A Dream Within A Dream Journal

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A Dream Within A Dream Journal
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Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-05-29 07:01:29
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
I have a dream that I can drive (I can't) and that I'm killing people left right and center.

It's part of the reason I dread learning.

Seriously those dreams have haunted me for the best part of 2 years now.
Well there's only one way to solve that.. Get out there, drive, kill people left right and center and find out it's really not so bad!


Not sure why you can't drive, but it's really not that hard.. Well in an automatic anyways.. Learning to drive a stick can be a pain in the ***.. Different cars have different levels of finicky with the clutch, some you have to pop out, while others you have to let out like a fart in Church..
By 2011-05-29 07:04:17
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By 2011-05-29 07:05:05
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Serveur: Valefor
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Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-05-29 07:06:49
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Oh and my wife was sorta the same way.. (about driving) now she's the only one who drives..

Just don't get in the car with someone who likes to complain, or strives for perfection or anything of the sort when learning.. Whoever it is, just make sure they'll only criticize/offer help when it's actually needed..

The best way to learn to drive is just do it (like in a parking lot or a wide open area, to get a feel for the car) but if you got some *** hat whose breathing down your neck telling you every last thing you're doing wrong.. Well it's not gonna hurt you more than help.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
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By Leviathan.Chaosx 2011-05-29 10:29:17
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Here's a random dream I had the other night.

I was in a scenario from Half-Life 2 where I had to blow up one of those turrets and duck behind some crates. After it fell I ran into the black guy who used to be on CSI and he took me to some room that was setup like some kind of command center. He then popped open a cooler with Michelob (which I have never drank) and proceeded to ask me to help solve some kind of mystery. I don't remember what the mystery was but I remember that Samsung was involved somehow.

Does this mean I have a subconscious bromance or something?
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Novax
Posts: 3826
By Leviathan.Novax 2011-05-29 10:30:14
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Is anyone else able to forcibly dream about something?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2011-05-29 10:53:26
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Leviathan.Novax said:
Is anyone else able to forcibly dream about something?
Sometimes, but if I try to hard I wake up.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Novax
Posts: 3826
By Leviathan.Novax 2011-05-29 10:54:45
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I can think of a topic/situation before I'm asleep and then dream about it.
By 2011-05-29 11:05:16
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By Artemicion 2011-05-29 11:12:00
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Haven't gotten around to reading the OP, but I just wanted to toss in that depending on the author, I bet Inception would be a bad-*** novel.
By zahrah 2011-06-06 16:43:54
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I wish I would have done this earlier so I could remember all of the details, but last night I had a Rift dream where Krizz, Urial, Chaosx, Spence, Alymoral and I were playing Monopoly while in-game.

Basically, they popped out of the rift and that's where the Monopoly game began. What's weird is Chaosx, Spence and Alymoral don't play Rift, so I could never make out their character's faces.

I've been playing too much Monopoly and Rift apparently.

By 2011-06-12 15:13:04
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By 2011-06-12 15:18:39
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Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2011-06-12 15:29:11
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I swear every summer I get violent gory dreams, and they go away in the winter. My first of the season was last night. Some guy wanted to take my husband for a drive in his car, and I didn't trust the guy so I remorselessly shot him.

I don't know why I get violent dreams every summer. :/
By 2011-06-12 15:46:14
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By zahrah 2011-06-12 15:48:27
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Odin.Liela said:
I swear every summer I get violent gory dreams, and they go away in the winter. My first of the season was last night. Some guy wanted to take my husband for a drive in his car, and I didn't trust the guy so I remorselessly shot him.

I don't know why I get violent dreams every summer. :/

Do you get overstressed in the summer?
By 2011-06-12 15:48:56
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Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2011-06-12 15:56:49
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I hate being too hot. I prefer winter to summer. I'm also generally more bored in summer, just because there's no school. So heat + bored + overstressed is a possibility, since every summer I go job-hunting and that is bloody stressful and frustrating. I need to figure out which one it is and fix it! I'm more cranky and prone to fight in summer when I'm awake, too, so I suppose it's no shock that those traits carry over to sleep.
By 2011-06-12 16:13:13
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By 2011-06-12 16:16:53
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By 2011-06-12 16:19:34
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Francisco
Posts: 343
By Shiva.Francisco 2011-06-19 07:43:37
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I had a pretty messed up one two nights ago.

