItemSet 356184
*Assuming 4 hit is reached, crit-hit +10 back.
TS down with SAM roll:
ItemSet 356185
STP+10 back
*Even with unlucky number +7 SAM roll, this set should still maintain 3 hit. With higher number SAM roll swap out stp gears for crit-hit dmg/rate gears.
Any advice welcomed!