Square Enix Security Token - Gimic?

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Square Enix Security Token - gimic?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-11 15:57:13
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Eh, I know SE loves to sell out as much as any other major corporation but I feel this will be fairly legit in tightening security on your POL account even if only as a hacker deterrent. The only real downside I can see is their price tag and lure of purchase via in game item bonus.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Remora.Disintegration 2009-03-11 15:59:22
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Clinpachi said:
This is in no way a stab at you Farias so please don't take offense, but judging by your levels/player information you are in no need of this item yet. This gives perfect example to what i said a few posts up... Only people who have serious progress or gil/items should consider this from the start.
My job levels and such are very modest. But, I've put relatively-massive amounts of time, effort and to a lesser-extent money into this game. It would be a death knell to my participation in this game if I ever lost that, especially due to my own inability to act on opportunities presented to me.

I would even argue contrary to what you're saying. If big accounts are indeed the only worthwhile marks, then why in the world am I going to put my valuable, big account in the hands of a heretofore untested security mechanism, albeit with a good track record. We know nothing about their implementation of it and how successful it will be. This is to say, millionaires should not assume a bank is secure.

Basically, you're going to have a subset of people who are always going to be early adopters. They can do the bleeding on the cutting edge. And the conservative ones will trickle in afterward once nobody has lost their balls. It's not a matter of having a large or small account at this juncture. It's about whether you want to be the public beta tester for a new technology and the first one with the larger gobbiebag. Knock yourselves out, guys.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Pjohn
Posts: 303
By Bahamut.Pjohn 2009-03-11 16:04:04
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in-game bonus which may just prove indispensible during your many adventures in Vana'diel

Sounds like RMT or some kinda unfair advantage.
Not all have access to this item unless they pay money for the "Security option"

Someone will but the "security option" for the ingame item.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-11 16:06:58
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I was about to say, the value of one's account and the felt need for this device is subjective to one's sentimental attachment to it.

I'm not trying to partake in advertising in this item since I know little to nothing about it's functionality or price aside from what has been posted here. However, I can say it seems like a useful security upgrade for those who feel great value and attachment to their time and enjoyment spent building and playing their characters among friends.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Farias
Posts: 47
By Bahamut.Farias 2009-03-11 16:12:50
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Disintegration said:
Clinpachi said:
This is in no way a stab at you Farias so please don't take offense, but judging by your levels/player information you are in no need of this item yet. This gives perfect example to what i said a few posts up... Only people who have serious progress or gil/items should consider this from the start.
My job levels and such are very modest. But, I've put relatively-massive amounts of time, effort and to a lesser-extent money into this game. It would be a death knell to my participation in this game if I ever lost that, especially due to my own inability to not act on opportunities presented to me.

I would even argue contrary to what you're saying. If big accounts are indeed the only worthwhile marks, then why in the world am I going to put my valuable, big account in the hands of a heretofore untested security mechanism, albeit with a good track record. We know nothing about their implementation of it and how successful it will be. This is to say, millionaires should not assume a bank is secure.

Basically, you're going to have a subset of people who are always going to be early adopters. They can do the bleeding on the cutting edge. And the conservative ones will trickle in afterward once nobody has lost their balls. It's not a matter of having a large or small account at this juncture. It's about whether you want to be the public beta tester for a new technology and the first one with the larger gobbiebag. Knock yourselves out, guys.

No offense taken, I'm a very laid back person and it's true... what the hell would RMT do with my crappy setup? Not able to do any endgame, can't tele-taxi, thf isn't high enough for RMT speed farming. Yeah doubt they want mine.

Going with Disintegration's comment though, I have a job, a wife, and a baby. I know there are people out there that could duplicate my achievements in like a week but it took me a year to get where I am. If something where to happen to my account where I would have to start over I probably would not start again.

You do have a point though that most products right off the line will have problems with them so I might wait until I know it will work well. My coworker said the first group to get the keychains for WoW had to ret them replaced because they had syncronization issues or something.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-11 16:14:07
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You know how you can fix this, how bout all the PC users make sure your PC is fully protected, use a seperate computer to log onto websites and save your pw auto than typing it in. People are slacking in these areas sometimes and end up being a victim.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-03-11 16:18:54
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I'm looking at it from a realistic standpoint from a RMT perspective. I can't comment Disintegration from lack of actual information but using Farias as an example, and again this is no offense to him...

if i were an RMT looking to get someones information, i would examine the items owned and base the value of what i could see, and assume they have MORE or are saving for something else worth while.


if i was looking for someone to hack and saw this, i would right away scream out "NEXT".

