Dynanutz is a Dynamis LS that Run Tuesday Nites at 6:30 PM EST and Saturday at 1 PM EST. We have a core group of fun interactive members who love to have fun.
We are pts Based with a simple System. You Obtain 1pt per hour in dynamis. If it happens to no be a full hour but instead 30Min .5 pts is awarded for that 30Min. Prior to the Run there will be a bidding war in which members put their pts up as high as they can/Feel the item is worth to them. If armor is not bid upon it will be called down in a tierd mannor As follow.
All Who can Wear for 3pts(City)5pts(iceland/CoP)
70+ 3pts(City)4pt(Iceland/CoP)
60+ 2pts(City)3pts(icelands/CoP)
Open Lot 1pt(City) 2pt(Icelands/CoP)
As for Run sponsorship Long Time members Who wish to obtain a relic May sponsor in cycles. Not every Can sponsor at once as it bein for relic and not for profit. thus Bein Said, If you xpect a payout from the currency obtained during a run, We are not the shell For you.
If you would like a pearl /t Sarumansos Kaster Notouchy Nottouchy Kynadre Xarchangel or Darwena