Boo... It didnt work as intended ; ;
Casted 2x marches in langeleik, earth carol ii in dharp and valor minuet 5 in apollos, and a march was replaced.
Truth to be said, i sang all songs in full af3+2, dont know if my long casting time made my first march with less duration of carol when the last was casted, but i tried the same combination with nightingale and troubador, and still a march was replaced and the carol remained. What am i doing wrong?
Another question, once talked here also, its when i was doing some skcnm, and needed march for party and pianissimo ballad for whm. Started woth 2x marches full party and pianissimo ballad for whm, but i heard complain about whm keeping one march and one ballad instead 2 ballads.
So, in the end, how the overwrite works? Any song can replace another if the diferent kind not matter the remaining time, or just under 2mins songs can be replaced?
Thanks i advance.
Again, the song that gets overwritten is the song that has the least duration left(Unless the song you are singing is currently in effect on the character, in which case it will either overwrite itself[if it has less than 2 minutes left on duration] or has no effect [duration is >= 2mins]). If you are a PC user with windower open your timers plugin, this will give you a good indication of which song has the least duration.
The problem is probably your marches aren't getting a longer duration than the dharp carol (which is why ghorn makes it easier as it would naturally be the song with longer duration as long as you sing them back to back). you don't want to sing the dummy song in the same gear set. Remove any song duration+ gear you have on the rest of your body when you sing it (i.e. legato dagger, AF reforged boots, AF3 neck, marduk legs etc.)
Alternatively you could just sing 3 dummy songs and overwrite them. i.e. carolx3, then sing march march min on top of it. But that makes you sing 6 songs to buff instead of 4.
The ballad problem is the same deal. If you don't have ghorn then your ballad is at most @ +2 (harp and AF3 legs), comparing to your +4 marchs/minuets it will have a shorter duration. So if you sing it pretty much immediately after DD songs and your whm is silly enough to be in the range of melee buffs then the ballads will overwrite each other. The best way to do this is just to tell the whm to get out of the way really :P Or get a ghorn so all durations are pretty much equal (until you invest in a marduk legs +1 and your ballads will once again has a shorter duration.. @_@;;)