Carbuncle.Meenners said:
»Hey guys!
So, I found my.. errr... younger sister collection of original pokemon cards :) There are about 1000 cards in a box and about 15+ holographic ones. (mewtwo, charizard, and many others)
Anyone know how much this set of stuff could run for? Should i just keep them or throw them away?
Let me hear your opinions :)
I am an active TCG collector and player. Chances are that your cards are worth about 50 bucks tops depending on just how old they are. Anything pre Black and White are no longer tournament playable so the value on them pretty much amounts to collections/nostalgia.
You -might- be able to part them out and make more on ebay. Selling them in bundles of 100 cards with 3-4 Holo in each you can fetch around $10 a bundle. I buy a lot of older cards from a guy who does this, he sells 100 card bundles with 10 energy, 10 trainer, and minimum of 5 holo cards, mostly from pre-B/W but also throws in some current cards.