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Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-04-22 13:32:46
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Yes, but giving them a chance to be on a JP only server would also mean putting more ppl that arent XXonly ppl on the rest of the servers for the balance. That way us that dont mind partying/doing missions/quest together with ppl that arent from our own country would have alot easier finding ppl to do these things with, and at the same time the japanese players would have more japanese ppl do do their stuff with.

I still say forcing someone to be on a type of server they dont want to be on is wrong.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-04-22 13:41:19
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Zanno said:
Yes, but giving them a chance to be on a JP only server would also mean putting more ppl that arent XXonly ppl on the rest of the servers for the balance. That way us that dont mind partying/doing missions/quest together with ppl that arent from our own country would have alot easier finding ppl to do these things with, and at the same time the japanese players would have more japanese ppl do do their stuff with.

I still say forcing someone to be on a type of server they dont want to be on is wrong.

If they opened up "JP only" servers, what percentage of JPs would actually choose to be on a non-"JP only" server? I'm betting it's close to 0%. And why stop there? What about UK only servers? Italy only? NA only?

Can you say boring?

They don't wanna play with NA's, that's cool. But they need to learn to deal with us being around. Our money is just as good as theirs is, and we all pay the same to play this game.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-04-22 13:47:37
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Zanno said:
Yes, but giving them a chance to be on a JP only server would also mean putting more ppl that arent XXonly ppl on the rest of the servers for the balance. That way us that dont mind partying/doing missions/quest together with ppl that arent from our own country would have alot easier finding ppl to do these things with, and at the same time the japanese players would have more japanese ppl do do their stuff with.

I still say forcing someone to be on a type of server they dont want to be on is wrong.

If they opened up "JP only" servers, what percentage of JPs would actually choose to be on a non-"JP only" server? I'm betting it's close to 0%. And why stop there? What about UK only servers? Italy only? NA only?

Can you say boring?

They don't wanna play with NA's, that's cool. But they need to learn to deal with us being around. Our money is just as good as theirs is, and we all pay the same to play this game.

NA, UK ,ITA w/e servers would never be needed. ever see seacoms saying "Germans only"?

Gil and auction house? Just balance it out with players that arent so narrow minded. problem fixed.

Saying opening up JPonly server because you dont like the idea, or because you wanna be able to play with JP, or because you are afraid your stuff wont sell as well on ah. Just not a really good argument imo.

If they wanna have a JPonly server, give them that. And from reading on the link posted on one of the previous pages, they do want a JPonly server.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-04-22 13:56:51
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Zanno said:
Saying opening up JPonly server because you dont like the idea, or because you wanna be able to play with JP, or because you are afraid your stuff wont sell as well on ah. Just not a really good argument imo.

This stood out a lot. Seems you think that servers should be segregated based on your experiences with Japanese players, unless I've misread along the lines. Surely that's the same thing? You do sound a little biased, as if a personal experience or few have lead you to dislike the Japanese playerbase.

Of course, the chances of JP Only servers happening are pretty... Well, it won't happen, not so fargone in FFXI's existence. But, I can't really see what good that would do. If it wasn't "JP Only" it'd be "NA Only" or something like that; it's not the Japanese culture that cause this problem, it's the fact humans are playing this game.
By 2009-04-22 14:02:01
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Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-04-22 14:05:51
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Zanno said:
Saying opening up JPonly server because you dont like the idea, or because you wanna be able to play with JP, or because you are afraid your stuff wont sell as well on ah. Just not a really good argument imo.

I wouldn't say I necessarily want to play with JP players, but when I'm building a party to do whatever, the nationality of the person I'm inviting makes about as much difference to me as the race of their character...none at all.

(Can you imagine? "{Galka}{White Mage}{No thanks.}" "{Mithra}{Thief}{Yes, please}" Ridiculous...)

S-E deliberately made the servers cross-cultural. It's the reason why the auto-translate function exists in the first place. So, like I said, if JPs don't wanna play with NA's, or NA's don't wanna play with JP's, or EU's don't wanna play with either, so be it. But it's time to get used to the fact that they are on the server. Unless the very sight of English or Japanese in the chat log just burns people up, it's not that hard to deal with. And if it does, then they have problems that go way beyond anything FFXI related.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-04-22 14:10:00
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Wooooodum said:
Zanno said:
Saying opening up JPonly server because you dont like the idea, or because you wanna be able to play with JP, or because you are afraid your stuff wont sell as well on ah. Just not a really good argument imo.

This stood out a lot. Seems you think that servers should be segregated based on your experiences with Japanese players, unless I've misread along the lines. Surely that's the same thing? You do sound a little biased, as if a personal experience or few have lead you to dislike the Japanese playerbase.

