lot's of Peach Power questions
General things to look out for:
- No buffs that boost physical DMG, samurai role is fair game cause they don't WS but for instance honor march is a big nono since it boosts att. Whether you want haste or not depends on your tank but I suppse they could always cancel it to make sure flans don't steal it while the rest keeps it.
- Don't cast shell or cancel it if you have it active, flans don't deal magic DMG but will steal it and reduce your parties DMG output significantly.
- Have popper and tank position in a corner of the room befor poping to make it easier for tank to gather mobs infront of them.
- Styme sleepga is nice to have cause it helps killing the first 1-2 flans without getting animated most of the time (call out a party member name for /assist and hold on AoE magic and WS till they wake), but sleepga is not necessary.
If you don't have sleepga plan accordingly. Debuffs like bio I-III, attack down and slow I-II can take a lot of pressure from the tank early on and multiple jobs can provide some or all of them, for instance RDM or BLM, BLU even has AoE versions.
- For Regen heal you preferably want a SCH (Regen V + embrava) but if you have a strong tank WHM can work too, in particular if you suplement WHM regen with
Companion's Roll Dancer's Roll (regen) and Tactician's Roll (regain) from a second COR or indi-regen from GEO.
- if you notice your DDs hitting for 0 (no TP gain) due to stolen phalanx or something spamming some form of dispel can help for instance BLU geist wall, rending deluge or droning whirlwind, RDM or most mages on Daybreak...
I've taken a SAM once who claimed he had a set for jinpu but it didn't do well so hybrids aren't very effective, iirc that also counts for ifrits flaming crush. we had him switch to kagero or koki which did a bit better but not sure if he had a set for it.
Never took a BRD to PP, while I suppose you could since they also get access to elemental WS like sanguine blade and aeolian edge you want to avoid physical buffs like minutes as the flans will absorb them.
Any pet jobs are at a bit of a disadvantage as their pets will frequently despawn. However, afaik with the right sub job even PUP can get access to flash nova or aeolian edge, as long as they built a set for it they could probably join.
BST has primal rend and cloudsplitter which do decent magic dmg afaik and SMN got garland of bliss which does pretty good magic DMG.
For GEO I'm not sure if bubble nerf is in effect but I assume (not sure) the flans can't steal bubble buffs. Geo- acumen or malaise, entrust barrier on someone other than the tank just in case they can steal entrust buffs. Depending on how strong your tank is you can also consider indi- regen or haste (cancel regular haste, again assuming they can't steal it to decrease pressure on tank during animated). AGI bubble instead of regen is also a option if you have multiple COR in party for leaden salute.
In my experience tank and regen healer are the most important slots. If you have a good tank who knows how to hold AoE hate (PLD/BLU helps, seen PLD/RUN work too, PLD/WAR is imho risky - I'd only try if styme sleepga is available. Turms mittens +1 in case of RUN main help a lot I imagine), a SCH with a decent Regen set (SU5 is nice but SU4 is still more than enough) and a COR with solid leaden salute (I think it's double dark weather in there) you can pretty much take anything in slots 4-6 as long as they have a solid magic WS or nuke set and still win without too much trouble.
If you're trying to minmax the hell out of party slots 4-6 you imho do it wrong, this is primarily for exampler points with a nice bonus in form of armor drop. You can only do 1 per day anyway so it doesn't matter much if you finish within 5 minutes or 20.