Disintegration you also left out the very next line from your quote that said if you really want it for your own peace of mind go ahead and get it. I wasn't discouraging anyone from security but i would wait and see how it helps people with real value first instead of wasting money.

I can assume this is an RSA algorithm and in which case is godly and i highly recommend it.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-03-11 16:23:05
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Farias said:
Disintegration said:
Clinpachi said:
This is in no way a stab at you Farias so please don't take offense, but judging by your levels/player information you are in no need of this item yet. This gives perfect example to what i said a few posts up... Only people who have serious progress or gil/items should consider this from the start.
My job levels and such are very modest. But, I've put relatively-massive amounts of time, effort and to a lesser-extent money into this game. It would be a death knell to my participation in this game if I ever lost that, especially due to my own inability to not act on opportunities presented to me.

I would even argue contrary to what you're saying. If big accounts are indeed the only worthwhile marks, then why in the world am I going to put my valuable, big account in the hands of a heretofore untested security mechanism, albeit with a good track record. We know nothing about their implementation of it and how successful it will be. This is to say, millionaires should not assume a bank is secure.

Basically, you're going to have a subset of people who are always going to be early adopters. They can do the bleeding on the cutting edge. And the conservative ones will trickle in afterward once nobody has lost their balls. It's not a matter of having a large or small account at this juncture. It's about whether you want to be the public beta tester for a new technology and the first one with the larger gobbiebag. Knock yourselves out, guys.

No offense taken, I'm a very laid back person and it's true... what the hell would RMT do with my crappy setup? Not able to do any endgame, can't tele-taxi, thf isn't high enough for RMT speed farming. Yeah doubt they want mine.

Going with Disintegration's comment though, I have a job, a wife, and a baby. I know there are people out there that could duplicate my achievements in like a week but it took me a year to get where I am. If something where to happen to my account where I would have to start over I probably would not start again.

You do have a point though that most products right off the line will have problems with them so I might wait until I know it will work well. My coworker said the first group to get the keychains for WoW had to ret them replaced because they had syncronization issues or something.

ABSOLUTELY taken the right way... and i am glad you get sunlight and have a family, believe me i was not bashing.

ABSOLUTELY that there might be starting problems or that these might not use RSA algorithm setup at all, which would in turn be junk.

Thank you for being an awesome FFXI player you win the internet :) Taking your time, enjoying life, and not caring that you are behind is key to leading a healthy MMO lifestyle... unlike the 1,000+ people who were banned/suspended for duping salvage/nyzul drops and are still butt hurt or thinking about suicide.

But for the love of god let's not derail into that conversation there is enough of that going around still.

But no seriously i'm glad someone sees my point.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Farias
Posts: 47
By Bahamut.Farias 2009-03-11 16:26:59
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Clinpachi said:
using Farias as an example, and again this is no offense to him...


if i was looking for someone to hack and saw this, i would right away scream out "NEXT".

I look so much like a cookie cutter lolDRG ; ;

lol go ahead and take a stab at my gear. I'm broke, farming bores me, and I pull in maybe 60-75k a week in gardening.

Once again, no offense taken... though now the whole forum will be flipping over to my profile to see how sad I am >.> lol
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Remora.Disintegration 2009-03-11 16:34:41
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Clinpachi said:
if i were an RMT looking to get someones information, i would examine the items owned and base the value of what i could see, and assume they have MORE or are saving for something else worth while.
You make greedy men sound so strategic! For as many who plot and plan for a particular heist, there are orders of magnitude more who jiggle door handles for whatever they can find, hoping to get lucky. If I am a thief with passwords to 2,000 accounts, I am going to hack 2,000 accounts.

Clinpachi said:
I can assume this is an RSA algorithm and in which case is godly and i highly recommend it.
For sure.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Moondaddy
Posts: 429
By Odin.Moondaddy 2009-03-11 17:03:28
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the only prob with waiting to see if this has any bugs is that SE never sells any of the items they offer for very long, or have limited quantities. so the ppl who want to be cool will rush out and get them, the rich (in game) will run out and buy them, leavin few left for those out there waiting to see if it has bugs. wonder if this gonna be another SE catch 22.......
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Farias
Posts: 47
By Bahamut.Farias 2009-03-11 17:14:59
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Moondaddy said:
the only prob with waiting to see if this has any bugs is that SE never sells any of the items they offer for very long, or have limited quantities. so the ppl who want to be cool will rush out and get them, the rich (in game) will run out and buy them, leavin few left for those out there waiting to see if it has bugs. wonder if this gonna be another SE catch 22.......