Of course, the chances of JP Only servers happening are pretty... Well, it won't happen, not so fargone in FFXI's existence. But, I can't really see what good that would do. If it wasn't "JP Only" it'd be "NA Only" or something like that; it's not the Japanese culture that cause this problem, it's the fact humans are playing this game.

If you had read a few more posts along the line you'd see what I'm saying.

I keep saying give them the oportunity to play on a JPonly server if thats what they want.

Edit: this again >>
By 2009-04-22 14:16:04
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Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Blackmist
Posts: 525
By Fairy.Blackmist 2009-04-22 14:36:57
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like i said, some ppl are ***, some arn't it doesn't really matter where you are from.

yes it would be rude to go to a forgen country, and expect every one to know English, (given your an American, or native English speaker ) thats like being that Ignorant *** who speaks louder when some one doesn't understand you lol

It would be nice if American schools would teach Japanese, Russian and Germen, it would Really "dispell" the lang barrier.

English, isn't a hard language, in my oppnion, its more stupid, and annoying, when you have like this,there,that,then, when,where,why,how >.> or so many diffrent ways to say the same thing..

but i guess you can say that about he 3 the's (germen)

Maybe, JUST maybe, Every one should stop complaneing and try to Srive for a singel goal? Maybe?

Sure Right now, its just a game, More then enough ppl who speak your lang to play with,

but we all share the same planet, last i checked, why not put some efort in to learning other lang/cultures, it will be hard, but once its said and over with, everything will seem easyer.

:3 (end rant) lol
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Didgist
Posts: 291
By Fenrir.Didgist 2009-04-22 14:38:45
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Didgist said:
I think I have more Japanese friends than Americans nowadays and honestly it's because of the age/acountability factor that everyone blames all their "racism" on. Honestly you can throw me on the cross too, I enjoy JP only groups. lol

While I can kinda understand the "segregationist attitude" that many JPs have, the flip side has a point, too. I mean, there's multilingual services and such pretty much everywhere in the U.S., and a lot of people would view someone saying "NA ONLY" in a party invite as being *** up. The language barrier makes it somewhat understandable for something like a party and such, where communication is key, but I'm at least willing to try and communicate via the auto translate. I think everyone should be willing to try...JP, NA, EU or whatever.

I will say though, blaming "age/accountability" on not playing with NA's is a pretty broad generalization. Despite what people may have heard, NA's aren't all rude, racist idiot "mouth breathers". Just like a few *** JP's shouldn't taint a persons view of them as a whole, a few *** NA's shouldn't either.

More of a fact than an insult. The general JP population tends to be 5-6 years older than the USA population. Simply being older means in the percentages game you're going to have more mature, responsible players. That is in no way dissing the USA.

However, I will make some points I haven't read here yet.

I have asked a lot of my friends about the reasons JP only is used.

One of them is that they honestly don't speak any english, don't know anything about our culture, and don't want to piss anyone off or seem offensive. Keep in mind Japan's culture is very largely built on respect and humility. These players are usually 30+, I very rarely meet young Japanese who don't speak any english. These players are also the minority of the JP only crowd.

Another one, and I totally *** hands down agree on this one, is that Japanese people are far less likely to dc on your party or leave immediately if it's not the best. There is an understanding that if you join a PARTY, then you are joining to help the PARTY succeed and not just so you can just jack off for 50 minutes while you fly around spamming Gekko and then DC when you have your 2 merits.

The parties run smoothly, no one afks for 20 minutes, people don't start talking ***about others gear, and once the party has been going a while everyone decides on a set time or a person's level up to leave.

I've built a lot of parties and Japanese were almost always picked because of the latter.

Keep in mind no one is perfect, it's just you see this more often with American players than Japanese or even HK.

So that leaves us with the real question, which came first?

JP only or shitty American players?
By 2009-04-22 14:42:18
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Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-04-22 14:45:11
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Does it matter who came first? Arent we all paying for this game?

If americans are shitty players, atleast give us EU players: <European> in auto-translation <.<
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Blackmist
Posts: 525
By Fairy.Blackmist 2009-04-22 14:45:56
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Thats like saying, what came 1st O.o chicken, or the egg. lol

Well just not as complicated, .. i think? lol.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Takezaki
Posts: 62
By Asura.Sharpe 2009-04-22 14:48:50
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Blackmist said:
like i said, some ppl are ***, some arn't it doesn't really matter where you are from.

yes it would be rude to go to a forgen country, and expect every one to know English, (given your an American, or native English speaker ) thats like being that Ignorant *** who speaks louder when some one doesn't understand you lol

It would be nice if American schools would teach Japanese, Russian and Germen, it would Really "dispell" the lang barrier.

