Smn Burn Problems....

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Smn burn problems....
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-21 21:08:10
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Artemicion said:
WOT = Wall-o-Text
Which can also be replaced with: tl;dr = Too long; didn't read

Nobody wants to read for any more than 30 seconds on anyone's insignificant opinions points or projected feelings.

When it comes to forums, short, sweet and straight to the point wins.

tyvm for that

always wanted to know what that tl;dr meant also, god I'm a noob to social forums...
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
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By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-21 21:10:06
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You're not alone Korpg, I didn't know until the other day when I put it into Google, heh. And I've been running forums for about 6 years! Pitiful.
Serveur: Odin
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user: Blazza
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By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-21 21:15:03
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ohhhhh THAT'S what tl;dr means. Well, I knew the gist of it, just didn't know what it meant.

korpg said:
someone said:

as far as people from other servers comenting on the subject, well um... WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU this is a public forum. people are entitled to thier say, and Korpg stepping in pointing out RELEVENT information in from comments and other people also, DOES NOT IN ANY WAY make them bias to one side of the story.

Holy ***, I got a supporter now.

I wonder, if this sense of pride in myself and my supporter normal.

What say you Wooooody and Blazza?

No idea what you're talking about, (tl;dr) but if you have a supporter then I guess me and Wooooodum have a new enemy?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-21 21:17:19
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Blazza said:

No idea what you're talking about, (tl;dr) but if you have a supporter then I guess me and Wooooodum have a new enemy?

No picking on my new friend!
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
By Seraph.Darkvision 2009-03-22 10:10:27
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ok you want the short and sweet version.

Both PTs in question are monopolising zone

the RL person behind the accused caracter i think is inoccent, the husband the is the that should be accused.

as far as people from other servers comenting on the subject, well um... WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU this is a public forum. people are entitled to thier say.

Korpg stepping in pointing out RELEVENT information in from comments and other people also, DOES NOT IN ANY WAY make them bias to one side of the story. telling people to basically STFU coz your not on the same server as them, WELL your telling yourself to STFU too cos your not on the same server as them

it actually sounds like a devious guyish thing to actually do.

there {End Key}
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-03-22 11:10:27
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2 parties make a deal to share a zone for smn burn? What happens if a 3rd or even a 4th pt wanna smn burn? the first 2 parties go "GTFO we have this zone on a schedule!"? Make a website? "If you intend to snm burn in this zone on this server you have to put yourself on the schedule"?
Serveur: Ifrit
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Posts: 1755
By Ifrit.Haseyo 2009-03-22 11:23:00
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Awww yeah, Smn Burn meets Dyna.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
By Seraph.Darkvision 2009-03-22 11:27:03
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Zanno said:
2 parties make a deal to share a zone for smn burn? What happens if a 3rd or even a 4th pt wanna smn burn? the first 2 parties go "GTFO we have this zone on a schedule!"? Make a website? "If you intend to snm burn in this zone on this server you have to put yourself on the schedule"?

can you se my point, as for the PT that dont hold thier side of the deal, thats just damn right bullying, also a violation of ToS
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Lakshmi.Bonkerskitty 2009-03-22 18:55:41
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I wasn't gonna post again on this but I just wanted to point out to Sept, Karey and Frootloop that members from our group have given them pointers, I will say that in my linkshell there are 2-3 separate groups that go and some I will say aren't exactly nice. I myself don't treat other players badly which is why i am upset at being blamed for diaga'ing your mobs.

Secondly, we have suggested that you change camp. Do you really think your group is the only one who has random farmers in that zone walk up and kill the CFH mobs? Thats why we moved camp. JP farmers did it all the time to us. Move someplace where they aren't gonna run by you every 5minutes and be like "WTF is this". I have learned that alot of people in this game don't give to shits about you and care only for themselves. They don't give to shits if it wasted your time they'll jsut do it cause its funny to them.

