Anyone else having this problem since the merge? I tried to put my retainer up Ul'Dah and EVERY single ward was full, came back 3 days later and still can't.... And before anyone says "Go to LL or Grid", It'd Probably take as long as 2.0 to sell anything so I'd prefer not doing that.
I like how their logic prevents me from moving my retainers in the same ward. >:[
I guess the way they do it is that they're like:
if(ward is full){
instead of
if(ward is full && !retainer is in ward){
Hey Squenix, I'm lazy! Let me be lazy!
[though I guess that accommodating my laziness might be a bit laggier;;]
I guess we're kinda stuck for now, since server resets don't reset retainer locations anymore... and increasing the amount of retainers per ward would be a disaster.
Yeah I'm getting this on Aegis too. I just called mine to a booth because I couldn't call them to any ward normally. I literally went through the entire list.
If you cant get a permanent place in the wards, there is nearly always at least 1/2 the stalls available for rent, which can be occupied even when main wards are full.
Anyone else having this problem since the merge? I tried to put my retainer up Ul'Dah and EVERY single ward was full, came back 3 days later and still can't.... And before anyone says "Go to LL or Grid", It'd Probably take as long as 2.0 to sell anything so I'd prefer not doing that.