English, isn't a hard language, in my oppnion, its more stupid, and annoying, when you have like this,there,that,then, when,where,why,how >.> or so many diffrent ways to say the same thing..

but i guess you can say that about he 3 the's (germen)

Maybe, JUST maybe, Every one should stop complaneing and try to Srive for a singel goal? Maybe?

Sure Right now, its just a game, More then enough ppl who speak your lang to play with,

but we all share the same planet, last i checked, why not put some efort in to learning other lang/cultures, it will be hard, but once its said and over with, everything will seem easyer.

:3 (end rant) lol

Please tell me you are *** kidding.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ic0n67
Posts: 241
By Asura.Icon 2009-04-22 14:49:40
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Sharpe said:
Blackmist said:
like i said, some ppl are ***, some arn't it doesn't really matter where you are from.

yes it would be rude to go to a forgen country, and expect every one to know English, (given your an American, or native English speaker ) thats like being that Ignorant *** who speaks louder when some one doesn't understand you lol

It would be nice if American schools would teach Japanese, Russian and Germen, it would Really "dispell" the lang barrier.

English, isn't a hard language, in my oppnion, its more stupid, and annoying, when you have like this,there,that,then, when,where,why,how >.> or so many diffrent ways to say the same thing..

but i guess you can say that about he 3 the's (germen)

Maybe, JUST maybe, Every one should stop complaneing and try to Srive for a singel goal? Maybe?

Sure Right now, its just a game, More then enough ppl who speak your lang to play with,

but we all share the same planet, last i checked, why not put some efort in to learning other lang/cultures, it will be hard, but once its said and over with, everything will seem easyer.

:3 (end rant) lol

Please tell me you are *** kidding.

:O English is one of the hardest languages out there.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-04-22 14:50:32
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Frysia said:

This is part of it, and a lot of JP Players like to start pt's together and end them together, they don't like to replace players, which NA/EU players do a lot. I usually pt around JP Prime time since that's when I get off work. I invite JP Players all the time, a lot of them communicate quite well in English.

When I was in Iraq, my schedule pretty much meant that when I could get a chance to get online, I was playing with predominantly Japanese or EU players.

I definitely noticed this trend in Japanese parties, and I tend to like it quite a lot. It's why I rarely merit except with friends, and when someone does have to go, either replace them with another friend, go on with 5 for a while, or just end the party.

I used to do weekly Expeditionary Force runs with a Japanese group, too, and I'm sure they had lots of laughs at my expense among the squiggles, but it was still a blast. The first time I went with them was joining based on a shout in my hometown, and the next week, I got a tell from one of them asking if I wanted to come again.

They treated me with respect, overlooked when I maybe goofed up, and cheer me on. It was a lot better than your typical NA group treats a new person or outsider.

I had a fun merit party on the walls of Mount Zhayolm the other day with a mixture of friends and Japanese players (3 of each). We went out, killed stuff for about 90-120 minutes, and then thanked everyone for the party and called it. It was not UBER KILLER EXP like bird camps, but it was fun and a nice change from the grind.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4261
By Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph 2009-04-22 14:52:02
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English IS the most complicated language in the world from everything I read. We have too many *** details that make no sense. Like why some letters are put in words and have no sound. Or how Lie turns into Liar. etc. Most other languages may have more letters, but nowhere near as many rules.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Takezaki
Posts: 62
By Asura.Sharpe 2009-04-22 14:52:08
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Icon said:
Sharpe said:
Blackmist said:
like i said, some ppl are ***, some arn't it doesn't really matter where you are from.

yes it would be rude to go to a forgen country, and expect every one to know English, (given your an American, or native English speaker ) thats like being that Ignorant *** who speaks louder when some one doesn't understand you lol

It would be nice if American schools would teach Japanese, Russian and Germen, it would Really "dispell" the lang barrier.

English, isn't a hard language, in my oppnion, its more stupid, and annoying, when you have like this,there,that,then, when,where,why,how >.> or so many diffrent ways to say the same thing..

but i guess you can say that about he 3 the's (germen)

Maybe, JUST maybe, Every one should stop complaneing and try to Srive for a singel goal? Maybe?

Sure Right now, its just a game, More then enough ppl who speak your lang to play with,

but we all share the same planet, last i checked, why not put some efort in to learning other lang/cultures, it will be hard, but once its said and over with, everything will seem easyer.