Thirdly, I believe in both Karey and Frootloops post they mention the mobs running off in the opposite direction. This is just the nature of the mobs, you have what... 50-60 mobs trying to share a small space around one character, and they can't. So when you thunderspark ect, the mobs move the path of least resistance. Sometimes that is off to bumfuck egypt. In our camp, the mobs run all the way out the tunnel and back sometimes.... its just the nature of the game. (If your familiar with endgame its the same concept as flailing Fafnir/Nidhogg or Tiamat)
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
By Seraph.Darkvision 2009-03-22 19:05:20
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bonkerskitty if you read what i mentioned earlier in this topic, i stated that i think you yourself as a human that is not to blame, you said you was not there, working or something.

as far as i see it as a person you are not to blame, if your husband had control of your char then you would not know what happened and i think that you as a person does deserve some sort of an appology, and the blame be shifted to your husband.

if your at work or not even home then thats your word and also your husband admited to have control of your character. so yeah as a person i'd say your innocent. if your husband done that and not wanting to confess to that then yeah it reflects back to your character, thus putting the blame on you. tbh i would not trust anyone with my character incase they done the same thing.

hope you can see where i am coming from.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 591
By Kujata.Houshisama 2009-03-23 17:50:46
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/commits suicide on this thread
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Moods
Posts: 1
By Lakshmi.Moods 2009-03-24 02:13:21
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wow hasufeld >.> thats how you represent yourself? just wow ;;
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Jaxson
Posts: 88
By Cerberus.Jaxson 2009-03-24 03:02:58
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Guenhwyvar --- name love.

Secondly, its over and it happened. Sorry to hear that it happened, sorry that you were blamed that it happened. Problem over.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: arnor
Posts: 150
By Odin.Arnor 2009-03-24 03:32:36
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ok didnt read some of the longer post so dunno if this was pointed out but i do believe that people have been suspended for these burns for monster monopolization.. ive heard its happened a few times and a freind has asked a GM about it and they do frown upon it.. me personally i dont mind it if its not affecting anyone else but if this is true honestly your last worry should be about someone casting a -ga on your mobs :x but thats just the way i see it lol
though i do admit it is messed up to do something like that to a party tryin to exp
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1755
By Ifrit.Haseyo 2009-03-24 20:18:05
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Arnor said:
ok didnt read some of the longer post so dunno if this was pointed out but i do believe that people have been suspended for these burns for monster monopolization..

Gobbie brothels? o.o
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Anmorata
Posts: 56
By Siren.Anmorata 2009-03-24 21:10:10
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another one of these threads?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: dmnone
Posts: 166
By Lakshmi.Dmnone 2009-03-25 12:15:07
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anyone that pl's Knows a mob just hitting you wont negate exp unless you got some spikes up or are being shady either way seems dumb to argue about EXP is the best revenge
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: saphiron
Posts: 12
By Lakshmi.Saphiron 2009-04-12 09:24:59
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Bonkerskitty and stormshadow are sever hops from Titan a while back. It's always stormshadow playing because his wife has to work constantly to support him since he never does anything but play FFXI. I hated them when they were in my ls and was glad to see them go, I seriously feel bad for their kids though.

--wtf is this about? i dunno about these guys, whether or not kitty and her hubby are douchebags or not... but this is going to damned far. let someeone talk ***about my family, and i would be killing exp for that person as much as humanly possible.--
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-04-12 09:32:28
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User submitted image
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Chefm
Posts: 185
By Asura.Chefm 2009-04-12 10:29:52
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Bonkerskitty said:
First of all, my character was AFK. I logged off to go to work. The only person who hit ur stupid mobs was the Thf that ran by and cycloned ur mobs. I'm not that *** stupid, and not that *** cruel. I know what its like to have that done. Wtf would be the point of us doing that exactly??? To start a *** war....??? thats just stupid.. seriously before you go blaming people for doing something that didn't happen make sure you have ur facts straight.

Thirdly, you're little party is the ONLY party thats been down there besides us.