Not trying to bash you because I hope I'm a nice guy but it's not a limited edition statue, it's a device for additional security. If anything will be limited it will be the in game item. It may be only for the first x number of purchases or the offer will end after a period of time, but there should be plenty of these devices for purchase.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sammitch
Posts: 1353
By Midgardsormr.Sammitch 2009-03-11 18:57:59
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The in-game item you recieve is a Tinfoil Hat to prevent the RMTs from stealing your brainwaves.

Essentially what S/E is offering us for an extra X dollars is two-factor authentication for your POL account. For those of you that don't know, the three factors of identification are:
1. Something you know. ie. a password
2. Something you have. ie. a security token or keycard
3. Something you are. ie. fingerprints or other biometrics

This security token will likely be used in addition to your usual POL password to add that extra layer of security. I've only ever heard of these being distributed to people who need access to very sensitive corporate or government information, and using one to log in to an MMO of all things is a bit silly IMO.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sindarius
Posts: 2
By Odin.Sindarius 2009-03-11 22:02:08
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Look up the Blizzard Authenticator same thing.

Yeah corporations use them for vpns and secure information. But this really is a great line of defense for people concerned with accounts being hacked. The window of opportunity for a hacker to get into an account when you log in is 1 minute (the time most keyfobs usually cycle numbers). If your curious about more information you can look up RSA Security Tokens or keyfobs
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-12 02:35:48
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Sindarius said:
Look up the Blizzard Authenticator same thing.

Yeah corporations use them for vpns and secure information. But this really is a great line of defense for people concerned with accounts being hacked. The window of opportunity for a hacker to get into an account when you log in is 1 minute (the time most keyfobs usually cycle numbers). If your curious about more information you can look up RSA Security Tokens or keyfobs
You should listen to this guy, he does computery stuff for the defency people. (I dunno wtf he's on about though)

/wave Sindy :D
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: TYF00N
Posts: 93
By Garuda.Tyfoon 2009-03-12 05:13:08
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Wooooodum said:
Depends entirely on how much they charge for it whether this is a good idea or not.

wait... its not 10 bucks?
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3723
By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-03-12 05:32:40
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Alyria said:
You know how you can fix this, how bout all the PC users make sure your PC is fully protected, use a seperate computer to log onto websites and save your pw auto than typing it in. People are slacking in these areas sometimes and end up being a victim.

I'm sorry, but particularly during an economic depression I don't think it's pragmatic to own two computers just so you can play your online hobby. I don't know, maybe it's me thinking crazy at 6:30 in the morning.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Psyence
Posts: 471
By Ragnarok.Psyence 2009-03-12 07:49:17
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This sounds cool but I probably won't buy it. I have never used an anti-virus software and I've had 2 viruses in over 10 years (the last one because I was sleepy and didn't pay attention to the torrent I was downloading). I just scan my computer for keyloggers and other types of known spywares from time to time. I don't go on websites with fishy viagra commercials on them and proceed to click all the fishy links available, I do not use Internet Explorer (quite a good start, trust me). I don't respond to emails from PayPal.net telling me they forgot what my password is and asking me to kindly remind them (you wish this was sarcasm). I don't open executable/doc files when they come from random people with arousing names.

Before recovery... and even before prevention though technological means... there is EDUCATION... this is the best tool to prevent ***from happening (unprotected sex with fishy people I never seen in my life? thanks for the offer but I'll have to pass... protected sex with them?! *** no ... how about just a handjob? no no no no those people are persistent aren't they)

Interesting how no matter what security measure is considered by a company, there will always be a "what if this doesn't work VS this is a great idea" thread to go with it. Very few people seem to acknowledge the fact that we don't need this. That we've been using computers forever and that no matter how many locks we put on a door, in the end, it all comes up to being dumb or being careful (leaving the window open while the door has 10 locks on it).

And if this was something *** up like a retinal scanner, there would be at least one guy/girl on the forum saying "what if someone breaks in at night and steals my eye?!".

Funny also how whenever a portable device is released, almost everyone instantly assumes it's USB (the guys who "designed" USB technology must be billionaires by now).

Sorry for the lack of structure. I guess I was trying to say a few things at the same time.

Btw, I'm going out for a job interview, wish me luck! >.<
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-12 07:50:49
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Psyence said:
And if this was something *** up like a retinal scanner, there would be at least one guy/girl on the forum saying "what if someone breaks in at night and steals my eye?!".

I lol'd, Good show!