Shouldnt we be doing something as a fan-based community to be helping with whats going on in Japan? I think that would be a great show of support on our part. How can any of us just start playing the game again with a free conscience knowing that we may be draining resources used to keep someone caught in that horrible disaster on life support.. those implications are staggering..
next ur going 2 tell me not 2 buy a pair of trainers that were made in africa.... cuz some little 12 year old make them and its wrong get a grip.
its a horrible thing that has happen but if u go about ur day thinking omfg if i do this "some1 is going 2 suffer" ***u might as well sit in a padded cell cuz "thats how the world rolls"
charlie sheen ^^
quick edit if u feel the need 2 help google has a donations area go click that if it makes u sleep better.
You're so cruel ;; Ive never really posted before tonight, yes Im happy about my ranking but that doesnt mean Im not thinking about the world beyond these walls
My lord, where were all these people when the disaster struck other countries? Stop shoving this ***down peoples throats with every new thread. News flash, this has been posted 50 million times. Go *** donate or shut up.
We wont be playing the game until Japan's power issue is resolved, at least to a point where SE are "Allowed" to bring the servers back up so you needn't worry that we might be adversely affecting others.
Shouldnt we be doing something as a fan-based community to be helping with whats going on in Japan? I think that would be a great show of support on our part. How can any of us just start playing the game again with a free conscience knowing that we may be draining resources used to keep someone caught in that horrible disaster on life support.. those implications are staggering..