:3 (end rant) lol

Please tell me you are *** kidding.

:O English is one of the hardest languages out there.

Apparently so. My comment was more that he was claiming it wasn't hard, yet seemed to lack a basic grasp of the language himself.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4261
By Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph 2009-04-22 14:54:29
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Didgist said:

Another one, and I totally *** hands down agree on this one, is that Japanese people are far less likely to dc on your party or leave immediately if it's not the best. There is an understanding that if you join a PARTY, then you are joining to help the PARTY succeed and not just so you can just jack off for 50 minutes while you fly around spamming Gekko and then DC when you have your 2 merits.

I hate your server with a fiery passion but have to agree. That is probably the most brutally honest thing I have heard on this forum yet.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Blackmist
Posts: 525
By Fairy.Blackmist 2009-04-22 15:01:56
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I don't think the lang, is hard. It seems easy enough, i have many friends who have learned it in a few years.

yes my spelling, and grammar suck right now, on top of laying in bed sick, its hard to Type at this angel but never the less.

Even thou its my native language i found germen, and japanise harder to learn, I forgot most of it anyway >.< I never use it.

Edit: Yea i am comma crazy >.> I always put one. because i can never remember if i need one or not, I use them for a short pause in a sentence. Instead of using a period for a complete and total stop
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-04-22 15:02:16
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A lot of the reason that English is so crazy is because it has roots in so many different places. Look in a dictionary that has etymological tags included with the definitions and you'll see this.

It's comical that the person who says that English is not that hard has so many errors in their own post. Obviously it's (correct version) kicking their (correct version) arse.

I do agree that in America, we should start education in foreign languages sooner and more intensively. While English is probably the most "universal" language throughout the globe, it is certainly not the only one out there.

When I party with Japanese/Europeans who struggle with their English, yet continute to make the effort to communicate, I have a lot more respect for them than I do of an English speaker who insists that everyone should learn their language. Most of those same people have not come close to mastering it themselves.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-04-22 15:04:09
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Didgist said:
One of them is that they honestly don't speak any english, don't know anything about our culture, and don't want to piss anyone off or seem offensive. Keep in mind Japan's culture is very largely built on respect and humility. These players are usually 30+, I very rarely meet young Japanese who don't speak any english. These players are also the minority of the JP only crowd.

Another one, and I totally *** hands down agree on this one, is that Japanese people are far less likely to dc on your party or leave immediately if it's not the best. There is an understanding that if you join a PARTY, then you are joining to help the PARTY succeed and not just so you can just jack off for 50 minutes while you fly around spamming Gekko and then DC when you have your 2 merits.

The parties run smoothly, no one afks for 20 minutes, people don't start talking ***about others gear, and once the party has been going a while everyone decides on a set time or a person's level up to leave.

I've built a lot of parties and Japanese were almost always picked because of the latter.

Keep in mind no one is perfect, it's just you see this more often with American players than Japanese or even HK.

So that leaves us with the real question, which came first?

JP only or shitty American players?

I respect your opinions, but I do have to say, if they don't know much about us or our culture, and fear offending us, how the hell will they ever learn if they never take the chance to get to know us in the first place? I don't speak a lick of Japanese, but I'm willing to try and communicate through the (admittedly kinda broken, but it does work for the most part) auto-translate. If I piss off a JP after I say or do something, at the very least I'll learn not to say or do that again. If I never even bothered, I'd never know...

As for the party behavior, I can understand this as well, I've had NA's D/C or *** me for the stupidest ***, and to be honest, they're *** cowards that need to learn how to "man up". I feel bad that stupid NA's have tainted JP's views on them as a whole...but, again, if they write off the entire player base because of a few bad past experiences they're selling us short. I had a JP THF in a party once that was absolutely horrible at pulling, kept getting adds and aggroing, stood there for 10 minutes between mobs before he'd go out to pull again, had to zone every other mob...does that mean that JP's can't pull? Of course not...

As for which came first, obviously JP's did, since the game was released there before it was released in the U.S. But in reading that Q&A session a while back I remember a few comments that were along the lines of "S-E told us this was going to be a Japanese only game, and then they let NA's play" as if the simple fact that NA's playing was a problem. Maybe it's just the translation, but if the core meaning is what it sounds like, that's a shitty attitude to have. Are we not good enough?

Like I said, I know there are some bad apples on the NA side, but if JP's generalize all of NA's player base as being that way, that's really sad.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Didgist
Posts: 291
By Fenrir.Didgist 2009-04-22 15:15:47
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Eternaltriumph said:
Didgist said:

Another one, and I totally *** hands down agree on this one, is that Japanese people are far less likely to dc on your party or leave immediately if it's not the best. There is an understanding that if you join a PARTY, then you are joining to help the PARTY succeed and not just so you can just jack off for 50 minutes while you fly around spamming Gekko and then DC when you have your 2 merits.

