By Shiva.Arislan 2017-03-21 13:26:41
Doomsday isn't a bad gun for Magical WS (Wildfire, Leaden Salute, True Flight) if you can get MAB/MAcc on it. STR/AGI should cap at +20, AGI caps at +23 by itself. WSD is going to make a lot more difference in the last stat slot, and caps at 7%. The problem w/ Doomsday is the delay... that's generally not a problem if you're meleeing for TP, but if you're shooting, it'll tend to slow you down. The other problem is cost -- Skirmish stones aren't cheap.
Compensator (Escha-Sky JSE) is actually an upgrade in RAcc and has much lower delay if you're shooting for TP. The Snapshot and Triple Shot +10% are also nice for that. It's much more affordable to augment to R15, too.
Holliday is also a better weapon to shoot for TP, and it's potential begins at about a strong Doomsday (stats are mislabeled on it, everything is +20), and can surpass Doomsday once you start feeding Oseem stones.
Molybdosis is arguably the best non-RMEA gun for COR, but comes from Warder of Courage.
Fomalhaut is a great gun to shoot for, but it's become more difficult to clear many of the harder NMs after recent updates, so it may take you some time to get one.