Nantekotta Linkshell Information

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Nantekotta Linkshell Information
Posts: 3
By Lavane 2011-10-24 09:14:30
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My name is Talice Raine. I live in Sweden and like long walks, warm weather and eating perfectly cooked lalaferrhm… fish! I am also one of 3 overseers of Nantekotta which is the purpose of my posting here today.

About Nantekotta
Nantekotta aims to be a communications tool for skilled endgame players on the Fabul server.

It is not an event hosting linkshell, but rather a tool to connect players looking for spontaneous events. Players are accepted based on recommendations and/or votes by current members.

What we can offer
Unlike other "social" linkshells, the primary purpose of Nantekotta is to function as a "connector" for reliable players who wish to partake in spontaneous 45+ events.

It is not an elitist or hardcore group, just a tool to facilitate finding good people for such unplanned events for those who feel they have developed their skills and helped enough beginners to earn a place in a reliable party. Like a pre-filtered search system of sorts.

Many of our pearlholders have other primary linkshells for a more formal approach to endgame, and use Nantekotta to find groups outside the scheduled times of their primary shells.

You can trust that Nantekotta will always strive to be the most profitable community for you to be a part of time zone or available hours.

You can expect Nantekotta to provide you with plenty of information and communication tools to play with your fellow linkshell members as well as with likeminded people in order to effectively and continuously claim victory in new and challenging endgame content.

What we are looking for
As described above the main purpose of this linkshell is to provide all its members with the means to thrive in, enjoy and experience as much as possible of this game with minimal hassle. Every member should feel that he or she is able to contribute to the happiness and development of fellow members, and recieves an acceptable level of the same in return.

We require that you are:

• at level 50 on at least two DoW/DoM classes
• able to keep yourself updated on ongoing changes and content in Eorzea.
• friendly, helpful and positive

We appreciate if you are:

• at level 50 on at least three DoW/DoM classes
• at level 50 on at least one DoH class
• an avid player

If you are a humble, experienced and active player looking for others to enjoy the game with and maybe even make long-lasting bonds, Nantekotta will benefit you greatly.

Please take a look at our website and consider if Nantekotta can benefit you as a tool in Eorzea. We are looking forward to your application for a pearl on, and our future friendship!

Posts: 69
By Botsan 2011-10-24 22:02:39
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Great post! Too bad I'm not on your server.
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Posts: 3
By Lavane 2012-01-11 10:02:06
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Updated OP as the linkshell has changed its ideology and main purpose. :)