Walked by my old job (retail), saw a bunch of cops outside. Learned that all my former co-workers were being held hostage. Most of them are really good friends.

Anyway, I snuck in through a backdoor that doesn't really exist (don't you love how contrived dreams can be?), and got into the basement/stockroom. I knocked something over and made noise, and the three hostage-takers went to investigate the noise. I hid in a really bad spot, standing against a wall in plain sight, only hidden by the fact that they would only see me if they turned around. Of course, they did.

The three hostage takers were two creepy mouthbreathers who obviously had a few screws missing... think trailer trash with bad, uneven shaves and crooked teeth... the third was a bearded Billy Mays look alike who was dressed like he was a carpenter or something.

Anyway, once I was spotted, they tied my wrists together, then for some reason decided they needed to use a razor blade to cut a straight line from the side of my wrists to the base of my thumbs on both hands. I remember telling them they didn't need to - but they said something like they wanted to put fear into me like they did to everyone else. Whoever sliced my hands accidentally cut the rope securing my wrists, enough that I could break free once given the chance.

I was led back upstairs and found everything had gone back to normal... the police apparently came in and freed everyone and took off, leaving the hostage-takers inside. The hostage-takers kind of dispersed. I broke free from the ropes and began to hunt the hostage-takers down. I knew they were still in the store.

And this is where it begins to get messed up...

I found the first hiding at the top of a metal staircase leading to the basement. I punched him in the face a few times, then picked him up and threw him down the stairs, strategically making sure his spine cracked across the edge of one of the steps, and he hit the concrete on his head. My goal was to not kill him, but to ensure he'd be completely paralyzed and become a vegetable.

I looked around for the second one, and found him in the same spot after a little time. This time, I pummeled his face til he had black bruises all over his face and was bleeding significantly. Then I broke his leg with a solid metal pipe, and shoved him down the stairs. Then I stomped on his ribs til they were all broken and he was presumably gonna die from internal bleeding.

Meanwhile, I'm feeling pretty disgusted with myself, but it was purely vengeful - I think they may have done something to a friend who was notably absent after the hostage-taking, but that's not clear.

I began to look for the third, and went back upstairs to find the entire store to be reconstructed to look really nice. Apparently the bearded hostage-taker carpenter did it because he felt bad. Then he just left. I was either too confused or too forgiving to go after him. I think I felt like he was a nice guy despite what happened, where as the other two just seemed demented to the core.

Dream basically ended with me asking some co-workers if they'd "cover" for what I did - and they were like "of course"...

Then I woke up, and I was like "wow, that's messed up..."

No idea where this came from, as I haven't worked there for months...

If dreams really do have meanings/relevance, it could be:

- The co-worker who was notably missing - her parents were both murdered about a year ago (really)... I've been really protective of her since then... One of the dead hostage-takers had some qualities of the guy who killed her parents.

- Shortly before I left, a giant douchebag took over the store. It went from being a positive place to work (as good as retail can be) to a very negative place. Pretty much all my friends who work their now are miserable in doing so.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-06-26 12:40:20
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I hate how dreams don't have to follow the rules of the waking world sometimes.. Gonna do my best to explain this, but it's kinda hard to actually explain the way it happened..

It started off with me and my wife, and she was taken from me, by another guy, but against her will.. It was my ex's husband/boyfriend/thing but was embodied by someone in my family. He 'adopted her' somehow and she was forced to go with him, and leave me. The next couple of hours of sleeping were spent by me crying and screaming and being depressed (which I felt all of it, dreams can be very emotional for me, it actually felt as if it would feel if my wife left me/was taken from me, which I *** hate because it happens often to me) then I started trying to figure out how to get her back. Somehow, now there are two of my wife, the one I love is with him though, I don't even like the one I have, in a relationship way, she doesn't seem to feel different either. She's talking to him and basically trying to get him to see what this is doing to me, the phrase "do you want to be responsible for a suicide, because if you don't give her back, you will be", of course he still refuses, keeping her more out of spite than desire.

