Has anyone been watching the Ultra Hardcore Series? Little info is that there is no food regening so you have to use Insta Heath Potions or Golden Apples.
This is the first season where it's PVP instead of PVE.
http://www.youtube.com/user/GuudeBoulderfist - Vet, played in the other 2 seasons.
http://www.youtube.com/user/W92Baj - Vet, played in other 2 seasons but not very well (spoilers).
http://www.youtube.com/user/PauseUnpause - Vet, played in other 2 seasons and is a bit aggressive so he gets hurt a lot but he get's things done.
http://www.youtube.com/user/VintageBeef - Vet, played in the other two seasons. He is a bit more cautious and goes slowly.
http://www.youtube.com/user/EthosLab - New comer. He is one of my favorite LPers and is incredibly good at the game. No spoilers, but if he could get over the starting hump, he could do some real damage.
http://www.youtube.com/user/BdoubleO100 - New comer. Goofy guy, he is really bubbly and kinda just does whatever. Not a lot of people have high hopes for him but everyone likes him. ^^
http://www.youtube.com/user/kurtjmac - New comer. Awesome dude. He has a series that has helped him do really good in this Hard Core situation and he does really well.
http://www.youtube.com/user/docm77 - New comer. German Minecraft pro, he has great ideas and is really good at the game but this is his first PvP and lacks SMP experience so he will struggle.
Those are the 8 guys in it. Basically they all spawned in different spots in a 2000x2000 square and they are battling against each other. Health does not regenerate from full food bar. You need to heal with Golden Apples or Potions AND Golden Apples and potions cost more than normal. (Golden Apples heal 2 hearts and cost 8 Gold Bars and 1 Apple, Insta heath potions are Melon Slices + Gold Block for an 3 potions and regen potions are the same.)
Each person has their own episode with their own point of view. So there is 8 Episdoes time 3 so far but as people start dying point of views will start to fade as they leave the server. All these guys know each other and play with each other so there is some stuff they might say that doesn't make sense if you aren't an avid watcher of their stuff.
Check it out! It's incredible. Each episode someone has a great ending and I'd def recommend Beef, Pause, Etho, and Kurt. No spoilers ;D. But def check out Guude and BDouble0 they have some interesting stuff and then DocM and Baj are struggling but Baj is a bit of a pro in this game. Also they release episodes every other day so tomorrow will more episodes.
My opinions through the first 3 episodes.
I saw Bdouble0 dying first. He is too soft to play this but I think he'll get better. I didn't see Etho going out so soon but he was at a disadvantage against Pause who was just a mactruck in this. Pause was doing really well too. Had Pause not been found by Kurt almost immediately after killing Etho I'm sure he'd have been able to recover and win this whole thing. Kurt on the other hand is doing amazingly. Has a little gold (Alot now) and can easily find some apples. It's just a matter of what happens soon in the next episode when it comes to Beef. Beef, had a HORRIBLE start and is starting to do really good before he came out into Pauses's base though SMP Portal's. So he'll probably die next if he doesn't hide really well from Kurt, but!!!! he could get the slip on him if Kurt let's his guard down after being confident over that kill on Pause. Guude could have ran into Beef and vise versa so that was interesting but now that Beef is at Pauses area they are probably really far now. Guude is doing well and it'll just be up to him if he can stay healthy and get supplies for a war. Baj is struggling. He should have gone to a new biom where he could have gotten food. (Space for Episode 3 haven't finished it yet.) DocM is in the same boat as Baj, no food and getting hurt. (Haven't seen his Ep. 3 either)
If anyone would be interested in doing something like this with some people on here I'd be in for it! I'm can't set up a server but I can help in other ways!