F'k Ya start a war i'll kill u All SCH FTW
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-04-12 10:37:21
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It amuses me that this thread still lives, hell it amuses me even more that the update came and went and this method wasn't nerfed.

Long live the burns!

Happy Easter folks...
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: luuujeje
Posts: 39
By Seraph.Luuujeje 2009-04-12 11:04:40
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We can't blame them for doing SMN burn pt because ,these days, SMN hardly get invite to normal pt. ; ; My SMN is at 42 for ages and I never got any invite so I had to give up on my SMN for a while ; ;
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Majora
Posts: 301
By Carbuncle.Magistrella 2009-04-12 11:49:23
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Malekith said:
It amuses me that this thread still lives, hell it amuses me even more that the update came and went and this method wasn't nerfed.

Long live the burns!

Happy Easter folks...

If they nerf that, they take the only way to get smn 71-75 faster then a few week... yeah i soloed my way to 75 now nearly, with most of the time lfp and not a single inv over the whole 2 weeks im doing that now~

@topic zomg... go train delkfutt middle lvl if someone gotta b!tch bout korroloka
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 44
By Lakshmi.Premium 2009-04-27 23:31:27
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I dont think they'll nerf it.
It's been around forever, level sync just makes it easier.
It's been happening exactly way it is now since level sync.
You need 3 summoners anyway, so really it's only 2 jobs leeching (3-4 if you alliance, i sometimes do)
This is probably the ONLY way for summoner to level. No one wants to XP with a summoner, so live with it.
It's not cheating, it's a strategic way of leveling. It takes al ong time and you can only get roughly 40k/hr,
you can almost get that in a merit pt. I've had 30k/hr in merits.
You're also not guaranteed to get COR to reset your 2hr, My group has gone 1/5 on getting 2hrs back, then one day 2/2.
I don't know about SND I've never seen them down there tbh, Vicious only ones we sometimes bump into and we alternate pulls, (you go/we go/you go/etc), they're very friendly and nothing bad happens.

If SE wanted to nerf this, they would have already, but you're not gaining anything that breaks the TOS. You're not making millions of Gil or anything of the like. In the end it's just a quick way to level for mainly Summoner and Summoner NEED this.

As for people *** up others runs, what is the point? Just let people do it, the faster people do this and get leveled, the quicker they leave.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Kyaaadaa
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-04-28 00:12:21
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Went from a bash *** kitty (dunno his name) to "Is SMN burn legal" forum. I think they already have one.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1541
By Ifrit.Thunderz 2009-04-28 01:02:29
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Korpg said:
Darkvision said:
ok i dont know how you all missed this, to me everyone involved in this incident is in the wrong.

what poped out to me when your talking about monopolising an area, then you go on about time-sharing the zone, so both parties are in the wrong, your both trying to monopolise the zone so party A is in the zone between x-x time and party B is there between y-y time.

tbh its happened, suck it up and move on, there are errors on both sided, yes the accused and her husband made so meny contradictions its hard to see truth. i know people that do this on the server i am on and they have done this in about 8 or 9 zones sucessfully, best exp was 63k in 1 burn.

altho i would not do this myself, i dont disagree with it.and being a SMN75 myself with capped SMN magic skill i hate any sort of SMN burn in in any form.

but back to my origonal point Party A and Party B orginizing a time share on a zone exping all day, thus interfearing with the inocent people trying solo for exp, to me this is all equally as bad as gill sellers, now before you open your big mouth(typing your anger out on the keyboard) coz i made reference to gil sellers. I AM NOT IN ANYWAY calling anyone gil sellers. i am just saying that "time-sharing" a zone between 2 PTs is putting everyone in those 2 PTs in the wrong. and YES i feel that 2 PTs orginising to share one zone between them interfearing with inocent people is like RMT's stealling your mobs to get drops on high value money making items.

as far as people from other servers comenting on the subject, well um... WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU this is a public forum. people are entitled to thier say, and Korpg stepping in pointing out RELEVENT information in from comments and other people also, DOES NOT IN ANY WAY make them bias to one side of the story. i myself dont give a rats *** about this. but Guenhwyvar just just take the "oh my friends are getting bitched out and cand defend thierselves let me be the knight and shining armour" approach actually makes you look like an *** and not the accused person and huband.