I hate your server with a fiery passion but have to agree. That is probably the most brutally honest thing I have heard on this forum yet.

=) I hate Fenrir too. However, I could never leave the friends I have made here. Well, that and i'm kind of a glutton for punishment anyways, honesty really makes people hate you.

Xxnumbertwoxx said:

but, again, if they write off the entire player base because of a few bad past experiences they're selling us short.

I'm writing them off, and i'm a cornfed redhaired pale *** white dude from Indiana. When it's your own team saying it...y'know?

Also the fact that everyones race has idiots doesn't justify us having absolutely nothing to do with their opinion of us. We did it, we need to make up for it, and if you don't agree then there is your accountability issue. Japanese can control it's culture from turning into some out of control mess because of being able to hold people accountable for their actions within their society, where as in America it's just do whatever the *** you can get away with if there are no reprecussions or if no one is watching. JP believe that Jesus is watching more than we do, and I find that hilarious.

Also, the ***? English isn't hard?! Didn't I point this one out a couple pages ago?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-04-22 15:16:48
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lolJapancupid ads.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Takezaki
Posts: 62
By Asura.Sharpe 2009-04-22 15:18:00
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To be honest I've had as many HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE JP players as non-JP. That being said the fake d/c ***seems to be a non-JP only thing, the JPs are much more likely to just say "Have things to do, got to go" and disband with no word of warning.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Didgist
Posts: 291
By Fenrir.Didgist 2009-04-22 15:27:43
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Ah, forgot to say.

Yes, Numbertwo, it pisses me off when people won't even try to use the auto translate to communicate. With all of the translation utilities provided to us freely from excite/google/babbelfish you would have to be a *** *** to say there's nothing you can do to understand other people.

However simply placing a string of translated words into a sentence and then throwing it at someone isn't always going to have the desired affect.

Did you know (Team up?) and (Please invite me?) have sexual connotations? Team up is more like "Let's play together" and Please invite me is more like "Please put it in".

There are many other factors like different sentence structure, grammatical differences (Is it [lie] down or tell a [lie]?), etc. that can very easily lead to confusion. In fact, wiki has an awesome Auto Translator: In-Depth guide that everyone who has read or posted here should check out.

EDIT: I can't do the english right :(
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-04-22 15:31:48
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Didgist said:
We did it, we need to make up for it, and if you don't agree then there is your accountability issue.

I didn't do "it" (whatever "it" is), but I'm accountable for the NA idiots out there? Are all JP's accountable for the idiot puller I had? I don't believe so, but if that's the rules, then...

Didgist said:
However simply placing a string of translated words into a sentence and then throwing it at someone isn't always going to have the desired affect.

Did you know (Team up?) and (Please invite me?) have sexual connotations? Team up is more like "Let's play together" and Please invite me is more like "Please put it in".

Of course not, but it's a start. If anything, the attempt is's like tacitly saying "Yes, we are different but I am willing to try and work with you".

As for the connotations of the translations, the blame there falls squarely on S-E, just like the /check translating to "____ stares at you fixedly" is. Can they not fix it? Or do they just not give a ***?

I mean, Jesus, it's a Japanese game, and the auto-translate says that ***? What the hell are they doing?
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-04-22 15:34:22
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I can see ffxi getting segregated now:


Little China Walls - only chinese players


Mithra are not allowed to fish in Bastok


Taru's are slaves to elvaans
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Leesil7
Posts: 10
By Asura.Leesil 2009-04-22 15:44:12
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I don't want to shoot down your idea, but I think the history of the US has shown that segregation leads to racism. From a practical point of view, SE would get a large amount of bad publicity of the word got out that they were making segregated servers for "japanese speaking people", or something like that. But also I'm not sure it would be healthy to be able to log on and play in a world where the way of dealing with diversity would be to segregate people who spoke different languages into different servers. I think there would be the consequence of having, for example, the remaining JP players on a primarily english-speaking server be subject to a lot of racism, and I can see "go back to your own damn server" being a new regular whitegate shout. There would be a lot of pressure to segregate even if individuals didn't want to.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-04-22 15:45:42
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Alyria said:
I can see ffxi getting segregated now:


Little China Walls - only chinese players


Mithra are not allowed to fish in Bastok


Taru's are slaves to elvaans

Mithra are always welcome.
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