When Did They Make Exp Mobs Weaker, Or Am I Crazy?

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When did they make exp mobs weaker, or am I crazy?
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-04-14 11:51:27
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Ok, so I had a level 25 sync party tonight, 5-man for a while then 4-man out in Yuhtunga. Now, I remember way back, my first few trips through there, Mandy's were IT pretty solid through like 27, then we'd move to IT Gobs, then move out to Yhoator...standard ***pretty much everyone's done at some point.

But tonight, syncee dinged 26, and all the Mandys immediately became Tough for the most part, with the occasional VT. Gobs were dropping down to VT. It's not just in the jungles, either, I've noticed mobs dropping off earlier then they used to in Valkurm, Qufim, Altepa; seems like it's been that way for a while now, I just never really commented on it...but my LS has been wondering what the deal is, and we've been moving up the standard camp list at lower levels then we used to.

So am I crazy? Did the low level mobs get nerfed at some point? Does anyone else remember mobs being harder in these areas a year or two ago? Am I imagining the whole thing?

You're not crazy.

I remember 4 ish years ago and things were actually tougher, with people staying in delfkutt til about 24, staying in valkurm til lv 20, even when aht urgha came out people started on birds around 55-56.

This is just my opinion, mobs are not as tough anymore for some reason, when this happen I have no idea.

Or maybe its just that 4 ish years ago people were happy with chaining T-VT
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-04-14 12:00:11
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Zanno said:
You're not crazy.

I remember 4 ish years ago and things were actually tougher, with people staying in delfkutt til about 24, staying in valkurm til lv 20...

Ok, I'm glad I'm not the only one that's noticed this, for whatever reason it is. I mean, I remember doing full 6-mans on Pugs at secret beach til 20 for good exp way back in the day...was out there a couple weeks ago and they started turning to ***at like 18, so yeah...

I normally trio and ***, so I didn't really notice it fully until recently, when we've actually been putting together full parties with my LS members.

EDIT: Granted, I never pull, I'm just not a puller...unless of course you want multiple mobs and death...so maybe they were turning to crap earlier then I remember and the puller was just grabbing the better mobs? Who knows...