Then, I've had enough of it and I summon my powers, he summons his, and we have it out in typical Hollywood superhero action (think when Hancock and his ex are flying through the city beating each other up) except our powers a little different.. We have to lock on to each other and use our powers to use 'our force' and break them apart, all the while keeping the other from doing it to you first, so we do a lot of dodging and hiding behind walls, it only takes a couple of seconds to make the kill, so we're both moving really fast and fighting very hard to be the one to do it first. Eventually I get him, and I take my wife back, and we're in a sky scraper that's our home, I start carving the dude up, like chicken parts or something and BBQ him and serve him to my grandparents, my wife and my mother-in-law.. They know it's him, and they are very happy to eat him, they say it tastes like justice. (not kidding)

Before they can finish their meal, a government helicopter flies in and starts scanning the building one floor at a time with a sweeping x-ray light beam, at this point I'm not sure what it is they're after, I assume it's me and we (me and my wife) try to hide from it, but right before it gets to our floor a door at the far side of the building busts open, and soldiers and zombies charge in, the zombies are trying to get away from the soldiers and the soldiers are hunting them down. After those zombies are dead, the soldiers say we're being evacuated and lead us to the roof to be picked up by helicopter and taken to an airport for evacuation. Right as my wife and 2 kids get on the helicopter, an explosion hits the building and it falls off to the side (like in Cloverfield) I fall a few floors before landing on a balcony and watch the helicopter fly off.. I know I have little time to get to the evacuation point, so I start Prince of Persia-ing down the building, and make it to street level, and run for the airport.

I get there just in time to be processed, but I have a gun on me, it's a home made gun with no trigger, just the hammer (revolver), I'm not allowed past the checkpoint with it, and they won't let me just get rid of it, and I'm not allowed to sell it to anyone either.. I try to ditch it unsuccessfully twice, both times I'm spotted by the checkpoint dude and he makes me pick it back up, finally I manage to get rid of it, and get through the checkpoint just in time to see my wife killed, and me and the kids are crying, and that's when I woke up.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-06-26 13:00:27
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I had an odd one last night, was pretty short, but unusual nonetheless.

I was driving with several friends (it was me, my friend Tony, his gf Kelsey, and our friends Jaclyn and Vera) from what I presume is our neighborhood, to....well I don't even remember where we were going. We were having a good time and random conversation when we pull off this one exit. Well after we get onto the road, Kelsey pulls us over to the shoulder and says "OK lets do it!" Tony says "Do what?" and she says to strip (no joke). So I get confused and ask why, she says she has a tradition of driving with everyone nude past THAT exit. Weird right? Well we all comply and start driving again, again having conversation. Well Kelsey starts to say that we should get dressed again, as anyone passing us was seeing we were naked, well just as we were about to stop, a cop passed in the other lane, flicked his lights and did an epic 180 to pull us over lol. We dealt with the cop then made it to our destination, some odd big convention center looking thing. The rest was pretty vague but it turned out to be something like we waited in a line for an hour or so then had a naked dance party in a large hot tub then went to a big flashy concert on the other side of the building with 8 of our favorite bands.

Needless to say I woke up pretty happy :D
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-06-26 13:01:30
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Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
sucks ;/ I have my mixture of fun/happy dreams and really *** up and horror like dreams, sorry that one went south, it happens
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Dierdreh
Posts: 383
By Bismarck.Dierdreh 2011-06-26 14:00:57
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I like to consider myself quite lucky when it comes to dreams. I know a few people that can't ever remember their dreams or they don't dream at all. It's kind of sad especially when I always manage to have such vivid and life like dreams on a nightly basis. The only downfall to this though is that when I have nightmares they are quite real, and on a few occasions almost traumatizing. It's a double edged sword really. But over all I am thankful for them in the end. If I woke up one day to never be able to dream again I think I'd cry.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-06-26 14:10:08
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Anyone else ever fallen in love in a dream -_-

/Sits in corner in fetal position
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-06-26 14:19:07
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
Anyone else ever fallen in love in a dream -_-

/Sits in corner in fetal position
Yep, when I was in jail.. I slept for days because she would keep coming back to me.. I got put on suicide watch because they thought I was depressed.. Being in jail isn't fun, but I was far from depressed.. I'd of kept sleeping day in and day out, but she stopped coming =/
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-06-26 14:23:57
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I didn't know you went to jail >.>

Going to prison is an actual recurring dream of mine.
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