telling people to basically STFU coz your not on the same server as them, WELL your telling yourself to STFU too cos your not on the same server as them, facts are facts, the accused and husband contradicted them selves too much for anyone to believe them. the main thing that actually {End Key}s the argument is that the LS told the accused character (who cares who is in control) not to do anything., to be honest i think that the real life person to the character is not the person that you chould be pointing the finger at,

Darkvision points fingers to the husband.

it actually sounds like a devious guyish thing to actually do.

to be honest DONT expect a reply from me, i have said my 2 cents and will not revisit this topic. you can slag me off say waht you want and point out ***from what i have said, coz I DONT CARE and i dont give a rats *** about a stoopid F$%£ing game and drama. i am happy with what i do in game and the people i socialise with in game :P /logoff

I agree with you about the monopolizing zone point.

However, since nobody really solo's in the tunnel (too many aggro issues from the mobs used to AF burn with, and if you didn't get any aggro issues, you are too high to solo there anyway), I don't see a problem with people AF burning there.

The point about the timeshare is to keep conflict from starting in the first place. If 2 parties agree to "share" a zone during X:00 to Y:00, then why shouldn't they? The problem arose because 1 party did not keep to their promise, hence this thread.

Last point though in this reply:

as far as people from other servers comenting on the subject, well um... WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU this is a public forum. people are entitled to thier say, and Korpg stepping in pointing out RELEVENT information in from comments and other people also, DOES NOT IN ANY WAY make them bias to one side of the story.

Holy ***, I got a supporter now.

I wonder, if this sense of pride in myself and my supporter normal.

What say you Wooooody and Blazza?

woot gogo Korpg!!!!

Ok.....SMN is legal so people saying its bad. GTFO
The people trying to SMN burn but having a hard time vs the evil ***!! Sorry to hear
The evil ***. GTFO

back to you Korpg
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Wardens
Posts: 679
By Lakshmi.Wardens 2009-04-28 02:37:02
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Its all so looong! I don't have much of an opinion on all of this atm. Perhaps it is because it is 3:30 AM? Or that I don't have SMN passed 10. BUT!... I am glad that people from lakshmi are finally posting something! Even if it isn't a very nice topic.

Korpg said:
Holy ***, I got a supporter now.

I wonder, if this sense of pride in myself and my supporter normal.

What say you Wooooody and Blazza?

That was very funny.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-04-28 03:41:56
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Just ban smn Astral flow is clearly haxor. On a side note I'm especially found of all the your not on this server your opinion dont mean ***stuff. Look i'm on Ramuh my opinion doesn't matter either... oh wait I was on lakshmi for a good 3-4 years... can't say I remember hearing anything good about SnD in general but could just have been the typical endgame shell hating due to overcamping back in the day. Oh and the whole cant log out stuff... yeah Ive pulled in there and once accidentally hit the heal button. I couldnt get back up due to retargeting due to 60 mobs hitting me for a good 4 minutes cause even on the crits they all hit for 0. Eventually I just took off phalanx. And I dont know about you but i can't stand seeing 50+ miss/hit/dmg messages a sec so I and I'd assume most people put epic filters on so really yeah they probably didnt see in text taht you did anything... let the GMs deal with it!!!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-04-28 04:32:10
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{Enter Key} {Can I have it?}

Astral Flow isn't hax, its a tool for us SMNs to hit 80k damage 3x in 2 hours. Don't believe me, go fight something in Campaign that has 5+ beastmen armies in, and pop that Astral Flow. Trust me, unless you have Reraise up, you will die!
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-04-28 06:32:48
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You know what i gotta say to the people that have problems with Astral Burning?


It seems the only people that have problems with it are the ones that haven't done it.
No one cares if you don't like it! And we don't want to hear it if you don't like it!
/rant off.